The Possessed


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When she had explained her plan to Prudence and the others (and this included Katrina, no less!), they had been confused at first. "There is ample historical evidence for the approach I am advocating," she had explained. "The Victorian era, although remote from our time, was responsible for producing one of the most sexually inhibited generations ever. In fact its effects lasted for well over a century."

Katrina had nodded at her explanation but said, "We don't want them so inhibited that they become useless for their intended purpose."

"Yes, quite right," replied Echo seeking to reassure her. "I've modified the environment in subtle, but significant ways to insure that this doesn't happen. For example, as the children enter puberty they will be secretly and subconsciously encouraged to explore their bodies and their sexuality; however they will not be allowed to discuss or share these matters openly or amongst themselves. This will lead to tensions that will eventually prevent their training from making them too inhibited."

Katrina and Prudence nodded in satisfaction and Echo had been given the go ahead. As Echo continued to watch the children play she could already see signs that her program was working. Soon the most important phase would begin: toilet training. This was where an intimate concept of body and body function was formed. Moreover it was the first opportunity to introduce the concepts of shame and taboo behavior. In a few months this part of their training would begin and Echo knew she would be busy since it required that, for the first time, she actually participate in the physical care of the children.

How ironic, she thought as she sat and watched the girls play, to go through all this trouble to teach them not to wet and mess themselves, only to force them to do so again later, when they were adults. Echo smiled to herself and relished the irony of the situation. And to think, she would get to witness it all! The thought made her excited and she made a mental note to have one of the diapered slaves sent to her room tonight. Perhaps Dianna, she thought. Yes that would do quite nicely. However for the moment, she would have to contend with the other less pleasing, but ultimately more rewarding, end of this spectrum. But not for long! Not for long!

Glossary of Terms

Biological Year. The alterations made to the human genome as part of the Genetic Revolution modified the aging process thereby doubling the lifespan. In particular, aging between birth and approximately 20 standard years of age progressed at the pre-alteration rate. However, after 20 standard years, aging of the body slowed according to the formula: b = 0.55(s - 20) + 20, where s is the age in standard years and b is the age in biological years. Thus an age of 40 standard years corresponds to 31 biological years and 80 standard years corresponds to 53 biological years. The words 'standard' and 'biological' are not always used when stating time or age in years. Rather, the type of years is inferred based on the context. Thus for example, historical dates such as 2010 or 2250 are always in standard years as are time differences e.g. 20 years ago means 20 standard years. When age is stated in years, the years are always assumed to be biological years, not standard years, unless otherwise stated. Thus for example, saying 'she is 31 years old' is interpreted to mean 31 biological years. If age is desired in standard years, then this is stated explicitly e.g. 'she is 40 standard years old'.

Blue Onyx. Blue Onyx is the 24th century equivalent of the US Mint/Federal Reserve. Blue Onyx is at the hub of the world's monetary system, regulating the global economy and all financial transactions worldwide. It is the sole provider of virtual personas which are use not only for almost all financial transactions but also as a tool to facilitate every-day business activities. This monopoly on the means and tools of business places Blue Onyx in a uniquely powerful position within the World Federation and society at large. In particular its chairwoman is perhaps the most powerful woman on Earth and the de facto ruler of the planet.

The Children. Taking advantage of a loophole in the Servitude Laws, Zax impregnated its diapered slaves forcing them to bear offspring knowing that these children, by law, would automatically be diapered slaves. Although this loophole in the law was later closed, the resulting five children were grand-mothered in allowing Zax to convert them when they became of legal age. Until that time, Zax was required to raise and educate them as if they were non-slaves. In accordance with the law, Zax constructed a separate facility (known as the School) on Zax Island where these girls were housed and educated.

The Colony. The Colony had begun as a mixture of ex-slaves and ex-criminals who had gathered together at a remote location known as the Ranch, a crossroads between cities and the uncertain future. The Colony became the nucleus for Varinia.

Conversion. Conversion is the legal process whereby the status of an indentured servant is altered. In particular, a servant may be converted to a slave, if she violates the terms of her servitude. In addition, a woman convicted of a crime becomes an indentured servant immediately after sentence is passed however in some cases she may need to wait before the sentence can be executed. This often happens in the case of minors just shy of the age of majority. In such cases the woman is technically considered an indentured servant but her conversion in fact to this status waits until the necessary conditions (e.g. she attains the age of majority) are satisfied. The Children are examples of where conversion is applied.

The Decision. This agreement initiated the genetic modifications to the human genome that reduced the tendency towards aggressiveness in the human species and eventually resulted in the Tiresias Compromise. Although the Decision achieved its intended goal of eliminating war and most crime and violent behavior it introduced a flaw into the human genome that allowed the Great Plague to wipe out most of the male population. This in turn led to the Tiresias Compromise and the elimination of all males from society at large and resulted in the all female society of the 24th century.

Diapered Slave. The authors of the Servitude Laws, concerned about the effectiveness of these laws in deterring crime felt that mere slavery was in itself an insufficient penalty for deterring the worst crimes. As such, they created two classes of slaves (see Slave): diapered and un-diapered. Diapered slavery was reserved for those committing the worst crimes. As the name implies, a diapered slave is forced to wear and use diapers her entire life.

Discom. Short for discussions and communications; a special interest forum, usually for the discussion of technical topics. These were essentially specialized hotops for a particular profession. In the case of the legal profession, the participants consisted of judicial consuls, legal consuls and others who made their living with the practice of the law.

Duena. These are special colonies containing a single male slave raised and kept for breeding purposes. Duena's were established as part of the Tiresias Compromise to insure the survivability of the species after the Great Plague. Duenas provide seaman (extracted on a regular basis from their breeding male slave), and ship it to the World Center for Genetic Resource Management (WCGRM) where it is analyzed, processed, stored, and distributed for research and reproductive applications. Since males are not permitted outside of the Duenas and the choice of male offspring by women prohibited, these colonies are the only place where males exist on the planet. Having or harboring a male outside a Duena is considered a capital offense punishable by death. Males are kept in isolation and never permitted knowledge of or contact with other males to prevent spread of plague and to prevent anti-social and problematic behavior.

Financial Investigative Services (FIS). This World Federation agency is responsible for the enforcement and investigation of financial activities and crimes. The FIS is part of the World Federation's police branch and has the power to act anywhere on the globe irrespective of political or geographic boundaries. Since most crime tends to be white crime, the FIS is the busiest police force in the world.

Genetic Revolution. The scientific advancements (occurring primarily in the 21st century) that were responsible for eliminating famine, disease and other physical ailments through the use of bioengineering techniques. These advancements were also applied to other species to insure food supplies, create environmentally sustainable resources, and enhance the diversity of the biosphere. In addition, the revolution enabled designer engineering of the human form a long with gender selection and physical augmentation as well as retarding the aging process and extending lifespan. It also enabled the Decision and its resulting consequences.

Gender Crisis. This crisis resulted when the male population decreased to such low levels that the survivability of humankind was threatened. The crisis followed a few generations after the Great Plague which wiped out most of the male population. This decrease was exacerbated by advances in bioengineering which permitted reproduction to occur ex utero. As a result, it was quickly realized that only a small population of males was required to sustain the species as long as the female population remained large. The choice of women to have mainly female offspring after the Great Plague precipitated the Gender Crisis. This crisis was eventually resolved by the

Tiresias Compromise which resulted in the permanent enslavement of the remaining male population and the all-female society of the 24th century.

The Great Plague. The Great Plague resulted from a genetic flaw introduced into the human genome after the Decision. As a result, 95% of the male population was wiped out in the second half of the 22nd century eventfully leading to the Gender Crisis and the Tiresias Compromise and the all-female society of the 24th century.

Hotop. Short for hot-topic; Net gossip. A hotop is a thread of discussion about a particular topic on the Net. The topic can be any noteworthy item from major news events to trivial matters involving fashion, celebrities, or unusual events. A hotop can last from a few hours to several weeks depending on the topic and the level of interest.

Judicial Investigation. A formal investigation of the facts regarding the involvement of one or more persons (called collaborators) in specific criminal activities; the state in the person of the Complainant formally initiates the investigation by notifying all parties, including collaborators and the Lead Judicial Investigator (who presides over the proceedings). A Judicial Investigation is similar to court trials held in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries with the Collaborator, Complainant, and Lead Judicial Investigator corresponding to the defendant, prosecutor, and Judge, respectively. The jury is replaced by a panel of Investigators, usually six in number. The investigation itself is analogous to a trial. However, a Judicial Investigation differs in several important ways from a court trial. The first and perhaps most important difference is that the system is cooperative, not adversarial. As such, it is a neutral investigation into the facts with the ultimate purpose of determining if the Collaborator has violated the law. As such, all relevant facts are admissible to the Investigators, and the Collaborator (as well as the Complainant) must answer all questions asked by any of the participating parties. The second important difference is the use of logic and modeling. The facts presented must be rigorously modeled with all conclusions deduced and verified using the formal rules of logic. Inference and unsupported facts are not allowed. The ultimate determination of the Investigators must be based on the facts and rigorously supported by the modeling. Third and final, is that all the facts (evidence) must be presented; nothing can be withheld by any party. Although the Complainant has the full resources of the state at her disposal and may request and obtain information from any party, she does not have legal immunity or protection if she violates the law. Intimidation and other coercive techniques are illegal. If the Investigators find that the facts do not support Complainants position, then the Collaborator is found innocent; otherwise she is found guilty. If guilty, the Lead Investigator determines the penalty as specified by the Servitude Laws.

Medtech. Short for medical technician; a person trained to treat physical injuries, diseases, or aliments. After the Genetic Revolution, the medical doctors of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries were replaced by medtecs. With medicine on a firm scientific foundation, treatment of injuries and disease is handled mainly by machines under human supervision. Medical doctors were therefore replaced by technicians trained to use these machines. The research previously conducted by medical doctors prior to the Genetic Revolution is now performed by scientists and bioengineers.

The Net. The Net is the integrated world-wide communications network linking everyone on the planet in a continuous and ever present data-stream of news, entertainment, gossip, and facts. In principal, all human knowledge and information can be accessed via the Net; these can take to from of text, pictures, videos, etc. The Net also hosts all the Virtual Personas created through Blue Onyx.

New Age of Reason. The period of time just before and after the Decision and covering the Golden Era wherein humankind sought to improve and control its reasoning and rationality using bioengineering. The goal of this era was to reduce aggression and thereby eliminate both war and crime and usher in a new ear of peace and prosperity.

The New Golden Era. The period of approximately 50 years following the Decision; this era was marked by an unparalleled period of peace and material prosperity. Crime and war were essentially non-existent during this time and poverty and hunger eliminated. The era came to an end with the Great Plague and the resulting crises which followed.

The New Social Contract. The social contract developed after the Tiresias Compromise by the World Federation that established the rules and laws for the post New Golden Age era. This contract guarantees individual liberty and rights as well as personal prosperity. Poverty and crime are virtually eliminated and a near utopian world is established. This world is governed by the new social elite who, in conjunction with the Servitude Laws, are responsible for maintaining order, keeping the peace, and insuring prosperity.

Nina's Cut. Slang for the Venkatesan Modification, after Nina Venkatesan its inventor.

Pisshonie. A childish name used for the female genitals; pussy. Because of the manner in which this term is applied and used, it has both an inferior and embarrassing connotation. Slaves therefore have pisshonies while Mistresses and fee woman have pussies. The intention is to emphasize the superiority of the Mistress over the slave and to further reinforce the Venkatesan Modification.

Psychtech. Short for psychiatric technician; a person trained to study and treat mental disorders. After the Genetic Revolution, medical doctors were replaced by medical technicians known as medtechs. Treatment of physical problems is handled by machines under human supervision with new research and technical advancements being conducted by scientists and engineers. Treatment and research were therefore separated into two distinct fields for physical problems. For mental disorders, the situation is more complicated since even in the 24th century the human mind is still not fully understood. The physical component of treating mental disorders is therefore handled with machines, but the diagnosis and treatment of the mind is handled almost exclusively by humans. In addition to treating mental disorders psychtechs engage in active research into the human mind.

The Ranch. The physical location of Varinia; the property had been a ranch since ancient times and had been owned by an ex-criminal. Two hundred years ago, the property of criminals had not been confiscated and upon their release, these criminals could resume active ownership. The Ranch was such a property and eventually it became the property of one of Varinia's members and the physical home to the organization.

Restricted Sex. As part of the Tiresias Compromise, the male sex is confined to special breeding colonies known as Duenas. In addition, women are restricted to having only female offspring using seaman provided by the few remaining males in the Duenas. As a result the de facto gender becomes female with male referred to as the restricted sex because of the tight controls placed on the gender.

The School. The School is a special facility on Zax Island where the Children are held and raised as they await conversion to diapered slaves. The Children are kept isolated in this location and brought up using the moral ideals of the Victorian Era. The School is their home and they are confined to this part of the Island. Although the School's staff is part of Zax, there is little or no interaction with the Castle staff. As such, the School is essentially a microcosm of a bygone era with the sole purpose of molding the Children for use after conversion. The building itself contains three stories, plus a basement. The first floor houses the classrooms, a gym, and an indoor pool. The second floor contains the dormitory where the Children and their Headmistress sleep. This consists of six bedrooms with adjoining bathrooms, the largest of which belong to the headmistress. The top floor holds the dining hall, kitchen, and administrative offices.

Servant. See Slave.