The Possessed


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Dianna rose and said, "Goodbye, Karen and thanks."

As she turned to go, Evelyn rose and said, "Goodbye Dianna, take care." After Dianna had left, the door opened and Diane said, "It will be about two hours before she is ready. If you wish we can go to the cafeteria near the public square and wait."

"Very good," said Evelyn, helping Karen up. "Lead the way."

Chapter 4: A Trip to the End of the World

Susan led Dianna back the way they came into a small room with a padded table similar to the one she had been on earlier. "Take off your robe, get up on the table, and spread your legs," commanded Susan.

Dianna blushed but complied resigned with her fate. Getting up on the table Dianna lay on her back, placing her feet near the corners of the padded surface, and opened her legs, knees bent, exposing her ass and pussy to whatever Susan would do to them. Susan pressed a button and the back of the table began to rise until Dianna was sitting up at about forty-five degrees. She handed Dianna a two-quart bottle of water and said, "Drink it all."

Dianna held up the bottle and started drinking. As she drank the water, she realized that she was helping to humiliate herself. The realization both embarrassed and excited her and she drank the water quickly. In a few hours at most, she would be expelling this water publicly in front of Karen and whatever crowd was assembled in the punishment square. When she had finished the water, Susan handed her another bottle and said, "Keep drinking."

As Dianna continued to drink, Susan produced a tube of lubricating jelly and a clear plastic hose. She squirted some jelly into Dianna's slit and rubbed it around, paying especial attention to her clitoris. Dianna moaned in pleasure at the attention and Susan said, "You'll have a chance to demonstrate what a slut you are later to everybody." Stopping her ministrations she placed some jelly on the end of the tube and catheterized Dianna. At the end of the tube was a large clear plastic bag that Susan hung at the side of the prep table.

Soon a steady stream of urine flowed from the tube into the bag filling it. "Keep drinking," said Susan. Even though, Dianna was no longer thirsty she continued to drink as instructed, and soon she finished the second bottle. Susan immediately handed her a third bottle with the same instructions to drink it all.

While Dianna drank the third bottle of water, Susan went and stood between her legs, and taking some lubricating jelly, squirted it on her anus. Plunging her finger into Dianna's ass, she moved it slowly in and out and soon Dianna was rocking her hips in time with Susan's finger. "You're really going to put on a show this afternoon," Susan commented. Dianna blushed in embarrassment, but unable to control herself, continued to rock her hips, moaning between sips of water.

Susan withdrew her finger from Dianna's rectum and inserted a lubricated nozzle into her anus. Dianna could feel the nozzle expand as Susan turned the base. When it was secure, she connected the tube at the end to a large bag filled with fluid and hung the bag from a pole near Dianna's feet. Checking the urine bag she said, "Good, its enema time." With that, she removed a clamp from the tube and Dianna immediately felt warm water start to flow into her.

Susan moved further between her spread legs and started to massage her abdomen with her hands. Dianna watched as her belly slowly started to distend with all the fluids, but she did not feel any cramping. When the enema bag was empty Susan replaced it with a smaller full bag, but she did not unclamp the tube, commenting, "a little something for later". With this done, Susan took what looked like a small caulking gun, and inserted the tip into Dianna's vagina and squeezed the trigger. Dianna could feel her vagina fill with lubricating jelly and Susan kept squeezing the trigger of the gun until it felt that her vagina was completely full of the slippery lubricant. "Wouldn't want that tight virgin pussy to get sore later," she said. When she was done, Susan took the gun and squeezed the remaining jelly into the crack of Dianna's ass. "And for that matter, your tight ass either," she said.

Dianna had never felt so excited and yet detached at the same time. Just a few days ago, nay a few hours ago, she would have completely freaked-out by what was now happening to her. Yet here she was, excited beyond anything she could have ever imagined was possible and yet somehow strangely removed from it all. It was as if she were watching these things happen to someone else, seeing her wildest fantasies acted out on another girl. It all seemed so surreal and Dianna watched herself go along without any resistance or protest, as if resigned to her fate, knowing that defiance was useless and futile. Through her detachment, Dianna's body spoke to her, demanding her attention: the jelly filling her vagina and ass was driving her wild, her clitoris throbbed, and tingles of pleasure ran up her spine and down the insides of her thighs. More urgently, were the cramps that had started in her belly from the enema, and pressure that was building in her bladder from all the water she had drank. Looking down Dianna could see the urine bag was full. Pretty soon, things would be getting very uncomfortable she realized.

Soon Dianna broke out in a sweat and the surrealism enveloping her mind evaporated. She needed to pee more than anything! Desperate she said, "Please, I have to pee, real bad. Please let me pee!"

Susan looked at her and smiled cruelly and said, "I'll let you pee alright. Soon you'll be peeing all over the place." Grabbing a metal pole about five feet long, Susan said, "Stand up."

Dianna swung her feet carefully over the edge of the table and gingerly stood, being careful not to pull or tangle the tubes running out of her lower orifices. As she stood the weight of the water in her belly pressed on her bladder and her need to pee became painfully urgent. Susan stood behind her and, removing the urine and enema bags from the table attached them to each end of the pole that she held horizontal. Lifting the pole, she laid it across the back of Dianna's shoulders and said, "Grab the pole at each end with your hands."

Dianna did as she was instructed, but she was forced to bend over slightly to decrease the pressure that the elevated liquid in the urine bad added to her bladder. As a wave of cramps passed through her belly, Dianna knew it would not be long before her bladder would spasm as well. Susan tied a small white apron around her waist and fastened a collar with a leash attached around her neck. Tugging on the leash she said, "Come, its show time."

As Dianna followed Susan into the hallway she began to perspire profusely under the weight of the excess liquids she carried both internally and externally as well as her mounting discomfort. Dianna found that she was forced to walk hunched over and that her large breasts swung pendulously as she moved. She could also feel the slippery lubricant running down the insides of her thighs as it slowly melted and ran out of her vagina and ass. Dianna felt loose and slippery as if all friction had been removed from the lower half of her body. Without warning, Dianna felt her nipples become almost painfully erect, and she guessed that Susan had used the control devices at her disposal to add to her already considerable discomfort.

Soon they reached yet another set of double doors around which Dianna could see sunlight coming through. Through the doors she heard the jumbled sounds of talking from a large group of women. On the other side lay the public square, and Dianna knew that in a few moments she would be led before the crowd. Two women dressed in gray jumpsuits stood by the doors and Susan handed one of them the leash with a nod. Looking at Dianna she said, "Enjoy," and departed the way they had come.

Dianna stood both scared and excited in front of the doors and her bent knees shook. The closed doors represented more that a physical boundary, they separated the past and the future. In front of her lay a new world, but her passage into it would end what little remained of her old world. As one guard opened the doors, the other gave her leash a tug and Dianna began her trip to the end of that world, her past. At the end of that journey would lay her future. What was there she could only imagine.

As Dianna stepped out into the square, she was momentarily blinded by the bright sunlight in her eyes. She could hear the crowd cheer and she listened as her name was announced, "Dianna Weiss, having been found guilty of theft by a judicial panel of her peers, is hereby sentenced to public humiliation to be followed by diapered servitude; public auction and sale to be held immediately after humiliation."

As Dianna's eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight she saw that she stood in the middle of the punishment square surrounded by a large crowd of laughing women and young school girls. The scene was almost identical to the one she had witnessed during her high school field trip, except for one importance difference: she now stood in the center of the punishment square instead of on its outskirts. She was no longer an anonymous bystander looking in, but now looked out, the focus of everyone's attention!

Most of the girls in the crowd were giggling and pointing at her, as well as some of the women. Dianna blushed knowing that she was the object of their humor. But she had little time to dwell on this, for at her feet lay a pole with a grated circular disk about three feet in diameter, attached perpendicular to pole's length. About two feet above the disk was a smaller pole about two feet long and two inches in diameter, also attached perpendicular to the length of the larger pole and parallel to the grated disk. About two and a half feet above this, curved tubes extended half way around the apparatus in a circular arc running parallel to the disk.

One of the guards pointed to the apparatus and motioned for her to sit down on it, while the other guard took the pole she was carrying. Dianna suddenly becoming fearful, looked around wildly for some escape, but none was to be had. She had little choice but to comply and therefore sat down on the pole, just above the bar that protruded perpendicular from its midpoint. The guards pushed her backwards until she lay trembling with her back painfully against the pole. One of the guards attached her ankles to the grated disk with leather cuffs, while the other did the same thing to her wrists, fastening them to the curved tubing. After she was secured, the pole she had been carrying was fastened above her head and the guards proceeded to pick up the apparatus to which she was now attached and place the portion of the pole that protruded beneath the disk where her feet were attached into a hole in the ground.

When they were done, Dianna stood standing on the grated disk with a short bar running between her legs just above her knees. Without warning, Dianna felt warm water rushing into her ass and looking to her left, saw that the guard had released the clamp on the enema bag. Almost immediately severe cramps wracked her abdomen and her bladder felt as if it would burst. Then in one fluid motion, Dianna felt the tubes pulled out of her body and the apron which covered her most intimate of areas fall away. Stunned, she stood naked before the crowd, legs shaking, as she listened to the sound of running water.

Looking down she saw, and then felt, liquid escaping from her ass and pussy. Her confused expression caused the crowd to laugh and she heard the high school girls giggling at her. Dianna turned crimson in embarrassment, blushing from her hairline to her waist, a large red rash suddenly covering her ample breasts. Dianna contracted the muscles in her abdomen and a large jet of urine and enema water arched from her pussy and ass, causing the crowd to go wild with excitement. After what seemed an eternity, the flow of liquid from her body stopped and Dianna found herself covered from the waist down in urine and other unpleasant liquids.

Shocked, Dianna now found herself in an extreme state of sexual excitement. Lubricating jelly ran out of her vagina and ass and onto her thighs. She felt as if the lower part of her body was completely disjointed and her head started to spin. Slumping back against the supporting pole, her body slid down towards the short pipe between her legs, but before her ass reached the support she felt a flexible nipple attached to the pipe touch her well-lubricated anus and slide into her. As the nipple entered her rectum, another nipple began to protrude out of the pipe in front of her, curving slightly towards her, near the opening to her vagina. By sliding completely down and slightly forward, Dianna was able to make this second nipple penetrate into her vagina. The sensation was overwhelming and her sexual excitement took control of her. Dianna found that by keeping her legs spread wide, and her ass firmly planted on the nipple in her rear, she could rock her hips and allow the nipple in her vagina to provide the sensation she so desperately craved. Dianna moaned in pleasure and relief, as if finally being able to scratch an intense itch that had long been out of reach.

A young woman in the crowd seeing her relief said, "That virgin pussy of hers must be in overdrive, look at the way she's rocking her hips!" The crowd laughed, and opening her eyes, Dianna blushed in embarrassment. But it was as if someone else were now in control of her body. The need for sexual release was so intense that Dianna could not control herself and she rocked her hips back and forth, driving the flexible phallus in and out of her vagina, as she grunted and moaned in pleasure.

The lubricating jelly that Susan had filled her vagina with greatly reduced the sensation of the nipple in her vagina and Dianna found that she had to exert herself to generate the sensation she so craved. In a few minutes, her body was covered in perspiration, and sweat ran down her face, mingling with the tears of shame and embarrassment that flowed from her eyes. Through her tears and sweat, Dianna scanned the crowd for Karen, as she continued to masturbate so shamelessly with her legs spread wide and her bare penetrated pussy exposed for all to see.

Catching some motion out of the corner of her eyes, Dianna turned her head and saw Karen and Evelyn moving along the front of the crowd. To one side of them stood the Dean, accompanied by the escort, with a broad satisfied smile on her face. "How very shameful, masturbating in public like that," someone shouted.

"Well, I guess it's to be expected from someone who can't control herself and feels compelled to take what isn't hers," answered the Dean. A teenage girl in the crowd giggled and joined in saying, "She must have needed something since she's a virgin; you can tell by looking at her bare pussy. Mature women have hair." This caused another burst of laughter from the crowd.

Waving her arm, Karen shouted, "Dianna, Dianna!" Dianna looked at her, and their eyes met across the widening gulf of the worlds that would soon separate them. Tears streamed down Karen's cheeks, but she brushed them away with her hands, keeping her eyes on her friend. Dianna was the first to look away. The nipple in her ass had been slowly giving her an enema since she had allowed it inside of her. The cramps had been building for some time, and Dianna could no longer ignore them. Lifting her ass off the nipple, she again expelled the fluid inside of her in a noisy jet that splashed against the supporting pole and the back of her buttocks. The crowd again roared with laughter at seeing her so indisposed. However, Dianna had other concerns; the nipple in her vagina had withdrawn when she had lifted herself off its twin in her ass to expel. Dianna's sexual excitement was so intense, that loosing the nipple in her vagina was akin to having stopped scratching that intense itch: she could not prevent herself from resuming in order to gain the satisfaction she so desperately needed.

As soon as she had finished expelling, Dianna plunged her ass down on the nipple and took the flexible phallus back into her vagina. As she did so, lubricating jelly ejaculated into her vagina until it ran down her thighs. This did not deter Dianna however, so intense was her desire for release. With the devices back inside her, she began to furiously rock her hips again, her legs spread wide, seeking the sensation inside her that would bring her relief.

But there was so much lubricant inside and around her pussy that Dianna was having trouble feeling anything at all. She knew that the ordeal would not end until she had climaxed in front of the crowd. In desperation, she looked at Karen and said, "Karen, look at me! Please watch my masturbation. Please I need your help!"

The crowd laughed again and someone said, "I knew it! She has to be a virgin if she needs help!" A loud rush of laughter swept the crowd again, but Karen had sensed her friend's dilemma and looking at her said, "Dianna, I'm here. I see you! I wish I had listened to you when we were together! Oh Dianna!

Karen's words pushed Dianna over the edge and she could feel her orgasm building. As it built, Dianna suddenly remembered the tattoos on her face and how they would change color when she came, announcing to everyone in the crowd that she had brought herself to orgasm. Crying out in desperation she said, "Please, please! Don't make me come like this. Please not like this in front of everyone. Please, not like this!" As she began to blush again in embarrassment, her orgasm exploded within her, wracking her body with wave after wave of intense pleasure. "Oh god, oh god, no, I'm coming!" she heard herself cry out, "It feels so good!

Dianna could feel her cheeks tingling under the tattoos and she heard a young woman in the crowd say, "Of course it does! Now at least you know your virgin pussy works." Laughter swept the crowd again and Dianna looked at Karen who stood transfixed with tears running down her cheeks. 'Thank you' she mouthed silently, and then slumped into unconsciousness, completely expended by the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced.

Dianna was awakened by the feel of warm water running over her body. She was still tied to the humiliation apparatus and the guards were rinsing her off. The water felt good and revived her from her stupor. Looking down, she watched the remains of the lubricating jelly, excrement, and urine being washed from her body. Most of the crowd had dispersed, and she could see the Dean, Evelyn, Karen, and their escort standing together near the edge of the public square, talking quietly.

When the guards had finished washing her off, they unfastened her and led Dianna naked, to a small round platform about two feet high on one side of the square. While the guards cuffed her feet and hands together using leather and chains, Dianna noticed a small crowd of about ten women gathering around the platform on which she stood. The woman who had announced her name earlier said, "Dianna Weiss having been duly publicly humiliated as sentenced by judicial decree is now available for sale by public auction along with all her former possessions. All registered bidders have fifteen minutes to examine said state property before bidding begins."

Dianna saw Evelyn and Karen near the others who were gathered around a small table, conferring with the auctioneer. After a few moments, a woman dressed entirely in black approached her, and standing only inches away, eyed her up and down. Dianna blushed in embarrassment. With the exception of Susan, no one had ever been so close to her while she was naked. To make matters worse, the platform on which she stood put her pussy at eye level to the woman standing on the ground before her.
