The Possessed


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"Finally!" said Susan. Reaching down between Dianna's legs, Susan ran her fingers along her slit. Rubbing her fingers together and pulling them slightly apart she displayed the egg-white-like evidence of Dianna's sexual excitement. "I see you are still turned on by all this," commented Susan, "Well I'm going to give you a chance to relieve your frustration before we proceed. I need to remove the pubic hair from your pussy. But before that, I thought you might want to masturbate one last time with the pussy of an adult free woman."

Susan proceeded to fasten a horizontal bar, with a round-ended metal cylinder about eight inches long in its center, to the stirrups that kept her legs separated. She adjusted the device so that the cylinder was positioned directly over Dianna's vulva and coated it heavily with lubricant.

Dianna lay in stunned silence not believing her ears. She had been excited ever since entering the room and despite herself, she had continued to become increasingly aroused as Susan had administered one humiliating treatment after another. At this point she was intensely excited and would have done almost anything for release. The mention of having the hair removed from her pussy increased her excitement and apprehension even further. "Please, please," Dianna pleaded, at the thought of having to perform such an intimate act in front of an audience, "not here, like this, please."

"Why not?" retorted Susan cruelly. "You sluts are all alike. You commit crimes and then wish to be treated like decent law-abiding citizens. Well you have lost all your rights. If you wish to relieve yourself, you'll have to do it when and where you are given the opportunity. If you don't wish to take advantage of this opportunity, we can proceed. You'll soon have another, in front of a far larger audience."

Dianna was shocked by Susan's harsh words and she remembered the woman in the punishment square so long ago, and the full significance of Susan's words hit her. She was going to have to masturbate in public, in front of everyone. Like the woman in the square, her punishment would continue until she had climaxed in front of the crowd! Again, Dianna experienced mixed emotions at these thoughts; part of her was appalled, another excited. The latter emotion suddenly swept through her body, taking control of her body.

As if possessed by another, Dianna raised her buttocks, and plunging her vagina onto the phallus Susan had placed between her legs, began rocking her hips back and forth. Now Susan had applied a generous amount of jelly on the device, as well as into Dianna's already naturally well lubricated vagina during the course of her preparations. Dianna's vagina therefore slid easily onto the phallus, but she now found that she had to move her hips furiously to gain the friction she so desperately needed. Her breasts moved in slow circles with her efforts as she struggled to achieve orgasm.

Moaning with pleasure, Dianna masturbated vigorously, as Susan taunted her "My, you are excited and in front of everyone, too! How very, very shameful! I can tell you, everyone is watching you masturbate, on both sides of the glass. I hope this shaft is not too big for your virgin pussy."

Dianna moaned again in excitement as well as shame. Flushed with embarrassment, she was aware of Karen and the others, watching on the other side of the glass. The thought that less than an hour ago, she was fully clothed and sitting in the company of these women, coupled with the idea that this would be the last time she would masturbate with hair on her pussy intensified her excitement. The shame of loosing her "adult pussy" as Susan put it had driven her arousal to fever pitch.

Dianna moved her hips faster and faster, plunging the phallus in and out of her sopping-wet pussy, moaning and saying, "God, it feels so good, it feels so good." Within two minutes she came. Intensified by her embarrassment, the orgasm swept her body explosively. It was the most intense orgasm Dianna had ever experienced and she swooned where she lay on the table. In fact, if she had not been lying down, Dianna knew she would have fainted and fallen.

As she came, Dianna heard herself cry out with the incredible pleasure, "Please, god, please, not here, not like this! Oh god, it feels so good."

"Well, you really did need that!" exclaimed Susan removing the bar with the cylinder. Dianna flushed a deep red with shame at what she had just done. "I hope you enjoyed that," said Susan. "It's the last time you'll do that with hair on your pussy." Susan then produced an aerosol can and shook it. Taking the cap off she said, "Time to remove all that adult pubic hair. This is depilatory cream that permanently removes body hair. It has to stay on for fifteen minutes, so relax until I get back"

"Please, no!" said Dianna, as Susan spread the cream over her pubic area. "Please don't!"

Susan only smiled and walking away said, "Having hair on your pussy is for free adult women, who know how to behave. Besides, it will only be in the way where you are going."

Dianna looked down at the white cream that covered her pudenda and could see the hair begin to loosen; tears started to flow from her eyes, running down her cheeks onto her large bare breasts. With her hands tied there was nothing she could do but cry and watch the hair fall away from her proud womanhood. After fifteen minutes, Susan returned and rinsed the cream and hair away leaving Dianna's pubic area pink and bare.

"We're almost done now," said Susan. Two medical technicians entered the room with wheeled metal tray-stands. One technician stopped on either side of Dianna, near her head. The trays each contained what looked like a small electric drill, and a couple of containers holding a dark ink-like fluid. "Hold still," said Susan. "The technicians are going to apply your tattoos. It's completely painless, but if you move, you'll botch it up."

As the women began to work, Susan moved between Dianna's spread legs again and began to rub oil into her denuded pudenda. Of course, Susan made sure to massage her clitoris, occasionally sticking a finger in and out of Dianna's vagina as she rubbed in the oil. Dianna became quickly excited, and despite her best effort let out several moans. "You are such a slut," commented Susan to the blushing Dianna.

Meanwhile, the technicians applied the standard slave tattoos. Two large lazy 'S' symbols were tattooed onto each of Dianna's cheeks. Dianna's full name was tattooed into her skin near the top of her right arm where it met her shoulder. Below her name the word 'Diapered' was added along with the date. A linked chain, the universal symbol of slavery was placed completely around her right ankle, forming an unbroken circle. A similar tattoo was added to the outside of her left hand and to the base of her neck, in the back. On her right shoulder blade, a picture of a whip was placed. Finally, on Dianna's left buttock a broken heart was tattooed.

Susan was right the procedure was completely painless and Dianna did not even feel the instruments touching her skin. When the technicians were done, they collected their instruments and left without a word. Susan looked at Dianna and said, "Very nice." She held up a hand mirror revealing her face.

As Dianna examined her face, Susan said, "You should know that the ink on the facial tattoos is hormone sensitive. In particular, it turns from its current blue to black when ever you have an orgasm." Susan smiled at Dianna's shocked expression as she moved her face side to side in front of the mirror, looking at each cheek. "That's right," continued Susan as if reading her mind, "You will never have another orgasm without letting everyone around you know."

Tears again welled up in Dianna's eyes as she heard this further humiliation that had been imposed upon her. She looked away from her image in the mirror and Susan set it aside, smiling with satisfaction. Susan then grabbed what looked like a socket wrench and stood over Dianna holding the tool. "Now for the control devices," she said. "This won't hurt either, but hold still."

Placing the tool at the base of her neck, Susan pressed a button and Dianna heard a hissing sound and felt a slight pressure against her skin, but that was all. "That's the brain and tracking sensor," Susan informed her. "It will monitor the other devices that will be installed, provide tracking of your whereabouts, and generate information on key bodily functions, such as heart rate, respiration, and hormone level, to name a few."

Susan next placed the control device installation tool over the nipple on Dianna's right breast and pressed the button. Dianna heard the hissing sound again and felt the same slight pressure. Susan repeated the process with the nipple on her left breast. "These will cause your nipples to become hard and erect and will also squeeze them, if desired," said Susan. Dianna, looked at her nipples, but could neither see nor feel anything.

"You won't be able to see anything. The control devices are liquid collagens engineered by cloning skin cells from your body," said Susan. They solidify or re-liquefy when an electric signal of the right frequency is emitted near the surface of your skin. Varying degrees of hardness can be achieved by varying the signal. These nipple devices can be used to give either pleasure or pain, as desired."

Susan then moved to the lower part of Dianna's body and in quick succession, repeated the installation process on her rectum, urethral orifice, and clitoris. "I'll leave it to your imagination what these do," said Susan sarcastically.

"One last detail, and we're done," said Susan putting the tool away. Another technician walked in, carrying scissors and an electric hair clipper. "Time for your haircut," announced Susan. The technician proceeded to quickly cut Dianna's hair into the short standard bowl-shaped style worn by slaves. The back of Dianna's hair was tapered up, exposing her neck and the tattoo that had recently been placed there.

"Done!" announced Susan, as the technician put away her tools and left. Un-strapping Dianna she said "You have now been prepared for your new life as a slave. As I mentioned before, the control devices that have been installed can be used to track your whereabouts and give both pleasure and pain. Along with the characteristic identifying tattoos they make escape impossible, so don't even think of trying. Finally, the enema's that have been administered to you have destroyed all the bacteria in your digestive tract. You must now eat a special diet. If you attempt to eat regular food, you will become violently ill."

"Now get up and follow me" commanded Susan.


On the other side of the glass, Evelyn had watched the preparation process with a grim face and sour mood. She had of course witnessed this before, both as part of her legal training and in the course of her work. In Dianna's case, she could not help feeling sorry for her. The young woman's punishment seemed especially harsh given the circumstances. Of Dianna's guilt she had no doubt, it was just the combination of dumb bad luck and circumstance that had combined to produce a punishment that was much more severe than would have normally been merited by her foolish actions. Evelyn sighed unhappily, and shook her head. Alas, it was the price required for maintaining the prosperity afforded by the New Social Contract; and a harsh price indeed it was!

Karen had been appalled by what she had witnessed. She had never imagined that any punishment could be so humiliating and degrading. It was one thing to read about and discuss such things in the abstract. It was quite another to experience them first hand. Although her field trip in high school had provided her with some exposure to the realities of physical punishment and humiliation, the experience had been somewhat detached and remote since she did not have any personal stake in the events she had witnessed. With Dianna, the entire experience had been much more immediate and personal. Shocked and appalled, Karen had angrily questioned their escort as she watched Dianna suffer.

The woman had remained polite, but her detached coolness had made Karen even angrier. At one point, Evelyn had to intervene to calm Karen down. Seeing her modest friend forced to masturbate in front of everyone and driven Karen to tears. Karen could only imagine how Dianna must of felt having her witness this most intimate of acts. As Dianna was led away, Karen stared at her feet in stunned silence, too shocked to move.

The Dean, on the other hand, had enjoyed the spectacle with determined satisfaction. She had never liked Dianna or her pranks and was livid when she had become the target of both. Since loosing her partner some years ago, the Dean had retreated socially and emotionally, becoming dour and unpleasant to those around her. Her mood left little room for humor or tolerance. 'Finally" she thought, 'the little trouble maker was getting what she deserved'.

She had been annoyed by Karen's outbursts during the procedure and had commented harshly on the fact that Dianna was only getting what she justly deserved. Karen called her a 'witch', but Evelyn, had intervened before she could comment further. As Susan led Dianna out of the room, the Dean turned to their escort and said, "What happens now?"

"We need to wait a few moments while the convicted makes her decision," said Diane.

"Decision?" said Karen.

"Yes, the convicted must request public humiliation. She is being given that opportunity now. If she doesn't ask, she will be taken to inducement where the state will have 72 hours to persuade her. If she requests humiliation, we will proceed to the public square," said Diane.

"Can I see her?" asked Karen.

"Only her counsel can see her at this point, and only then if she requests humiliation," said the escort.

Karen looked at Evelyn, pleading with her eyes. "Can she accompany me?" asked Evelyn.

"Let me inquire," said Diane who produced a small communicator into which she spoke softly. After a few moments she said, "Yes it's permitted for counsel to be accompanied by one companion. But first we must wait for the decision of the convicted." The four women waited in the small room for about half an hour, staring into the now empty room on the other side of the glass. Karen paced the room anxiously waiting to be allowed to see her friend. Finally, Diane's communicator omitted a soft tone and Diane spoke quietly into the device. "Yes, very good," she said after a few moments.

"You can see the convicted now, counselor," she said to Evelyn. "Please follow me." With that she led the women back out into the hallway and down the long corridor.


After being released from the prep-table, Dianna had followed Susan through another pair of double doors, looking at the changes that had been made to her body. In the next room, a narrow wooden bench stood about five feet from the wall to her right. Showerheads hung along the wall, above a tiled floor. "Shower," commanded Susan, "and make sure to wash your hair. Don't touch your pussy more than necessary to clean it. I'll be watching."

Dianna did as she was told, while Susan watched her. The warm water felt good on her skin and she was thankful for the shower, as she had been perspiring throughout most of her ordeal and felt dirty. She also welcomed the opportunity to remove the remains of the lubricating jelly that clung to the lower portions of her body. Brushing her hands quickly over the areas where Susan installed the control devices, she searched for them in vain. She could feel no trace of them, but she did not doubt that they were there. Dianna could have remained under the warm water for some time, but after about five minutes, Susan said, "Enough!" and she was forced to reluctantly step from the shower.

Susan handed her a towel and watched her dry herself off, making sure that Dianna did not linger too long as she dried herself between the legs. When she had finished drying herself, Susan directed her to place the towel in a bin by the door and said "well what will it be?"

"I don't understand," said Dianna, confused.

"Would you like to proceed or go to inducement?" asked Susan in a harsh exasperated tone.

Dianna thought back to what the officer had told her. There were five steps to the process and she apparently had finished the first. The woman had said she could skip the second, if she wished. Dianna was not sure what 'inducement' was, but she doubted it would be pleasant. The idea of skipping this step appealed to her and she finally said, "No, I wish to skip inducement".

"Well, then what are you waiting for, an invitation?" said Susan sarcastically

Dianna looked at her confused trying to remember what the officer had told her. After a few moments the words came back to her; she could skip inducement by 'requesting humiliation'. It then dawned on Dianna what Susan wanted. She was waiting for her to actually ask to be humiliated. Despite herself, Dianna felt her bare vulva tingle with anticipation and excitement. She blushed lowered her eyes and said "Would you please humiliate me?"

Susan smiled in satisfaction and said, "Remember, you asked for it, young lady. However before we proceed, you have a visitor." Handing Dianna a red robe, she said, "Put this on and follow me." Dianna did as she was told and followed Susan through another pair of double doors into a hallway. After a short walk, Susan opened the door to a small room containing a single chair and a desk facing a glass wall. "Wait here," instructed Susan as she left the room, closing the door behind her.

On the other side of the glass was a room identical to the one Dianna was in, except that it contained two chairs. After a few moments, the door on the far wall opened and Evelyn and Karen entered the room. Karen started crying as soon as she saw Dianna and Evelyn ushered her into one of the chairs. After sitting down she said, "Karen wanted to see you, however our time is short. I'm very sorry about what happened, Dianna. I think your sentence was much harsher than you deserved."

"Thanks," said Dianna. Then looking at the still crying Karen, she said, "Its OK Karen, I'm all right."

Karen stopped crying and looked up and said, "Dianna we saw everything. I'm so upset at what they did to you. I had no idea it would be so horrible..." But the rest of her words were choked off as Karen began to cry again.

Dianna, though shaken, had resigned herself to her fate. Although still upset by what had happened and the severity of her sentence, she now found herself strangely resigned to her fate. Secretly she knew that a part of her had always wanted to be punished and that sexually she could never be fulfilled in any other way. Looking at Karen she said, "Please don't cry for me, Karen. This is my chosen fate. I think subconsciously I've always wanted something like this to happen. I think you must have guessed that I was always turned on by the idea of being punished. If I hadn't been caught this time, it would only have been a matter of time before I did something else that would have put me where I am now."

Karen stopped crying and looked up at her friend and said, "Oh Dianna, I'm so sorry! If only I could have done something sooner to help you!"

"Don't blame yourself, Karen. There was nothing you could have done. This is my own doing and my destiny."

"I just want you to know that if there is anything, anything at all that I can do..." said Karen.

"There's just one thing," said Dianna, "come to my humiliation."

"Oh, Dianna," began Karen.

But at that moment Susan opened the door and said, "Time's up."
