The Price

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Cori and her friends need last minute Halloween costumes.
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I recently started my second year of study at Winterville University, a small college located on the outskirts of its namesake town in northern New York. The town has a population of around

5,000 and features a single screen theatre, a dollar store, a Shop-Mart, a Pizza Palace, a couple of small bars, a pair of motels and a fast food place. When my friends and I can't find anything to do on campus or in town, we drive 30 miles to Buffalo.

"Hey Cori," I hear behind me. I turn to greet my friend Wendy with a smile. Like me and our other 2 friends, she is plus-sized. The October sun reflects off her shoulder-length, curled

brunette hair the same way it is off my short, scarlet locks. She's wearing a black hoodie with a large royal blue image of a knight's profile centered on it. The image has white trim and the words Winterville Knights are written bellow in blue letters with white trim. Under the sweatshirt, she's wearing a tight pair of denim shorts, black tights, and ankle-high, light brown, heeled knit boots.

As she approaches I say, "Nice outfit."

Wendy shrugs, "it's comfortable. "Speaking of outfits," she continues while pointing to mine. "How did the interview go?"

I glance down at my floral patterned, thin-strapped blouse, rose-colored, forearm length, opened, sweater, forest green, knee-length accordion skirt, suntan hose and flats that match the skirt. "I think it went well. Mrs. Dawson said she had some other candidates to interview and will call me with her decision on Monday."

"I hope you get in," Wendy replies as we walk towards our dorm building. "That internship will give you such an advantage in the job market.

"Thanks, I say as we start walking towards the sophomore dorm. "How was your day?"

"It was alright," Wendy answers, "Professor Jones assigned a paper in psyc about Haloween. He wants us to explain our thoughts on the holiday and the psychological impact it has on society. I am tempted to write people like candy and turn that in. But, I think he's looking for a more in-depth analysis than that."

We share a laugh about the candy remark while entering the dorm lobby. "If I am not mistaken," I say while getting a soda from the vending machine, "Dawn is in that class as well."

"She is."

I crack open my drink and continue, "well, there is a Haloween Festival in Buffalo this weekend. We should go to give you and Dawn some hands-on research. Plus, it will be fun."

"That's a good idea, Cori. Run it by Ashley when you get upstairs and I'll talk to Dawn when she gets back to our room."

I nod and we go our separate ways. As I near my room, I hear Ashley's music. She listens to a lot of Symphonic Metal. Though it is not my favorite, I have come to enjoy it. As I enter the dorm, she turns the music down and greets me. "Hi Cori, how was your day?"

"It was good. What are you listening to?"

"It's a duet featuring the frontwomen of my two favorite bands."

As my roommate talks about the song and how great the artists sound together, I quietly admire what she's wearing. Ashley identifies as a goth and her outfit reflects that. The sleeveless black dress goes to mid thigh and has a lace frill at the bottom. It blends well with the slightly visible lace tops of her black, fishnet stockings. She has taken them off, but, I see a pair of black, knee-high, heeled leather boots next to her bed. I also notice that she has cut her jet black hair a half-inch above shoulder length and has styled it into a jawline bob.

"That sounds amazing," I reply, "Maybe you can play that for the group on our way to Buffalo tomorrow night."

Ashley parts her painted black lips and asks, "What are we going to Buffalo for?"

"Wendy was telling me about an assignment she and Dawn have for their psyc class. Something about how Haloween impacts society. Anyway, I suggested we all go to the festival in Buffalo for paper ideas and a bit of fun."

"That sounds great," Ashley replies, "but..."

"But what?"

"Well," she explains, " since the festival is tomorrow. It will be a pain in the ass to get plus size costumes on short notice. There are plenty of costumes online, but, anything short of expensive overnight shipping will not get the costumes delivered in time."

"Oh, I reply in a disappointed tone."

"I'm sorry," Ashley apologizes, "I didn't mean we are not going. We will just have to go to Shop-Mart and see what we can throw together."

An hour later, we met up with our friends, pile into Dawn's grey minivan and go to the store. After parking, we all head inside. Wendy, Ashley and I are in our outfits from before. Dawn, who does work-study in the financial aid office is dressed professionally in a dark brown, short-sleeved blouse and white, knee-length pencil skirt. Her legs and feet are clad in nude hose and black flats. Her long, sandy blonde hair is a bit messy after being confined in a ponytail all day. As expected, the Haloween section was picked clean. As we search through the remaining items, a woman appearing to be in her late 30's approaches us. She has her raven hair pulled into a bun and is wearing a dark grey blouse under a black business jacket. Beneath that she has on black business slacks and matching Mary Jane heels. In the small gap between the slacks and heels, I can see black nylon.

Unlike us, this woman has a perfect, fit body with mesmerizing D-Cup breasts.

"Limited options I see," she says to us.

"Yeah," I reply, "but, it is what it is. We will figure something out."

A sly smile forms across the woman's dark red lips as she adjusts her black, plastic-framed glasses. "I can help you ladies out with that."

"Oh?" Wendy inquires, "How?"

"I am a traveling saleswoman and I have what you ladies need."

"You have Halloween Costumes?"

"Yes, the item I have will suit that purpose."

"I see," Ashley chimed in, "do you have costumes that will fit us. I don't mean a basic reaper cloak or some shit either. Legit, stylish and sexy costumes."

"Size is not an issue ladies. I have them in my suite at the North Star Lodge.

We discuss among ourselves and agree to see what the woman has. "I am Sophia," she says as we exit Shop-Mart. We follow her brand new, red, luxury SUV through town. North Star is on the northern edge of town and is more luxurious than Winterville's other motel. Starlight Inn is a roadside place south of town. It's nice for the money and the owners keep it clean. But, North Star Lodge is on another level with log cabin-inspired architecture and decor. Sophia's suite is huge with two bedrooms, a living room area, a large bathroom and a hot tub on the balcony. I start to wonder how a simple traveling saleswoman can afford this.

Before any of us can ask about that, the raven-haired beauty turns to us and says, "The product I am about to show you is what I have to thank for this room and the SUV. A few months ago, I was selling cheap makeup and knock off fashion from the trunk of a rust bucket. That changed when I met a brilliant inventor at a trade show in Ohio. To make a long story short, It is her invention that turned my fortune around."

"Sounds great," Ashley replies with an impatient tone. "Can we see the costumes now?"

Sophia nods, "of course, I'll be right back." She goes into one of the bedrooms and emerges a few minutes later with 2 packages in each hand. They are black, with a gold silhouette of a woman on them. The packages are only a quarter-inch thick and have the height and width of a DVD case.

"These are not big enough to be costumes," Dawn says as she is handed a package. We all concur when we get ours.

"I never said they were costumes," Sophia explains, "I said they could be used for that purpose."

We all sigh a bit, then open the packages. Inside we find black, nylon body stockings.

"Is this a joke?" Wendy asks in an angry tone.

"Trust me," Sophia replies, "there is no joke here. These bodystockings are made with a special fabric that combines the wonders of science and magic. Please, try them on. If you are unsatisfied with the product, I will buy you new costumes online and have them express shipped here."

The four of us huddle up in the corner and discuss. "Well," Ashley says, we will at least end up with free costumes at the end of this."

"True," Wendy replies, but this all seems odd."

"Look," I chime in," let's try these things on, prove this lady is full of crap and get the online costumes."

The others agree and we turn back to Sophia. "One more thing," she says, "these stockings must be worn alone, no bras, no panties."

As roommates and close friends, the four of us had seen each other naked many times. So, we agreed to this final term and went into the bedrooms to change. Ashley undresses faster than me and sits on the bed to start putting on the body stocking. She has her garment halfway up by the time I sit down to put mine on.

"Oh my god," she says while standing to pull the nylon up her torso. "This fabric is so soft."

"It is," I reply having pulled my stocking to knee level. It doesn't feel like other nylons I've worn before."

We finish pulling them up and admire ourselves in the mirror for a moment. "While doing so, we notice a black barcode printed on the left wrist of our stockings. It is shaded darker than the nylon to stand out.

"That's an odd place for a UPC," I remark.

"This whole deal is odd," Ashley replies, let's go back out there and get this over with."

We return to the suite's living room to tell Sophia we are unsatisfied. Dawn and Wendy are standing there in their stockings to do the same.

I step forward to speak for the group."I'll admit, these make us look sexy. But, they are not costumes. We are unsatisfied and would like you to hold up your end of the bargain."

"I will," Sophia replies, "but first, you need to experience the product's full potential."

One by one, Sophia hands us each a card. "Download the app from that website. Then, when prompted, take a picture of the bar code on your wrists."

We all roll our eyes, but, retrieve our phones and go to the website on the card. The download only takes a minute and immediately asks us to take the pics. We do so and moments later a menu with five options appears on the screen. Formal, casual, athletic, bedroom and other. "To get your Halloween costumes," Sophia explains, "click other."

I hit other and a vast array of costumes appear on screen in a format similar to online shopping."Now what?"

"Find one you like and click on it."

I swipe through and settle on a Red Riding Hood costume. As soon as I click on it, I feel a jolt of pleasure pour over my nylon covered body. A soft, quiet moan escapes my throat as the nylon covering my torso, breasts and back shifts into a red satin corset with white lace trim. The nylon covering my waist and upper thighs becomes a satin red mini skirt and panties with white lace trim on both. From mid-thigh down the nylon is transformed into red Mary Jane heels and white, thigh high stockings. Finally, the nylons from my arms shift and puff out into a red hooded cloak made of satin.

I look at my friends to see they have experienced similar transformations. Wendy has become a sexy cop. Dawn is a sexy Egyptian Queen and true to her goth ways, Ashley is a sexy vampire. "H...How is this possible?" I blurt out in shock.

"I told you," Sophia says, "Science and magic working together. So, are you girls ready to buy?"

"This is amazing," Dawn replies, "but, I'm still waiting for the catch. This is all too good to be true. There has to be a catch."

Sophia grins, "I am not going to lie. You're right, there is a catch. The stockings have a side effect, and, the price you'll have to pay me is quite high. After all, I didn't get a new SUV and this room by selling cheap products. However, there is also an extra benefit that you're not experiencing yet. Here is what I'll do. Take the body stockings home and use them for the festival tomorrow. To get their full benefit, you should be in them for at least 12 hours. Since this is a free trial of sorts, I will put a block on the app that only allows you to access the costumes you are wearing now and the stocking's base form. If you wear for the 12 hours or more, you'll know enough to come back here Sunday morning and make a choice on whether or not you want to pay my price."

After another group huddle. We agree with Sophia's terms. We change the stockings back to their base form and slip our regular clothes over them for the drive home. I take the stocking off to shower, then put it back on after drying. I slip into bed and read while Ashley slips her stocking off for a quick shower. She puts it back on after she's dry, slips on a pair of headphones and listens to more of her music. At midnight, we shut out the lights and go to bed.

"Cori," Ashley whispers, "wake up, I have to show you something."

"Wha.. What is it?" I groggily ask while slowly waking up.

Ashley answers my question with a giggle. I finally get my eyes to open enough to see it is 3:30. I turn on the lamp and am shocked at the sight in front of me. Ashley is standing at the end of my bed and it looks like she's lost 20 pounds. "Cori, this is amazing."

"This can't be real," "H...How?"

"It happened to you too?"

I quickly sit up and realize she's right. 20 pounds have melted off my body.

Suddenly, Ashley pulls my blanket away and crawls onto the bed. I open my mouth to protest this action. However, when her silky legs rub against mine, the only sound I make is a soft moan. Ashley smiles and gently runs her finger up and down my silky inner thigh. Inch by inch, she gets closer to my moistening sex. Again, I open my lips to protest, but all that comes out is another moan. "I am so horny right now," she says, "I need you, Cori."

She bends down and gently kisses my nylon covered pussy. Then, the fabric shifts away from my wet cunt. Seeing the opening, Ashley drives her tongue deep inside me. I let out a cry of pleasure and arch my back as she sucks my throbbing clit." Each motion of my roommate's tongue and lips brings me closer and closer to climax. I can feel it building to an explosion. As I near the verge, Ashley pulls back and says. "Give me all of your sweet juices Cori. I am so thirsty." Her tongue attacks my wet pussy again and I explode. Ashley's mouth remains locked between my legs as I thrust my hips up and down in climax. Once I am drained, she moves up and gives me a deep, sensual kiss. The taste of my juices in her mouth is intoxicating.

"Please," I beg as our lips part. Let me drink from you."

Ashley smiles and lies on her back. I start by kissing and sucking on her erect, silky nipples. When I get to her dripping sex, The fabric moves to give me access. I drive my tongue deep into Ashley's dripping sex and hold on as her body writhes and thrusts. As I continue to drink from her, we shift into 69. Ashley and I bring each other to climax after climax until we finally pass out.

The next morning I wake next to Ashley. The musty scent of sex swells up desire in me once more. I lower my hand to finger her, but, the fabric does not give me access. The fabric is clean of all wet spots and stains from the night's activity. On top of that, ten more pounds have melted off our bodies.

"More time in the nylon equals more weight loss," I say aloud. I let Ashley sleep and take a shower. While naked, I examine my new body. So many diets and fitness plans in the past failed to yield any results. One night in a nylon body stocking gave me what none of those could. While I am drying off. I get a text from Wendy. It is a pair of pictures. They are of herself and Dawn. Like Ashley and I, they have each lost 30 pounds.

"What is happening?" A new text from her asks. "Did this happen to you and Ashley?"

Instead of responding with a text, I open a live video chat with her. "Oh my god," she exclaims after seeing my weight loss on screen. "This is crazy!"

I tell her what happened to me and Ashley. She responds with a similar story.

"Well, after we got back, Dawn changed the stocking into her costume again. While she was doing that, I went down the hall to throw in some laundry. When I returned she was lying on the bed in costume. She was rubbing her breast with one hand and fingering herself with the other. I did not say anything or try to stop her. Instead, I changed my body stocking into the cop outfit and began to mimic her. The rest is a blur of orgasms and cum. I don't even remember when I crawled into bed with her."

"I have a theory about what's going on," I tell Wendy. "Let's meet up in the cafeteria in an hour."

Wendy agrees and we meet as planned. All of us are wearing the stockings beneath hoodies and sweat pants. "Here is my theory," I say to the group, "The weight loss is the benefit Sophia mentioned. The sudden sexual arousal and uncontrollable desire is the side effect."

The others agree with my analysis and we discuss what to do. "I don't see a downside," Ashley says. The weight loss benefit far outweighs the horny side effect in my opinion. I don't deny that this is all very strange. But, I don't see the harm in keeping the body stockings on. If Sophia's price is too high, we will just give her back the damn things and still have our sexy new bodies. No harm, no foul. All it seems to cost us now is an orgasm or eight."

"She has a point," Wendy replies after a few moments of silence.

You can't be serious?" Dawn fires back. For all we know, these stockings could be melting our minds in the same way they are melting fat off our bodies. This could be some kind of mind control situation."

"Alright," I say trying to keep the peace. There are solid arguments for both sides. I say we reap the benefit of weight loss a while longer, then ditch them. No matter what Sophia's price is, we say no and walk away. All it has cost us so far is some kinky shit we can chalk up as lesbian experimentation. Let's hit that festival tonight and have fun."

We spend most of the day in Dawn and Wendy's room helping them get a start on their paper. Every couple hours, the stocking's side effect kicks in and an orgy erupts. By 5:00, the room reeks of sex and we have drunk each other dry. We compose ourselves, transform into our costumes and head for Buffalo.

The Haloween festival is amazing. Dancing, drinks, games and a pair of great haunted houses. As the night progressed, pounds of fat kept melting off our bodies. After a few hours, we looked like runway models. Men and women propositioned us. In some cases, we accepted.

"Hey there," a man said to me as I was about to enter the corn maze. "My girlfriend and I have been checking you out. Our hotel isn't far, do you want to have some fun?"

Normally an offer like this would have freak me out. But, full of confidence and desire from the nylon, I replied, "Who needs a room to have fun." I walked into the maze, they followed close behind. I led them to one of the dead ends and pushed him onto the ground. He did not protest as I opened his pants and mounted his rock hard cock.

The girlfriend was standing next to us and licked her lips while watching us fuck. I reached under her black mini skirt, slipped her panties and fishnets out of the way and drove two fingers into her wet cunt. She came right away and her knees began to buckle. While still riding her boyfriend's thick shaft, I guided her onto his face. She and I embraced in a deep kiss as he ate her dripping pussy. When he neared climax, I slipped off to let his girlfriend suck him dry. I left both of them in a passed out heap. The others had similar sexual thrills. Dawn and Ashley had fun with a pair of football players. Wendy did something similar to me with a couple on their honeymoon.

The body stockings had made us into gorgeous bombshells. But, it was getting harder and harder to quell the sexual side effects. On the drive home, Wendy and I fingered each other in the back seat. Halfway back, we swapped drivers so Dawn and Ashley could do the same.