The Princess, Her Harem... Book 01


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"I adore you, Mari'..."

It was just four words, but it encompassed everything that she felt for the slave whom she loved more than any other; and her face was a picture of joy as she uttered it. She paused for just a moment as Lorraine stared at her; and then she buried her face in the warmth between Tanya's thighs before lapping lovingly and tenderly at Tanya's swollen clitoris.

"Oh, fuck...!"

Tanya whimpered in delight whilst a shudder of pleasure ran through her beautiful body. She was far from alone in responding, however; for the EnPid feed meant that each of her six lovers experienced a subdued version of the same pleasure that she did. They caught their breath and shivered in delight; and barring Maria, those who could look at Tanya did so.

For her part, Tanya closed her eyes and bit her lower lip as Elizabeth continued to worship her pussy. She did so for only a moment though, and then she grinned slyly before raising her own right hand. She ran her fingers along the line between Michelle's pussy and right thigh before digging them into the soft, smooth flesh of Michelle's right buttock; and then she copied Elizabeth in her own way.

"I love you with all my fucking heart, my Princess..."

Tanya paused for just a moment after speaking; and then she lapped, licked and sucked at the beautiful, wet pussy and adorable clitoris that lay waiting before her. In turn, Michelle gave a startled squawk at that; and she thrust her face and muffled her whimpers against Catherine's right buttock. She remained like that until she could tolerate the wicked caresses of Tanya's tongue, and then she pulled back gently before turning her gaze towards Lorraine.

"I... I'm yours as well as Mom's, Princess Maria..."

She gave a shy, submissive smile whilst a blush of embarrassment touched her cheeks. For just one brief moment, her face was a picture of adorable innocence, and then she buried it within the warmth between Catherine's thighs. She pressed the flat of her tongue against Catherine's clitoris, whilst she nuzzled happily at the soft and delicate lips of the sopping wet pussy that lay above it. And barring Catherine, the Knights stared at her without exception.


Catherine gasped aloud at that, but she did so into an eerie silence that bore nothing in common with the mischievous joy with which Elizabeth had gone down on Tanya, or Tanya on Michelle. Those who could look at Michelle did so, whilst those who could not do so, turned their attention towards the EnPid feed instead. They did so in joy and wonder, but there was a bittersweet note to their silence and their gazes were wistful as well.

And Catherine's eyes filled with tears even as she whimpered in pleasure. What sort of mother would she be if she couldn't understand the grief of six daughters isolated from their mothers? What sort of mother would she be, if she couldn't see the wonder with which they watched Michelle, and understand their joy as they watched her demonstrate just how it was that their mothers would enjoy their sisters?

For ten long seconds, Catherine knelt shivering and trembling on all fours as Michelle gobbled at her pussy enthusiastically and noisily; and then she made up her mind. It was then that she found that deciding what to do was significantly easier than actually doing what she had decided upon, however; for her body resisted her attempts to move it.

Why should she give up the incredible sensations of Michelle's almost frantic licking and sucking? Why should she pull free of the fiercely digging fingers with which Michelle grasped her buttocks, or put some distance between her pussy and the face that Michelle seemed intent on pushing into it? There could be no denying that Maria's love of pussy was unrivalled within their small group, but even that love was insignificant when compared to the love that Catherine had for Michelle; and it hurt Catherine to deprive Michelle of her pussy for even one second.

There were things that a mother had to do no matter the cost, however; and Catherine had always been kind but firm in her love. She pulled free regardless of both Michelle's desire and Elizabeth's plan, and then she lay on her back hurriedly. She arched and spread her legs widely before Michelle then; and her eyes brimmed with tears once more whilst she gazed up at the most beautiful sight that any mother could see.

Of course, Catherine had always thought that her daughters were the most beautiful and wonderful creatures in the world; but she had also known that in doing so she was only copying the thoughts of every mother alive. The young slave who knelt on the cum-drenched quilt between her legs was somehow even more indescribably beautiful and wonderful than normal, though. Even if she herself couldn't pinpoint what it was that made the difference, she had no doubt that any slave would look at Michelle and agree that she was the embodiment of all that a daughter should be.

Oh, it wasn't just that Michelle's face was smeared with the juices and the froth that she had collected during her ravenous nuzzling and gobbling! It was no more that, than it was the way in which Michelle's eyes were wide open and burning in eager desire; or in which her tongue ran indecently and flirtatiously across the froth-lined lips with which she grinned in mischievous joy!

Was it the way in which Michelle's hard-tipped breasts hung flushed and swollen with arousal beneath her, whilst she arched her back downward as if presenting them to Catherine's gaze? Perhaps it was the way that her eyes seemed fixed upon Catherine's eyes, and yet paradoxically showed every sign of wanting to fuck, suck or worship every inch of Catherine's obscenely naked body. Maybe it was the fact that even though her eyes fluttered in pleasure as her hips ground themselves against Tanya's face, a trickle of saliva ran down her glistening chin at the thought of being used by Catherine. The love and desire that Michelle exhibited was in no way extraordinary or unusual; yet who could look upon Michelle at that moment in time, and deny that she was the perfect daughter?

"Come here -..."

Catherine whimpered breathlessly then, but her words were of course unnecessary, and she managed only two before her beautiful daughter scurried forward to present her mouth to Catherine's pussy. Michelle wrapped her arms about Catherine's buttocks and clasped them together above Catherine's mound; whilst for her part, Catherine in turn wrapped her legs about Michelle's neck.

And then Catherine fucked Michelle's beautiful face.

She rubbed her hot and overflowing, marshmallow-soft mound up and down and round and round against Michelle's face. She thrust her gently gaping cunt against Michelle's desperately and frantically thrusting tongue; and she ground her swollen clitoral hood against whatever part of Michelle's face felt the best. Michelle's chin or lower lip, her tongue or upper lip, her nose or even the ridge of her brow; every part of Michelle's face was fair game, and Michelle ground her face in a frenzy against Catherine's pussy.

"Oh my Lady...!"

A shudder and a whimper from the Princess who had remained silent until that moment; accompanied by a chorus of amazement and longing from the Knights who shuddered in bliss at the sight before them. The EnPid meant that every one of the seven beautiful slaves felt not only the sensation of Catherine's sopping wet pussy thrusting and rubbing wetly against her own face, but also the sensation of Michelle's face grinding and surging against her own wet pussy.

The five breathlessly watching daughters were assaulted by more than just the physical sensations, however. They saw then the true form of the right and proper love that every mother and daughter of Sapphira felt for the other; and they were reminded of the fact that the sisters whom they loved and missed were performing the duties that they themselves could not. Even that was not the last of the assault upon their senses though, for they knew in their hearts that they would match Michelle's passion if ever they themselves were to have their mother naked before them. It was thus not just Catherine's feminine mound, delicate petals and slimy, dribbling pussy that they felt grinding and working itself against them; but their own mother's as well.

And even a Knight of Kritoria could not stand up to that. They had spent hours frigging and fucking each other as they imagined the moment when they would each kneel upon all fours and gobble at each other's beautiful pussies. They had imagined the perfection of the moment when their beloved Princess saw them utter their love and dedication to her; and that of the all-but-synchronized licking with which they had meant to break her from the trance into which she would have no doubt fallen. The Knights had planned to let Maria experience every crinkle and fold of their pussies, and to explore every beautiful and delicate inch before working her to her climax. They had planned to let her experience not just one but seven pussies upon her tongue then, and not just theirs but her own as well; but no plan could survive such an onslaught.

And their discipline broke down as their composure dissolved. Those who had not yet uttered their feelings could not bring themselves to delay the second or so that was required to do so; whilst those who had already done so thrust their faces against the pussy before them as if it was not just their lover's, but also their mother's as well.

Catherine grabbed Julie's buttocks and pulled her backward and downward. Julie thrust her pussy against Catherine's backward-tilted face even as she shoved Lorraine onto her side. Lorraine rolled onto her back and wrapped her lovely legs about Julie's neck even as she grabbed at Maria's buttocks and yanked them downward onto her face as if she were a commoner.

Arms were wrapped about waists or thighs. Legs were wrapped about necks, or spread so widely that every inch of the beautiful pussy between them was bared in all of its glory for the slave behind. Faces were fucked, ground and thrust against hot, wet pussies; and hot, wet pussies were fucked, ground and thrust in desperate, passionate return. Juices were smeared across faces, lips and tongues; or poured into ravenously sucking mouths as tongues sought desperately to reach the source of those heavenly, ambrosial floods.

And six beautiful slaves sobbed and whimpered in muffled ecstasy and exertion.

Maria stiffened in wide-eyed shock at that, whilst the few remaining tatters of her mind raced in order to comprehend the maelstrom of faces, lips, tongues and pussies that assaulted her. Whose hot, oily cum gushed in pulses against the hair that may or may not have been her own? Whose cunt clutched and sucked greedily upon the tongue that similarly may or may not have been her own? Was it she herself who thrust her tongue greedily into the pussy that gushed and overflowed before her, in desperate oblivion to the fact that she had run out of breath? Was she instead engaged in nuzzling ravenously at a clitoris that exploded with pleasure against her tongue as its owner fucked herself feverishly upon her nose?

And who was it who climaxed?

Whose orgasm was it that tore through her body and shredded her soul? Who screamed and wept in pleasure even as the slave before her jerked her suddenly flooding pussy against her chin? Was it her cries that joined those of the slave who had reached her peak first, or was it she who climaxed third, and who sobbed something unintelligible as she did so? It was an age, and yet an instant at the same time.

It was a ponderous procession of ecstasy, for it was countless daggers of pleasure and almost as many clearly divided sounds. It was also over as soon as it began, though. It was an incredible explosion of pleasure and a roar of slurping and squelching, screaming and whimpering as her lovers climaxed in unison about her. And then Maria tasted the delicate essence of her beautiful wife's orgasm upon her tongue without the distraction of their lovers. She felt Lorraine's still barely focused and pre-orgasmic pulling and sucking at her clitoris; and it was then that she was surprised to realize that she was cumming. She sobbed raggedly then, and her back arched downward so that she stared wide-eyed past the mounds of Elizabeth's buttocks whilst she cried out into the heat of Elizabeth's shuddering pussy.

And in contrast to the pleasure that had assaulted Maria a mere moment earlier, there was no way in which her climax could have been described as taking a mere instant. It was an eternity instead, an endless series of orgasms; and everything else ceased to exist. Elizabeth; who climaxed before her, and whose hot, oily juices flooded against her face so copiously that they poured downward to stream over the heaving mounds of her tits. Lorraine; who climaxed behind her, and whose helpless jerking and sobbing caused her face to grind unbearably against Maria's clitoris, so that she was thrust mercilessly from one orgasm to the next. The crescendo of gasps and sobs with which her lovers reached their peaks repeatedly upon the sodden and torn quilt; and the wet sounds that accompanied their cries as they did so. And then the ragged, unconscious panting of those who had fainted where they lay upon the torn, wet quilt; or the choked sobs of those who had finally escaped that circle of unbearable pleasure with their minds still somewhat intact.

And it was only when Maria thought that she might finally have finished climaxing, that it occurred to her that she and her lovers lay as if just waiting for Jason. She imagined him moving over each of them then, and he fucked each one of her lovers until he had shot his seed deep into their wombs. He moved over her, and he slid his cock into her own pussy whilst it was still wet with both their cum and his own; and it was as his cock erupted deep inside her that she came one more time. She sobbed and wept at that, arching once more as she thrust her face helplessly against Elizabeth's pussy; and she clawed at her mound and tits as if by doing so she could end her climax.

But of course, she could not; and it was one climax too many. She was to be spared any further unbearable pleasure though, for it was then that darkness swept over her, and the last sound that she heard was the wet squelching of the quilt beneath her.

08: The Reason for It All.

"I love you..."

Maria felt a gentle kiss upon her brow. She heard Michelle's shy whisper, and then she felt another kiss, followed by the tender caress of wet fingers.

"Please wake up, Princess Maria."

In that moment, Maria reached an awareness of the warmth by which she was surrounded and the wetness upon which she lay. Her awareness was followed by a recollection of what had led to her lying upon a quilt that had been torn to shreds and liberally doused with her lovers' delicious, oily juices, though.

"Oh no you don't! Take it slow, your Highness."

Her attempt to sit up earned her Catherine's hasty reprimand, but the Lower Knight's words were accompanied by a chorus of giggles and the sensation of hands holding her down. She stopped her attempt at once, and then her Lower Knights eased her upward before removing the drenched flannel that had been lain across her eyes. Maria found that she looked up at six beautiful, smiling faces; and the sight of her lovers knelt once more about her was enough to bring tears to her eyes.

"Thank you -."

"Yeah, yeah... Come on you lot, time to get moving...!" Elizabeth gave her no time to finish her thanks, and Maria's first thought was that she owed the interruption to Elizabeth's usual modesty. Her thoughts were proved wrong in the next moment however, for Elizabeth grinned at the five beautiful Lower Knights before uttering a sentence that made no immediate sense. "You all know what today is!"

Princess Maria was neither forgetful nor dense, but the previous days had not only been interspersed by her normal blackouts, but had also passed in a blur of frigging, fucking and general horseplay. She therefore had no idea of the mistake that she was making when she raised her voice hopefully.

"Then, can I go at the back this time, Liz'...?"

To her surprise, her six beautiful Knights stared at her as one in response, and then they grinned before hugging her happily.

"We should have done that yesterday, your Highness, but you slept through almost all of it, so..." Catherine was the first to speak; but her sweet, innocent daughter played her fingers gently across Maria's still stickily wet pussy. Michelle licked her fingers slyly once she had done so, and then she surprised them all by lunging rapidly forward to hug Maria before kissing her passionately upon her lips.

"Happy birthday, Princess Maria."

09: Maria's Birthday.

"My birthday...?"

Maria caught her breath in innocent delight as her Lower Knights grinned about her.

"You little flopper! You forgot, didn't you?"

Her First-Knight leant even closer as she giggled, and she stared into Maria's eyes pointedly whilst the other slaves chuckled or laughed about them. For once, Maria barely noticed the breasts that her pose displayed so wonderfully, though; for her heart pounded dizzily within her breast and a flush of scarlet appeared beneath her wetly glistening eyes.

"I... Please... Please could I have my cards...? The ones from -."

"Of course, my Princess." Elizabeth interrupted her smoothly. "But firstly tablets. Tanya?"

"Here, Liz'."

"I can do those by myself, Liz..."

"And in the past you've also forgotten those by yourself -!" Her First-Knight replied in a voice that was the epitome of weariness, but Maria interrupted her indignantly.

"I told you that I took them!"

"And yet six times these last two months I've had you carried to bed, with no apparent reason for your collapse...?" Elizabeth pushed one finger against her forehead, and then she tapped Maria in gentle reprimand before continuing. "No, my love, I'm tired of explaining that you're not sleeping because you're bored, so you'll take them when I say, or else."

"Oh, or else?"

"Yes, or else...! Or else, my Princess, you'll find my tongue unusually inept the next time I gobble you."

"Oh! Then, please can I have my tablets, oh wonderful and illustrious First-Knight?"

"Yes you may! You see how much easier it is, if you just do as you're told?" Elizabeth grinned as she spoke, but she paused to shake her head at the look of anticipation upon Maria's face. "Fuck, you really are a girl, aren't you...? Come on, off the bed, an' let's get you modded..."

Did it matter if she agreed or not?

Maria's Lower Knights guided her towards the edge of the bed without waiting for her reply, and she stood in a daze as they ran their eyes up and down her beautiful body. For almost a minute, they gave quiet smiles of delight and wonder as they surveyed her; and then Catherine stepped forward to lift her hair gently.

"How do you want your hair today, your Highness?" Catherine paused, and the remaining Knights grinned at Maria's complete lack of response. "Your Highness...? Your hair...?"

"Could, could I skip -?"


Her six Knights replied simultaneously; but Maria glanced at each one in the desperate hope that she might find one who was willing to side with her. She found no ally amongst her grinning Knights though, and she swallowed before meeting Catherine's gaze meekly.

"Then whatever you think..."

"Okay, your Highness." Catherine kissed her gently, and then she leant forward a bit further to whisper kindly in her ear. "I promise I'll make it quick, your Highness..."

"Thank you, Catherine..."

"You're welcome, your Highness."

With that, Catherine turned to the other Knights, and the body modification model appeared before Maria a moment later. It was little more than a life-size and faintly glowing hologram of Maria herself, but it responded instantly to Catherine's practiced and rapid gestures. She brushed, pulled, stroked and touched the replica's hair for almost half a minute; and the replica's hair changed in color, form and length as she did so. The remaining Knights paid no attention to the replica, however; for the changes upon the replica were mirrored exactly upon Maria herself. They stared at her in silence, but their eyes shone and their smiles turned into grins as Catherine worked, whilst Lorraine and Michelle lifted their hands to clutch between their naked breasts.
