The Princess, Her Harem... Book 01


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Could anything be more arousing than the helpless moans of pleasure and the grunts of desperate exertion with which she sought to escape? Could there be anything more wonderful than the sight of one strapon withdrawing from Elizabeth's sodden pussy only to be replaced immediately by another? If only Maria had been able to tear her eyes away! If only she could have grabbed one of her cameras, and recorded forever the work of art that was each withdrawal!

The lines of oily cum that glistened and sparkled as they stretched from elegantly jutting phallus to still gently gaping cunt. The trembling of the delicate, crinkly folds and the glimmer of pink that marked the clitoris that peeked out from beneath its hood. The ragged heaving of Elizabeth's tits as they were stretched mercilessly towards one hungrily sucking mouth or another; and the look of desperate, helpless pleasure that she gave as she was finally worn down. Maria moved towards Elizabeth in a daze then, and she shivered in pleasure as Elizabeth's pussy slurped and squelched about one strapon or another; whilst the slamming of her Lower Knight's mounds against Elizabeth's was like music to her ears.

Had they defeated her?

Had they finally worn away the last of her defiance? Maria had never seen Elizabeth succumb so quickly, but she could do nothing but stroke at her pussy in a daze whilst the five beautiful Knights took their turn within Elizabeth's hot, wet cunt. A minute for Michelle, with Elizabeth pinned upon her back so that her buttocks were raised and her face was buried between Catherine's thighs. A minute for Tanya, with Elizabeth's jaw set firmly and her eyes full of mock-defiance as she stared back at her. A minute for Catherine, with Elizabeth's legs raised so that they rested upon Catherine's shoulders, whilst Julie knelt upon Elizabeth's tits.

One by one, the five took their turn within Elizabeth's gorgeous pussy; and when they started again, Maria knew that Elizabeth wouldn't last for a third round. Her Knights parted before her then, opening up a path so that she could gaze across the length of Elizabeth's damp, naked body; but she stared only at Elizabeth's face. She stroked herself without meaning to or even knowing that she did so; and Elizabeth raised her hand to clutch weakly at her heaving and hard-tipped breasts.

Once more, Tanya took her turn; and Maria licked her lips as Elizabeth and Tanya kissed wetly, whilst Elizabeth stared at her throughout. Once more, Catherine took her turn; and Elizabeth wept in pleasure as the oldest of the Knights crushed her tits together so that she could worship at the two jutting nipples together. Once more, Lorraine fucked her First-Knight vengefully; and Maria felt certain that Elizabeth's stifled screams of pleasure would end with her climaxing before the beautiful young Knight had finished with her.

It was not to be however, for Elizabeth held on despite her expectations; and then the Lower Knights turned her onto her front. They lifted her buttocks then, and they raised her until she was knelt with her face buried in the slimy wet quilt between Michelle's thighs; and they spread her knees. They bared her so that she was visible from glossed and sparkling anus to feminine mound; and Maria caught her breath at the sight of the oily juices that hung from Elizabeth's gorgeous pussy.

And then Julie took her turn.

She took revenge for Lorraine's treatment even though she had been a major part in it, and Maria stroked herself even more urgently as the beautiful young Knight fucked Elizabeth. Again and again, Julie thrust her mound passionately against Elizabeth's buttocks. Again and again, Elizabeth's froth and cum splattered across the already drenched quilt beneath her, whilst she herself sobbed and wailed without dignity into the soft flesh of Michelle's thigh. She climaxed then, screaming in voiceless pleasure as her body twisted and jerked upon Julie's fake cock; and Maria whimpered dizzily as Elizabeth sagged before her.

"Do you admit your defeat, my Mistress?"

Catherine. Her face a picture of desire and pride.

"Yes... Yes, damn it...!"

A sob from Elizabeth, and suddenly it was real.

They had defeated her! They had earned the right to dominate her; and she would thus get to witness her five Lower Knights taking their turn to work themselves to a climax upon a double-ended dildo buried within Elizabeth's buttocks. Maria swallowed once more, and she looked up at each of the five panting but triumphant beauties who knelt or sat about Elizabeth.

"Just get on with it, you bitches!"

Another cry from Elizabeth. A cry offered only in order to hide the fact that she hungered for their pleasure as much as they hungered for her body. Her hips moved of their own accord, as if impatient to feel one of her lovers pounding herself upon her; and Maria wondered dizzily who would go first. Perhaps it would be Tanya, who was undoubtedly hungry for revenge after her multiple defeats the day before. Perhaps it would be Michelle, who was always eager to have Catherine watch her reach her climax. Or perhaps -?

"Your Highness...?"

Maria's thoughts were interrupted by a voice full of love and mirth, and it was only when a hand grasped and stayed her wrist that she realized that she had been frigging herself to the sight of Elizabeth being fucked. She blushed at that, and she looked up hastily only to find that each of her Lower Knights smiled down at her as if they were in on some secret that only she didn't know. She blinked in confusion then, and she turned her attention to the one who had disturbed her.

"Yes, Lorraine...?"

"I believe, your Highness, that our First-Knight would be honored if you would go first."

Lorraine grinned as she spoke, but Maria could pay no attention to the comeliness of her smile. Even as she spoke, Julie started to ease one end of a double-ended dildo into the tightness of Elizabeth's anus; and Maria shivered in startled pleasure at the whimpers with which Elizabeth tried her best to accommodate the long phallus. Should she ask Julie what she was doing, despite its obviousness? Should she protest her Knight's words, or question the grins with which they gazed down at her? Should she avoid all words and instead accept Elizabeth's strained but tender and timid smile as a sign that something was drastically wrong?

The role of Princess demanded that Maria speak according to a certain etiquette, and her bewilderment did nothing to aid her in speeding up the process that it took to select and utter an acceptable string of words. She found, therefore, that Julie had finished easing the dildo into Elizabeth before she could think of a reply. She did her best to ignore the greedy and satisfied stares with which her lovers eyed Elizabeth and herself, however; and she made her protest as best she could.

"But you have earned the right where I have not, so... So please, go ahead, okay? Please, I just want to watch you!"

"Oh, we can see that, your Highness." Tanya grinned slyly in response, and Maria winced at the pointed gaze with which Tanya looked down between her thighs. The younger Lower Knights giggled at that, but to Maria's relief, Catherine raised her voice to speak above them, and they stifled their laughter as best they could.

"We will dominate Elizabeth, your Highness; but we would prefer to go after you." Catherine smiled in reply as the other Lower Knights grinned, and then she pulled on Maria's hand gently. "Look, your Highness, I am your Knight, but I'm also eighteen years your senior, so please take it from me that you're not the only one who likes to watch slaves getting off on each other's butts. Now you can protest if you want, and you can even order us if you want, but you said something today that I never imagined that I would hear, even from you. Now I can either tell you over and over again how grateful I am for that, or you can go first and I'll keep quiet about it."

"Okay... Okay, you win..." Maria knelt upward in a daze, and then she stared at the graceful lines of Elizabeth's body, and at the obscene phallus that disrupted that beauty. Why would they give away something so precious? Why would her Knights request that she dominate Elizabeth before them, when she could do so by right of rank whenever she desired? Why was Elizabeth giving her that look that meant that she should just go along with them? "But you are planning something, are you not? You are tricking me in some way, and I feel nervous..."

"We are, your Highness."

"You're right, but we love you."

Her Lower Knights replied not just at the same time, but also with a promptness that was unsettling; and then Catherine grinned before taking things one stage further.

"Oh, you're definitely right, and I'm sure you know whose idea it was." She reached downward as she spoke, and she slid a finger between Maria's thighs to stroke the bulging hood of Maria's clitoris. Maria gasped and stiffened at that, and then the Lower Knights giggled once more whilst Elizabeth bit her lip in an attempt to appear uninterested. "But you know that we love you, so you'll do it, won't you?"

Maria nodded her head in response, and then she wiped her eyes before gazing down at the beautiful young Knight who had buried her face within the cum-soaked quilt. What was her plan? What was the punch line? In what way were her ever-scheming Knights planning to trick her? She shuffled across the ruined quilt until she knelt behind her still kneeling wife, and then she gazed down at the beautiful buttocks and obscenely stretched anus that were bared above the wettest and most gorgeous pussy that she had ever seen.

"I... I might cum very quickly, though -"

"Then do her again!" The Lower Knights replied even before she could finish her words, and Maria flushed before reaching one hand hesitantly towards Elizabeth's pussy.

"But before, before that... Could I -"

"Please go on, your Highness."

Catherine smiled as she replied, and she guided Maria's hand downward between the delicate and crinkly folds of Elizabeth's pussy; whilst the other Lower Knights offered their encouragement in terms that made her blush even more. They held the dildo upright helpfully, whilst they spread Elizabeth's knees even further apart; and Maria whispered her love as she bowed downward in a daze.

How many times had she performed her ritual with one or other of the six beautiful slaves who knelt with her upon their bed? How many times had she feasted upon one beautiful wet pussy or another before mounting the dildo that had been thrust rudely into the buttocks above? She could no more count the number of times that she had done so than she could count the number of slaves whom she had fucked; but she caressed Elizabeth timidly at first.

The unknown nature of Elizabeth's conspiracy was enough to leave her ill at ease; but nothing could distract her for long from the feeling of Elizabeth's satiny-smooth flesh beneath her fingertips. She stroked Elizabeth more firmly as she lost herself within the feeling of it, and she gazed forward and down to where her First-Knight twisted as much as she could in order to look back at her. It was in that moment that she saw the spirit that still shone within Elizabeth's eyes, and Maria's mouth lifted in a bashful but eager smile at the knowledge that the match had been thrown for her benefit.

"Thank you, everyone..." She glanced from one beautiful Knight to another as she whispered the words, and her eyes shone bright with tears as she did so. They gave her no time to expound upon her feelings however, for they took their turns to kiss her upon her lips, and they uttered their own as they did so.

"I love you, your Highness."

"Please have fun, my Princess."

"We're always here for you, Princess."

The five Lower Knights forced her downward once they had finished, and then they guided her down to the bottom that she had fucked, slapped and mounted more times than she could remember.

"Now take your time, your Highness."

"Thank you..." She gave a shy whisper as her body took over, and her Lower Knights shuffled back from where they had knelt about her.

She worshipped Elizabeth's buttocks then.

She did so from their rounded tops all the way down to the creases where they met her thighs, and then she moved inward. She laid down a series of kisses, licks and strokes that skirted about the marshmallow softness of Elizabeth's pussy. A line of kisses to the left of those beautiful petals and the sodden darkness that lay just visible within them. A single tender but lingering kiss to the swollen clitoral hood about which Elizabeth's pussy-juice dribbled copiously; and then a line back upwards on the right. Another lingering kiss to the firm ridge of flesh that divided Elizabeth's pussy from her tautly stretched anus; and then a circle of kisses around the gently vibrating shaft about which Elizabeth's buttocks were clenched tightly. She moved back downward after that, but she did so with lingering sloth, and she skirted a bit closer to the pussy that waited eagerly for her fingers or her tongue.

And her Lower Knights stared in silence whilst their hearts raced and their loins fluttered. The Lower Knights knelt in the pretense of tireless patience, but their hands moved to clutch at their swollen breasts or to push firmly against their tingling mounds. They remembered those times when they had seen her worship other loved ones in similar fashion, or when they had felt her kisses about their own pussy; and every one of them ached with longing. When could they once more be the subject of Maria's worship? When could they once more pay similar homage to their First-Knight, or to one of the Lower Knights with whom they stared in silent wonder?

Another circuit closer to the source of that ambrosial trickle. Another circuit that ran along the delicate, crinkly lips themselves; and whose progress was marked by the gasps, sighs and whimpers with which Maria was rewarded. Another circuit; and then Maria grinned in delight as her tongue finally strayed onto the coarse, sodden flesh within. She worshipped every inch of Elizabeth's pussy then, and it was only when Elizabeth sobbed and stiffened before her that Maria closed her eyes and pushed her face into the heat between Elizabeth's thighs.

She reveled in Elizabeth before her then.

The feeling of Elizabeth's soft and delicate pussy against her nose. The trembling of Elizabeth's buttocks, and the sounds of pleasure that she gave as Maria adored her erect clitoris through its protective hood. Had she wanted to then Maria could easily have moved the dildo within Elizabeth's buttocks, but to do so would only have distracted Elizabeth from the kissing, licking and sucking that she had mastered during her seven years of adulthood.

Of course, it would have been extraordinary had a Princess of even Maria's age not gone down on hundreds of different women; for a Princess has more opportunity than most, and what slave could resist the feeling of another's pussy flooding wetly upon her mouth? To say that she had gone down on other slaves tens of thousands of times was therefore as redundant as saying that she had taken many breaths since her birth. Her love for eating pussy was unsurpassed however, and there was no sensation too small to guide her in the work that she loved.

The stiffening and trembling of Elizabeth before her. The way that Elizabeth caught or released her breath, and the noises that she made as she did so. The way that Elizabeth's juices flowed against Maria's tongue; and the fluctuations in the resistance of Elizabeth's cunt before it. The swelling of the tits and the stiffening of the teats that she reached forward to grope. There were also those signs that she could feel only due to the EnPid, however; and so she felt not only the orgasm that swelled within Elizabeth, but also the shards and waves of pleasure that coursed through her young body.

There was no way that a slave could sense and understand all of those signals without herself being aroused, however; and it was not as if Maria had any special powers. The Lower Knights heard, saw and felt everything that Maria did; but they had the advantage of looking upon two beautiful wives rather than just one. They watched as Maria worshipped at the sopping wet pussy that was bared obscenely before her, and they saw her own sopping wet pussy as well. They felt Elizabeth's juices upon Maria's tongue, and they tasted the ever so delicate essence of their First-Knight; and they saw the same juices hanging and dribbling down from Maria's pussy.

Their beautiful breasts heaved with passion whilst their eyes shone with love and desire for the six slaves with whom they shared their bed; and they sensed the same things from each other that they sensed within the two who knelt before them. They licked their lips or squeezed their breasts and they couldn't help but smile as they glanced at each other, for they knew then that they could wait no longer to carry out the First-Knight's plan.

"My Princess..."

"Princess Maria..."

Two whispers as Julie and Tanya raised Maria's hips slowly before easing her knees apart. They need not have spoken, though; for Maria was so engrossed in her worship that she complied without any conscious recognition that she did so. They raised her until she knelt on all fours behind Elizabeth; and then they licked their lips as they surveyed her beautiful, dribbling pussy, whilst those at her sides grinned at the sight of her hard-tipped breasts hanging down beneath her.

"Thank you..."

A grateful but wary smile from the Lower Knight who had sworn not to attempt to get her revenge. Would Julie attempt to steal Maria's pussy from her after all? Would the ever-unpredictable Tanya decide to go back on the vow that she had made whilst Maria slept? Lorraine kept her eyes upon both of them as she knelt on all fours behind the Princess; but she had underestimated her own appeal, for they scrambled hurriedly to grab the position behind her.


A reproachful but weak and breathless cry. Elizabeth uttered it without even raising or glancing behind herself; and the other Lower Knights giggled as Tanya gave up on the position behind Lorraine. One by one, the five beautiful Lower Knights knelt behind and to the left of each other. One by one, they formed a beautiful if uneven circle of naked female flesh, and their hearts raced as they prepared themselves for that moment when they would copy their Princess.

At any other time, they would have dove in immediately, for there could be no better joy than to bring a lover to her peak; and each knelt behind a slave whom she loved. They gazed at their First-Knight and their Princess instead, though; and they waited impatiently for those who knelt behind them to take up their positions. They licked their lips without meaning to then, and they swallowed in hungry anticipation of the moment when they could taste the treasure that was bared so obscenely before each one of them.

What feast could be more delicious for a daughter, than that of her mother's sodden pussy and swollen clitoris? What more wonderful gift could a sister receive, than that of her sister's wet and overflowing pussy? The Lower Knights were not greedy slaves; but each one knelt behind a slave whom she adored, and every second felt like an age. They shifted restlessly upon the ruined quilt as they waited with growing impatience for the First-Knight to recognize their readiness; and then Elizabeth finally started to lift her head.

She had been drained of her usual strength however, and her face was a frown of exquisite torment. Her cheeks were flushed with the pleasure that the beautiful Princess inflicted upon her, and she was so close to orgasm that she could no more open her eyes than she could close her mouth. She was therefore blind, for the EnPid had ceased to transmit any data to her long ago; but she was driven by the knowledge of what awaited her. She used her lips to follow the smooth flesh of Tanya's thighs upwards until she met the gentle mound of Tanya's buttock. She licked the smooth, soft flesh before following the crease between thigh and buttock inward; and then she smiled in happy recognition as she met the hot, wet softness of Tanya's pussy. She raised her hand to grasp at Tanya's right buttock, and then she grinned timidly despite the pleasure that assaulted her, whilst her cheeks were flushed in bashful embarrassment.
