The Proposal Pt. 02


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When I arrived at his office, Denise wasn't at the reception counter. Instead, there was a frumpy middle-aged woman that appeared all business.

"Jason Alexander?" she spoke in the most monotone voice imaginable.

I nodded and said, "Yes."

"Go right in, he's expecting you."

Jack was at his desk, sorting some papers when I approached him.

"Take a seat," he said, not meeting my gaze. "This might take a while."

I don't know why I felt nervous, but I was.

"So," he began, lowering his reading glasses. "Most of my research was easily found on the internet. An amateur could have found this. The Martin Johnson I discovered was vastly different than the one you presented with your limited employment information."

"How so?"

He handed me a duplicate file folder and said, "Let's start with the basics. As you see, it contains a lot more information than you provided. Martin had two years of junior college after high school and then served five years in the Army as a ranger before being wounded during his third tour in Afghanistan. If you notice, Staff Sergeant Johnson received a bucket full of medals and citations."

"Damn!" I exclaimed, looking through the first page of statistics.

"His amazing physical transformation began during his first tour, as you can see. I have several group shots of him clowning around with his friends, lifting some pretty heavy weights on their open-air gym. How much weight is that?" he asked, pointing at a photo.

I studied the picture carefully. "About three hundred."

"If you follow the progression of photos, you can hardly recognize him from his high school graduation portrait."

"I already knew that. Did you uncover anything about his personal life?"

"Well, building on what you provided, he is indeed seeing several women that are all married as you said. But looking deeper... there was something I found strange."


"Not about the wives, about the husbands. It appears that all the husbands—including you—graduated from the same high school. That sounds like more than a coincidence to me. Do you have any thoughts on this?"

"I don't know." I rubbed my forehead and tried to think.

"Do the names Tod Schofield, Eric Gillaspy, and Brandon Knight ring any bells?"

"Yeah, they were all part of the 'in-crowd,' but I didn't hang with them. They were pretty much anti athletics and I was a jock."

"It doesn't take a super sleuth to see the correlation here. These are all the names of the husbands Martin has cuckolded—and I'm guessing I should add your name to the list, as well?"

"Are you suggesting Martin didn't randomly target me and my wife?"

"It seems pretty clear that he is fulfilling some sort of vendetta. Is there anything you remember that occurred between the two of you?"

I thought for a moment and replied, "No. Nothing. I barely remember any of them. As I recall, Martin was a quiet boy that stuck to himself. Are you suggesting he targeted me and Allie because of some childish high school vengeance scheme?"

"Jason, there are a million things that motivate people in life, but I find vengeance to be one of the strongest. Look at his history. After high school, he transformed himself in unexpected ways. Not just physically but in his confidence and boldness. As far as I see, he's done nothing illegal, except possibly use antibiotic steroids. I did find a current address and phone number—they are listed in your copy. I'd be extra careful if I were you. He's a black belt in jujitsu."

"Thanks. I'll look this over." I sighed defeatedly.

"Should I keep this case open or close it?"

"Keep it open for now. I might need you for something in the near future."

"Before you leave, I have one more question, if you don't mind."

"I don't mind."

"Did you know what he was doing with your wife? Was this all happening with your knowledge?"

I don't know if I was more shocked that he had asked that question or that it was so obvious.

"I really can't give a definitive answer, Jack. It went further than planned. I'm embarrassed to say that it started with my knowledge. I was exploring, but I hadn't anticipated that it would go this far."

"Sounds like you were playing 'catch' with a hand grenade to me. Eventually, there is a loser."

"I blame myself. Martin certainly fooled me."

"Jason, I've seen pictures of your wife and I have to ask, what in the hell were you thinking?"

"I've been asking that myself since this whole fiasco started."


Another week went by and I still hadn't heard from Allie. Every day I studied Martin's file until I almost had it memorized. Like a madman, I threw myself into my work like never before to distract myself from the pain. I needed help at the gym with Allie gone, but I couldn't find the time or energy to search for new employees. Then, out of nowhere, an opportunity presented itself. Sam's daughter, Denise, came into the gym one day. She had her hair pulled back to a ponytail and was dressed in sweats, ready to work out.

"Hi there, stranger." I beamed at her. "Are you here to take me up on that discounted membership I offered?"

"Possibly, but how about a tour first?"

"Certainly. Follow me," I replied, stepping out of my office. "What are you looking for in a gym?"

"Location is a must because I can't afford a car right now. I ride a bike. This place is only 3.2 miles from my apartment."

"That's good but I was referring to your workout routine."

"Oh. I don't really know. I've never gone to a gym before. You tell me." She held out her arms and turned around.

Denise looked perfect, with natural beauty that would make a monk regret his lifestyle. She was fit and slim with pert breasts and a firm round butt.

"Are you telling me you don't work out?" I asked.

"I didn't say I don't work out. I said that I never had a gym membership. I run, surf, and bike."

"Well, keep it up. In the gym, we have all the classic machines, free weights, lap pool, and jacuzzi. There is also a sauna, men's and women's locker rooms—with showers. The back half of the building is designated for racquetball courts, but construction has been delayed until I sort some things out."

"Where do I signup?" She smiled.

"In the office. I just need you to fill out an application."


The office was a disaster as I searched for the application pad, but Denise found it first.

"Your office needs some serious help." She giggled.

"It does for sure. This was my wife's domain, but sadly we are temporarily separated," I said, wondering if I had revealed too much.

"I'm so sorry... is this her in the picture on the desk?"

"Yeah, that pic was taken a couple months ago."

"She's beautiful. I bet you miss her very much. If you could use some part-time help until you work things out, I am good with paper-work."

"I thought you worked for your dad?"

"Nope. I was filling in for my stepmom. Right now, I'm between gigs and living off my student loan."

"When can you start?" I asked.

"How about right now?" She grinned.

"Done! You're hired."

"Where do I find the employment forms for W-2 and such?"

"How should I know? Ask my secretary." I laughed.

The day flew by with some of the pressure taken off. I had taken over Martin's aerobics class and had little time nor the energy for my own workout. To be honest, I missed Martin more than I hated him, but I missed Allie more than breathing. My life was on hold while she held my fate in her hands. It was nearing quitting time and Denise was still working hard. For now, my dreams of a twenty-four-hour gym were on hold. I went to check on Denise and was pleasantly surprised to see the impressive transformation she'd made to my office. She smiled when she saw me enter.

"Wow! This place looks great. I should give you a raise."

"You haven't even told me what my salary is yet, silly." She giggled.

"Okay, you tell me. Set your own salary."



"Hmmm... let me think... Uh... twenty-five an hour?"

"If you think that's fair, then twenty-five it is."

"Just so you know, I would have gone for twenty." She smirked.

"And just so you know, I was thinking more like thirty, my dear," I said with a laugh.


My house seemed so lonely. I was sick of microwave dinners and takeout. I usually slept in the recliner and showered in the downstairs guest bath because I couldn't bear to see our empty bedroom or queen bed; for me, it represented lost love. I thumbed through Martin's file one more time before I decided to give him a call on the number Jack had provided. I assumed he would not answer when he saw my caller ID, but he picked up immediately.

"Where did you get this number? I don't want any trouble from you."

"Neither do I, Martin," I said, half stunned. "I'm just searching for answers. Did you know Allie left me?"

"No... but I suspected something when she called and warned me that you were coming after me with bad intentions. She suggested I should run."

"Why, Martin? Why did you betray our arrangement and go ahead and fuck her? You said you wouldn't without my okay."

"What? Who said I fucked her?"

"You didn't?" I frowned in confusion. "Allie said you did."

"Hell no! I told you I wouldn't, Jason. I swear I didn't."

"Then why did she say you did?"

There was a brief pause before he exhaled and said, "I think I know. After the jacuzzi incident I told you about, Allie cornered me in the men's locker room. She dropped her towel and told me I could 'have her'—her words, not mine. I was tempted beyond belief, but I handed back her towel and told her it was a bad idea. That's when I informed you that I wouldn't go any further until you talked with her."

"Then why did she confess to me that she did?"

"I honestly don't know. Maybe she just wanted to see how you'd react? What did you say after she confessed? You didn't tell her about our agreement, did you?"

"Oh, shit!"

"Man... didn't I tell you to never share that? Now she believes you betrayed her."

"Unfortunately. She's already seen a lawyer. I haven't heard from her in over two weeks."

"Are her clothes still in the house?"

"Yeah, most of them," I replied, holding on to hope. "She took one suitcase and left—said she was going to stay at her mother's."

"Then she hasn't moved out completely. You might still have a chance."

"Martin, there's something else I need to talk with you about. It's about the high school connection you had with your girlfriends' husbands."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Bullshit! I know about your plan to cuckold the guys that you had issues with in high school. What I can't figure is why you picked me?"


"What could I possibly have done to you? Tell me!"

More silence.

"I need to know, dammit! Tell me!"

Martin sighed. "All right. Fine. I'll tell you. Do you remember a girl in high school named Anne? Anne Green?"

"No, I don't recall her. Why?"

"Of course you wouldn't." He scoffed. "She was nothing to you, but she was my girlfriend. You danced with her at one of your drunken jock parties... told her how pretty she looked and kissed her. After that party, she had a crush on you... you and your big muscles. When I tried to tell her that she meant nothing to you, she broke up with me, saying I was nothing but a jealous fool."

I genuinely felt bad for him as I replied, "I'm sorry that happened, but I kissed a lot of girls in high school. We were all hormonal fools back then. I've grown past those days, but obviously this left a lasting scar on you. For that, I'm truly sorry, Martin. But do you think that incident justifies ruining my marriage? If you do, then Anne was right... you are a jealous fool."

"I deserved that." He paused. "After I got to know you and Allie, I had second thoughts. But when you showed such obvious cuckolding tendencies, I decided to let it play out. I don't think you were sure what you wanted, since you could have called it off at any time and didn't. On the other hand, I think Allie has made her decision. I'm not sure she'll ever want to go back. In retrospect, this whole thing has progressed to a stalemate. You are already aware that this lifestyle is not for everyone. The ball was always in your court. I'll do anything to help you make the right choice, and I'm pretty sure you know what that is."

"Thanks for the offer, but I don't think I'm able to make a decision yet. I just want my wife back."

After hanging up, I sent a text to Allie, begging for her to talk. She needed to know how much I loved her, but she didn't respond. I fell asleep in my chair, waiting for a reply that never came.


The next week was hard. I felt like I was trapped in a prison of my own making. The only bright spot was Denise. She was proving herself to be a dedicated worker who had reorganized my office to greater efficiency. Her part-time job morphed into full-time, as she took on more and more responsibility. Since I was also short of instructors, she volunteered to take over the spin classes, allowing me some much-needed free time.

I was fixing coffee early one morning on my half-day off when I heard the doorbell chime.

Who could that be at this hour? I wondered, heading for the door.

When I opened it, I noticed a man dressed in a worn-out suit, standing before me.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

He shoved an envelope in my face and said, "You've been served."

My heart broke instantly. I knew divorce was a possibility since Allie had left, but I was still not prepared for this. As I quickly opened the cursed envelope, I pulled out the contents and collapsed in a chair, too weak to stand.

The opening page said, "TRIAL SEPARATION." Not sure of what that was, I continued to read on. The terms were as follows:

1.LIVING SEPARATE AND APART. The Parties will, from the date of execution of this Agreement, live separate and apart from each other. Neither Party will attend the other's living space or work without invitation or approval.

2.There are no children of the marriage.

3.Jason Alexander will pay spousal maintenance in the amount of $4,500 monthly to Allison Alexander. Spousal maintenance payments will commence on May 14, 2020 and will be paid on the 14th day of each and every month until such time as Allison Alexander remarries or cohabits with another person in a common-law relationship or dies, whichever will come first.

4.The Parties acknowledge that they have agreed upon a division of all assets, owned or possessed by them as matrimonial property or separate property. The Parties are in possession of all of those assets to which each is respectively entitled. Accordingly, neither makes any claim to any assets in the possession of the other.

5.The Parties covenant and agree that they are aware of the community property laws of the State of California and it is their intention that the community property laws will not apply to the status, ownership, interest, and division of their property, either jointly or separately owned, nor to their future property, whether real or personal, and owned by either one or both of them; and the Parties further covenant and agree that it is their desire and intent by the terms of this Agreement to contract out of the community property laws of the State of California and to make a full and final settlement of all matters of property, both real and personal, previously and presently owned by either of the Parties or to be acquired by either of the Parties in the future.

There was more. The documents basically cited all the legal steps toward a divorce, but still gave an avenue to reconciliation. Allie was adamant about me not contacting her; however, this certainly changed the rules. I called her immediately and went straight to voice mail.

"I received the documents. We need to talk. Please call me."

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Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 3 years ago

Dump the cunt and stop being a pussy.

Why would anyone write this?

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

What is the point of this whole mess?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The first chapter of this story read like a good novel. This one reads like a cheap detective novel. Really sorry to see how quickly it’s gone downhill.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

cannot wait for the remainder of the story!!!

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