The Proposal Pt. 02

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Struggling with both marriage and business.
6.5k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/11/2021
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The Proposal (part 2)

After I finished cleaning up from dinner, I went to our home office where Allie was doing paperwork. She looked up and I gave her a kiss.

"Busy?" I asked.

"Just paying some bills. What's up?"

"Since we have this pool, what do you think about partnering with a therapy organization to give them access for water aerobics and therapy?"

"It just so happens that we've been contacted by a major hospital wanting to do that very thing, but they want more than pool access, they want to use our exercise equipment, also."

"Really? What do you think?"

"They are offering a lot, but I think it gets too complicated. We are already busting at the seams with new memberships. I don't think we have the room to co-op a hospital therapy program. Plus, our insurance rates will go through the ceiling."

I hugged her from behind and said, "That's why I married you: you're smart as well as beautiful. Anything else we need to discuss?"

"Actually, yes, we need to talk about Martin," she stated.

"Hmmm, Martin? I thought it was Marty?" I chuckled.

"Smartass. I'm serious."

"Okay, tell me. What seems to be bothering you?"

"I don't know how to say this but... I think Martin might be a... uh... male escort?"

"What made you come to that conclusion?" I laughed heartily. "Did he proposition you?"

"No... well, not directly. It was what that new member Karen told me."


"You know... his 'married girlfriend.' She said Martin is her 'bull' one day each week. Isn't a bull another name for a gigolo?"

"I don't think so. I believe a bull is a guy who has sex with another man's wife," I replied, knowing that she'd ask for more details.

"What? How does that work?"

She was as clueless as I was in the beginning about cuckolding. I tried to explain what I thought Martin's role was as a "bull," and how it was consensual between all parties involved. Allie sat there listening with a look of disbelief. When I finished my brief explanation, her first reaction was predictable.

"Did you know this about him all this time?" she asked.

I figured we'd eventually have this conversation, but not under these circumstances.

"Yes," I answered. "He told me a while back."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I guess I thought he had a right to privacy. I never considered that one of his lady-friends would join the gym."

Allie looked troubled. "That's bizarre. I can't understand why any husband would allow this. What could he possibly get out of it?"

"From what I read, it's a common fantasy for men to think about their wives entertaining other men sexually. Plus, I think it's human nature for a wife to wonder if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence."

"So, does that include you? Do you fantasize about me having sex with other men?"

"l could play it safe and say no... but that would be a lie. I'm not saying I want it to happen, it's just an occasional fantasy I have." I paused, gauging her reaction. "How about you? Don't you ever think about any of these men that hit on you?"

"Hell no!" Allie laughed. "And if you ever cheat on me, I'll cut your balls off."

"I'll never touch another woman. The question was if you ever thought about having sex with anyone other than me."

"I think we need to get back to work is what I think," she replied, avoiding my question.


As I was finishing with a client, I saw Martin pointing at his wristwatch. I held up two fingers signaling that I was almost done. I figured he probably wanted to know if I had another training session scheduled for him. Two weeks had passed since the incident in the jacuzzi. Allie and I hadn't continued our conversation about Martin, and I was happy to let this fantasy die an unfulfilled death. Occasionally, I'd think to myself how stupid I was to even consider such insane thoughts in the first place.

Allie was at school that day. I was planning to go home early to fix her favorite lasagna dish when Martin came up to me and asked me a question.

"Is there anything else?"

"It a slow day," I replied. "Can you stick around until closing? I've got something special to do for Allie."

"Sure, Boss, I have a free night tonight. Do you mind if I ask if you've talked with Allie yet?"

"Not really. We're just talking around the issue at this point. Has she said anything to you?"

"She did, but I promised not to tell you. Let's just say it's imperative you speak with her."

"I'll try but I think she's just processing things." I paused and glanced at my watch.

"Hey... I gotta go. See ya tomorrow. Thanks for closing up, Martin. Don't forget to turn off the pool pumps. I'll be coming in early tomorrow. I need to catch up on some paperwork."


After buying groceries for dinner, I pulled into our driveway around five. Allie's car was in her usual spot. I wondered why she was home from school so early. She didn't normally get home before seven. As I set down the shopping bag on the porch, I unlocked the door and stepped inside.

"Oh my God! Uh... ohhh... fuck meee... ahhhh... you're so huge!"

Allie's familiar grunts and moans echoed into my eardrums.

What the hell? I froze in place.

Determined to discover the asshole that was with her, I quietly walked up the stairs and listened to her chorus of pleasurable moans. I guess she felt so confident that I was still at work that she didn't even bother to shut the bedroom door. When I peeked around the door frame into the room, I was shocked at what I saw. There was my beautiful wife, nude, rolling around on the bed, feeding a giant black dildo into herself. It was the single most mesmerizing scene I had ever witnessed. I hadn't seen Allie pleasure herself in all the years we were together. To say that it was so erotic was an understatement, but I also knew it was her private moment. After watching her play, I decided not to disturb her. As I was making my way back downstairs, I heard her scream, "Fuck me harder... fuck me, Marty... harder... deeper... don't stop... give me your big black cock!"

What. The. Fuck? That was not something I wanted to hear. Had I underestimated his power over women? A chill ran through me when I considered what this might lead to. I wrestled with my own complicity in this. In the beginning, I didn't really believe Allie would be susceptible to Martin's persuasion; that was a huge mistake on my part.

As I exited the house, I got back into my car and started the engine. After a few minutes, I called Allie's cell. It rang several times before she picked up.

"Hi, babe," she answered, slightly out of breath. "What's up?"

"I decided to leave early and cook dinner. How'd your exam go?"

"It didn't. They postponed it a week."

"What are you up to?"

"I'm resting and just having some me time."

Hah. Right.

"Where are you?" she added.

"I'm in the driveway. I'll be cooking tonight, so just relax. I'll let you know when dinner is ready."

"Do you need any help?"

"Nope, I've got it handled. You just take care of yourself," I replied with a silent chuckle.


I had expected Allie to have come down by now; dinner was almost ready, and she wasn't here. After I took the lasagna out of the oven, I went to check on her. As I suspected, she was dead asleep, still nude—but the dildo was nowhere in sight. One thing I couldn't miss when I looked at her was her bare sex. It seemed unlike her because she always told me that she would never shave herself. According to Allie, she "preferred to feel more like a woman" with hair down there.

"Wake up, sleepyhead." I shook her lightly on the shoulder until her eyes fluttered opened.

"Uh... oh... what time is it?"

"It's time for dinner, sweets."

Gently, I helped her up as she sat on the edge of the bed and stretched.

"I guess I haven't been sleeping enough lately. Sorry." She yawned.

"No need to apologize. I know you've had your hands full between work and school. Dinner is ready, come down when you can. Here's your robe."


When my sleepy wife finally came downstairs, her hair was disheveled, and her makeup had smudged.

"Not feeling well?"

She avoided my gaze and muttered, "I'm fine."

In my experience, when a woman says, "I'm fine," she's anything but fine. I also knew not to pry.

"I made lasagna just the way you like it. Would you like a slice?"

Allie nodded. I figured she would speak when she wanted to. I poured her a glass of wine and she gulped it down like water, so I poured her another. She nibbled at her dinner and consumed two more glasses of Chablis. I watched her quietly, a little worried because she wasn't giving me any eye contact.

"Jason, I..." she began in a tearful voice. "I need to tell you something."

"Okay, but let's go sit in the living room where we can be more comfortable. I'll bring the rest of the wine."

She dropped into the recliner, and I had no choice but to sit across the room on the loveseat. I sat and waited while she gathered herself. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally spoke.

"I've done something bad... very bad."

Feeling the need to comfort her, I gently said, "Whatever it is, we can work it out like we always have. Tell me."

"It's not that easy this time. This is more serious."

"Tell me."

"Okay, but you're gonna hate me. I'll just say it straight out." She exhaled deeply and almost whispered, "I cheated. I was unfaithful to you."

It was like she hit me with a taser. A thousand things started to flow through my mind at once. I needed more information, so I asked as calmly as possible, "Who? When?"

"I think you might guess who."


"Yeah... I figured you'd guess that. You've watched him flirt with me for months and said nothing. Why?"

"I guess I trusted you, Allie. I've watched you flirt before and I thought it was all innocent banter. Exactly what happened?"

"What happened? What the hell do you think happened?... He... he fucked me. That's what happened."

Oh my God! He'd said I was in control and he wouldn't do anything until I said so. He had played me. He'd played us both.

"How many times?" I asked, trying to keep my cool.

"Why the hell does that matter, Jason?" She wiped a fallen tear. "So, what are you going to do? Divorce me?"

I wasn't angry at my wife. I was pissed off at that conniving bastard. I wanted to kill that son of a bitch. But I couldn't let them shoulder all the blame; I was complicit in this, too.

"I'm more than a little disappointed in hearing this," I said. "But I can't lay it all on you. I played a part in this, as well."

Allie looked at me with a raised eyebrow and asked, "How so?"

I spent the next half hour telling her about my secret fantasy and how Martin had deceived me. I also told her how he had assured me that he wouldn't do anything but flirt. She listened without interruption, but I could see her expression changing from remorse to fuming anger. I explained how he'd planted seeds in me about cuckolding and promised me that I was in control.

"You played a game with him by manipulating me?" Allie raised her voice. "Risking our marriage? Why would you do that?"

"I'm so sorry. I can't really explain it. It started as a private fantasy."

"Well, your fantasy came true!"

"I was wrong. Can you ever forgive me?" I begged.

"Forgive you? I think you're a bigger bastard than he is! You took our marriage vows and threw them in the toilet!"

I had never seen her get so angry and emotional before. She stood up walked over to me before she threw her glass of wine in my face and screamed, "I can't stand to even look at you! You make me sick!"

"Look, sweetheart... we can get through this. We're both victims here."

"Don't call me 'sweetheart.' As far as I'm concerned, we're done. I'm going to stay at my mom's for a while—and don't even attempt to call. If I want to talk, I will contact you. Now get the fuck outta here while I pack."

"But, Allie, I—"

"Leave!" she interrupted, pointing at the door.


I reluctantly did as my wife had requested and drove directly to the gym. I was intending to kick the shit out of Martin, but he wasn't there. His locker had been cleaned out as well as most of the money in the petty cash drawer in the office. There was a note saying that he just took the amount he was due for his pay and how sorry he was. I was glad I hadn't given him the combination to the safe. I thought immediately about calling the police, but after some consideration, I decided not to. This whole thing would have been made public and probably widen the chasm between me and Allie.

As the time passed, hours seemed like days, and days seemed like months. I was at a loss, not knowing what to do. Then, I remembered how my brother diverted a catastrophic marital situation in his marriage a few years ago by hiring a private detective.

I called Sam and he picked up first ring.

"Jason! Long time no hear! What can I do for ya, bro?"

"I need the name of that private-eye you used a few years ago."

"Don't tell me you and my hottie sister-in-law are having trouble?"

"Just give me the name, please. I don't care to share details right now."

"Okay, okay... his name is Jack McClain, but he ain't cheap. I'll text you the information. Are you still pumping iron?"

"You know I am. Are you still a couch potato?"

"Yeah, but I'm fully a committed couch potato."

A few seconds later, his text arrived. I thanked him, but he continued to press me for details. Finally, I told him I had to go, and as soon as he hung up, I dialed McClain's number. A woman with a very sexy voice picked up.

"Office of Jack McClain. How may I direct your call?"

"My name is Jason Alexander and I would like to schedule an appointment to discuss the possibility of hiring someone to do some detective work."

"When would you want to schedule an appointment?"

"As soon as possible."

"How about in two hours? It's the only opening I have for over a week."

"All right. Is your address the same as your listing?"

"Yes, we've been here for fifteen years," she replied. "Do you need directions?"

"I've got a GPS. I'll see you soon."


When I pulled into the parking lot, I was glad the place wasn't a dump like the movies often portrayed P.I. offices. It was on the second floor of a high-rise, and as soon as I walked through the door, I was greeted by the secretary (the same one with the sexy voice). She was even better to look at.

"Please take a seat, Mr. Alexander." She smiled. "Jack will see you soon."

I looked around and noticed that the office was nicely decorated. It had a generous number of licenses and certificates that were prominently displayed in the waiting room. The placard on the secretary's office pass said: "Denise McClain." I assumed she was either Jack's wife or daughter. She didn't look a day over twenty, so I guessed his daughter.

"My dad—I mean, Mr. McClain will see you now."

Jack had the look of a grizzly old private eye, even though his office didn't. He had salt and pepper hair with a five o'clock shadow. He stood to shake my hand as I entered his office.

"So, what can I help you with?" he asked.

I handed him my folder containing all the information I had on Martin. "I need you to find out as much as you can about this guy. The folder is filled with photos of him and briefly explains why."

He looked through my pages and glanced at me. "Are you aware of my fees? It could cost a bunch for what little you might gain."

"My brother hired you to investigate a fraudulent business situation and said you saved him from making a terrible deal. I want you to do this for me. I'm concerned with results, not price."

"Very well. I require ten thousand, minimum—with five thousand in advance."

"Uh... okay. Do you take credit cards?"

"You'll need to talk with my secretary."

"When can you begin?"

"We just did." He shut the folder and smiled. "I'll look through these documents more carefully while you give your information to my secretary."

His daughter/secretary was absolutely gorgeous up close, with a smile that could melt granite. She bent over and ran my credit card. I couldn't help but notice the way she brushed her fingers through her long, lush, strawberry blonde hair.

"Are you helping out your dad while on summer break?" I asked, signing the card slip.

"Good guess. You should be a private investigator," she replied sarcastically. "I see you work at Health and Fitness Gym. Is that a pretty good place to work out?"

"It's the best... but I'm biased. I own it."

She looked me over and smiled. "Well, looking at you, I think you're a walking billboard. I've been looking for a gym."

I was about to respond when the intercom suddenly barked out, "Denny, send our client in and stop chatting with him."

Our eyes locked and she quietly giggled.

"You have a card?"

I smiled and dropped one on her desk. "Fifty percent discount."


Back in the office, I sat down in a chair facing Jack's desk as he shuffled through my information.

"From what I see," he began. "This is a domestic dispute. Correct?"

"Yes. That asshole destroyed my life."

"Well, I'm sorry to say this but I don't think any crime has been committed here. If seducing someone's wife was a criminal offense, half the population would be in jail. Before we go any further, Jason, I need some assurance that you won't use the information I provide to commit an act of violence," he firmly stated, pushing a form toward me.

I knew I shouldn't sign anything without reading it thoroughly, but I thought, what the hell? I clicked the pen and signed my name with my usual scribble.

"Should I book a next appointment?" I asked.

"Not necessary. I'll contact you."

On the way out, I said goodbye to Denise with a wink and told her I was looking forward to seeing her at my gym soon.


The next week was pure torture not hearing from Allie. By Friday, my heart was lifted, only to be crushed again when she finally called and told me that she had talked with a lawyer.

"We're done, Jason. Just accept it."

It was the first time I had ever heard her sound so robotic...completely devoid of emotion.

Stunned and speechless, I could only ask in broken words, "W-why? Shouldn't we discuss this first?"

"I just talked with an attorney to find my options. I haven't filed anything...yet."

"Allie, please come home. I miss you so much. I'll do anything to make this right."

"My attorney suggested I file for a separation."

"Why? What would that accomplish?"

"She said it would give us time apart to discover what we really want as individuals."

"I already know what I want. I want you! I love you."

"You love me? Then explain why you wanted to share me like a cheap toy?"

"It was a fantasy gone astray. I regret it," I expressed with a heavy sigh. "What about you, isn't that why you did what you did?"

"Yes. Exactly! That's why we need a timeout, so we can work this out and mend what is broken."

"Can you at least come home? I really miss you."

"I don't think so. You know we can't just right this ship with sex. There are some serious problems we need to address. Now that I've tasted forbidden fruit, how can you ever trust me? How can I ever trust you?"

"Well, one reason I know I can trust you is because you came to me and confessed what you did. Likewise, you can trust me because I did the same and came clean about my participation in this fiasco. I wasn't going to let you bear all the blame. The way I see it, there is plenty of fault all around."

"All right, Jason. I'll think about it and let you know what I decide," she said, abruptly ending the conversation.


The house seemed so empty without my wife's warm presence. I tried to occupy myself with business, which wasn't hard to do without Allie and Martin to help. Plus, we were gaining memberships because of our improvements and increased services. The business had grown beyond my wildest expectation... but without Allie, it meant nothing. It was a strange time, with my business excelling and my marriage failing. The days dragged on without hearing a word from her. Then, at the end of the week I received a call from Jack McClain saying he wanted to meet.