The Rarest Treasure


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"You mean... this is tailor-made?"

Lawrence chuckled and smiled shyly. "Yes, Zooey, these slices come from my pick of samples I have collected over the years... you do understand that they're mostly quartz, right? This is not something to add to your insured valuables."

"Who cares!!! If we don't go in the house soon, I will have tears freezing over! I have never been given such an amazing gift! Oooh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Zooey was also smooching him repeatedly.

They were once again, arm-in-arm, turning towards the entrance of the house, when Zooey spoke again, in a wicked whisper.

"Larryyy... you're not the only one who cheated today..." Lawrence stopped dead in his tracks, so did Lester when he felt the pull of the leash.

"What did you do?"

"There are three packages in your trunk... for you... but you have to promise, baby... promise me, you will open them when you are sitting comfortably in your place, after your Boxing Day shift. I want you to call me after you've opened them, and I want us to have a long talk."

"What the... I give you a perfect family day for Christmas and I get slow torture in return?"

Zooey frowned. "Promise meeee..."

"OK, OK! I promise, honey... I will open your gifts tomorrow night, then call you. Now, can we go back inside and walk under the mistletoe that mom placed all over the house?"

"Baby, you read my mind."


"All right, Vince... here is my report. And it's another hectic Boxing Day under our belt."

"Geez, Larry! You sure seem in a hurry to leave... no chit-chat tonight?"

"Sorry Vince... I'm expected at home..."

"OK then, you're relieved. See you tomorrow."

"Yup... see you tomorrow, Vince."

Lawrence dashed to his apartment, oblivious to the slippery layer of ice under the fresh snow.

Upon his return on Christmas night, in the twilight of his parking, Lawrence had quickly found the largest of the packages, a thin, rectangular and very light gift that made no noise when shaken; he had a harder time finding the two other: they were much smaller and well hidden amongst his field gear. The second one had the unmistakable shape of a CD, the third was not larger than the envelope of a greeting card.

Now, he opened himself a bottle of Stella Artois, sat in his reclining chair and re-examined the packages. There were numbers plastered on them, under colorful streamers.

He carefully opened gift number one, the large package. It was a canvas and, when Lawrence turned it around to look at what was painted on it, he was mesmerized by a stunning and crystal-clear self portrait of Zooey. Far from being an impressionist or surrealist work, the image had an almost photographic quality: Zooey was leaning over a table, with her hands supporting her lovely face and her hair evenly fanned on the table's surface. The portrait had a teasing hint of eroticism, as Zooey's smile was full of lewd mischief and, while the observer would guess that she was nude, he had no way to be truly sure.

Lawrence was completely befuddled by such a captivating combination of creative talent and devastating beauty. He surveyed his walls with disdain and wondered where he would hang such a sight and how he should take care of it. Remembering his quip about insuring his gift, he was now wondering if he should have the painting appraised. He felt like a blind man who had his sight restored. His heart was not beating, it was thumping.

Wondering what could be in the other two packages to match this spectacular offering, Lawrence proceeded to the second gift, the CD. It was plain, with no cover or title. When Lawrence inserted it inside his laptop, he saw that it consisted of three audio tracks in high-density WAV format. Her gift would thus play like an eight minutes long music album.

Lawrence began the album, expecting a thunderous opening or a sweet melody; he was surprised to hear Zooey's voice A capella:

"Good evening, my love, and merry Christmas. Now that you have an image of my soul for you to look at, I want to give my gift a voice as well. These two songs are cut-outs from the album; I asked for their removal because I want their signification to be unmistakable: these songs are me singing to you, and only you. I hope you like them."

Lawrence instantly recognized the opening piano chords and leaped out of his chair; he was standing, trembling and walking aimlessly in his small living room.

- Nobody does it better

- Makes me feel sad for the rest

Lawrence had nowhere to go, nothing to do: he could only try to absorb the buildup of emotion inside him. Zooey's voice was angelic and her approach to the song was earnest, not slightly teasing like Carly Simon.

- The spy who loved me

- Is keepin' all my secrets safe tonight

Lawrence kept trying to imagine Zooey, the maybe-nude Zooey from the portrait, singing this song while sitting at the piano. Her cover version had no orchestral arrangement: it was a magnificent and warm piano ballad.

- I wasn't lookin' but somehow you found me

He tried to sit down, but he just couldn't hold still; he sprang back up and paced again.

- Whenever you hold me

- There's some kind of magic inside you

- That keeps me from runnin'

Lawrence kept taking long deep breaths, to keep a hold on his heartbeat. His eyes were moist. He was wondering how he, a plain geologist, could be so wooed by such a muse. He was circling his living room like a carousel.

But, when the second song started, Lawrence collapsed on his chair. His feet were dancing in mid-air; he was banging on the armchair with his fists. The second song was a fuller multi-keyboard aria, with a single triangle in the percussive track.

- Just like the Moonraker goes in search of his dream of gold

- I search for love, for someone to have and hold

Lawrence was up again and his eyes were beyond moist: he had to wipe them dry.

- I've seen your smile in a thousand dreams

- Felt your touch and it always seems

- You love me

Never before had Lawrence heard Zooey use her voice with such power; she had little to envy Shirley Bassey.

- Where are you? When will we meet?

- Take my unfinished life and make it complete

Lawrence almost had a headache at that point. How could Zooey, who always had a problem with forever, sing this song to him with such heart? Her album was now finished and he was aimless: he wanted to start it again and he also needed to open her last gift.

Lawrence took a moment to calm down, and then he sat down to open the envelope. It was indeed a homemade greeting card, with the illustration style that Zooey uses in her children's books. Something then fell from the envelope; he caught it before it touched the ground. It was an airline ticket; Lawrence was no longer breathing.

He quickly opened the greeting card and read the beautiful handwriting, like everything else from her:

"Please, honey

Come join me in Sanremo

No birthday of mine can be happy without you near me

Forever yours,


That did it. Lawrence furiously grabbed his phone and dialed. Zooey answered on the first ring.

"Good evening, baby..."

"You evil, sadistic witch! How could you do this?!?"

Zooey did not flinch; her voice did not waver or falter. "You liked my present that much?"

"Liked? LIKED? Zooey... I'm a mess... it's so... so..." and Lawrence began to sob. Zooey was deeply moved and simply let him do so, for a good long while.

Eventually she reached out to him. "Larry... Larryyyy?"


"Are you in any condition to drive?"

"In maybe five minutes I could... whyyy?"

"Because I will be at the Ottawa bus terminal in about 40 minutes, city traffic willing. I suppose you could give me your address and I could take a cab, but I would much rather see you sooner than later..."

"Whaaa... Ottawa? You... you... you're unbelievable! I'll be there..."

"Are you sure, baby? Don't crash the Sub on my account, now..."

"Honey, if we survive this trip, I'm not letting you out of here!"

"That's a risk I'm quite willing to take... see you soon, darling. I love you."


Lawrence made it to the bus terminal with barely five minutes to spare, time that was spent pondering on how best greet his beloved. In this instance, reality proved much simpler than fiction: Lawrence waited near the entrance gate, observing the arriving Greyhound bus with his nose glued on the glass. He sighed and stepped back to let the passengers in.

Zooey had traveled without luggage and she simply walked in the terminal, saw the object of all her affection waiting for her, smiled and opened her arms. She did not have to wait. They did not speak, caress, kiss; they were just a plain couple in boots and winter coats; they both felt, and shared, the simple truth of love and companionship in their embrace. Their breathing was soft and steady: they were one again, in their universe, and all was good in it.

For the drive home, Zooey simply rested her head on his shoulder and enjoyed his presence.

Lawrence was completely transformed and asked calmly. "How was your trip, honey?"

"It was good, baby... I could barely keep still on my seat, however..."

"I know what you mean..."

Zooey softly chuckled. "Are you happy I'm here?"

"I ran out of words a long time ago... I guess happy will have to do; I am VERY happy you're here, Zooey."

"Are you sure I won't cramp out your lifestyle?"

"Ha! Funny... I have no lifestyle, baby... do you want me to book off from work?"

"Actually... I have thought about this and... no, please don't: I think I will enjoy trying to play Betty Crocker while you're earning a living... you don't mind, do you?"

"How could I possibly mind? How long can you stay?"

"Right up until 2020, I suppose... but I've never celebrated New Year's Eve without mom... I..."

"I understand, Zooey... and you're right, it would be wrong to leave her alone. I'll drive you back for the 31st and stick around for the twelve strokes of midnight; that leaves us four complete days of improvised domestic bliss..."

"Baby, I like the sound of that so much..."

Lawrence was more than a little nervous when he opened his apartment door and carried her over the threshold. "Well, it isn't much, but welcome to my refuge." It was a small one and a half apartment, with a double bed, a reclining chair, a work table that occupied most of the living room section and a closet in front of the bed; it was impossible to walk more than four steps in straight line except for the trip to the bathroom. The work table was cluttered with a large video screen, an overhead lamp and photo-interpretation equipment. The walls were still painted in industrial white and, as only decoration, Zooey saw her self-portrait hang near the work table, at a peculiar height: she figured that Lawrence wanted to create the illusion that her hair was spilling into his own space.

"This is so perfect... it is so... you."

"Actually, I want tonight to be all about you." Lawrence saw Zooey take a deep breath just before his lips touched hers. He utterly failed at keeping this first kiss chaste and was chewing her up with gusto in no time at all. Not that Zooey minded one bit. She was already reciprocating and dueling with both tongue and teeth, while undressing with all due haste.

A now very naked Zooey let herself fall on the reclining chair and spread her legs. "About me, stud? Then, please... go see my pussy... remind me how pretty you find it... tonight, I'm fishing for compliments in the flesh: I NEED to feel how pretty you find me, how much you love me... I want to see it in your eyes, I want to feel it on my clit, I want to welcome it inside me! I have missed that so much!

"Aye, Aye, captain... I live to serve..." and Lawrence placed himself on his knees, as comfortable as possible, and ever so gently kissed her clitoris, once, twice, before blowing over his saliva and smothering all of her clit within the warmth of his mouth and caressing it with his tongue.

His hands did not remain idle for long and Lawrence began soft caresses all over her breasts. Lawrence then set her clit free to lick her vulva; while doing this, he raised his head to look at straight at Zooey's eyes: she felt scorched by heat vision.

"Oh mmmy GOD! Ohmy... darling... that is SO what I need!!! Don't ever stop! Pleaaaaase!"

And Lawrence was determined to take Zooey at her word. He regretted letting go of her breasts but his hands were needed on her vulva. By now, her clit and her labia were drenched in saliva and her own fluids, so Lawrence smothered her clit in his mouth and began also probing with a finger inside her vagina, then two.

Zooey was feeling bombarded by jolts of pleasure coming from this two-pronged assault on her clit and Lawrence, for good measure, also began humming his love all over his erotic target.

Zooey was screaming in ecstasy and could not remain a spectator anymore: completely possessed by lust, she grabbed Lawrence's head and she steered, she pressed, she caressed. There was now a total of four hands and one mouth doting on her feminine sex and Zooey would never again wonder about its sensitivity: she was completely bonkers.

And then Zooey came. She felt throbs inside her that reminded her of climaxes from another life, her scream became a sustained howl and her voice jumped into falsetto. Lawrence could barely breathe: Zooey had squashed his face between her lips, so that his nose was inside her and flooded in her nectar. Yet he persevered, and he had one hand fondling her clit and the other doing an early reconnaissance around her sphincter.

When Zooey was, judging by her less erratic breathing, regaining some control over herself, Lawrence began his second wave: his mouth was kissing her clit, he had two fingers caressing her vaginal cavity and, for the first time in his life, he dared a foray with his right thumb inside her rectum. He could hear Zooey crying in joy.

"OOOOOHYEAAAA!!! Babyyy!!! That's ammmazzzinnnnnng!!! Keehhheeep goinggg!!!"

And when Lawrence, a little self-conscious about his all-out assault, began softening his pressure, Zooey protested.

"NoNOOO, Babyyy!!! Keepgoing!!! Hardeeeeer!!! YEAAA! LIKE THAT! FASTER!!! HHHARDDDER!!! OHmyGGOODDD!!!"

And Zooey came again so swiftly, she buckled on the reclining chair. Lawrence was literally drinking her up and, this time, Zooey's voice cracked. As soon as she could, Zooey gently pushed Lawrence's head away from her soaked wet pussy, she half-rose from the chair, just enough to turn around and offer her pussy from behind, with her hands braced on the top of the chair for support.

Lawrence understood her silent request and, after quickly undressing and making sure that Zooey was wet enough to forego her lubricant, he gently placed his hands on her derriere and began drilling his manhood inside her.


Lawrence realized he was still her instrument and he did not care, so happy he was to do her bidding. His cock was so excited, he knew this ride would not last long, so he went all-out and managed to add rimming from his thumb while grasping her cheeks for support. He was shafting her so hard that it was Zooey who had to keep the couple stable, owing to the recliner rocking from their loving motion.

In no time, they were singing a duet of moans and screams.

Lawrence came like a fireworks finale inside her and, sensing Zooey had not climaxed yet, he increased the speed and pressure of his battering ram. Just before it would be irrevocably broken, it was Zooey's turn to cum. While hers was an hymn of bliss and wonder, there was a smattering of pain for Lawrence, so their duet had scaled from a major chord to a minor one; but it still was music.

When both were slightly rested, still spooned over the recliner, Lawrence gently picked her up and carefully made his way to the bathroom with Zooey in his arms. Zooey was still breathing quickly, but her question could not wait. "Baby... how... can you... love me... this much?"

He kissed her softly on her forehead. "How could I not, darling? Are you hungry? Have you eaten dinner?"

"I'm famished... but it's getting late..."

"It's fine... I have spaghetti sauce in the freezer. You make sure that your ravishing vagina remains squeaky clean, I'll get cooking right away."

"You are just so adorable, baby... thank you."

Zooey needed a couple of minutes to cleanse herself and also to store the few cosmetics that she had brought along for this impromptu trip. When she came out, she was bedazzled by the scene playing out before her.

"Wow! Baby... nothing says domestic bliss like watching your better half cook pasta in briefs!"

"Ha ha! Thank you, sweetheart... in truth, I feel more like your better third, but your appraisal is duly noted."

"Stop that nonsense, honey... you keep on rocking my world."

"And you, mine... careful, I'm about to drain the pasta..."

Lawrence served Zooey on his work table and he now realized that he was totally unprepared for double occupancy.

"Mmmh! This is delicious... but... what are you doing, baby?"

"Looking for something that will double as a pillow; I only have one..."

"Never mind that, baby, come near me, please; we'll just wing it for tonight and tomorrow, I'll go do some shopping while you work... really... come on! Have a bite to eat."

"Mmm... nothing says domestic bliss like being fed pasta by your better half..."

She handed him the fork. "I agree, baby... your turn..."


The first morning was a revelation for Lawrence, as Zooey was already active in the kitchen when he woke up. After breakfast, she stayed close by to study him while he shaved and she chose the pair of socks he should wear with his uniform.

It was now time to go for Lawrence. "OK, honey... here are the keys to the Sub if you need it; there are two shopping malls within walking distance, and one has a DeSerres arts supplies store if you catch a creative itch."

"Got it." She kissed her man good morning. "Be careful, baby."

Lawrence kissed her back. "Promise. I finish at 2h PM, I'll walk straight home. I love you."

"I'll be here, honey..."

By pure instinct, Lawrence entered his apartment very quietly upon returning from his shift. He found Zooey sound asleep on their bed, surrounded by shopping bags full of her morning bounty. He also saw an easel, set up in front of the recliner, with a canvas that was still blank.

As tempted as he was to just watch her sleep or do something foolish, such as attempting to draw her, Lawrence quietly changed into interior clothing and set about preparing supper, a task made more enjoyable once he realized Zooey had also been grocery shopping. He chose to download a recipe for Lapskaus, the Norwegian version of a beef stew, and got to work. Lawrence guessed, correctly, that he had a couple of hours in front of him.

Zooey woke up and smelled an aroma which roused her wide awake. "Mmmm... Mooom?"

"Now THAT is a compliment!" Lawrence gently chuckled, closed his cooking pot, and walked over to the bed. "Did you sleep well, honey?"

Remembering an earlier conversation, Zooey answered with a shy smile. "Like an angel. Your cooking smells delicious, baby... what time is it?"

"Early enough... about 3h30PM... I don't think the beef will be tender enough for a 4 PM dinner, but it won't be long after." He kissed her softly and caressed her cheek.

"You must have really tip-toed in on your return."

"Yes, I guessed that you didn't sleep much last night, either due to adrenaline, creative drive or lack of comfort... anyway, I'm really happy that you have made yourself at home."

"I'm with you, baby, so I AM home. I wish I had your talent at explaining things and feelings: I would make it so clear just how comfortable I am here. I'm almost sorry you're letting the lease expire."
