The Rarest Treasure


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"Mmmm! I can really get used to this, sweetheart... how is your Saturday so far?"

"Instructive..." Zooey had looked for the right word.

"Annnnd just what did you learn?"

"To give my mother a huge raise! All these years living with her, I've never realized how hard keeping house could be!"

"Really? Tell me all about it..."

"Well, I woke up and ate the breakfast that you so lovingly left for meee; thank you for the beautiful note, by the way. Then I wanted to paint and have fun with the stereo-thingy... and I saw the huge pile of dirty linen. I've spent half the morning in the laundry room. After that it was the dishes, and then I prepared myself a soup for lunch... that made more dishes. Then I talked to mom online for a little bit, telling her that I'm sorry I took all that work of hers from granted, and now you're home and I still haven't painted yeeeeet!" On that last complaint, Zooey sounded like an unhappy 4 year-old.

"What's the problem? There's plenty of daylight left... why don't you paint?"

"But... you're here..."

"And we are currently living together, which is amazing, but which also means sharing and adapting routines." Lawrence took a quick survey of the apartment before carrying on. "Honey, thank you for all your hard work: the place looks fabulous! Now, it's your turn. Don't waste inspiration on my account, I would feel awful."

"But what about you?"

"What about me? You didn't throw me out of the house! I will stay near you... I will certainly watch you work for a while, because I've never seen how a painter paints before... you will test my overhead lamp and tell me if it is bright enough and white enough for you to paint in nighttime and, if needed, I will buy additional lighting. I will kiss my adorable and very sexy w... woman good night and I will have the best dreams ever!"

"Are you suuuuure?"

"What is the first thing I've learned about you? That you need to LIVE. So, let's live. Besides, I've been walking funny all day, to the great amusement of guards and shoppers alike. I hope that my scorched loins will have cooled down by tomorrow..." he gently kissed Zooey on her forehead.

"I thought you sat all day in a control room..."

"That's true when I close, which will begin again on January 2nd. These days, I'm covering for agents on Holidays vacation and I open, which means I patrol afterwards... I walked 14 km with two raging fires in my underpants today!"

"Houuu, you poor baby, hi, hi!" They kissed again, tenderly. "You really are too good to be true... thank youuuu."

Lawrence understood that he was now dismissed for the evening, which pretty much went according to his prediction. Zooey was very pleased by the quality of his overhead lamp, so he stayed home, near her. He warmed yesterday's leftovers for dinner and also brought her a bowl of cereals and a coffee before bedtime. He went to sleep thinking he could not be any happier.

She was still painting when he woke up, early on Sunday morning. "Wow! You're really into it!"

"Oh hi, baby... are you up for work? I could take a break..."

He kissed her on the head. "Naaa... bathroom break. The week-end shifts are 9h AM to 5h PM, so I can rest a little more... but maybe I'll be sent home early, like I was yesterday. Shopping is usually down after Boxing Day."

Zooey briefly turned her head with a tender smile. "That's good... see you later."


"Honnneeyyyy, I'm... wow!"


"I... don't believe I've ever seen you in jeans and t-shirt before, Zooey... I like it! You look good enough to eat!"

"Speaking of which... go change; I'm starving and I'm taking us out to dinner tonight."

"Aye aye, captain... and thank youuuu!" Lawrence proceeded to pick a pair of jeans and t-shirt of his own - of those, he had plenty - and quickly changed, with Zooey supervising the operation nearby.

"How was your shift? I see you worked the full period today..."

"Well, and calm; Vince sent Peterson home early today... to be fair on the hours."

"I see..."

"I'm sorry for the late dinner." The fact was that Lawrence was getting accustomed to a 4h PM dinner. "Where would you like to go?" He was putting on fresh socks; he was almost ready.

"I'm torn..." Zooey smiled, knowing she was in for it.

"But of course!!! Between where and where?"

"There's a Red Lobster in Ottawa - we don't have any in Montreal - but I'm also craving for the Phoenix's lemongrass beef."

"Then I'll make it real easy for you, so we won't have to play rock-paper-scissors for it: The Red Lobster is 35 minutes away by car and crowded. The Phoenix has opened a venue right here on Greber, so we could walk there. For the same expenditure, we could probably buy enough food to last us until the end of the Holidays period, so come on... put your boots on."

Zooey was not used to hear Lawrence so commanding before. "Yesssssiirrrr!" She realized that she liked it.



"You really still play rock-paper-scissors? At 25?"

"Absolutely... best way to resolve a two-person quandary; and, just between you and me, I'm a sucker for the rock..."

Zooey giggled; they were actually discussing rock-paper-scissors strategy. "Why?"

"Helloooo, petrography expert here!" he kissed her and they walked out of the apartment.

They were walking, hand-in-hand, in this early night sky of late-December. Zooey was very wistful. "I like this weather... it reminds me of Leknes."

"Is it really like this?"

"Pretty much... but at this time of the year, it's been dark since 2h PM - we had only six hours of daily sunlight."

"I see."

Zooey was surprised. "Usually, people don't believe me... you know, some of the Montreal winters have been a lot colder than my memories of youth; but, of course, YOU are not usual people."

Lawrence took a fake snob accent. "Indeed, my dear... I know about the impact of the North Atlantic and the Norwegian currents on the arctic weather of your homeland..."

Zooey dumped snow inside Lawrence's winter coat. "You big nerdy! What I am going to do with you?"

"Stuff your face in lemongrass beef and enjoy every second of it... we're here."

The meal was fabulous, both the food and the company, and Lawrence was keen to take advantage of the fact that tonight, Zooey seemed inclined to talk about Norway.

"Zooey, when we finally get to talk about forever, will we include Norway in the discussion?"

"What do you mean, baby?"

"Will you want us to return there?" Zooey stopped eating.

"I don't know..." she said that, lost in thought, and Lawrence had no idea how to proceed. He chided himself for always asking too many questions at once.

"Well... it was a thought... I just hope I didn't spoil our evening."

"I'm sorry, baby... I... it's just... Norway IS the reason why I have a problem with forever."

"OK. Have you talked to your parents about it? Recently, I mean..."

"How could I..."

"If you allow me the suggestion, in an area where I am dangerously at the limit of my business, live by your creed and don't assume. Your mother, for one, is quite willing to talk about it. Maybe your father will also be..."

"You talked to mom about this?" Now, Zooey was on the verge of being upset.

"Please don't be mad... I don't remember how our chat drifted there, on that Tuesday night when I was waiting for you; but it did. And where you obviously feel abandonment, I saw a sad and heartbreaking sacrifice..."

"How come?"

"Well... I'm a romantic, I suppose... and I also notice that, for all these years, your mom has not remarried or even dated... and she believes it is the same for your father... but you certainly shouldn't take MY word for it."

"Huh... well, thank you, Larry. This is evidently some very sound advice."

"Mmm. You're welcome... you should eat, while it's still warm."

"What's the rush? We're bringing at least half of this back home, hi, hi!!!" Her smile was back, Lawrence was relieved and ate a mouthful of seafood in egg noodles.



"You would really follow me there... if I asked, I mean..."

"Of course." His answer was said with finality and without a hint of hesitation.

"How can you be so sure?"

"That one's easy, especially considering that, in our couple, we have spent far many more days apart than together. Baby, I am miserable without you. And, coming from an only child who has always lived very well by himself and with himself, that's saying something..."

Lawrence seemed exhausted by this open-heart confession. Zooey, on the other word, was drinking his words and wanted more.

"Go on... please..."

He took a deep breath and carried on. "I remember what you told me once... that I should be my own man. You were right. I'm younger than you, after all, and I've not nearly lived as much. I wasn't sure back then, I remember thinking that maybe you just wanted to ditch me..."


"But I know better now. So, my first life is almost complete, and I have no real idea of how I want to live my second life - I have options, mind you, in this I am lucky - but the ONE certitude I have is that I want to live it with you and near you. The rest, geography included, is all a bunch of variables... so it goes without saying that they can vary."

Zooey wanted to lighten the mood and did her best Donald Pleasence imitation. "You only live twice, Mister Bond."

"Exactly... and I don't want to screw it up."

"That's why you want us to talk about forever?"

"Yes... because when I'm ready to ask, and I ask, I want you to say yes, baby..."

"And then what?"

"Then we work at keeping the promise. And it IS hard work. I have a great example in my parents and I know that living forever is no picnic. There will be disagreements, there will be fights and there will probably be hard times at some point, like it is for Duchess; so we cherish the good times - like this amazing time we have now - and we hope and we work for some more."

"Is that why you almost called me your wife yesterday?"

Lawrence turned deep red. "Y... yes... I hoped you hadn't noticed... sorry..."

"Babe, you apologize too much... I felt all fuzzy wuzzy when you almost said that."

"I see. Well, the apologizing thing is, would you believe, a fatherly advice?"

"Get out!"

"No, it's true. His three rules for a young groom - which he told me when I last... you know. One: always say Yes dear to any couple's discussion; two: know that, in the cosmic scheme of things, whatever happens will always be your fault, so always be ready to apologize; three: take a holiday from each other."

"He really said that?" Zooey was all smiles.

"Yup... now, the two first rules are obvious cliches, the third he actually supported with statistics! Married couples where the husband goes on hunting or fishing trips last, on average, ten years longer in Canada. I checked it out..."

Zooey guffawed. "Well then, I suppose our union is guaranteed to succeed! And on that happy note, why don't we pack all this food and see if my hero can make love to me tonight... before I resume painting your little corner of heaven."

"You call my cubicle heaven?"

"Larry, look at me..." her eyes were now deadly serious. "I have never been so happy anywhere."

"Same here... so let's go celebrate that. Right now. I love you, Zooey Nummi."

"And I'm crazy about you, Lawrence Linney." They kissed in agreement and promptly sealed all the food plates; nothing was left behind.

When they entered the apartment, Lawrence noticed that Zooey was slightly blushing and absent-minded.

"Honey, is everything all right?"

"Yes, yes, of course, baby... it's just... I have something to ask... it's a little embarrassing..."

"Please ask." Lawrence was trying to read Zooey's expression, half playful and half guilty.

She did while storing all the food in the refrigerator. "Well, you know, when we last had sex, it was... huh... grandiose... titanic even... but, you should know... I don't always expect it to be... that much... you know?"

Lawrence laughed so hard that the neighbors must have heard. "Zooey, are you telling me that you want a quickie?!?"

Never had Lawrence seen her blush so much. "Do you mind?"

"Come here, my adorable muse..." and Lawrence opened his arms. She joined him and they both kissed, signaling the opening of their evening tryst. The message was clearly transmitted by their playful tongues mingling. Lawrence was almost intoxicated by Zooey's aroma, a mixture of lust, lavender, lemongrass and onions. They caressed and made no pretense of foreplay: Lawrence was caressing Zooey's breasts while she was softly fondling the bulge in his crotch.

When Zooey realized that Lawrence did not flinch or feel any pain from her caresses to his loins, she led him to their bed and quickly undressed. Lawrence, bedazzled, followed suit and laid down beside her.

"I love you, you sexy man of mine... let me see if your pillar is ready." Lawrence raised his head and saw nothing but blonde hair in front of him; he suddenly felt the sweetest and warmest of velvety contact on his glans. Zooey cooed in appreciation and gently engulfed his glans, kept it between her lips while her tongue caressed it from all angles, and then began her loving journey down on his shaft. She kept her descent agonizingly slow to fully savor the passage of his flesh on her lips. Her tongue was confirming the rigidity of the base vein and Lawrence could imagine it, gorged and deep blue. He knew he was rock-hard in her mouth.

Zooey pulled away her lips after the upward journey, softly blew on his wet shaft to excite it some more, kissed his balls and then proceeded to retrieve her lubricant. That's when Lawrence pounced on her; he was all over her breasts, hands, lips and teeth. Zooey had a difficulty concentrating on her task and mockingly protested. Lawrence did not care a pee wit and was busy extracting his milky bounty. After drinking the two precious droplets, he was literally smothering his face in her cleavage and using his hands to perform a loving ritual that was between a fondling and a massage.

"Honey... I... I don't think you understand... the concept of the quickie..." but Zooey was won over and was now grabbing his head and steering Lawrence's tongue all over her mounds. By the time he was relieved of that duty, not a single speck of skin was without saliva on her ample bosoms and her breathing was shallow and excited. "Now... baby... please..."

Zooey spread her legs and offered herself with eyes full of lust. Lawrence whispered "I love you..." and pressed his glans in front of her small lips. If he would live to be 100 years old, Lawrence knew he would always be enthralled by the warm glide of his shaft inside her lubricated pussy. And Zooey, who instantly screamed in delight, seemed no different.

Lawrence began a soft, slow and languid lovemaking; he also kissed his beloved with burning passion. But tonight, Zooey needed that passion on her breasts and she began steering his tongue, and teeth, there once again. Lawrence did obviously not object. He supported himself on his elbows to free his hands and became fully devoted to arousing her massive mammaries; the pumping motion from his gorged shaft was on autopilot and his glans kept on slowly titillating Zooey's insides.

Zooey was awash in pleasure and realized, to her amazement, to even during a so-called quickie, Lawrence wanted her to climax; and he was succeeding. She pressed his head so hard in her cleavage that Lawrence had a hard time breathing and she howled in ecstasy from the gentle and loving stroking of his other hardness.

All this time, Zooey did not speak; she just leisurely let her throat moan her satisfaction and her joy. But now, near climax, she reverted to speed-talking.

"Ohmygod-baby-you're-so-good! Keep-going-keep-going-keep-going! Oh YESSS! I-love-you-baby-I-love-you-I-love-you! YESSS!!! I'M CUMMMMIIIING!!! HONNNEEEEYYY!!!"

She buckled, she trembled, and she seemed possessed by her own orgasm. Lawrence was still smothered in softness and keeping his lovemaking steady. When Zooey regained some of her wits, she raised Lawrence's head so that their eyes would lock in their loving gaze.

"Oh, baby! That was so amazing! Cum now, baby! Cum in me! I want it, I want it, baby! I love you! Please yourself now, come on... cum in meeee!" Lawrence was completely spellbound by the invitation in her eyes and his cadence increased; so did the strength of his thrusts. "THAT'S IT!!! YES, BABY! HARDER! CUM! CUM IN MEEEE, BABYYYY!"

"Yes... honeyyy... love youuuu..." and Lawrence was silenced, while Zooey was moaning in delight from the feel of spurts of cum inside her.

Now, they could kiss. And despite the quickie being over, neither wanted the kiss to end. When Zooey finally did, she sounded sad. "Baby... I'm torn..."

"Mmmm, mmmm..."

"I have this urge to paint... but you... you... how can you be so good to me?"

Lawrence had a lazy, elated smile. "Then let me help you, sweetheart. I get up early tomorrow morning... so shoo! You go paint and remember... I love you..."

"Thank you, baby... for everything... tonight was fantastic..."

"It was... it still is... good night, baby."


Lawrence woke up and managed to let Zooey sleep on her side of the bed. He was getting good at it. He admired her painting, which he thought was near completion, and then prepared an omelet sandwich for her breakfast. When he went into the bathroom, he chuckled at the sight of two dilators drying, outside of their box, over labels marked HIS and HERS. He whispered "ultimate sex machine" and went about his morning ablutions.

Zooey was eating her breakfast when the phone rang; it was his ringtone.

"Hey baby? Everything OK at work?"

"Hello sweetheart... did I wake you?"

"No, noooo... I'm eating breakfast. So what's up? You don't usually call while on patrol..."

"Yeaaa... but I need your OK on this. Vince asked me to take a double shift; somebody booked off for tonight's closing. Now, my sleep interval will be below eight hours, so I'm legally free to refuse..."

"What would be your schedule?"

"I finish at 2h PM, come home for a quick nap and start again for a 6h PM to midnight, then my final shift tomorrow at 7h AM to 2h PM, before we go back to your place. I would probably nap there as well in order to avoid being a zombie at midnight."

"Do you need the money?"

"Well, I'm going on a trip to Italy soon... the extra 125 $ would be nice..." Zooey flinched.

"Take the shift, honey."

"Are you sure? Will you be okay in what you call heaven?" Lawrence scoffed.

"Absolutely... plus I have the keys to the Sub and a couple of projects in mind. Let's do this, sweetie."

"OK then... thank you for understanding, baby... I love you so much..."

"I happen to have a VERY good teacher in amazing support. I love you too, babe. See you tonight and take care..."

"I will. See you tonight, honey... and thanks again."


"Zooey!!!" Lawrence was returning from his last shift of 2019; he had not seen Zooey awake for the last 24 hours, and even that had been a mere glimpse before she had left the apartment to run some errands.


"I'm no expert, but this is not a maintenance trim: you had a haircut!"

"Yes, baby... I shopped around to find a hair stylist whose work I liked yesterday afternoon, while you napped, and I had the deed done this morning. Do you like it? I think they're still long enough for me to hypnotize you with my famous hair swing!"

Zooey swung her hair and, indeed, the desired effect was achieved and Lawrence was stupefied. Her laughter was musical. She had her hair thinned and cut at breast level; it remained long full hair by any standard, but Lawrence saw a huge impact.

"I like it, Zooey... a whole lot! It looks really, really good on you and... huh... it streamlines your silhouette - can I say that? But why? And why now?"