The Real Estate Connection Ch. 03


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"Ready? Let's do it!" I swung in through the doorway in a crouch and moved into the entranceway with my gun up ready to fire. A quick glance behind told me that I was in good company. Lee was covering me from the other side of the foyer. Instinctively I felt safe with him. We both moved smoothly, silently and swiftly through the house until we hit the kitchen.

The alarm installation guy was on his back across the island in the middle of the kitchen. His throat had been cut in the traditional Colombian fashion known as the Colombian necktie. Blood had pumped in gouts from his torn, ruined throat and had coated most of the surfaces nearby in a gaudy arterial spray. My only consolation was that he showed no obvious sign of torture which meant that he had given up the alarm code quickly. His death had been fairly rapid and completely unnecessary. The blood had darkened as it cooled and dried, leaving reddish brown streaks and pools all over the kitchen. I looked across at Lee and saw him swallow repeatedly. He was trying hard to retain his lunch, and a small part of me said that it was a reaction I wish I could have experience. The truth is I was too used to sights like this for it to be any shock to me at all. Lee was staring at the corpse in horror. Using hand signals I told him to stay where he was and quickly moved off to clear the rest of the downstairs area. Within minutes I was certain we were alone in the house but I still had to check the upstairs area to make sure. Ducking back into the kitchen I found Lee talking quietly but animatedly on his radio. He was summoning reinforcements. Not a bad idea considering what we were dealing with. He still looked pale and shocked but had a grim look of determination on his face. He was good to go.

"Downstairs is clear. We still need to check the upstairs rooms. You up for it?" With a nod he was at the doorway. The man had guts in large doses. Checking the rest of the house took only a few minutes. As I expected, the rest of the house was clear. Wordlessly we made our way downstairs and outside. As we emerged from the house into the waning evening light, I could see that the reinforcements had arrived... en masse. Uniformed and heavily armed cops swarmed all over the yard. The driveway was choked with police and coroner's vehicles. My friends huddled in a small forlorn band next to the Bronco. Sliding my gun into the waistband at the back of my pants I walked over to them.

Stevie flung her arms around my neck and held me tight, her face buried in my chest. I held her tightly for a few moments then gently disengaged.

"Are you guys still happy to be around me? Simmons and the alarm guy from this morning are both dead. Murdered by the folks who are after me I think. You guys have to be sure that being around me is worth the risk. I can't guarantee your safety either way. Maybe your best shot would be to go to ground. Get police protection... although I'm not sure that you will be given a choice there."

There was silence for the longest time, then Becky spoke up.

"Craig we're in this whether we like it or not. It's something that has happened and it's not going to stop until this bastard is dead is it? We know that you didn't want this. We know that you'd stop it if you could. We also know that the cops have to act within the framework of the law, and that you can sort of circumvent a lot of the rules. We have talked about this and we figure that we will be better off with you. Is that okay with you big guy?" A quick look at the faces before me confirmed that they were all of the same mind.

"Okay then. I have to go downtown with Lee and sort this out. I want you guys to come with us. While we're at the police station, I want you all to apply for a permit to carry. I want you all armed all the time. In the meantime, I'm going to call in a couple of favours. I'm going to get us some extra protection. Sometimes it's good to have friends in low places. I heard that an old friend of mine, Glenn Barrett, is in the security game. I might look him up and see if he can help out."

Lee joined us a few minutes later and agreed that permits to carry would be a good idea. He made no mention of the gun he'd seen me with but I knew the subject would be coming up. Especially since I was a suspect and Simmons had been killed by a bullet to the brain. The trip to the police station was a sombre drive accomplished in complete silence. Once there Lee separated us and put us each in an interrogation room. This was sound police practice and I knew that it wouldn't take long to establish that I couldn't have had anything to do with Simmons death or the death of the alarm guy. I felt bad that I didn't even know his name.

It didn't take long before Lee walked in and shut the door. He was carrying two mugs of coffee and looked a lot more relaxed than when we had arrived. Passing me a mug he sat, pulled out a pack of cigarettes, and lit up with an engraved Zippo. The smell of the smoke triggered a desire I had buried for a long time.

"Can I have one of those? I gave up about 5 years ago but at the moment I could really do with one." He grinned and passed me the pack and his Zippo. As I lit my smoke I admired the Zippo. It was silver and had the Marine Corps crest engraved on the side. Something about the lighter touched off a chord in the back of my mind but I couldn't quite get hold of the associated memory. As I slid the cigarettes and lighter back across the table to Lee he spoke.

"The others have given you a rock solid alibi for the day, but I want ballistics to run a round from that Beretta you were carrying earlier just to make sure. I'm getting pressure from all sorts of people to throw you all in lock up until we can sort this out. Can you give me a good reason why I shouldn't do just that?" I took a long drag on my smoke before answering him.

"Logic says you should lock us up but preservation demands that we go free. Lee these folks don't fuck around as you've already seen, and they have almost unlimited resources to use to get at us. If we're locked down we're sitting ducks. I've got a few resources myself and a couple of friends who might be able to help out. Buddy the last thing I want is more bloodshed but one way or another it's going to happen. My main concern is to keep Stevie and the others safe. Trust me when I say that this would be the best way. We need to be able to move when we have to. Besides... if we are out of the town area there is less risk to any innocent members of the public."

Lee looked at me thoughtfully then rose and left the room without another word. I sat and smoked and drank my coffee while waiting for his return. The coffee tasted like shit but I welcomed the heavy caffeine dosage. It had been another long day. Lee returned after about half an hour and sat down heavily. I could tell he wasn't happy.

"Okay Craig... we're cutting you guys loose. I've talked to my superiors and to Stevie, Becky and Matt. It seems like it's unanimous. They all say you'd be safer on the outside." He paused and lit a smoke, passing the pack and lighter across unasked. I lit another without comment and waited for him to continue. "Craig you had better be fucking sure about what you're doing. These people are friends of mine... Christ, Becky is my cousin! If you're hot dogging and something happens to them, I'll cut your balls out! Is that clear?"

"It's clear." There was no point in getting upset with what he said. He was right. He didn't know me from a bar of soap, and he was, in effect, entrusting the lives of his cousin and friends to me. I would have said the same if I were in his shoes. "Can we go now Lee?"

He sighed and stood. I got up as well. "Yeah you can go Craig but for God's sake be careful. If you need any help, call me. And I want to hear a regular update from you man. Understood?"

"Understood Lee. Look why don't you come out to the house sometime this week? You can check up on the security arrangements and we can get to know each other. Whatta ya say?"

"I'd like that. Catch you soon man. Hey we'll have to hang on to that gun of yours for a day or two. Can you lay your hands on another?" This was delivered with a wry knowing grin.

"I'm pretty sure I can find one lying around", I deadpanned back.

"I figured as much. Go on... get out of here. And be careful."

Stevie, Matt, and Becky were waiting in the booking area when I finally emerged. They looked about how I felt. Tired. The problem now was where we should go for the night. My house was still officially a crime scene and it would take a fair bit of cleaning before I would be able to move in again. A loud rumbling from my belly also reminded me that it was half past dinner time. None of us could be bothered cooking so after a brief discussion with my fellow fasters, we decided to try La Principessa's again. Then we would head to Stevie's place to settle in for the night. Before leaving for the restaurant, I loaded the other Beretta and slipped it into back of my pants. The drape of my jacket ensured that it wouldn't be too noticeable.

We managed to get a table at La Principessa's due mainly to Becky's unlimited supply of charm and the proprietor's great nature. As with our previous visit the food was magnificent and the service superb, and although the mood was hardly festive this time around, we all managed to relax and enjoy the dining experience. Still, something was bugging me about the whole interview with Lee. I couldn't help but think that it had been too easy to remain out of police custody. If I had been Lee there would have been no way I would have given up that quickly or easily. There were other agenda's at play here and I needed to find out whose agenda we were dealing with and what it was. I felt uneasy not knowing who all the players in the game were.

Our arrival at Stevie's house after dinner brought with it the final surprise of the day. Leaning on the trunk of a government sedan was Brian Carmichael, Deputy Director of Operations, CIA. A quick look around revealed no bodyguards but I was under no illusion that we were alone. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I realised we were probably covered by snipers.

"Stay in the truck." It was an order and they were smart enough not to question it. I got out and walked slowly over to Carmichael. We had actually got along quite well in the past but after the events of the last few day's I was taking nothing for granted.

"Gee Brian, if I'd known you were coming I would have dressed up a bit better. Right now you CIA types aren't in my top 40, so what do you want?"

Carmichael smiled and pushed himself up off the car. "Craig, I lost an officer today. An officer that came to give you a warning and got the shit kicked out of him in return. This officer died in your truck, at your house. I feel it's only reasonable that I come and talk to you about it."

"Talk to the cops. It's their investigation. Oh, and by the way... next time you have a warning for me, send someone I don't hate. You knew that Simmons and I had a history. You knew I hated his fucking guts! You fucking knew I was going to do my damnedest to kill the prick! Why the fuck did you send him?" I was almost yelling now and as I spoke I was advancing on Carmichael. He was backing up and trying to get around the car when I spotted movement in the shadows near Stevie's gate. I pulled up immediately and raised my hands, palms out. Nothing could surprise me any more, not even the sight of Hemi stepping out of the shadows with a drawn handgun at the ready.

"Short trip was it Hemi? Weren't you supposed to be leaving last night? And what's with the gun man? Are you going to use it on me?" I spun on my heel and looked into the shadows across the road. "Come on out Sam... where there's one, there's always the other." Sam stepped from the shadows sheepishly holstering his weapon as he did.

"You know... I'm sick of this shit. If you want to talk then come out to the house tomorrow morning. All of you. In the meantime, my friends and I are going inside and trying to put this shitty day behind us. And I figure the fact that you're here Carmichael, means that you need my help. If that's the case, you'd better assign these two as my permanent bodyguards. Goodnight gentlemen."

With that I turned, waved to the others to follow me and strode purposefully up the path to Stevie's front door. The man on a mission image was slightly spoiled when I had to stop and wait for her to bring the key which she duly delivered with a barely concealed giggle. Once we were inside she slammed the door and bust into laughter. Matt and Becky followed suit. I stood there puzzled until Stevie turned to me.

"Feel better baby? You're such an angry beast aren't you? Should I be scared of you lover?" she cooed as she ran a well manicured fingernail gently and teasingly down my cheek.

"Only if I don't get breakfast in bed tomorrow wench. And I want my eggs over easy!"

"I've got news for you tough guy... it's tomorrow already. I don't know about the rest of you but I need sleep. Shall we retire?" Hooking her arm through mine she pulled me towards her bedroom as goodnights were exchanged and Becky and Matt headed to the guest bedroom. This time Stevie remembered to shut and lock the door as we entered the bedroom.

I think it's fair to say that sex was the last thing on our minds as we tumbled naked into bed. Still it's amazing how biology can often overcome common sense. I lay on my back one arm around Stevie's shoulders as she snuggled into my chest. The warmth and closeness was enough until she threw her leg over mine, her warm silky thigh coming into contact with my flaccid cock. All of a sudden my little head was making a bid for Big head status and the sheets were starting to do a marquee impression. Stevie giggled when she felt my reaction.

"It looks like he's pleased to see me. I didn't think that you'd have the energy old man."

"Shut up and kiss me woman." I growled in my best threatening voice. The menacing effect was ruined by the continued expansion of my cock; however she complied with my order, her lips spreading softly over mine. Her hand drifted softly down over my stomach to cup and massage my balls. I wound my fingers through her hair, gently massaging her scalp as her fingers played havoc with my blood pressure.

"Lie back and relax honey." She murmured softly as she rolled on top of me. Legs spread either side of mine she slid her body back and forth, her moistening pussy leaving tracks of heat and dew on my skin. Her firm, round warm ass cheeks filled my hands as I pulled her gently against me, feeling my fully erect cock slot into her hot, wet pussy. We both moaned as she slid slowly down the length of my shaft, stopping only when our pubic hairs were meshed. We both stayed nearly motionless for the longest time. The only movements were the soft kisses we traded continuously. Soft loving nibbles accompanied by gently probing tongues. Then Stevie started to move. A slow sensual rocking movement followed by a wicked swivel of her lovely hips. She drew her knees up alongside my chest so she was straddling my hips and rode me slowly staring into my eyes. We both knew that this was a new step in our relationship. We made love slowly and silently with soft kisses and lots of gentle stroking. It took only a short time until I felt her start to spasm as she went into her orgasm. This triggered mine and we shudder together to out climaxes. Slowly she collapsed onto my chest where she lay panting.

After a few moments we disengaged and Stevie rolled over to snuggle back into my chest. Bringing her lips to mine for one last kiss she snuggled back in and murmured something so softly I couldn't quite make it out. I could have sworn I heard the word love though. Then she faded off to sleep.

As I lay there on the edge of sleep myself, the days events kept running through my mind. I finally had it figured. I knew why Carmichael, Sam and Hemi were here. And I knew why Lee had released us without so much as a thorough interrogation. By rights I should still have been down at the police station answering questions over and over. I had the answer now. It hit me just as I was dropping over the edge of the abyss into dream land. They needed us to draw out Montoya.

We were bait.

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KelteriserKelteriserover 7 years ago
still good

read 3 chapters now - this should be published as a novel - probably have to tone down some of the sex for general release though. But I think it is excellent

ArchReaderArchReaderalmost 9 years ago
A good story spoilt

A very good story spoilt by too much sexual action.

dairetodairetoover 10 years ago
Still loving it!

Awesome story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
All Is Forgiven , , ,Almost

Even Though U left us hanging with the "Educating The Capo" This "Adventure"is Ist rate in terms of Character Development, etc. Keep 'em coming!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
Keep them coming!!!!!!!!!!!

I am delighted that you are writing again. I like the stories that you have started and am waiting with much egarness for more chapters .

hifarhifarabout 20 years ago
keep it going

great story with lots of detail,it will be interesting to see how it ends.

John from Aus

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
Keep it going.

Yes we have had to wait a bit, but that doesn't matter. The story is superb, the detail intruiging, and the sex fantastic. How about Stevie for the sexiest female at literotica? Keep the story coming, we all want to see how it ends.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
Some seriously effective writing .. this!

Upon seeing this story as Ch 03, I immediately read the first two chapters. Captivating writing on a truly awesome topic ... and scale! Am now really keen to see how story continues. Don't worry about your absence kiwiwolf, looks as if you're really back and in control of this one now! :))

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
This story is turning quite grim

Make no mistake, I'm really enjoying the story. It's facinating to get a more real to life view of the drug war and insights into the mindset and survival tactics of someone that has to be on guard all the time. Oh, the violence was toned down as you said in the intro, but I've seen worse in my lifetime.

To be quite honest, the sex scene almost got lost amid the other problems. Which is to be expected, since staying alive does seem to take priority when danger threatens.

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