The Recruit


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'How many more times do I have to tell you? We didn't have sex, Helen.'

'Sure you didn't!'

'Look, and this is the truth, she'd had a bust up with her boyfriend and arrived here all upset. And I accompanied her to the toilet where she was sick, the night porter was in there too, so we couldn't have done anything even if we had wanted to. Yes, she was horny and yes, she did ask me to have sex with her, and I refused because of you two in here.'

'Yeah, sure.' She sighed and turned away, 'Men and their cocks, you are no different to Bill.'

'Hey, that's unfair, and you know it.'

Melissa interrupted, ''She is incredibly sexy, Helen, Tom did well to refuse her.'

'That's assuming he did!'

'Look.' I unzipped my pants and extracted my cock, Melissa's eyes widened, 'Would I still be this hard? Nothing happened, Helen. We agreed to touch each other to console her, that's all.'

'Hmm, console yourself more like it. I suppose you had a hard-on?'

'What do you think? I bet in your past you touched a hard cock or two but didn't sleep with the guy.'

'Whatever. Your a man, and you had to do what you had to do, but it's over with us.'

'Okay, suit yourself, I thought we had something going, you said so yourself.'

'So did I, but that's before you went off and fucked someone else. Anyway, FYI, I've just had the best orgasm ever and I'm knackered. You two do whatever you like, I'm going back to sleep. And to be honest, I don't care any more who you fuck, you're not the man I thought you were back in the office.'

With that outburst she clambered back into bed and turned her back on us with a big sigh.

'She'll come around, Tom,' said Melissa as she climbed into bed and I followed her. She grinned at me and whispered, 'I wonder what she meant by you doing whatever you like?'

'I think I can guess!' I smiled and pulled her to me, my cock jutting hard against her belly.

'I think you're amazing to have refused Mandy, I only know of one other person who has done so.'


'She told you?'

I nodded.

'Didn't you fancy her? Because I know I do, and when the time is right...'

'Of course, I did,' I put my lips to her ear, 'To tell you the truth, and please don't tell Helen, I did start to fuck her, but she fell asleep. A couple of strokes, that's all.'

'She fell asleep?... with this cock inside her? ...she needs her head examining!'

'She wasn't very well.'

Melissa shrugged her shoulders, 'I agree with you, one stroke or two doesn't count as a proper fuck, it certainly wouldn't if you did that to me. And what if you did fuck her for real, you're both single and it's a free world. And as for Eric, you should have carried on, he wouldn't have minded, he's gay, he would have stood guard for you.' She frowned, 'Just a minute, what was he doing in the Ladies?'

I told her about the mistake.

'That was silly. Why didn't you carry on in there?'

'I was so tempted, Mel, but she was sick, drinking too much. And anyway I fancied you even more.'


I slid my hand down to her pussy, she too was wet, 'Want me to prove it? Feel for yourself.''

She reached for my cock, 'At last,' she breathed, 'Fucking hell, this is a handful, how big are you?, let me guess.' She squeezed and stroked, 'Twenty centimetres?'

I laughed softly. 'You wish! That's what, eight inches? To tell you the truth, I've never measured, six inches more like it, it probably feels more because I have it on good authority that it's fatter than usual.'

'I don't care what size it is, I want it in me, Mandy's loss is my gain.'

'There's another reason I was hesitant, I suspected she was far younger than she looked.'

'How old do you think she is?'

'Well, she looked about nineteen, but I'm sure she's a helluva lot younger than that, you just can't tell these days, and I'm definitely not into underage sex.'

Melissa smiled, 'Then I have news for you, you are nearly six years out...'

I shuddered, 'Oh shit, I was right then.'

'Not that way, stupid. We went to school together, she's the same age as me, twenty-five.'

'No way!'

'Just as you said, you can't tell these days. So I guess you didn't fuck her for all the wrong reasons, huh?' She raised her eyebrows. I didn't answer. 'Never mind, I'm grateful really, all the more for me.'

Helen rolled over, 'If you guys are going to have sex, can you please do it quietly? I am trying to get some sleep here, I've been awake all night.'

'Lucky you,' I said.

Melissa sat up, 'I have an idea. Come on, Tom, let's do this on the sofa, look there's a blanket and pillows there already. Did you fuck Helen on there?'

'Nearly!' I grinned.

Still naked, we snuggled together on the sofa. There wasn't much room for two, but when it comes down to sex, anything is conceivable.

I moved on top of her and we kissed. 'Think we better wait until she is asleep,' whispered Melissa, 'I tend to get rather noisy. And besides, I need to wind down a little after what we two just did, or more to the point, what your Helen did to me.'

'Mmm, do tell.'

'Sorry, that's private. Tell me about you, Tom, it's nice to know who I am having sex with, I don't just allow any old cock inside me you know.'

'Less of the old please, what do you want to know?'

'Anything, your work, your sex life, your hobbies, whatever.'

'Sex is my hobby!'...Okay, here goes. I went to school at Kingston Grammar, then to Naval College in Plymouth...'

'So you are a sailor! Do you still have your uniform? I bet you got to fuck lots of girls.'

'No to the uniform, and yes to the girls, being in the Navy is a licence for sex, all the girls love a sailor and all that crap, but we did spend long spells at sea, so the sex made up for that I guess.'

'With all that pussy available why did you leave?'

'The old story, I got a girl pregnant. Francesca was bridesmaid at her sister's wedding, it was lust at first sight, we'd had sex even before the reception was over. The marriage lasted seven years.'

'Seven year itch, huh? What went wrong?'

'We just tired of each other, there was no spark any more.'

'Sex, you mean?'

'Yes, or rather the lack of it, Francesca went off it after the birth of our second child.'

'It happens, I was married too, but not as long as you, only two years.' She grinned, 'I liked sex too much, and he didn't, or couldn't, I never made up my mind about that one.' She sighed. 'You must have slept with many women, Tom.'

I was silent.

'What's wrong, did I ask the wrong question?'

'Sorry, I didn't realise it was a question, and to be frank, when women ask that I don't know what to answer...'

'Why? It's just a number. I'm not exactly a wallflower myself.'

'...if I say the real number, then women call me a sex addict...'

'And aren't you?'

'I don't know the real interpretation of that. And if I say too few, they won't believe me anyway.'

'Try me.'

I sighed, 'The wrong side of forty.'

'How wrong?'

'Forty nine, not counting you.'

'Wow, so I will be number fifty? Cool, bring out the champagne!'

'You don't seemed shocked?'

'Why should I be? I've had my fair share, and those boys in art college, that's a whole story on it's own.'

'How many?'

She shook her head, 'Let's just say not as many as you, and far less than I would have liked. Enough though to have shocked my parents if they knew, we like our sex in Spain.'

'Don't I know it!'

'You've obviously been there?'

'Barcelona, '94.'

'Did you have a good time?

'Oh yes!' I told her of the eighteen-year old Melita who couldn't wait to get her clothes off while my friend Martin fucked her sister in the next room, and that barbecue with the even younger Camilla after the fire had gone out.

'Naughty boy, how old were you?'

'I was only seventeen.'

Melissa grinned, 'That's okay then, was it a beach barbecue? They really are fun.'

'No, it was someone's private garden, everyone else, apart from my mate Martin and his girl, had gone inside.'

'Then you should have tried a beach barbecue, you can get as many as twenty couples all having sex on the sand.'

'You better take me to one then!'

'Sorry, Tom, it's only for teenagers, we would be out of place. Like you, I was only seventeen myself.'

I kissed her breast, she returned the compliment by stroking my cock, 'Tell me about your first time, Mel.'

'Why do men always want to know about that?'

'Because mine was special, I wondered if yours was.'

'Well, I had my first boyfriend when I was twelve...'

'Wow, and I thought I was an early starter, you beat me by two years!'

'Not that sort of boyfriend, silly, my dad would have had a fit, I waited until I was seventeen for that, just before the beach thing, I was a good girl. It was all nice and official, my mum and dad went away for the weekend and Mario and I had the house to ourselves for the first time, so we made the best of it.'


'And what?'

'What was it like, the first time?'

Melissa smiled, 'It was lovely, despite what all my friend's warnings that it would be horrible, I enjoyed every single minute of it. I think that Mario being a few years older had a lot to do with that, he'd been with a few girls already. What about you? It sounds as though you were an early starter.'

'Fourteen, I was caught wanking in a tent.'

'I like watching a man do that.'


'Yes, there's something very basic about it. Can I watch you?'

'What, now?'

'Yes, why not? While we wait for Helen to go to sleep.'

'Only if you do it too, Mel.'

She smiled, 'Try and stop me!'

'Me too!' said a voice from the bed, 'I think I will stay awake for a little while longer.'

I swung around, Helen's throat was flushed, it was clear her fingers had not been idle while Melissa and I softly talked.

'You've suddenly changed your attitude,' I grinned.

'Nothing's changed, Tom, but what's to stop me having my own fun? I've never seen another woman masturbate before. So just ignore me and carry on.'

'You want us to come back into bed with you?' said Melissa.

'No, because I will get involved and I am a little too tired for that, I'm not used to all this sex, in fact I'm not used to it at all! So what are you waiting for? Get on with it.'

Mutual masturbation is not new to me, in fact my first girlfriend Carol asked for a repeat performance soon after my very first time with her, and I wasn't at all embarrassed, in fact I made a great exhibition of it, never forgetting the look on her face when I shot my load high in the air, but this morning I felt really awkward, and later on Melissa shared the same thought.

I put it down to down to being watched by a third party, scrutinised even. But the sight of Melissa's naked pussy for the first time spurred me on, her pubic hair, neatly trimmed into a small triangle, pointed like an arrow to a pair of pink lips, no doubt still moist from Helen's earlier attention.

'Can you turn around a little, Tom, I've never seen a guy do it either, not for real anyway, I may as well watch you too.'

'Fuck me,' said Melissa, 'Where have you been all your life, Helen?'

'I told you, I've been married.'

Making a great show of it, I stroked my cock as I watched the Spaniard start to finger herself. Behind me, I sensed Helen was doing the same.

'Do you do this very often?' she asked Melissa, 'Masturbate, I mean?'

'Every day, Helen, sometimes twice, what about you?'

'Funnily enough, not very much, even though Bill hasn't been fucking me, I've been too tired. Then along came Tom here and suddenly my pussy woke up.'

'I suppose it's no use asking you, Tom?'

'Shall we just say that orgasms are supposed to be good for the blood flow, and I like to take very good care of my heart!'

Melissa laughed, 'Looks like most of your blood is in your cock, Tom!'

A moan came from the bed, 'I want to cum,' Helen declared without any warning.

'Wow, that's quick,' I said.

'You can thank me for that,' grinned Melissa, her fingers a blur on her own clitoris.

I squeezed some pre-cm from my pee slit, lifted a drop with my finger and pressed it to Melissa's lips. That was enough for her, her body started to shake and she cried out, 'Oh God, I'm coming, I'm coming!'

I could have cum with them but I wanted to save it, and Melissa knew why. Immediately, she fell back against the cushions.

'Now I want you to fuck me please, Tom, I've waited nearly a whole day for this.' She looked across at Helen, 'You still okay with this?'

'Yes, I wouldn't have invited you in here if I wasn't.'

I frowned at Helen, 'So why is it okay for me to fuck Mel here and not Mandy downstairs?'

'Because you fucked her behind my back, that's why.'

'I told you I didn't fuck her. Tell you what, pass me my phone and you can ask her yourself.'

'Oh, so you got her phone number as well as her pussy then?'

'I have a better idea,' said Melissa, 'Why not invite her to join us like she suggested to Tom? You would really like her, Helen, we can have a foursome then, I haven't done that in ages.'

Helen sat back against the pillows and pondered. 'If what Tom says is true she will want to go with him. No, I don't think so, thank you very much, I am just happy the way we are.'

'In which case, do you mind if Tom and I carry on?'

'No, you go ahead, I'm exhausted, I'm going back to sleep.'

Melissa turned to me, 'Yes please.'

I returned her whisper, 'I thought you would never ask,' I grinned and softly kissed her lips.

'Come on then, I knew we were going to do this when Helen told me about you yesterday.'

Melissa was so wet that I slid into her effortlessly. She gasped. Helen giggled.

'How did you know? I only knew you fancied me when you served me my breakfast.'

'My pussy told me, she talks to me.'

'In which case...' I pulled out of her and slid down her body, sucking greedily on both nipples on the way. 'I would like to talk to her!'

'Oh God,' she gasped as my tongue teased open her slippery lips, 'This I love.'

'I love doing it. You ever heard of Alphabet Sex?'

She grinned down at me, 'Do I need to get a dictionary?'

'No, just a swollen clitty.'

'Mmm, I've always got one of those. I think I know what you are up to, go ahead and spell it out for me, Mister Graham, then I want you to fuck me doggy.'

Adjusting my hard cock beneath me, I inhaled the perfume of her sex and went to work, a task of great pleasure, if there is one thing I enjoy as much as fucking a woman, it's the great joy on her face when I bring her to orgasm with a tongue and finger combination. I knew Melissa would be no exception.

'Stop!' she suddenly said after a couple of minutes licking.

I lifted my head, my face wet from her juices. I wiped my mouth on the sheet, 'What's wrong?'

'Nothing's wrong, Tom, what you're doing is lovely, what letter are you on?'


'That's perfect, stay on that one please.'

I did so, and continued to trace out the letter up and down and across repeatedly on her swollen clit until she started to shake. I was ready for her when she groaned out loud and arched her back, that was the moment to slip a finger inside her and stroke her g-spot and another one into her ass.

'Oh fuck...oh fuck...oh fuck,' she screamed repeatedly as she came and I had difficulty holding her down. Her orgasm seemed to go on forever and as her wetness increased I knew she would be well prepared for my cock.

'Oh, Tom, that was beautiful.'

I licked my way back up her body, pausing to kiss her breasts, her chest was heaving as she tried to catch her breath, I could feel her heart pounding.

'My God, where did you learn to do that?'

I kissed her lightly on the lips, she sucked my tongue into her mouth, 'Mmm, you taste of me.'

'You like?'

'I love it.'

'I was taught by my sister.'

Her eyes widened, 'You fucked your sister...?'

Only in that dream, I thought with a wry smile.

'...shit, that's so fucking hot! And I thought I was the kinky one around here.'

'No, I didn't do that, but sometimes lying in bed listening to her having sex next door with her boyfriend often made me wonder what she would be like.'

'Did you masturbate?'

'What do you think?'

'Mmm, cool.'

'She told me that if I did Alphabet Sex on a girl I would be her friend for life.'

Melissa reached for my sticky cock, I was still hard, 'In which case I bet you have lots of friends!'

'There are a few satisfied women out there, I must admit.'

'I'm already one of those. How old is your sister?'

'Thirty-seven, two years older than me, been married and divorced twice, got one kid from each bloke and a third one from some dubious source she won't talk about. We had a younger brother too, called Simon, but we lost him to the Taliban.'

'I'm sorry.'

'That's okay, he died back here in Tooting hospital, he asked me to look after his wife and child and Francesca agreed to take them into our home, and I sold his car and settled his debts.'

'That must have been difficult for both of you.'

'It was more frustrating than anything else, Nesrin was Turkish and very beautiful, the way they are over there, and Fran and I weren't exactly getting on.'

'Did you sleep with her? I hear Turkish women are incredibly sexy.'

I grinned, 'Trust you to ask that! Yes, she was sexy and I did fancy her at first, we even nearly had a fling when Simon was still alive and away in Iraq, but I felt guilty and we stopped at a blowjob.

'Gradually I became used to her being around the house, she became more like a sister than a sister-in-law, although her casual semi-nudity I did find rather disturbing!'

'I can imagine. Living with you, I would have wanted fucking!'

I smiled and kissed her breast, 'If it had been you, I don't think I could have resisted. After about three months of her lounging around the house I suggested she get out and meet some new people and have some fun before the two of us did something stupid, there was enough electricity there between us to light up a small town.'

'And did you do something stupid?'

'Not then, no, she said she was still too sad to want to have sex just yet, then she surprised me in the kitchen one day after Fran had gone to work, "You not happy with Francesca, you deserve good woman for fucking."'

'What did you say to that?'

'Nothing, I was truly lost for words.'

'Why not? That sounded like an offer to me.'

'I was about to but Sedat her little boy came in, my nephew of course.'


'Opportunity missed, and perhaps just as well, not under the same roof as my wife.'

So things carried on as normal for another three or four months until one night she came to my bedroom, Fran was away at her mother's, Nesrin was wearing a nightdress, and it was far from opaque!'

'Wow! She wanted sex!'

'She came to say goodbye.'

'Sure! In a see-through nightdress?'

I nodded, 'Yes.'

'"Tom, I found man I want to be my husband and lover and father to Sedat."'

'"We are going to miss you." I said trying to hide my relief, her downright sexiness had been driving me bananas, masturbation had been the only thing stopping me from creeping into her bedroom.'

'Then she told me what I wanted to hear," I come to thank you, woman to man."

"Meaning?" Of course I knew!'

'"I know you and Francesca not fucking, you good man, good brother-in-law, you deserve good fucking."'

'Who doesn't!' said Melissa, 'Hint, hint!' She placed my hand on her pussy.

'"I do!" I grinned at Nesrin, it was pretty obvious what was about to happen here.'

'Were you hard?'

'You're damn right I was. With Fran away, I'd actually taken the opportunity to be looking at some porn on my laptop.'

'"I know you want fucking with me, even when Simon alive, so I come say goodbye with pussy for you.'"
