All Comments on 'The Renovator'

by BlackHeart93

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Schwanze1Schwanze1about 10 hours ago

WTF was THAT??? Started off fairly well and then it was like the author lost a bet and fucked up his own story. Nothing wrong with the writing but seriously...plot made zero sense.

OOAAOOAA1 day ago

Not enough BTB.... at all...

AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

I'd like to think that an editor would point out how your character being described as "mesmerized" as his daughter uses wank story language to tell about her mother's alleged rape, might take the reader out of the zone of suspended disbelief.

Pappy7Pappy73 days ago

So, she got stopped by hubby, instant gratification for being stupid and yet she still went to see Sancho because she felt she owed it to him. Drank too much, her choice. Went to his room, her choice and got fucked not raped. Too much of what she did was consensual for a rape charge to count except when presented here. That's like a girl claiming she was a virgin because a boy she fucked didn't count because she didn't like him anymore. Makes about as much sense. And, like one of the commenters here asked, why is there such an upsurge of cuck stories in this category lately? Do we need to add another category just for that, the not quite right male category?

Corny1974Corny19745 days ago

Didn't like the slapping, didn't like the reconciliation but very well written story.

AnonymousAnonymous14 days ago

its a bit confusing over the condoms makes no sense at all.

prato1992prato199214 days ago

Se viste como una puta y se lleva los condones para decirle al amante que no?

Y los mediodias que se reunió con él no hicieron nada?

Realmente el marido no puede creer eso

AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

Don't get it. She takes the condoms why? To prove she did not intend to have sex? She says she is raped but does NOT go for any test for date rape drugs? Yes, in a he said she said it would be a loss for her.

Lastly, she wanted to date a man and did have sex with the man. I would NOT take her back by any means. Marriage is over, she is damaged goods, move on.

Donovan7777Donovan777721 days ago

Yah know it’s all good but somehow I just can’t buy the condom explanation. Tell me again why she wasn’t going to fuck him and why the idea of sex with him wasn’t in her mind? Oh well??

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

It's about time an MC slapped his whore wife, but once would hsve been enough. Zane's words weren't maling a difference, but a shot across the bow sure gets someone's attention. Lastly, Bryce was an idiot. She's confused and hoes on the date anyway? Wirh the guy she plans on fucking? Then she's shocked he has hus way with her? Zane was too quick to forgive.

Your stories are well-written, but your MC's are pussies for taking back their disrespectful, narcissistic wives so easily.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I don't agree with a man slapping his wife but how is it right for a woman to figuratively slap her husband? Taking advantage of a husband like the wife in this story as she was IS slapping her husband. I don't care for how either character acted and see little difference. Thanks fore the tale.

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Excellent story with memorable characters. I really liked the fact that he admitted that he never liked his neighborhood which I have found that many people feel that way because of either aging or the neighborhood itself changing so it was nice to see someone be honest that way. My only problem with everything was striking his wife. I cannot condone nor accept hitting a woman unless she is threatening your life or has physically attacked you first and done actual damage. If she slaps you then let it go and walk away. You can get more of a rise out of her if you don’t engage and/or escalate. Some women look for a fight because they have issues and want to take it out on someone while others have been beaten as children and that’s the only real form of love they know because their thinking is that if someone is going to hit them then they must care about them otherwise they wouldn’t take the time and effort. Screwed up I know but unless they get therapy, they will not change and you will end up in a living hell if not jail for abuse. Five stars!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Good story other than one major point. Him slapping her twice. I'm sorry but however bad her behaviour was I can't condone that happening. I'm old enough to have experienced corporal punishment both at home and school so I'm not being a Woke here, it's just not justified. Other than that it's a very good story, one of your better ones. BardnotBard

MrBill323MrBill3232 months ago

Not usually a RAC guy but I enjoyed this story

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The severe slapping part certainly lowered my opinium of the MC. That and wifeys disregard and tupid assunption of hubbys character left me feeling little empathy for them both. But it's a free story, more than I could do, so good for you.

Ocker53Ocker532 months ago

She still meets with the bloke, still has dinner with him, still accompany him to his read like she originally planned, then supposedly the bloke take advantage of her and of course she is now innocent of all wrongdoing, is that about right? Not even close to believable ⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Both the domestic violence and the reconciliation show this author has a severely warped view of marriage. Hopefully, he/she is single and childless .

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Overly long with unrealistic dialog, and why do you find it so difficult to use a spell checker?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The point missed in a majority of these stories is how much flirting and sexual touching went on before and how long. That is a major factor.

60022Mallard60022Mallard3 months ago

Better with or without her?

No contest - with, in my book.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A divorce would of been better. She claims she was raped but she got her strange and now went back to cucky.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This was too contrived. Made little sense. Then the domestic violence. The (potential) rape. Technically by legal definition she could not give consent in the state she was in, but not possible to prove. Not to mention she went up to the hotel room of a guy she had been having a building emotional affair with. Nah. The reconciliation was too simple, too fast, and too trite.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos3 months ago

Like Zane, I probably grew up way too blue collar to consider slapping your spouse for stepping out on you "domestic violence". I think it's a matter of society always doing it's best to cater for the extremes. It's like how they tell parents not to spank their kids - they try to claim it doesn't work, but in actuality all they can say is "it's not more effective than..." whatever codswaddle they want to foist on you. Not only that, but they have statistical data showing that most kids would rather get a spanking than an hour long lecture or locked in a room in "time out" - hell anyone who grew up a boy knows that's the fucking truth. No, the reason why they advocate so strongly against it is because of the extremes - because of people who don't just swat their kids a few times in the ass for being little shits, but because SOME people are going to literally beat their kids. So, because of THOSE people, they take this stance that is really kind of nonsensical. Anyway, back to the slapping - I've been slapped more than once in my life and every time I can't say I didn't fucking deserve it. Hell, I've been full on punched in the jaw, dumped on the floor and kicked in the nuts and as painful as it was, I can't say I didn't deserve that either. Maybe the difference between me growing up a rough neighborhood outside of Detroit and someone from better circumstances is that I just lived most of my life knowing that life is brutal and will fuck you over through no fault of your own, so catching hands for something you DID deserve seems like less of a big deal. Maybe that's just it a matter of perspective. Anyway, I like the story because it was so brutally real - no villains, just emotional idiots. Bryce for being hornswoggled and then throwing herself to the lions and Zane for kicking her out, which he correctly surmised - is the incident that led to her being raped. After all, she did ask to stay and try to work things out. Sure, Bryce may have loaded the gun here, but Zane pulled the trigger, even unwittingly. I know a lot of people won't see things that way, but then again I guess a lot of people don't seem to think it's fair to take your lumps when you deserve them either.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

He's an idiot for helping his wife get dressed. But she's more of an idiot in thinking that he'd accept her night out. She's dressed to kill (& for sex!), drinks to extreme & winds up in the guy's hotel room after & during having sex. Not to mention the condoms she brought along. She was raped? Legally hard to say, tho I'd say things point to her not being so. Me personally? After what she did & how she's dressed, hell no!

That she's taken back after betraying her husband ON PURPOSE leads me to believe he's at least partially spineless. I'm not sure if I'd purposely believe everything the daughter said- not to say she's lying for her mother, but again, that she went to be with another guy & dressed.... Perhaps at least as bad, the guy got no retribution at all.

Taking her back? 1st, she needs tests for STDs. 2nd, she needs to agree on a) her phone/ tablet, whatever tapping (with him for at least some time in the future, devices to assure her whereabouts, & perhaps some spywear in his house WITHOUT her knowledge), & 3rd, a post nup. However, the reconciliation seemed to happen too fast.

This meeting with the asshole didn't happen without some prior preparation on both parts. Maybe even emotional cheating became a factor. Whatever, it's done behind her husband's back. 2 stars Bob

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19694 months ago

The reconciliation was too easy but I loved reading about an betrayed husband that lost control and became physical. Not that I condone violence, it just felt like the rage made the story have a treatment that would be authentic in some real spouses.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Nope. This one didn’t work out. Not enough resilience from the wife, not credible enough and the most important character was left out, that beautiful stripper named Karma who should have take care of the scumbag, hard.

Next one….


nixroxnixrox4 months ago

4 stars - it complies with the RAAC rules, BUT not quite good enough for a 5-star rating.

Although, she had a longer term emotional relationship with the ASSHOLE, plus she put herself in the position to be taken advantage of, as well as sucking down a shitload of alcohol. She also erred by going to the ASSHOLES hotel and his room.

So yes, she might have been raped, but there is no way to prove or disprove that statement. It could have just been the morning-after regrets of a stupid woman. She seemed both contrite and sincere in her apologies, and accept responsibility for her mistake.

I'd even give her a second chance, but not before she was tested and clear of all STDs and subjected to random STD tests for quite some time. I would also be super sensitive about her locations and activities for a very long time - including GPS tracking devices, video and audio surveillance.

chasbo38chasbo385 months ago

The wife's infidelity started when she went on her first date with the guy. It might have been a business lunch but she did not tell her husband about so it became more than a business relationship. His emotional relationship with her was over when she told him about the evening date. Getting dressed for sex and taking the condoms confirm that whether she admitted it to herself, she wanted to have sex with the guy. All the messages she was sending to her husband was that she wanted to have sex with guy. Sic transit gloria marriage !

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Worryingly rapey anons in the comments.


My biggest problem here was the speed of the reconciliation. It just felt a bit hollow, lacking in emotional realism. Nothing wrong with them reconciling but don't just do it as a bing bang bong, especially after everything that happened. There needs to be some serious apology from his side for being a drunken wife beater, and also from hers for being a clueless idiot. Simply saying sorry and making a few meals doesn't work unless we see real emotional turmoil inside the MC as he comes to reconcile his own emotions with his continuing love for his wife.

Of course, that we only see the meals and appolgy from the wife and not her own internal dialogue, we can only assume she'll be more careful if there's a next time.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Liked it up to the point he took her back. Look at the facts. She was going to sneak out to meet the asshole, dressed like a hooker. She sneaks the condoms into her purse then can't believe he gets pissed. She then meets the asshole anyway, gets drunk and fucks him all night. Sounds like she was going to fuck him no matter what. Any cunt this deceptive needs to be dumped permanently.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The second he hit her you just knew that wasn't the first time he's done that. In the real world she'd have called the police and the scumbag would have been taken to the cleaners.

SlithyToveSlithyTove5 months ago

Outside of the various issues surrounding the rape, some of which have been addressed in other comments, the change in tense from third person to first person ("I") which appears for only a portion of the time and is completely distracting, adds absolutely nothing to the story.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The MC is weak and indecisive. The wife was NOT raped. If a woman goes to a man’s hotel room with him, she knows what will happen. At every point she signaled her desire and consent. How she dressed, taking the condoms. Meeting a man alone. Drinking alcohol with him. Going to his room. Just because a woman regrets her choices later, doesn’t magically change the fact that she did CHOOSE to be with a man other than her husband. Changing her mind after the fact doesn’t make it rape!

The MC should’ve shunned the slut. Never see or speak to her again. Also, he needs to deprogram his daughter from the liberal insanity that the schools pushed on her!

For those who are freaked out by two slaps, get over it. She deserved much, much worse. For choosing another man over her husband and intending to go on a date, she should’ve been beaten until she could barely move. If she still went to the other man, then the penalty is death! Her body should be under the rose bushes at his next home project.


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago


Yet again

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The wife wanted to go on the date and was excited to have that erotic experience. She also wanted to get fucked so badly as evidenced by taking a whole strip of condoms with her. And guess what, she did get fucked. End of story. But if she is a good looking piece of pussy, what the hell.

Big_Tim99Big_Tim995 months ago

I do agree with Billy Ray Ban, if the wife is truly regretful it's alright to forgive her and take her back. However, if the wife isn't sorry for what she did, or was trashing her husband then no. You could forgive but never forget or trust her again.

Kernow2023Kernow20235 months ago

sorry poor story this time , rapist gets away scot free

Billy_Ray_BanBilly_Ray_Ban5 months ago

When reading… I took the two slaps as being similar to the kind used to snap people out the reverie playing inside their own heads. To snap them out of their “daydream” as it were. I did not attribute violent or abusive motives to them. Reading that part over again, it’s obvious that it was effective in bringing her back to reality. It at leased pulled her out of the fantasy. Although, she didn’t make great decisions afterwards. As for the husband? Either way he went - BTB or Reconciliation - he was gonna piss half of Lit off either way. LOL I can see good arguments on both sides. In the end, I don’t have a problem with Zane’s choice. He could see that his wife clearly recognized what she did was wrong and was remorseful. Her promise to never make that mistake again, and quitting her job. Zane would undoubtedly have her on a figuratively short leash for a while. Plus 30+ years invested? I can see why Zane went in the direction he did. 4/5 BRB

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Everything about this womans behavior, decisions,BEFORE that night, and after, do not bear the test of reasonable plausibility.

We're I on a jury she would absolutely see me siding with the defendant. Why? She did not call for help after the fact. She did not go to the ER for help

She did not call her daughter for help.

She should have gone to her daughter after he kicked her out, sought out her seduces instead. A man by now, given her husband's reaction, she should have avoided like the plague. Her daughter telling Dad she had a handful of condoms so she could test her resolve not to cheat is a complete prevarication. Her assumption that the MC was so "Liberal " he'd be cool with this is AT BEST,delusional. I'm totally insensitive to her emotional distress. He implicit victimized and expectation that, with a little apology and tears, everyone would forgive he pre-planned DECISION, to betray her husband.

I believe true rape, if FACTUALLY VERIFIABLE,is a crime so her heinous that it should carry 20 year sentence.

In today's climate, hiding behind me too, gynified political and judicial symstem where a man's guilt is automatically accepted WITHOUT PROOF we have reached the point of the Salem Witch Trials where the me are the witch. "INNOCENT until proven guilty, the bedrock foundation of our judicial system, no longer applies to males. You only have to look at the false rape allegation of the Yale student, the false rape charge by one woman at Duke University, the resent fraudulent rape allegation against a male celebrity,HUNDREDS more, require your self to expect some proof of the allegation. Since this is no longer considered necessary, or appropriate, HUNDREDS of men, perhaps thousand, have had their lives destroyed for the rest of their lives. I DO NOT propose to "put the woman in trial" but, again were I a juror, the woman had better have verifiable facts to support her before I send an innocent man to death. [A 10 year prison sentence for rape gives him NO CHANCE to rebuild his life. His only option is suicide; something being seen with increasing frequency of me accused of sexual harassment without proof.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

thanks for a story exhibiting a loving couple transtitioning through a rough time due to lack of communication.

mistakes can be innocent as well as contrived manipulation...i've known both kinds.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Hahahahhahahahahahhah!!!! Are you fucking kidding me? HAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHAHAH

I'm not trying to do any sort of victim blaming or anything, but I would have a trouble believing her about that "rape" story and I'm a woman! That makes me feel uncomfortable, it's like I'm questioning actual rape victims. =( But hear me out, I refuse to believe if someone was accused of rape, it would end that easily. They were at a restaurant and at a hotel, there must have been eyewitnesses; they could've checked if the asshole actually asked about rooms available, they could've asked if anyone saw him helping her to his room 'cause apparently, she was so drunk that she couldn't even walk (drunk person can not give consent); still, she was perfectly conscious to know at what moment she climaxed in her half asleep, half drunk state. Plus, I'm not an expert, but she doesn't exactly act as a rape victim would - she just acts guilty; I guess that kinda makes sense that victim blames herself, but I doubt she would be trying to win her husband back if she was an actual rape victim, she would feel too ashamed and too dirty to even try to confront him or look at him, especially after that warning and altercation. Also, why didn't she call her daughter to tell her she will be staying with her that night if she planned to as we are led to believe? Why did she even go to that dinner after confrontation and then proceeded to stay and get drunk? As someone said, she already had emotional affair and she definitely planned on having sex with him what with dressing sexy, vague answers, dinner date, dancing, condoms and that "I don't know what time I'll be home so, please, don't wait up for me". Let's not forget he came home early, so she was probably planning to leave on her date without him knowing at all.

Also, she has a minor in psychology and she was surprised when she found out slick salesman was just trying to get into her pants. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH She was also surprised by her husband's reaction and she spent half a life (if not more) with him. Wow, what a degree.

RePhilRePhil6 months ago

Not your best by a long shot. The price to shelve his self respect and dignity is a meatloaf!!! I always wondered why you writers do the narration in the third-party. I think it’s called instead of the main character doing the narration saying I did this or I was going to do that. Is there a point for the story that it needs to be a third-party not being a writer I need to ask this stupid question.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

"The two HR departments agreed that it was a 'he said, she said' scenario and it would be useless to try and bring Harvey up on charges."

And so the 'Rapist' gets away Scot Free??

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

She is damaged goods. No way do you stay with her and he is very lucky she did not call the cops and get him on domestic abuse charges.

PraetusPraetus7 months ago

The reconciliation is nice but falls a little flat. That roundabout logic with the condoms and then the rape; it's very VERY grey. She had an intention and likely would have stopped but she was a complete fool going and drinking with the man.

A suspicious person would say she managed to get her fling done then played for sympathy afterwards - some exploration of that would have been interesting and what if her lothario had been more charming the next day? Would she have felt vindicated? But it is very much a consent concern - she was a victim and shouldn't have placed herself there, but I can also see why she would have. What she maybe should have done was go, deliver her "no" then gone to her daughter. She still intended to do SOMETHING before being confronted but when she was no longer sure then it became messy around consent.

For the audience we never really see her thoughts on things so we can't be sure. Either way I think a divorce and a possible reconciliation later could have worked.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Ending so bloody predictable and plebian.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Nope, nope, nope. Wife was having an emotional affair and decided to take it to the next level. Divorce her and move on. I fail to understand why authors seem to be unable to write a strong main character.

argeelogargeelog7 months ago

Very well written. It’s your story. I just don’t agree with “Zeke” taking her back. Never mind the dressing up for her “date”, the fact that she took condoms shows what the plan was. She planned on cheating. Just planning on going out and doing it is cheating. Period. End of story. Divorce.

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19817 months ago

Follow up to my last comment this time I want to point out why no real man would have taken her back 1 she was being very evasive with her answers to her husband and she wanted to play the confusion card that's bullshit and she knew it she knew damn well what his reaction would be if she just answered his questions direct which means she lied she chose to step out on her marriage 2 this is a biggie the roll of condoms she stole from her husband trying to say if she didn't take them there was no chance she would have had fucked him but if she took them it was her will that's a load bullshit as well she took them she had ever plan on fucking the guy she knew it so did everyone else who has even a half of brain 3 instead of driving to her daughter's she chose to go and meet him anyways and chose to drink with him she chose to go through with her date she went with the plan to fuck him then so her daughter wouldn't be pissed off at her and to win her husband back she made up a story about being raped that's bullshit as well the fact she lied to her husband and still ended up going on her date with the guy and fucking him with no condom is why no real man would have taken her back she broke the trust once that is broken it can't be rebuilt its simple she wanted to make her husband a cuck bitch and that's what she got in the end she made him a pathetic cuck bitch who had no balls epilogue to the story she meets up with the other guy again and tells him the planned worked out perfectly he is a clueless cuck and he is going to raise your kid that im having then she fucks him again bareback

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This is kinda like “ A wonderful life” meets the “ exorcist”. I didn’t buy the way wifey informed hubby of her date. I didn’t buy him going along with it, and then slapping her twice. And I most certainly didn’t buy her going on the date, after she knew it most likely would be the end of the marriage. Women are not known to think solely with their little heads. I am sure she would have went to her daughters, and not went on the date. But that’s because if you play the long game, sooner or later the odds will be in your favor. But still, a decent story.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Convoluted and claptrap. she went along with the seduction for a very long time. Not wife material in her current form. Certainly not for a Great husband like him.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

No character development of Bryce at all…! She suddenly gets hit by the Martian Slut Ray?…. Makes no sense that after understanding how angry her husband is…she still goes through with the date? I would not believe all the crap about the forced sex…it felt too contrived! If it walks like a duck..quacks like a duck and looks like a’s a duck! She dressed sexy..she took condoms with her…she went for sex. Once her objective was achieved she decided to try and get her husband back! And the cuck took her back! No actual reason …no actual repentance…Stupid story!

AA82ndAAAA82ndAA7 months ago

No real reason why. The wife's character had almost no background or development. Not a short story so why?

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShit8 months ago

Good story. Bryce understood how she’d hurt Zane, and no longer wanted to have her date. Confused or not, she had to realize that just going to the hotel would further upset Zane. She didn’t owe the salesman an explanation.. Why wouldn’t she just stand-up the asshole salesman? Go straight to the daughter’s house.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Four stars. Some proofreading issues. You consistently wrote Zane's name as Zane. Plus you reversions from third person to first person POVs were disconcerting. Other unforced errors that a decent proofreading would have caught, too.


AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Still on page one, you use hoes (the plural of ho) to mean hose. When e saw it the second time, I just had to comment. Unless you imply the Bryce is a ho...


smmhomesmmhome8 months ago

An anon below was right... "The betrayal, disrespect, and shattered trust was complete." I'll add she knew this would devastate her husband, and she planned to do it anyway.

BTW - if she claims she didn't know it would devastate her hubby, that suggests even greater disregard and disrespect for her life-long partner.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Good story, it's to bad the Rapist got away with only losing his job..

nestorb30nestorb308 months ago

Possible I suppose

Thanks for writing

silentsoundsilentsound8 months ago

Nah. Second time and it didn't age well at all.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I really liked this. 5 stars.

In real life I would have never taken her back, but in story life I kind of felt bad for her.

But alcohol does not excuse cheating. She's a grown woman far older than a naive girl in her twenties, hell even thirties, she should know what her limits are.

She still went on her date to 'tell him it was over', but wouldn't a call or text have sufficed?

poor dumb Bryce smh. Great story, I enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Well written. But, that doesn't save the story. The betrayal, disrespect, and shattered trust was complete. That "date" required a great deal of planning and forethought. Why does everyone/anyone think that being drunk is a get out jail free card. The condoms if you will were just icing on the cake. No reconciliation, straight through to divorce.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

So she never gets tested for any STD and she is "raped" and is not worried about pregnancy? He never asks her for a test result?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Story was fine. Writing was good, but the idea of taking her back was unbelievable. She had been seeing this guy for quite a while with who knows what going on between them. The she decides to go out dining and dancing with him. On her date she hides a roll of condoms in her purse. Yea, of course she had no intention to fuck him. Even after the blowup she still goes on her date and ends up fucking him. Ther is no way on Gods green earth that any man would take her back.

WargamerWargamer9 months ago

He took her back??


What a load of codswallop.

Scores 1/5 for being an insult to the average reader’s intelligence.

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19819 months ago

He should have never taken her back she still went to meet him and had drinks with him and the fact she took condoms more than 1 yeah she planned on fucking him and she did she knew what he wanted and she allowed it

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Interesting story, really liked two-thirds of it, I’m not a fan of RAAC stories, I see this as one. However it was good, regardless of the outcome you write very well, the outcome is your decision. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

planned a date, had condoms, went on date even after being thrown out over it, had sex.

dont see any guy ever getting over it.

XluckyleeXluckylee9 months ago

I like YOUR story. I don't agree with those who think they should tell you how to write YOUR story. 5 stars from Xluckylee

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

At last a bloke finally smacks the cheating slut! 4 stars for that alone! Then the slut cries rape!

More like chronic stupidity.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Thank you for the story, I enjoyed it.

HighBrowHighBrow9 months ago

I don't believe her, all the circumstantial evidence is against her. But, it's the cucks life, not mine.

Hiram325Hiram32510 months ago

Bullshit. She went to the scumbag she had planned the date with. Everything else that happened was downstream of that decision. Then no pain or consequences for Harvey. A very milquetoast story. One star.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Good lord if she gave a shit she would have texted the guy she wasn't coming with an apology for leading him on it was inappropriate.

The Zane created in the first half who was a wheeler dealer could easily get and deserved a mate who wouldn't date other men on him.

Then he turned into the softening cuckold.

pummel187pummel18710 months ago

I am not judging anyone, but I could never hit a woman and I have been put through some truly heartbreaking events. I guess what I am trying to say is why didn't Zane apologize for hitting his wife?

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I think slapping her was the way to go. She was totally mind fogged. That she went to see the guy anyway, and her reason for it, was BS. Then she gets drunk and then fucks him? Alcohol reduces inhibitions, not uor capacity to decide if you should do it or not.

She had just got the shock of her life. She saw her marriage disintegrate before her eyes; the rage her husband displayed and the shear rage and hatred She was responsible for, would, sure as hell, made her avoid her date like the plague.

Her pathetic plan to woo him back with food, as a plot vehicle, was idiotic. He's an intelligent, insightful man with well developed critical thinking skills. He would, I'm reality, NOT invite her in, his anger at her stupid and betrayal would not have dissipated-perhaps the rage but NOT the anger, pain of betrayal and, most importantly, his trust. She's back because she feared the loss of her emotional and economic security blanket.

For those who excuse her "lapse", they would do well to consider she planned to fuck her date. If she was unhappy in some particular she should have talked to her husband about it. Sure as hell she KNEW he would not be on board with her action.

Now, if her blew off that effort, then she should request counseling. If he blew that off then separate. Excusing her behavior is tantamount to excusing irresponsibility. Women make a conscious choice to cheat. It's not even the other man's fault.SHE CHOSE, he simply went along because it was in his interest. Think on this. Would she even have considered this 10 years prior?

Yes, marriages, ANY relationship really, will develop a routine plateau. New couples she know this going in. The trick is to be mindful of it and always look for ways to keep a level of newness to it. When couples make choice that they don't need to voice their concerns, "because he/she should know it already", the marriage is already losing altitude.

It would behoove ALL couples to never forget that he/she was your BF/GF before he/she became your spouse. Courting each other should be a life long process.

Women have an extraordinary ability to decide to cheat and create self-serving lies to allow them to accept doing it as an OK thing. That they engage in purposeful deception has resulted, at that very point, the destruction of the marriage by destroying the very foundation of it.TRUST.

Being married is a conscious decision to absolutely trust your spouse to never betray or desert you. A woman's decision to fuck another man destroys the marriage.

WE are ALL RESPONSIBLE for our decisions and the consequences that follow.

I know all this because I went through it.

JimmyThePlungerJimmyThePlunger10 months ago

Some incredible comments, - she didn't respect him - but not a mention of him beating her and throwing her out of the house? We all know much of LW is populated by screaming BTB fanatics but some slight degtree of balance would be welcome.

Anyway, who in the thought police decided stories need to be believable? Stories are what writers make them, readers can like them or not at their own whim.

On blanace I quite liked it, bar the wife beating, and decent writing so thank you Blackheart

NickTeeNickTee10 months ago

I like much of what you write but this story is a jumble. If you wanted the sex between your female character to be erotic then it should have been from anybody but the daughter's POV. Slapping the wife would have invariably led to a divorce or charges or worse. Also if she was going to an office/work function she had to attend it would have made the whole taken against her will logical. The condom bit was also completely illogical.

MarkT63MarkT6311 months ago

Why does he not consider himself to be a CUCK???

SHE fucked another man, and he accepted it...

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Could not get by the two slaps

Know two many abused women

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

What a stupid outcome! She cheated, got fucked, claimed she didn’t like it! What a load of crap! The moment she started planning it she was cheating! BURN THE BITCH!

oldtwitoldtwit11 months ago

For a real life example it sucks, but as a story on “Literotica” I think it’s good, bit of a common plot, but just a little different in the background of it, so good characters, descriptions OK and plot so so.

LastMissionLastMission11 months ago

Well that was disappointing. Started well and then went off the rails. The other commenters are correct for the various reasons for why the story failed.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I think this story is just another wife falling for some B.S. line of crap from a man who likes to get into married woman's pants and he does so by sweet taking her over a period of time. When Zane realized what Bryse was doing by getting ready to go on dinner date with this salesman he got got angry and slapped her on both side of her face and proceeded to let her know he knew what she was going to do. It scared her enough to realize Zane figured it out, but instead of cancelling out and driving to her daughters home would have been the right thing to do. Then try to talk to Zane and get things back on track. In situations like this why does the need to confront the guy at the Hotel, just make a call from cell and just cancel. Sometimes I think some women get so confused they act irrationally and just make the biggest mistake of their lives.

Rayjag1980Rayjag198011 months ago

3 stars. Storyline didn't work for me. A little too convenient in the "rape" scenario. Why would she jeopardize her marriage by meeting the salesman? Also, way too many editing errors.

Ocker53Ocker5311 months ago

Story started off good then just lost all believability, should have been in suspend belief section⭐️⭐️

HighBrowHighBrow11 months ago

Femdom agitprop at her age? There’s no age limit on selfishness, is there?

kamdev99008kamdev9900812 months ago

starting was good

ending was worse

totally crap

rated 1* I hate

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I hate to say but the story idea was good but the story itself just was not right. Things did not come out right..the condoms,the rape all wrong. Where were the police when she reported the rape???No police because she did not report a rape as it did not happen as she still showed up at the motel to meet Harvey instead of heading straight to her daughters home. She made sure she brought the condoms with her..things just did not work out quite her way..Sorry these and other things do not add up..That was a great try to sift the blame on the husband for her showing up at the motel..You basically buried yourself and this tale with doing that. I am guessing you are a female author with that ending..Any woman/wife that would show so little respect and pull a stunt like that on a husband deserved the slaps and shown the curb..

RzcanuckRzcanuck12 months ago

I like a good RAAC but not this one. Several times she ignores his questions. That is not a good sign that she respects him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

So many critics Lol. Nothing at all missing from this story, unless it was the conflicting emotions leafing up to her planned date. And the same after during her date. 4 stars 🌟

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 1 year ago

rather poor attempt at a decent story idea

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good premise for a story. That being said, there were issues-

#1. Slapping wifey- Would have gotten him arrested. It’s amazing how women want to be treated the same when it benefits them, but not when it doesn’t .

#2. Obviously, she wanted to fuck the salesman really bad. After hubby blew the lid off it, she still went and saw him WTF?

#3. The next day she is so remorseful, but didn’t call the police and mention rape. If she even had a small chance of convincing hubby she was raped, this would have been the first thing to do.

#4. The whole thing about the condoms, sealed her fate. Stevie Wonder could see, she was going to fuck him.

#5. Where is the cover story? She just thought she would sneak out, and say she had a long day at work? Or GNO? There was no attempt to show a cover story for this- that’s a fail.

#6. Take her back? How can you be assured, she wouldn’t do this again? Now she has all day to screw around, without the burden of work.

#7. No postnup, no monitoring of her electronics. This should have been a minimum, to allow her back in his life.

My mantra is- If it’s not in someone’s best interest or benefit them, he/ she won’t do it. In this case, there is a lot of risk, but no real upside to the husband staying married to her. Being she was in her 50’s, it’s back to being my favorite comparison, bargain bin for a walmart salad. Already starting to wilt. Divorce her, and let your “ bulge in the back pocket” score you some fun with 20 something set. If you got the money, they have the time!

FoldingFoldingabout 1 year ago

simple story with confusing parts. Essentially Wife decides to fuck workmate. Husband discovers her plans and reacts poorly. Wife realizes she's made previous mistake up and so still meets intended paramour and quickly fucks him, apparently sans condom. In the morning she claims it was rape, cooks husband a few meals. He takes her back.

That about sum it up?

Confusing part was the condom business. Daughter relays her feeling that she brought condoms not because she intended to cheat but because if she did not bring them then she would not cheat? Huh?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Why should his wife respect him? He obviously has no respect for himself.

rruymannrruymannabout 1 year ago

A real disappointment.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarabout 1 year ago

"Cheating Wife" isn't in your tags. Why? "Rape" isn't in your tags. Why? "Domestic Violence" isn't in your tags. Why? There should be a "Learn House Flipping in Detail" tag too. A wordy, poorly constructed story. Better luck next time.

SithLord6969SithLord6969about 1 year ago

I love this author but fucking hate this story. The MC as established in the beginning of this story would have NEVER taken his wife back. 1 star

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