The Rent is Due


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"Give the camera back to her," and the equipment was thrust into my hands.

Now that his hands were free Kenyatta took his clothes off. His dick was huge, in proportion to the rest of his body. Maybe 10 inches long and almost as thick as my forearm. I zoomed in on his member. I was really glad I didn't have to suck it. I'm sure I would have choked. He slathered more lube on Danny's ass. And then took a step back. He stroked his dick and I swear it grew another inch.

Bauer pulled a chair to about three feet from Danny's face and then sat down. "Melissa come here, sit on my lap." It was an order I couldn't or wouldn't refuse.

As I did this, he pointed the camera towards Danny's face and his wiry arms were around me and his stiff cock pressed hard against my ass. "I want you to keep the camera on Danny's face. Whatever you do don't take it off his face. No matter what happens, you keep the camera on his face. I'll tell you when you can relax but until then, the face, always the face. Am I clear?"

"Yes," I quivered.

"Good you do this, and I'll reward you later. Remember, the face and only the face."

"Got it," I said with confidence.

"Danny, Danny look at me. Okay, thank you," he said as Danny's turn slowly toward the voice. Tears covered his cheeks, and the whites of his eyes were almost solid red. "Listen to me carefully, do I have your attention, I'm sure I do, but nod your head anyway."

Danny complied.

"As I said before respect is very important and lying is a sign of disrespect, so I wont lie to you. This is gonna hurt, hurt like hell. So much so that you might pass out, but we have smelling salts for that. We don't want you to miss any of the fun."

The camera captured the fear on his face as Bauer grabbed his hair and held his head facing the camera. With that he made eye contact with Kenyatta.

Like a true tribal warrior, he speared his quarry, with his engorged member. An inhuman scream bellowed from Danny. I did as I was told, I kept the camera on the face. The face that was writhing in agony. His body bucking wildly to get away from the snake that was biting his insides. I knew, I just knew that hard cock was ripping him open, like a crowbar. The scream went on and on. I was sure someone would hear but our closest neighbor was a mile away. There was no hope. No one would rescue him. I kind of felt guilty but that quickly passed.

Kenyatta was fucking him like a grizzly and you never want to get between a grizzly and his mate. I kept the camera on the face and watched as it read pain, fear, agony, shame, hopelessness. After ten minutes Danny's eyes rolled back in his head and he ceased struggling. I could tell he was having one of those out of body experiences. As Danny's body went limp Kenyatta thrust one last time and screamed with joy.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was a well-written exciting story. I look forward to the next installment. I have been I. 2 different scenarios that remind me of this story. One was in college on which I was a little behind in rent and the landlord took it out on my flesh. The other was with a girlfriend that decided she was going to see me be taken by a guy. Both nonconsensual. But, it was weird how I could get excited by this story and somehow thinking back now, I feel excited by then. Thanks for the story.

mistercrackspidermistercrackspiderabout 2 years ago

OMG. Rarely one to comment on stories, I gotta give you props on this. You had my undivided attention, and I can't wait for part two and beyond. As a landlord, I have always been very patient and understanding with tenants occasional misfortune, and have gone to great lengths to allow them a chance to recover. However, I wish I had the services of Mr Kenyatta and Mr Jamaica to discourage tenants trying to game their way out of paying, simply because they choose not to. Of course, being a hungry bottom myself, I might have to work myself in as a fluffer or something... Great start to the story!

ptscuriousptscuriousalmost 3 years ago

Personally I do not like non consensual/rape as a theme, however this Danny character comes across as a lying, cheating wee shite and I dislike people like that even more.

I like the way the woman is assured of no harm and look forward to the next chapter.

Shaping up to be a good story, thanks for posting.

pleasureclickspleasureclicksalmost 3 years ago

oh my word, mmmmm... chapter 2 please...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Love the Karmic Justice Perspective

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I loved this! I can't wait to read the next chapter!

rushman1ukrushman1ukalmost 3 years ago

Getting to the good stuff. Looking forward to part 2

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

so fucking hot

foudespitfoudespitalmost 3 years ago

What a 1st story!

I'm not gay, but I've adored it. Danny is a real asshole. What happens to him is normal, even it's non-consensual.

I'm really impatient to read the sequel...

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