The Rescuer Bk. 03 Pt. 02


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He sits down, and another officer stands up and shouts, "The Rescuers saved one of my men and me."

You get the idea, for half an hour, they count out the people we saved.

The one that made me run out was when a soldier says, "Sir, nobody saved me, but I would have given my life for your sister, you all do amazing work." I broke down in tears and ran out. Iris found me around the side of the building, sitting on the ground, crying.

All those memories are fresh in my mind again, my career is over. Iris walks me home.

Chapter 7 - I get Saved

The following day, I am out on a bench watching my teams' train. It's "work with the dog" day. Not much for me to do. My sisters control this exercise. I am enjoying the sunny day. Iris made several good arguments yesterday, and the officers were showing a united front to help me. I can't ignore that.

A Jeep is driving about 80 KPH straight at me. At the last moment, he slams on the breaks. Once at a complete stop, he exits the vehicle, runs in front of me, and salutes me.

The man says with a clear voice, "Sir, I need you to come with me now. Sir."

I slowly get up; and get in the private's Jeep. He then hightails it to the HQ. While I am driving there, I notice an American F-22 fighter plane has landed and is being refueled. It occurs to me; I might be flying today.

The driver is a lunatic; again, we stop on hard breaks right at the front door. I get out and jog to the front door where a man is waiting for me with an open door.

At the end of the hallway, I hear Max on the phone, "You aren't listening to me. He can't be trusted; he lost his confidence. He went crazy in combat. Use Plan "B!" I don't know what Plan "B" is, but I bet it's better than your Plan "A."

That's when I walk into the room.

Four other high-ranking officers are there. Not one of them is speaking.

One by one, they give me a clean bill of health, not one of them will stop me from going.

Max looks at me, "Grab your rifle and your forest ninja suit, you're going to need it. My dumb ass driver will take you to your chariot. Go!"

I run back to the Jeep to get my outfit. My rifle is always with me. I fill up on ammo. Then I risk my life again, driving out to the F-22. It has finished being refueled.

My instructions from the pilot, "Don't touch anything dumb-ass or you might shoot down an airbus. We'll be cruising at about Mach 1.5 all the way to our destination. We will refuel as needed. Sleep if you can, you won't get much after I drop you off."

He never spoke to me again.

Watching refueling was cool the first time. An arm extends out, and we pull up under a tanker plane. They have a hose and a funnel on the end. The funnel makes it easier to attach the hose. Doesn't take long to refuel. They pull back, and we drop out and take off again. The next couple of times were less exciting.

On our landing, I step out of the fighter and practically walk into the back of a cargo plane. We take off almost immediately. I spend the first hour receiving new equipment, a parachute, and theoretical training on how to use it. Yes, it is more complicated than jump out of the plane and pull the cord before you hit the ground. As I really didn't understand most of what they told me, I can't pass it on here. I learned the basics: jump, pull cord.

As they say, you really don't know until your first time. Also, on the plane is a very young woman and Juan Rodriguez, my best student in New Mexico, and my replacement after I left. I don't like the feel of this. Not one bit.

Janet introduces herself as our mission specialist. She takes my rifle.

Janet explains, "With this mission, a rifle will not be necessary. We have a rogue biologist that is on the verge of causing a biblical proportion disaster. We believe he is on the brink of tainting the world's water. We figure it would take years to take full effect on all the oceans, but 80% of the world is reliant on the oceans for food and water.

"For survival, a civil and world war would likely break out. Life as we know it would cease to exist. 80% of the world's population would die. We need three things from you two. #1, he says he is developing a way to cheaply desalinize ocean water, making it drinkable. We believe he is making a biological. You need to determine which is true. We can't kill a man if he is trying to save the world.

"#2, if he is bad, he needs to die. There is a hospital next to his facility. We can't bomb the place. We don't want anyone to know he even existed. #3, burn the site to the ground. We don't want anyone else to continue his research. A bomb leaves tiny debris that can be reassembled with patience.

The intense heat from burning ruins everything. We don't want anything to survive or be useable.

"You will drop in several miles away silently for your safety. We expect you to work as a team and come back together."

Fuck that. This feels like kill the killer to me. Only one of us is coming back.


We both jump together, but the winds are slightly different, we are separated by a few feet. When we get low enough, we pull the ripcords at different times. That separates us more. Unfortunately, Juan has way more jump experience and can maneuver his chute much better than I can. We end up landing within feet of each other. Swell.

It's about midnight, we go to the research facility to look around. It's a large, simple metal building. Much taller than I would have expected. One half looks like a mad scientist's lab, a beaker with a burner that makes gas and condenses into another beaker where it mixes with a liquid, and so on. The opposite half is a round screw-like device. Like a circular ramp that goes up and down floors in a multi-story parking lot. It's massive.

It looks like there are plants growing inside and huge clear water vats at the bottom that are slowly filling with what looks like drinkable water. My single word through the mic is "Genius."

An unknown voice asks me, "Please explain."

Juan says, "He is making a desalination plant."

I correct him, "Wrong. He is making a chemical to destroy the water supply. He also has developed a way to make that water safe. He releases the virus into the water. People panic. He then comes along and licenses or builds a plant to make the water drinkable, nobody dies, but he makes billions."

Another voice speaks, "There is no way you know that for sure."

I counter his remark, "When I was in New Mexico, I saw a plant that makes water. This uses plants in an organic crop growing system to filter the water. It comes in a light green and exits clear." I pull out my camera and zoom in. "You seeing this? He isn't testing ocean water. I am no chemist, but that I know.

"My God, this is an extortion scheme of global proportions. Am I still to proceed?"

A third voice says, "Yes, to both of you."

So, they still want to kill me, huh? Their plans have hit a snag.

My mark (target) will not be the first time I kill someone so up close and personal. He can't do this, so I have no problem. This guy has no security at all. Whoops, I take that back. I see him walking out of his building. Great right?

Nope, not so great. He has a rifle and night vision goggles. My stealth does no good; my body heat gives me away. Oh shit, this is bad. How did he know I was here? The CIA has been funding him. They tell him about me. One of us dies, and that solves one of their issues. Juan kills the other.

Because I freaked out over my sister, they don't think they can trust me anymore. Wow, these guys play rough. I understand their thinking, no loose ends. I am not ready to be a loose end, though. First things first, kill this evil scientist. I bet he isn't a great shot. I have a pistol; he has a rifle. He has the advantage, but he doesn't know that. Heck, even with a pistol, my odds are better than his.

Let's tire him out. Night vision doesn't have good depth perception, he won't be able to run with that on. Advantage me. I run away from him a bit. He shoots at me and then runs at me. Great.

I make a lot of noise; I want him to rely on his ears. I zig-zag a lot. More running for me, and it's easier for him to keep up. Another advantage is that I am a moving target, much harder for him, unless he is a duck hunter. With a small rifle like that, I don't think so.

Where is Juan? If he is smart, probably staying out of the way or starting a fire. I really hope he is starting a fire. That would work out perfectly for me. Excellent, he shot at the noise, not where I was. He took off the night vision goggles. I now run right at him, but I project a running sound a few feet away from me. To my surprise, Juan pops up with his gun to shoot me. He missed. However, he is right in front of me, my knife sadly goes into his side.

He isn't dead, but he will be soon.

I continue running at the scientist, and he is running at me. Oh shit, his goggles are on. I change directions, and then he shoots and misses me. I throw a scream at him but coming from behind. He turns and never saw me drive my knife into him and then ... enough to say he is dead.

I run back to Juan. He is in bad shape.

I look down on him, "You are not yet the master. Will they kill you if I save your life?" He shakes his head, no. I tell him, "When they ask, tell them thank you, I feel better now. My sister will no longer haunt me at night. Soon it will be endless assassins that come after me.

"I will take my chances. Also, tell them the favor of helping their people deal with death has now been denied, send no more. In fact, no more dogs, no more training, no more help of any kind. God damn it, why do I always get stuck carrying a guy 50 pounds bigger than me. You son of a bitch, eat a few less tacos."

I pick him up, toss him on my shoulder, and run up to the hospital next door. I drop him in a chair, bang on the door, and then run off.

I am no expert on chemicals. However, I know the universal symbol for flammable. Lucky me, his lab is chock full of flammable and explosive materials. Explosives make small parts, and then the fire melts and destroys all those little parts. I want small explosions to take down the building and then a good hot blaze to destroy everything.

It takes no time to set the place up. A single match did an awful lot of damage.

I know they can still hear me, but there's not much I can do. I have a satellite phone on me, and I use it to call home. Porsche answers the phone.

I am short, "Don't say anything. They sent a guy along with me to kill me. He failed. The mission was a complete success. I suspect that if I take their plane home, they will ask me to walk halfway back. I rather not die that way. If you or Gina could pick me up in the Gulfstream, I would appreciate it. There is an airport at these coordinates. Please work with Uncle Max for refueling assistance. I have a long run, bye."

Now I have a long run ahead of me. It was a short walk from the drop zone. However, the nearest airport is a long way away. It will be quite the walk.

I figure that we will arrive within an hour of each other. It was a whole lot easier dropping in by parachute. Wow, I am out of shape. They may beat me.


When I arrive at the airport, our jet is there. The door is closed. She saw someone. Ok, let's see how good this night vision stuff is. The sun is coming up, it may not work. It does. Sure enough, on my side of the field, down 100 yards, there are three men in a row. They are spaced out, and they have rifles like I used to have. They are looking at the airplane.

I am as slow as I have ever been, using my training to the fullest. It seems ironic that they are the ones that improved me. Now I am using my stealth skills against people they are sent after me. I guess they figured I would kill Juan and the mad scientist.

I kill the first one silently.

That's what I needed. My hand over his mouth and a knife that does lethal damage finishes him off. I move to the right of the next one and throw my voice on the one that is next to me.

While the guy twenty feet farther away kills the guy near me, thinking it was me, I shoot the guy further down the trail. With gunshots fired, several riflemen file out of the aircraft and run at me. They are Canadian soldiers.

A man in black stands up on the opposite side of the runway, about 800 yards away. He shoots me in the leg. Fuck, that hurts. The soldiers quickly shield me. Doesn't matter, the man is gone. Odd. I am quickly on the plane, and we take off immediately.

Gina isn't wasting a moment. The door is shut, and she floors it down the runway, and then up in the sky we go.

Grandma Kim, mom, and Kathy are all there and are immediately looking at my leg. They give me a shot to dull the pain. Yeah, right, it still hurts like hell!

Gina yells back, "I was told not to say anything." She puts the radio on overhead.

I tell everyone, "This suit has a mic on it. How about we eject this suit?"

Well, that's not an easy thing to do. However, you can put it down in the wheel well where the wheels can be manually lowered.

Apparently, it's very noisy there. That works.

We hear on the radio, "Small Canada 493, this is Major Brad Stevens, you are to reroute to Langley, or you will be shot down. Please confirm." Nothing.

"Small Canada 493, this is Major Brad Stevens, you are to reroute to Langley, or you will be shot down. Please confirm."

We next hear, "Hi Brad, this is your old friend Lenny from up North, hey. I got two dozen of the latest Canadian fighters surrounding this little plane. You really going to shoot us all down and say it was an accident? All the kid did was clean up a huge CIA mess that they created, then they try to kill him to tie up loose ends. This isn't a US citizen; you have no rights. Oops, I have been broadcasting on an open frequency. Sorry.

"Go home, Brad, you don't want to draw any attention to this. Your people have done enough already. Reporters are back at the site; they will find something. There is always a piece that survives."

An unknown voice gets on, "Major Stevens, Sir, I am the commanding officer of the AWACS (long-range radar) onsite for this engagement. You have been ordered to stand down. You do NOT have permission to go hot. My airspace is quickly filling up with airmen that have been rescued. The man they want you to kill is a Rescuer, a descendent of Ben himself, the first US Rescuer. You have no idea the shit storm you opened."

I hear Brad say, "Oh, fucking hell."

I am given a shot. Ahhhhhh.


I wake up on our landing.

Many planes are landing. Wow, we have a relatively short runway. Damn, they wouldn't even take me to the Canadian hospital. I am groggy, but I see them looking at my leg, and getting ready for an x-ray.


I wake up in a patient room.

We only have four patient rooms. I can hear dad, Bubba, and Grandpa out in the hallway telling stories. It sounds like a bunch of men are out there laughing at the stories. Oh, Mary and Penny are out there as well. That's the castle story.

I am tired. I can't see much, and I have no idea how everything turned out. I am exhausted. I am hungry. Tired wins out.


I wake up at 3:30 in the morning.

The haze seems to be gone.

Grandma Kim is the only person around.

I have been transported to the safe house portion of the house. We are below the basement. Very few people know about this place.

Grandma asks me, "Want to tell me what happened?"

I smile, "No."

Wow, she looks disappointed.

I continue, "I rather tell everyone when they wake up, so I don't have to tell it 50 times. It's not pleasant."

Kim talks, "Well, you made quite the mess. You let Juan live, and he has been doing a lot of talking. There are US pilots here, helping protect the house. Our government is pissed at the Americans for doing this to you.

The Americans are mad at themselves for the scientist and their lack of control."

She has tears in her eyes, "Everyone believes they will come for you still. Everyone is on high alert, and a security force from the base is patrolling the area. How are you doing? That is quite the hole in you."

I smile at Grandma, "I think I'll be fine. The man that shot me hit the fleshy part of my leg. He was good enough that he could have shot me in my heart just as easily.

Expect company soon. They won't come announced. Make sure everyone knows DO NOT SHOOT. It's just a hunch, but I am betting he wants in. How is the family coping?"

Kim smiles big, "Everyone is building defenses, stocking up here in the house, and getting lots of water in the bins. Your dad and Grandfather are out in the woods. If you're right, they will be first to make contact. Ok, well, get some sleep, you have a lot of recovery before you can walk again."

Well, at least she didn't say IF I could walk again.


I wake up to dad and Bubba placing me in a wheelchair. They are wheeling me up the circular path to the wine cellar and then to the living room.

I bet there is a person to see me there.

Once upstairs, there is a whole houseful of people to see me. I recognize Max, Tom, Barry, but I don't recognize several people on the other couch and in a few chairs. The only one in uniform there is American. I see two large helicopters outside and lots of extra security. Nobody is happy. My family is behind both groups, and they all look pissed. Grandpa is fit to be tied, but Barry is next to him, as is Penny.

A lady introduces herself as Brenda. It doesn't take long to figure out she is a politician and has nothing to do with the CIA.

Brenda greets me cordially, "Welcome Ben, and thank you and your family for allowing us to meet under these unusual circumstances. We came without weapons; your friends checked us out first and brought us here in their helicopter. After what we have done to you, I wanted to show you that not all of us are like that.

"The CIA has had a management shakeup. The former director is missing. Between you and me, he won't be coming for you, he isn't able to. I will deny saying that if ever asked again. We didn't directly kill him.

"They created a monster. When you had the issue with your sister, they marked you as untrusted and, therefore, expendable. You were right about Juan; he was there to kill you. You were right about the scientist and his plan to extort the world. The world owes you a big thanks.

"Now, for some irony, they sent a man, their best killer, to kill everyone that survived. Why did he not kill you?" She smiles and looks at Grandpa. "Because you talked to his father and mother, they had children. One followed his dad into the CIA. As he is sitting in the trees waiting for someone to come out, he remembers his dad's stories with your Grandfather.

"He admitted that without his help, the man's mother would have killed herself. He never would have been born. When he saw you, there was no way he could kill you. He asks for your forgiveness for ending your career."

Wow. What do you say to that?

I sit and then say, "Well, Brenda, I think your country had already made that decision for me. I tried to help people and look what it got me. No, I'm done helping others. I think I will work here and tell stories to kids.

Brenda continues, "There are many blusters and negotiating that will fall out of this between our two countries. A lot of the goodwill that your family has built up over the years has been shattered. Much of it will get rebuilt, but it will take time.

"You don't have decades, so the government has decided to pay you a worthy fee for taking out our garbage and not killing our people, Juan, my cousin. I know a check hardly seems appropriate, but I think this one might. I know that you had said that your family will no longer send dogs to the US Military.