The Rescuer Pt. 02


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Life is a routine now. Hunting season has started. The weekends are a flurry of activity with groups coming and going. Weekdays are quiet as the groups are out hunting and/or fishing with their guides. We handle various maintenance issues, and Kim now handles the diverse medical needs that arise. Typically, it's a guide that screws up cooking, and people get sick. Hunters coming up here are not noobs, they have experience, are seasoned, and well-funded with a group of similar friends.

I continue working with the new dogs. Rocky is part of the rotation now. It's been an adjustment for him. I use him every other mission just because I trust him more. If he isn't with me, he stays with Kim as a protector. They are all fiercely loyal to her because she is all play and uses venison dog treats. I sleep better knowing nobody will mess with my sister. Only a few times has a dog needed to growl; they are doing their job.


It's a Tuesday, and I am out with my team doing some recon. We are no more than 100 yards from the LZ (Landing Zone) when we get an abort message, and orders to return to the LZ. That is highly unusual. We now routinely patrol the area the smugglers liked to use. A small patrol of men ran into a larger hostile force. They need help, and they need it now. Reinforcements load up and assist. This is a coordinated attack by mercenaries. They have surface to air rockets to take out the helicopters. It turns ugly quickly.

The Americans happened to have a satellite overhead and caught the attack. They provide live footage of the area. With thermal filters, people are visible even in a dense forest. Airplanes typically take out the two boats, but we have none here, so we have no answer for them. My group is going to the same coordinates I used for the last two times.

I talk with the pilots and my team via radio, "Our orders suck. This is dumb. They will be waiting for us. This feels like a trap, specifically for me." I am changing our orders. I outrank whoever gave these chicken shit orders. You will drop us off a half mile, sorry, kilometer, south of that position. We will walk in from there.

I then explain how the mission will unfold. I sure wish Rocky was with me today. I do have the next best two, so it won't be so bad.

As we near the previous drop off point both dogs alert me that others are near. I stop, drop down, and look up. I see a reflection off a scope in a tree near a ledge in the distance. I have my two partners take up sniper positions. I direct them to the sniper, and I see him fall. I tell them not to move. This is definitely a trap, and there will be more. We stay still for five minutes. I hear another muffled shot and hear a body fall to the ground. I start moving forward very slowly.

Both dogs crouch and point northwest towards danger. I tell my team, northwest of me but we can't spot anyone. I hear a twig snap in front of me. Someone is moving, slowly but in the distance still. I pop up in some bushes and can see three men. I point out their direction and distance from me. One is shot dead between the eyes. One runs parallel to me as the shot rings out. The third one takes his machine gun and fires in a sweeping motion across the forest until he is no longer breathing.

My guys call for me, but I can't answer. I hear Phil call out, "REPORT!" My dogs howl until they arrive. Immediately med kits break out, an evacuation is requested, and they apply pressure to my wounds. The one that hurts the most is my chest yet due to my vest I know that's the least of my issues, it's pain, no holes. It's my leg and arm that concern them. I hear them say, "No bones, just a flesh wound." I laugh, lucky me, I die from a flesh wound.

One of them throws me over his shoulder and carries me out to a contingency landing zone. They apply pressure to my wounds and wait for help. I expect to wait a while as many others need help, but it's only a short wait before my two buddies pick me up. The painkillers are working now, and I feel a whole lot better.

Phil tells the pilots, "We are stopping at Brian's house to drop off the dogs and pick up his family. Have HQ give them notice."

I yell at them, "No. We go straight to base."

Phil smiles at me, "Sorry sir but you have two bullet holes in you. Right now, I fear your sister a whole lot more than you. Besides, I think we need her again. I saw a lot of men on the beach, and the radio makes it sound bad. However, with the death of their snipers, it looks like they are leaving. I think you were right, that was a trap for you. Damn glad we had you today. We would all be dead otherwise. We would never have stepped alive out of the helicopter."

I fall asleep on the ride home. I did not sleep well; I only counted three dogs in the helicopter, there should have been four. Two for me and two for Phil.


I wake up in a hallway. I am in a hospital bed. A familiar looking nurse, Karen, is looking down on me and mom is holding my hand. There is a dog (not dogs) sleeping between my knees upside down. Dad is in a chair. I feel wonderful, but I know that is bad.

Karen is soft when she speaks, "You have been shot in the leg, chest, and arm. You are one lucky son of a bitch. The leg is just a flesh wound, barely touched any muscle but it will hurt like hell. You were wearing your jacket, so you have bruised ribs as opposed to a hole. You took a hit through your shoulder, but it missed bone. Again, it will hurt but all in all, you fared much better than the rest."

Karen is a bit louder now, "Barry stopped by to give his condolences, one of your dogs did not make it. He died on the scene. You get to skip interrogation. The Americans provided video footage, and you were wired for sound and recorded. That is creating a major issue with the intel guys. I heard Barry scream at some people."

Karen put a hand on mom to reassure her, "I heard Barry scream, 'How the hell does a kid walk on to a chopper and sense this is a trap within two seconds and all my staff doesn't figure this out until after we hear his recordings?' He was outraged."

Mom adds, "Kim has been around twice to check up on you and your wounds. She's happy with your care. She's assisting somewhere. I gather there were more injuries than deaths, and they asked her to help. Mary is covering at the lodge and has my sat phone, while I have yours."

Dad adds, "I heard some conversations, your three guys took you for help then two went back to help others. They were behind the lines and saved many lives. They are heroes now, and everyone is talking about your team."

I failed. I should have been there to help. My wound put many people at risk. It's time to retire and let the young kids take over. I feel terrible now.

Dad can see my expression change, and he knows what I am feeling, so he says, "Brian, I just saw your expression change. You feel like you failed them, don't you?" I nod my head in shame. "Who bought and trained those dogs? Who taught those men? Who saved the lives of everyone on the chopper by recognizing the trap? Who puts their life in peril as bait to draw out the bad guys?

"They did what their training tells them to do, save lives. Without you, are there two men that are capable, trained, and willing to go back and save those lives? I don't think so. Enough of that self-pity, get some sleep. I am taking your mother out to dinner."

Mom smirks, "You don't have a card."

Dad laughs, "I have this gun on my back. Everyone knows this gun now. We will be fine."

Karen slips mom her card and whispers with a huge smile, "Just in case."

Mom and dad did not need a card. Plenty of people gathered to help them out and warn them about the chicken casserole. They quickly have a full table of guests welcoming them to the base. I did sleep.


I am in a room now. Mom and dad are asleep in chairs, and Kim and Karen are up on my bed sleeping. Barry creeps into my room.

Barry looks at me, then the two women, then he whispers, "Most men on base can't get one woman. You have a gorgeous sister on one side and a married man's wife on the other, yet your parents and the husband don't complain. You sure are something.

"Your sister again was a huge help. Everything is getting back to normal. You all can go anytime you want. I don't want to even hear from you for six weeks. After that I want you and Kim to come back, we have much to discuss. It's not urgent; it's long-term planning. I want your input. I have people that want to meet you, and I want to clear some time. Now get out of here and get better. I need you."

He salutes me and leaves.

Chapter 10 - Treatment Complete

I have been home for three weeks now. I am walking around although still far from fully healed. I can't lay in a bed for six weeks, and it's too boring doing nothing. I work with my dogs a lot. Rocky and Bingo are great friends now and complement each other well. The three guys on my team each have two dogs, so that means we have two extra. I train them, but these dogs are now Kim's protectors as well.

Visitors know Kim is off limits. If they forget, the dogs remind them quick enough. Too close or too friendly and a growl backs them off. Kim complains, but I know she loves those dogs.

It's about a week later, on a quiet Wednesday. The temperature is perfect, and the humidity is down, the sun has just risen. The birds are chirping, and the grass is green and lush. An almost perfect late spring morning. We have breakfast out on the front porch overlooking the center of "camp."

A doctor comes out every two weeks to see me. This week he happens to have four dozen fresh eggs, ice cream, two pies, two bushels of fresh fruits and vegetables, couple blocks of cheese, and a case of root beer. We have omelets this morning. Mom went all out and baked them, so they are nice and fluffy.

After breakfast, we are all full and enjoying the lovely morning. Mom and Kim are still dressing to kill daily, and it's now that I notice mom's breast is almost falling out of her shirt. No bra to hold it in place. Dad is staring at her with lust. Mom notices me staring, and I motion for her to tweak her nipples.

Mom looks at me with a grin and takes a finger, wets it in her mouth, then reaches in the side arm sleeve to rub her finger around her areola and then tweak a nipple. She repeats the same on the other nipple. She exhales a slow, soft moan. Kim perks up and dad is straining to see. Kim seems mildly amused until she sees me directing mom.

I have mom yawn and sneeze, so her breasts jiggle. One breast falls out, but she pretends like she doesn't notice. Then she pretends to notice, tweaks her nipple, then pushes it back in.

I say in a clear voice, waking everyone from staring, "Mommy slut. I need entertaining. I want you to stand in the grass by the trail for me. You don't need anything; you're fine as you are."

Mom looks at me with a wary eye. However, she does as I ask. She now has a wicked smile on her face like she knows where this is going. Kim looks confused. Dad is in lust; he knows my intentions.

I give mom orders, "I want you to remove your shirt."

Mom looks at me then gets shy, "I can't do that here. We're in the open. People could see me. No."

In a clear, calm, commanding voice, "Lose the shirt slut."

Mom looks at me worried, pleading. I show no signs of backing down. Mom looks down in shame. Without looking at me, she removes her shirt by pulling it up and over her head. She lets it flutter to the ground.

I command her further, "Look at me, Mommy slut." She looks up shyly. "Remove your shorts."

Mom moans and gives a, "No way. I can't do that out here. People walk through here. No. No. No."

She isn't very convincing, but she is uncomfortable.

I continue, "Was I not clear? Take those shorts off. Now!"

Mom is looking down again, she unbuttons the shorts, pulls down the zipper, and then pushes down the four inches of shorts till they slide down her long thin legs. She steps out of her shorts.

Mom looks around, making sure nobody can see her. Her eyes are on me. She dreads the next command coming from me. She knows what it will be. She is wrong.

I tell Kim with a massive smile on my face, "Kim, go stand next to your mother."

Kim objects, "What?" I point at mom. "No way." I point again and smile.

Kim gets up and tentatively walks to mom. She stands next to her, hate burning in her eyes that are drilling into me.

I instruct mom, "Mom, take off Kim's shirt."

Mom is much more obedient at disrobing Kim. Two pulls of a string, and the top falls to the ground.

I continue, "Mommy-slut, I want you behind Kim, palming her huge perfect breasts."

Mum steps aside and behind Kim. She holds the bottoms of her glorious melons and lifts them as if weighing them. They are both enjoying how much this is teasing dad and me.

I moan, "Mom, I want you to alternate pinching her nipples."

Mom moves her hands slightly and pinches hard on the right nipple. Kim tries to stifle her scream of pain. Mom pinches hard on the left nipple. Again, Kim smothers her cry of pain through much effort. I allow two more hard nipple squeezes.

I say commandingly, "Mommy-slut, stop." She pinches one more time. Kim is near tears. "Kim, I want you to return the favor to mom. Feel, squeeze, and then pinch her nipples."

Mom is scared; Kim has a huge grin on her face. Kim grabs mom's breasts roughly and squeezes hard. Mom emits a low-pitched moan with each squeeze. Kim places a nipple between thumb and finger, then pinches hard on her nipple. Mom does scream in pain and fall to her knees. She composes herself and stands back up. Kim again squeezes hard making mom instantly scream in pain and drop to her knees sobbing.

Mom got back up again, smiles and waits for the next pinch. Kim looks at me, and I nod my head yes. Kim let up on the next two. She still screams but does not fall to her knees in pain.

My next command, "Kim, I want you to gently rub mom's clit with one hand and then finger fuck mom with at least two fingers using your other hand. Mom, I want you to tweak your nipples and lick them."

Dad is holding his dick in his hand. I am stroking mine; this is hot and kinky. Mom is quickly reaching her orgasm. Dad is frozen, unable to comprehend the sex act in front of him. His daughter almost naked, his wife nude.

I now add, "Wouldn't it be cool if someone came walking down the path now. Just walked up on this scene, with you two going at it like this. Mother and daughter. How about a horny hunting party. No pussy for a week and then you two like this. Mommy slut for the taking and using. Triple penetration."

Predictably, mom blew up. She screamed and then her eyes are on me. She wanted me. She needed a good fucking.

I ask, "Does mommy slut need a good fucking?"

I look at dad, and his eyes only see mom. He is ready to pounce.

I command Kim, "Kim, bring your shirt and sit next to me leaning over this railing." I look at dad. "Mommy slut is in the grass. She was mean to Kim and needs punishing. Someone needs to go down there and fuck her raw! Is it you or is it me?"

Dad leaped to his feet with his crutches ready. Two long strides and the crutches go flying, and dad rips his pants off and fucks mom with a ferocity I have never seen before. He's lost in the moment. He is slapping her ass, slapping her face, and pounding mom hard enough to bruise them both. I move behind Kim, drop my pants and boxers, then ram my steel prick into her steaming furnace.

Kim looks embarrassed and looks around as I am fucking her. Eventually, she doesn't care as her orgasm builds. I need to win, so I tweak Kim's clit pretty good, and she explodes in joy. She is slumped over the railing like a dead body, tits hanging down lewdly. Five minutes more of dad slamming mom and they both explode.

Mom is now sprawling out on the grass, uncaring if anyone comes by. When mom recovers, Kim has already put her clothes back on and is watching. Mom helps dad up and then picks up her clothes.

I stop her, "Oh no, Mommy-slut. I have a small list of things to do still. You won't be needing your clothes for a while."

Dad is gruff when he finally spoke up, "No. She's done. Go get your clothes and put them on."

I reply, "But Mommy slut still wants to have fun with us."

Dad is almost mad now, "Brian; I don't ever want to hear you use that name again. That's my wife. Only I have sex with her. You can play house with your sister, but mom is now off limits. That's final."

He walks away limping. I look after him with a mean and unhappy look. Internally I am screaming, "Yes! Finally! Whoopie! About fucking time!"

I look at mom, smile, and say, "Mom, he's cured." Both Kim and mom hug me with tears running down their cheeks. "Damn that was hot."

Mom and Kim both say, "Oh Brian!"

We walk inside laughing and joking. My parents are back together; my plan worked.

To Be Continued...

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WargamerWargamerover 2 years ago

Not cool him screwing other men’s wives. He fucked Roscoes wife I Roscoes home before he found out Roscoe was ok with it. He abused the friendship and the hospitality be paying it back with adultery. He by rights should’ve said no to Connie.

Also with Karen, she is married and he’s fucking her too. Her husband is intimidated by Brian who just can’t control. Hilarious tale for sure, but the fucking of other mens wives is just so wrong.

Downgraded this chapter.3/5

Radomir1Radomir1over 2 years ago

So far, an interesting and enjoyable story with elements of porn.

I won't discuss the rules at the military base or Brian's job. :)

It's a made-up story.

It's not about the army and smugglers, it's about Brian and Kim and their mom. It's nice that parents accept their children's attraction and don't judge them.

Diecast1Diecast1almost 3 years ago

love it, AAAAA+++++

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearabout 4 years ago
Anonymous 01/15/20 Really REALLY?!?

Sorry I just can't get over this Anonymous idiot. That's twice so I'm guessing it's the same "person", I used quotes cause they are to chickenshit to use their name. Again there are parts of Canada REMOTE location (not near major cities, or even small towns) where ice cream is a LUXURY!!! This takes place in a Hunting Lodge, where the closest neighbor is 2 HOURS away by ATV. Everyone knows Canada Has ice cream, but get it through your stupid brain, where this story takes place if they went to a store and bought it themselves it would be melted by the time they got home. When they get it from the army base it's most likely packed in dry ice to survive the trip, and they get it for free from them. It would be too expensive to do that from a civilian store so it's RARE that they get it. Thanks to BMS for another great tale (even for the second time)

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

You think we don’t have ice cream in Canada? The rest of reality I can ignore, but no ice cream, really?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

I'd really love to see some humility in your stories and not just a bunch of revenge fuck tales about an overpowered protagonist who makes everyone pay for wronging him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
feed back

Excellent pt 1 and 2, Would love more of these characters in pt 3,4,5, and so on. wish I could give higher than 5 ratings, I would give this at least a 10

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Great, next chapter please.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 5 years ago
a really fine story

I enjoyed the read very much.

Thanks for the good work

Geisha1Geisha1about 5 years ago

Great story. Encore

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftabout 5 years ago
I do hope there is more to come

Liking this new work of yours.

dslwagondslwagonabout 5 years ago
Please keep adding

Love this story it is very good and the way you keep going back and forth with it is very good. Love the sex parts as well please keep up the story.

heavyduty1to1heavyduty1to1about 5 years ago

I loved it please keep going

linnearlinnearabout 5 years ago
Please Keep Going

Another great chapter, I'm get excited every time I see you have released a new story. I love the adventure and of course the sex, although I'm not a fan of the submissive or bdsm stuff but you make it blend in well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
My 2 cents

Another great chapter! Looking forward to the next chapter! Thanks for your time and imagination.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

I'm waiting for the chapter where he walks on water just before he turns it into wine.

ju8streadingju8streadingabout 5 years ago

this is a dam good series to read. please keep it going

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