The Rest of the Story


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"It didn't take long to find out that a repeat diet of interracial sex quickly loses that extra kick that it first gave by being so taboo, naughty and forbidden. Well, at least among the people with which we socialized it's considered to be naughty, taboo and forbidden. And T.R. has a different, more aggressive style of fucking. At first it was something new and exciting. It soon became repeat sex. T.R. was used to lots of women -- attractive women. While he liked the pursuit and conquest of a woman and the cuckolding of her husband if she was married, he grew tired of the same woman after a short amount of time.

"To make up for that loss of a sexual high that conquering a new woman brought him, the common thing to do in his circles was to add drugs or alcohol or both to the mix as well as more intense sexual experiences including gang bangs and BDSM.

"It is in that case that my stubborn streak served me well. That same stubborn streak that shut you out of our marriage for a number of years gave me the power to refuse the drugs and alcohol. I wanted nothing to do with BDSM, and when the gang bangs started to become more violent, I refused them, too. T.R. was ready to throw me out and I was ready to be thrown.

"Except, right at that time a guy from a porn studio contacted T.R. about getting a new girl to do a porn series for him: 'MILF's First Video,' and if that worked out, 'MILF's First Spit Roast,' 'MILF's first IR,' 'MILF's First DP,' 'MILF's First Lesbian,' and 'MILF's First Gangbang.' He talked me into it. I had been living at T.R.'s house. Now the porn studio would put me up in a nice hotel suite. It was just T.R.'s way of moving me out of his house because he had a new girl he was ready to move in, but he wasn't quite ready to get rid of me altogether yet. He was hoping for some nice FMF sex with me and his new girl -- a gorgeous brown girl with huge floppy tits.

"Before I was done with the porn videos T.R. was done with me. When my contract was done with the studio they stopped paying for my suite. I had nowhere to go but here. You're right. When I got on the plane I was thinking to myself that I would come back to the world I had left at the end of September, but life goes on."

She started crying, "I'm sorry, Al. I allowed myself to get too caught up in my fantasy life. Instead of clinging to you and to our life together I let myself be seduced by the promises of another man. I have to stop thinking about myself and begin to comprehend the hurt I have caused to you and to Dory. Please, Al, don't kick me out. I'm beginning to see the extent of my mistake. I have nowhere else to turn. Please, Al, don't hate me. Give me a chance to make it up to you. If I lose you I lose everything. Give me a chance, Al, please."

She went on like this for a while longer. I held her in my arms to support her. I didn't know what to say. A lot of things had changed since she had left. Did I love her? Yes and no. Now I was loving her with the love I would have for a person who had messed up their life by making some bad choices -- an alcoholic who realized that alcohol was destroying him, a drug addict who saw that if he didn't straighten up soon, he'd be dead, the prisoner who had committed a crime because he had no marketable skills and was pushed into crime by peer pressure. I can love people like that and do what I can to help them out. That's the love I was feeling for Amy.

The love of a husband for his wife? The desire of a husband to be one with his wife? That was not there. Not now. Not anymore. Would it ever return? I could not say. Did I want it to return? Not really. I had to be careful with what I said to Amy. I did not want to hurt her. I did not want to raise her hopes. I did not want to be dishonest. I did not want to promise her anything I was not sure I could or should deliver.

"I'm still sorting this out," I said. "I probably don't hate you, but I really don't like what you did to Dory and me. I will not kick you out, but I'm certainly not ready to sleep with you. I have developed very strong feelings for Eve in the time that you have been gone. One of the very best things you can do, short term, is to respect those feelings and even honor them. In a way I feel she saved my life after you trashed me. She's probably the biggest reason why I don't hate you and why I won't kick you out. Without her I believe my anger would have taken over my life and consumed me.

"All I will expect of you is to do what you have to do to get your life back on track. How the two of us will relate to one another after that only time will tell," I concluded.

Amy and I were not divorced. I had not begun proceedings against her nor she against me. It was very selfish of me. I did not want her to get half of our assets. I especially did not want that to happen when she was with T.R. What I had done through our attorneys (Eve's and mine) is by using the designation of Power of Attorney, Eve and I had given to one another about every legal right that spouses have in relation to one another.

For right now, Amy could sleep in the master bedroom in our house. If I slept in that house I would use the guest room. My marriage bed was with Eve. I had already moved my clothing and toiletries to her house. She was so pleased on the day that happened. I kept my truck and tools at my house. I'd get up in the morning and go over to my house where I would cook breakfast. Eve was in the habit of coming over to eat with Dory and me. Within a week of her showing up on our doorstep Amy started coming down for breakfast. She had gotten her job back.

Amy offered to cook supper for all of us every night except Friday when she worked late. She did not push for me to come to bed with her. In fact she made a point of letting me know that she had made an appointment with a good lab (she had actually gotten the name of the lab that Eve's club uses to test the dancers) to be tested for the broadest range of STD's, just in case she had contracted something while in Florida.

Sometimes I would sleep in my own house in the guest bedroom. I did that especially when Eve worked the night shift. It did not take the four of us long to settle into this living truce. Amy was friendly toward us and we were friendly toward her. I expected no intimacy from her and received none. While she continued to wear her Banker Chic clothes to work, as soon as she came home she reverted back to the clothing she used to wear when she was denying me sex. That was okay with me. I did not have to fight off a desire for her.

Except for the license, I was married to Eve. She was my wife, my partner, my soul mate and the object of my affection. As I used to take out Amy to be with her, to be seen with her and to have a good time enjoying her company, now I loved taking Eve out on dates and spending time with her. And we pleasured one another for hours as we made love. I loved Dory as my daughter. I loved Amy as a person who had lost her way for a while, and now needed the loving support of friends. She had apologized for her mistakes many times. She had taken full responsibility. She even stopped blaming T.R. although she wanted nothing more to do with him or any of his friends or acquaintances. I had forgiven her.

Our change in relationship was not because I had not fully forgiven her. The change in relationship was simply the consequence of the choices she had made. No one can turn back the clock. By the time she came back to Dory and me things had changed. She had to adjust to the changes that had taken place.

As she continued to live with us on a day to day basis it became easier to let the past be the past. We could laugh together and cry together. The four of us sometimes went to concerts together or stayed home and watched movies together. Dory and Amy were acknowledging one another as mother and daughter. They had some mother/daughter bonding moments, a number of which took place in one mall or another.

Even the friendship between Eve and Amy was rekindled when it seemed that Amy was not going to undermine the relationship that I now had with Eve. Eve did not have many friends. The girls with whom she worked liked her but it had to be a professional relationship. While Eve could and did befriend her girls, they were not her friends. If need be, she was the one who would have to meet out discipline or maintain order among some high strung girls. But Eve had no such professional relationship to Amy. Thy were just friends, two women who hit it off with one another.

It was a Friday night in the middle of June. Six months time had worked on all of us since Amy had arrived back from Florida. Our relationships to one another had evolved to where we were comfortable with one another. No one was looking back.

I had brought pizza home for supper. Eve was there and grabbed a wedge and a can of soda, saying, "I have to eat and run. I had to work last night and I have to work again tonight. Al, you can catch your Z's here tonight. When I get home I'm just going to want to crash. I hate working nights. But tomorrow I'd like everybody over at the house in the afternoon for a pool party. Then I'll cook some burgers on the grill for supper. Okay? Gotta run."

Amy came home and we ate the pizza -- Amy, Dory and I. Each one of us had a chance to talk about how the day went. I was getting near the end of fixing up this house we were living in and I could have used the Saturday afternoon to get some work done, but Eve didn't really ask whether we wanted to come over to her house, she pretty much assumed we would be there. I'd be seeing Eve and Dory in some pretty tiny swim suits. The more I thought about that the more willing I was to lay aside work on the house for a Saturday afternoon with two gorgeous girls at the pool.

We had been over to Eve's a couple of other times already that spring. Amy had reverted back to wearing a modest mommy swimsuit. I couldn't help but notice that she still had a great figure, but it was easy to pretty much ignore Amy as Eve's body and choice of micro swimwear kept my attention on her.

Saturday morning I started out making breakfast as usual. Dory would sleep in as usual. Amy had to work at the bank as she often did on Saturday mornings, so thanked me for making breakfast for her. When Eve didn't show up I checked my phone and there was a text message from last night telling me that Eve was going to sleep in and would not be there for breakfast. And then my phone rang calling me in to work for an emergency on my side of town. I wolfed down my breakfast with Amy and we both went our separate ways.

Fortunately this emergency only took a couple of hours to fix and I was back home by noon. Dory was getting out fixings for sandwiches for lunch. Amy came home and we ate. I had time to do a little bit of preparation of walls in a room before I would paint them. We decided we would meet in the kitchen at 2:30 to go over to Eve's. The girls would change here at the house. All my clothing was at Eve's except for an extra pair of work clothes. I figured I'd change over there.

At about 2 o'clock Dory came to the room where I was patching holes and handed me one of my thong swimsuits. "Eve brought this over for you this morning," she said. I didn't understand why, but as much as I loved her, I did not always understand her.

At 2:30 I was changed and standing in the living room in my thong, wearing a shirt to cover me up for when we walked down to Eve's. Dory was next and Amy was last. She was wearing one of my dress shirts as a cover up. I wondered where she got it but figured that as much as I've been living in two houses I know it wasn't the only thing I've left in the wrong house. (If you think misplacing your keys when you live in one house is bad, I can assure you it is worse when you're living out of two houses.)

We left the house and walked to Eve's. We walked up the drive to the back yard and were met with this vision of beauty. Eve was standing there in the bottom half of a slingshot micro bikini and high platform heels. Her blonde hair was pulled up into a pony tail quite high on her head. She had on matching earrings and navel jewelry. She was stunning.

I whipped off my shirt and practically ran up to her, pulling her to me and kissing her because I really did love this woman and was fascinated by her beauty. And I loved the feeling of her naked body against mine. When I was done I stepped back. I noticed that there seemed to be an awkward moment of silence. Eve looked to Amy. Amy unbuttoned her shirt. In a rather dramatic gesture she opened it wide, took it off and threw it on a chair. "Amy is back!" she shouted triumphantly. Amy stood there in a white micro g-string. Eve seemed to know what this was all about. Dory did not seem to be surprised. But I did not know what to make of it. I stood looking at her in stunned silence. But my mind was going a mile a minute.

As she continued, I understood part of it. "It has been six months. I've gotten thoroughly tested again. All results are negative. I'm clean. What a load off my mind."

I could understand that and was happy for her. But the questions kept zipping through my mind at lightning speed as I still stood there in shock. Was she expecting this to change our relationship? Was she expecting me to come back to bed with her? Was she expecting me to give up my relationship with Eve? Was she declaring her independence and that she would now be looking for a boyfriend and moving out as soon as she found one?

That last question shocked me. I realized for the first time that I did not want her to move out. I had not been intimate with her since she had returned home, but I still had strong feelings for her -- strong enough that I did not want her to leave or to be intimate with anyone else.

But then, if I did not want her to become intimate with anyone else, I owed it to her to show her the physical affection I had been withholding from her. But I could not leave Eve.

If that was what she was expecting I could not deliver. I loved Eve and I would not give her up in a futile attempt to turn back the clock. Evidently these thoughts and the accompanying emotions played across my face as I just stood there dumbfounded.

In the almost twenty years that we had been married, I guess Amy had learned to read my facial expressions very well. She seemed to sense the mixed thoughts and emotions that were spinning around in my mind. I was still standing next to Eve. Amy came over to me and put her arms around me from my right side. Eve hugged me from the left. They both kissed me on the cheek and then Amy said, "You're worried. I can see that. You have no reason to worry, Al. I'm not going to hurt you and I'm not going to hurt Dory and I'm certainly not going to hurt Eve.

"The last time I expected you to trust me I deceived you. I deceived Dory and was dishonest with myself. But that's all water over the dam. I'm asking you to trust me today. Please just do what I ask you to do, or what Eve asks you to do, or what Dory asks you to do, no questions asked. I think by the end of the day you will see that you had nothing to fear. Now, lets spend some time in the water."

Dory yelled, "Last one in's a rotten egg," and immediately jumped in the pool. Amy and Eve were next and I was the rotten egg. Actually, I was the one from whom they tried to keep away the beach ball. We played other games in the water and alternated with climbing out of the water and working on our tans. All three girls wanted me to put sun tan lotion on their bodies. I was so hard, I took off my thong to relieve the pressure. The girls put lotion on me.

We ate an early supper. Eve cooked the burgers on a grate over a fire pit. She claimed that they tasted best done that way. Then Eve and Amy said they had to get ready.

"Ready for what?" I asked.

As she put her finger up to my lips, Amy said, "Shhh, no questions. Just trust me."

About an hour later they yelled from the kitchen, "See you later. Your clothes are in the hall bathroom."

I turned to Dory who was out on the patio with me, "What's going on?" I asked.

"Shhh, no questions. Just trust her. We'll get dressed shortly and go to the club where Eve works."

We took one more dip in the pool, then went and showered to wash off the chlorine. Dory showered in the shower off the bedroom, I used the shower at the end of the hallway. Clothing was hung up for me in the bathroom where I showered. I got dressed and moved downstairs to the living room. I knew it would take Dory longer than myself.

Eventually, she came down. "We'll use Mom's car," she said as she palmed a set of keys. I got in the passenger side. She drove to the upscale gentlemen's club where Eve was a house mother. We entered the club shortly before 9. I paid the cover charge. Dory suggested that we sit where we could get a good view of the stage. A waitress came and took our order for drinks.

The lights dimmed and the DJ announced, "And now, our featured dancers for this evening, making their debut, let's hear a nice round of applause for Leather and Lacey." Out onto the stage came Eve and Amy. They were both wearing thigh high black leather high heeled boots. They each wore a high waisted leather thong with two rows of chains draped across the front. They wore dark red bustiers covered in black lace, black leather motorcycle caps and sunglasses. On their arms were long black leather gloves. There were long silver earrings hanging from their ears and they each wore a black leather studded choker.

They came out dancing to the music. As their three songs progressed they shed their clothes and teased each other's bodies as though they were in heat for each other. They closed out the set being naked except for the boots, choker and earrings. It was an extremely sexually charged performance and I was convinced that they were not just going through the motions. They really were making love to one another there on stage. Had I been able to touch their pussies, I'm sure they would have been wet for one another. My cock was so hard.

A new dancer was announced. Shortly after she started dancing Eve and Amy came out from the back, each carrying a small briefcase. I would learn later that their clothing and costumes were in them. They were wearing matching black leather jackets and had put on their leather thongs. They came up to me, one on each side, and Eve said, "It's time to go home. We'll take my car. We can get Amy's car tomorrow."

Eve handed Dory the keys. Eve's car had the more spacious back seat of the two cars. Eve sat on one side, I sat in the middle and Amy sat on the other side. They opened their jackets and unbuttoned my shirt. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that both Eve and Amy wanted the three of us to play. Before we got home, I was naked and both Eve and Amy were once again down to just their boots. Their pussies were indeed sopping wet.

Dory pulled the car into the heated garage. We got out. Eve and Amy thanked Dory for making the plan work out perfectly. They offered to let Dory stay at Eve's in the spare bedroom or go home to her own bedroom. She unbuttoned her blouse revealing that she had not worn a bra that night. Then she gave us each a hug -- a bare chest to bare chest hug -- and prepared to go home. She said something to Eve about teaching her next. And was ready to walk home.

I figured that even if Eve and I or Amy and I or the three of us would be doing something together, that we would each take a potty break before continuing. So I insisted on throwing on my clothes and walking Dory home to make sure she would be safe. I couldn't help it. It's what fathers do. They take care of their daughters.

I came back to find Eve and Amy waiting for me. "Do your washroom thing and join us back here," Amy said. I did. Now, in the living room music was playing and the two girls were dancing, naked except for their boots, jewelry and chokers. It was a fast number and they looked hot. Another song came on and we all moved to the music. I admired the view. The two girls started rubbing up against me, playing with me. In response I tried drawing them in to myself so that I could embrace and fondle them. We were now dancing a slow number, the three of us together, holding one another tight. They each had a tit mashed against my chest and their other tit mashed against the tit of the other girl.