The Right One


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He talks some more about work and I listen gratefully. There isn't much I want to talk about since I would rather he were here in person to see and touch him. But hearing his voice keeps me calm and wanting. I've gone weeks without hearing it, this is nice.

"How is your new position going?" He is being polite.

I try to keep it short but he asks me some thoughtful questions and for once since we've kissed, I feel like I'm talking to the old Ethan. The respectful one that listens to me and cares about my answers. Not that this new Ethan doesn't. There is just a different level of comfort in talking to him when I feel like I won't say or do the wrong thing.

"I have my flight ready for December 25th. I can be at your place shortly after or wait until a little bit later if you want to sleep in." He has me on speaker as he checks his flight information.

"I can pick you up from the airport." My eagerness is borderline embarrassing.

"That would be great." He pauses and thinks. "Make sure to wear a skirt, no underwear. And that you wear a warm coat and hat."

Wearing the skirt defeats the whole purpose of a hat but I don't say that. I can't. Because all I can imagine now is waiting for his flight with no underwear and then sitting in a car next to him while we both know I'm bare underneath. A flush breaks out over my chest and I try to control my breathing.

"Yes, Sir." I clear my throat. "I can't wait."

"I hope you enjoy what I have planned." The promise settles in my lower belly.

"I will love whatever you want to do with me, Sir." My legs shift under the bedsheets.

"Even if I want to fuck your tight little pussy in your car right after you pick me up?" His tone turns hard.

I arch, my eyes fluttering close, and bite back my moan. I need his hands on me. I want to rub my breasts and sneak my hand into my shorts but I don't. I can't ask him for permission to touch myself. I don't know why. I want it so bad. I need it. But a stubborn part of my brain shoots the possibility down. As if holding myself back from begging cancels out the submissive part of my nature that will wear the skirt with no underwear for him on Christmas.

"Are you touching yourself?" He growls.

"No!" My eyes snap open. "No, Sir." I sound more lucid.

"You don't want to?" He taunts.

"No, Sir." I ball my hand against my stomach, urging the throbbing between my legs to go away."

"Why not?"

"I want to wait for you." It isn't a complete lie. If I wait until he arrives, my orgasm will be much sweeter than if I was to do it on my own. Cumming by his hand, on his command, appeals a lot more to me now. Could that be another reason I don't want to sneak my hands into my shorts right now? It is very concerning not to understand why I do things. I haven't been this at odds with myself in years.

"Who says I'll let you cum when I get there?" The malice in his voice makes me bite my lip.

"Don't be cruel, please, Sir." I feel the tears prickling behind my lids.

"Okay, baby. I will be sweet. I will make you feel good." He drops the tightness in his tone. "I have to send out a few more emails tonight. Be a good girl and text me tomorrow."

"I will. Goodnight, Ethan."

"Goodnight, Leila."


Christmas music blasts in the background as Maggie and I walk through the mall.

I don't particularly like malls. I'm the type of person that can spend a few hours window shopping but not in a crowded area. I prefer to go to standalone stores that have everything I need in one place. My style is not overly sophisticated so I never need anything too fancy. This time though, I come on a mission. If only it wasn't so packed. Why do people wait until the last minute to buy what they need? Surely a few days until Christmas is cutting it too close?

I know, I know, who am I to judge?

Well, these are extenuating circumstances. After going through every item of clothing that I own, I realize that I do not own a nice skirt. I actually have a very limited inventory in that department and the ones that I do have are for work. I'm sure Ethan will be less than thrilled to see me in a navy-blue skirt and blazer. I also realized, in my frenzied search for something presentable, that I didn't think to get him a gift.

It is Christmas after all.

The music follows us between department stores and I eye a little red number hanging off a mannequin. He did say no underwear though. Maybe this will be a surprise for the next day? If he decides to stay the night. For all I know, he will want to go back to Rupert's place or a hotel that night. I should have asked him to be clearer but the few times we text or call, he is balancing something important on the back end. I hate to feel too needy so I try to give him some space. Although each and every time I do reach out, he is very sweet and appreciates the effort.

"And what would you do with that?" Maggie yanks on the edge of the thong, causing it to slap back on the mannequin.

"Wear it, duh." I sneak behind it and check the price. Oh, very affordable. Now that I have a nice paying position, I can afford this minor splurge.

"You do realize this is meant more as a gift for someone to unwrap off you?" She laughs and then stands straighter when I don't laugh with her. "Get the fuck out of here!" She nudges me with her shopping bag.

My cheeks begin to warm. I have teetered on the thought of telling her and Travis about Ethan. It is still so fairly new and completely different from any previous relationship I ever had. I don't know how to explain it to them. I guess I don't really have to explain anything but giving them a little bit of information may cause them to demand more. I don't know if I can give more.

"Who?" She grabs my shoulders and shakes them. "You let me go on about Travis' mom's awful broccoli casserole this whole time and you've been sitting on this!" Her eyes are full of excitement. The turquoise on her shirt makes them pop a little more. Or maybe it is the Christmas lights coming from the ceiling.

"It really isn't much." I motion for her to settle down.

"Bullshit, Leila." Her mind is on overdrive right now thinking of all of the possibilities, now that she knows that I'm seeing someone. "You don't ever talk about anyone."

"I actually have mentioned him before." I hide my face behind the rack of clothes and look for the lingerie in my size.

This really confuses her for a few moments. She scratches her head and stares up, thinking really hard about all of our previous conversations.

"You'll get an aneurysm if you think any harder." I grab her by the arm and walk us toward the skirts. Their inventory is abysmal as well. I mean, who buys skirts in the middle of winter? "His name is Ethan."

"You've never mentioned an Ethan!" She frowns. Then she points at a black leather skirt I pick out. "And you would never wear that!"

I motion for her to lower her voice. "I am trying something new." I look around again to make sure we're not being overheard. "I did mention him. He was my almost kiss when I was still with Hank."

Her eyes turn into big saucers and she silently screams into her hand. "Oh my God! Oh MY GOD!" She jumps in excitement, punching the air, and tap dancing on her feet. "That's why I don't remember him. You never gave me a name. My best friend is getting laid for Christmas!"

I give her a leveled look. "Calm down. I'm just preparing. Nothing has been set."

"Oh, whatever! You buy that skimpy little set and he won't be able to keep his hands off you." She swaps my words away.

Let's hope she's absolutely right.

"Now that I know why we're really here, let me run it back." Her eyes zone in on all the clothing before us.

"It has to be a skirt." I stop her from picking up some pants.

She gives me a look. "Why."

I sigh, exasperated. "Because I want to impress him."

If I told her the real reason, she may look at me with more concern. She was around when I was with my first boyfriend. She saw the amount of control I was under and she will be rightfully upset if she finds out just how close I am to playing with a similar fire. I love her dearly, but I don't need her opinions about this before I have even formed them myself.

"Okay," She goes back to her fashionista mode.

We swipe through endless outfits involving skirts. I look at each one with care and wish that I could send Ethan a picture and make him choose. The thought is tempting but I want to be able to do this on my own and make him proud. It could also lead to him dictating other outfits and I don't think I'm there yet. Although it is not hard to imagine how easy it could be to involve him in these types of decisions.

"You have to let me know how it goes!" Maggie watches me pay for my things.

I only tell her a few things so that she doesn't feel completely left out. Most surface-level stuff about what he does and how this is a long-distance thing. That concerns her but she says as long as I'm getting what I want out of it, she approves. I think she would approve of anyone other than any of my exes. I briefly wonder what that says about my taste in men but I don't dwell on it.


Maggie and I settled on a brown leather skirt with knee-high boots and a comfortable loose sweater that would keep me warm on its own. I almost purchased a jacket to wear over it but I want as little clothes as possible between me and Ethan. I tug on the skirt as I jump out of the car on Christmas day. The airport is still filled with travelers but not quite like I'm sure it was earlier this week or even during Thanksgiving.

It is a little sad to think about those traveling during the holidays but then there are those, like myself, who typically have nowhere to go. I already received my Christmas morning call from my parents who assured me a gift was on the way. I'm sure it is another snow globe from New Orleans this time. They offered to pay for my flight if I wanted to join but that didn't even cross my mind. As soon as I knew who I would be spending the day with, everything else faded into the background.

Yikes, is it me or am I walking very close to the edge of codependency?

The cool wind swirls between my thighs and I shiver in response. Good thing I made it with just a few minutes to spare. He should be coming out soon with his carry-on as he is only staying for one night. I feel guilty realizing he spent his Christmas morning on a plane with strangers and will not spend it with his family but the selfish part of me loves it. He chose to be here. To see me.

He chose me.

He comes out through the double doors in a black peacoat and matching pants. His shoes are more comfortable than what I'm used to seeing on him but they still pull the outfit together. The bag on his shoulder hangs off almost forgotten when his eyes land on mine. He wastes no time coming over to me and pressing me back against my car to kiss me deeply.

There are no words exchanged or hugs given out. Just the feeling of his mouth on mine and his hard body pressing holding me in place. The cool air between my legs is a thing in the past when he deepens the kiss a little more. He controls every part of it. His tongue leads mine in a slow and sensual dance.

When he finally pulls back, I have to force my lips not to follow his.

"Where is your hat, Leila?" He runs his hand through my hair and tugs on the ends of it to get my attention. "You're going to catch a cold."

I look up from his lips and realize he asked me something. "I'm sorry, Sir. I forgot."

He kisses me brutally and I endure the kiss, knowing that I will instantly explode if he touches me between my thighs. He is more controlled this time, not caring if I am following his lead. Purely concerned about making it enjoyable for himself and taking great pleasure in the mewling sounds coming from my lips.

"Consider that a warning." He leans back once more. "Okay, let's eat first and then go to your place. I do have the option of getting a hotel if you need space tonight."

I shake my head. "I would like you to stay with me."

He smiles and opens the passenger door for me.

I get in and shake off the excessive horniness sitting in my lower belly. It was just a kiss. Enough for it to make me mad for a moment but I can look forward to more if I just behave. I run my hands through my hair, mentally kicking myself for forgetting a hat. I was so caught up on getting here on time that I left it behind. It is cooler out this morning than it has been the last few days. As he stated, I could catch a cold.

He puts the car into drive after setting his bag in the back seat and pulls out of the airport with ease.

"How was your flight?" I run my hands against my lips. I'm sure they're bruised now.

"Not bad." He smiles and watches me intently with his hazel eyes. "Thank you for picking me up."

His warm gaze shines a heated spotlight on me. It showers me with warm rays that are intense considering I have not had someone pay such close attention to me in the past few weeks. It is intimidating and highly pleasurable all at once.

"You're welcome." I smile back.

"How was work?" He drives around like he knows exactly where he is going. Which he probably does since he has family around the area.

"Good, kinda quiet since everyone is traveling for the holidays."

He nods. "It's the same in headquarters. My assistant was actually very surprised I wasn't working through the holidays myself."

"You don't usually take time off?" I cock my head to the side.

"Not unless I have something planned with the family."

"What are their plans for today?" I hope it is not an intrusive question.

"Most of them are spending it with their own families. My parents had my aunt fly out to their lodge this time." He gently places a hand on my lap and steers the wheel with his other one.

"Did you want to spend the day with them?" My question comes out breathless but he hears it.

"They typically understand when I cannot see them." He leaves it at that.

I want to ask more. We have never really talked about his family. He mentioned an aunt or someone nearby. Are there siblings, if so, how many? It seems like these are the type of questions I should know before being tossed over his lap and spanked thoroughly. I don't even know much about his ex-wife and yet here I am with no underwear in public, at his request. My mind doesn't take a moment to stop overthinking until we park in front of a little hole-in-the-wall restaurant.

I stare out the window seeing their open sign shining bright. "A favorite of yours?"

It would explain how he knew they would be open on Christmas morning. Looking around, I notice much of everything else is closed. I will be surprised if there is anyone really eating by themselves at this time. The poor cook must be yawning to tears.

"You could say that." He turns back to dig through his bag. When he finally settles down, there is a black box in his hand.

My eyes widen slightly and for the first time since we have met, the blood drains from my face.

He grins and shakes his head. "It is not what you think."

I visibly exhale and wait for him to open it. It is a thin silver necklace. From it hangs a small charm. I pull it a little closer to my face, feeling my cheeks warm from the unexpected surprise. It looks like a hollow heart but there is a blue diamond inside.

"It is beautiful." I stare back at him.

He watches me, not letting his emotions shine through his eyes like usual. "I want to be completely honest."

I nod and wait.

He motions for me to turn and hold my hair up so he can put it on for me. "I wanted to buy you a collar." He softens the news with a kiss on my neck.

I'm slow to turn back, unsure of how to answer. "Like for dogs?"

He cringes. "For a sub."

"Thank you for the necklace." I try to be grateful and ignore thoughts of what would have happened if I saw him with a collar in his hand, meant for me. I doubt I would be jumping up and down with joy. He cannot hold that against me. It is not as if that is something I'm familiar with.

"It wouldn't be something you would wear in public. Lest you would want others to know you're into some kinky shit." He pauses, hoping the explanation will ease my concerns. "It is actually a high form of honor for a Dom to give something so permanent to his sub."

"I think the necklace can work the same way for now." My answer disappoints him but I don't budge.

"It has my birthstone in it." He reaches over to touch it. "The lady at the jewelry store said it would be a nice touch. I hope you think of me whenever you catch a glimpse of it."

I want to scowl but clear my throat instead. "You do realize I think about you almost every second of the day, right?"

He watches me cautiously. "That is concerning." Then he smiles in jest. "But I think about you just as much."

I bite my lip and open my glove compartment. I pull out a bigger black box compared to his and place it in his palm. "Merry Christmas."

His eyes widen as he looks down at the box. "You shouldn't have." He's not smiling neither does he appear to have an inclination to open it. When he does though, he stares at the face of a watch, again not really showing anything other than thoughtfulness in his eyes.

I swoop in and take the box out of his hands to remove it from the display. Once I store the box away, I gently place the thick watch face down.

He sees the engravement in the back and frowns. Like myself with my gift, he pulls it closer to his face and reads what I asked for them to inscribe in it:

To mark every second that I am thinking of you.



We're both staring down at the watch for a few breaths. It all happened too perfectly. My gift was meant to be a response to his initial gift for me. The plant, not this valuable necklace. And for him to bring up the fact that he wants me to think about him constantly, just to be given a gift that reassures him of that...fate is the only explanation I can come up with.

I'm blindsided momentarily. He lunges across the center console and presses my back against the door. I moan into his mouth as he devours my lips and tongue. His free hand cups my breasts over my shirt while his other one holds the watch against my chest. The ticking is faint but it thumps against my erratic heartbeat. The kiss leaves me breathless and ready to yank him on top of me.

He ends the kiss early though and quickly replaces the watch on his wrist with the one I gave him. I spent a good part of my check to make sure he could wear it often without worrying about wearing and tearing. My heart sings as I watch him look down at it and smile.


After an excruciating long breakfast, one where Ethan doesn't order for me, he drives us back to my place.

It is as if he has all of the time in the world. He stops at every yellow light. He waits for pedestrians to walk across the street without a hint of urgency. He even hums to the Christmas songs on the radio as he drives through town. Meanwhile, I have to breathe in through my mouth to avoid begging him to pull over. The coil forming in my lower belly has not loosened one bit since he groped my breasts and kissed me feverishly in the car.

When we pull into my parking spot, I jump out of the car first and stand there while he gets his bag and checks his pockets for the keys. He makes a show of taking out any trash he may have left in the car and then closes his door. I'm practically bouncing on the balls of my feet as we walk into the building and head straight to the elevator. There is an older lady waiting as well and I almost groan when I realize she'll be in there with us.

I can't catch a break!

Maybe if I slide her a 50 dollar bill and asked her to stay behind she will do me a solid.
