The Ring Ch. 02

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Keith uses the Ring heartily.
8.7k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/14/2016
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Keith awoke not knowing where he was and hot as all hell. His head spun as he opened his eyes to daylight and looking at a ceiling where fan blades spun slowly. Not enough to even feel a breeze. As his mind began waking, he became aware that someone lay in the bed with him.

He turned slightly and saw black hair. Leti still slept, her slow breathing making that observation fact. Details began fading back to him from yesterday.

He remembered going home with her after their backseat copulation. The entire time they talked and he recalled her telling him many things, but only her name stayed with him.

Leti had been hands on the entire ride. It was only late into the night that Keith remembered the ring had been turned on. She blew him in the driveway, which started their continual tryst as he moved the television inside.

At some point his boss had called to ask what he was up too. He got the impression she hadn't even realized he had left work early. Somewhere into the night, they began drinking, which explained his headache. And his cotton mouth.

Keith got up and looked at his hand. The ring was still turned to be active. He left it on for now, in case she woke. Last thing Keith wanted was to awake Leti and she not recall him at all. They did drink a lot and he had no idea if the ring did anything to memory.

Moving to the bathroom, he relived himself and looked himself over in the mirror. He looked worse for wear. Eyes sunken and looking exhausted, he needed something for his sore body. Keith, not wanting to waste anytime, quickly found his things and left Leti's home.

The daylight burned his eyes and he swore in pain. Never one to give up, he began walking though, but not before he turned the ring off. Worse thing would be running into someone on the street and falling to its influence. Noting to himself to be more careful, he wandered clumsily until his phone went off in his hand.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Where you at man?"

It was Garfield, one of his buds he regularly hung with after work at the bar.

"I actually don't know," he replied. He stopped on a corner and read off the streets. "Can you pick me up?"


Keith looked around until he saw a street sign.

"Corner of Gamby and Roth."

"That's on the other side of town," Garfield protested.

"Come on man, I'm stuck."


Garfield hung up the phone, never even telling Keith what he had called for. Feeling woozy, Keith sat down in a yard on the corner waiting. No traffic came for what felt like an eternity. A small truck drove by, not even slowing down to take a look at him. The next vehicle came fifteen minutes later and it happened to be Garfield.

"Dude, what happened to you?" Garfield asked as Keith settled into the seat of the small Chevy Aveo.

"Long night," he replied with a groan. His arms hurt and so did his hips. If he did remember correctly, the Latina had been insatiable in bed. A symptom

"Fuck's sake man, I can tell," he said before the car accelerated. "What did you get into?"

"Latina girl," he said smirking while saying it. Keith felt free, even though his body ached and he felt dehydrated. "I need something to drink."

"Not now, we got issues," Garfield said.

"Oh yeah you called me. What's up?"

"Something happened to Frankie."

"That sleeze-ball?"

The look Garfield gave Keith let him know that the situation was more serious than he thought.

"Look Keith, you knew Frankie was a creep, but he's one of us."

Frankie happened to be someone Keith honestly had major issues dealing with being friends with. The guy made inappropriate jokes, hit on women uncomfortably and was generally too obnoxious to be around for long.

"Okay, so what happened?"

"He was found dead this morning in his apartment."


"Yeah, torn to shreds."

They rode in silence for what seemed to Keith an eternity.

"They know why?" Keith asked after they stopped at a light.

"No, but they said it was extremely grisly."

"So what are we doing?"

"Well, most of the group is at the bar already. No one can get ahold of Dave, but the rest of us are gathering to discuss what we can do."

"He lived with his sister right?"

"Yeah and I have no idea to handle what she is going through?"

Keith knew that Frankie had provided much of the fund that he and his sister lived off of. It was then though, that his eyes spied over the clock in the car.

"It's really past three?"

Keith hadn't missed work as he was off today, but he couldn't believe that he awoke so late in the day. He mentally shrugged to himself surmising that the night before he had lost track of time. The two of them rode in silence for the rest of the trip.

During the ride, Keith wondered what could have really happened to Frankie. Something didn't sit right with him about the situation, but he couldn't figure out what it was.

Molly's Bar a prominent spot for the group, was pretty empty. Samuel and David were there, waiting at a table and already sipping on some beers.

"What's up fellas?" Keith asked sitting down in one of the empty chairs.

Samuel looked terrible. Barely holding his head up. David still had on his necklace, leaning back in his chair.

"Frankie ain't here no more," Samuel said.

"I heard, has anyone talked to his sister?"

"I did earlier, she was worked up pretty bad," Garfield said with a sigh sitting down.

"Someone needs to go check on her, Frankie was everything to her," David replied.

"Any volunteers for that?"

"I'll do it," Samuel volunteered.

"Fuck no, let Keith do it," David said.

"Why not me?"

"Keith is better at this stuff."

Keith had no idea why they would volunteer him or even think he would be good at this stuff. With a sigh he agreed to it. Not that he wouldn't mind the effort. Macy was a nice girl, but her brother was a perv and an often unwanted group member.

"Then its decided," David said, holding up at hand. "Keith will check on Macy."

"Yeah, but what happened to Frankie?" Keith asked. "Gar over there told me earlier he had been torn to shreds."

"From what I gathered, they said it was some sort of animal attack."

They talked more about it. Trying to reason about things. The conversation flowed easily as well as the drinks. A few hours later, they tapered off. Everything looked to be going well.

"How's the necklace doing for ya David?"

Garfield belched the question out loudly. Drunk as they were, the question was answered by David, who drew the necklace out of his shirt. He held the chain up.

"It works like a charm, watch this."

Keith, who's attention swam with the alcohol, perked up seeing the chain. David walked over to the bar, where a hot blonde wearing a cocktail dress was. Within moments, he was walking out the door with her, smiling and waving at them.

"Well, that's it for me."

That declaration was made by Samuel, who pushed away from the table and wobbled away. Garfield looked at Keith, who then comically stood up and sauntered away towards the bathroom. Keith, feeling too drunk, did the only thing he had left on his agenda for the day.

Standing up himself, he wandered out of Molly's and into the day. Even at five, he had to squint under the sun. Taking his phone out, he called an Uber to get to Frankie and Macy's home.

The two of them lived together in an apartment in an upper-scale area. It always amazed Keith that the place sang of more money than the group of friends had. The Uber pulled up and drove him to the place where the siblings lived.

Now, Keith didn't know what to expect when the car pulled up. When it did, stepping out into silence would not be it. The only sound a car door closing a tires going as the Uber left. Walking slowly, he made his way to the apartment.

No one was around. Even in the complex. Keith moved slowly through the gated community. And it was a complex. Multiple buildings centering around a pond, with all the amenities one could want in a complex. There was the main office, two story gym, pool, game hall and of course the main offices. The lots where empty, which struck Keith as weird walking through.

The only times Keith had been here before at Frankie's was at night. So he had little reference to know what the place's traffic looked like.

Now Frankie and Macy lived in an apartment at the very back of the complex. On the third floor in a corner. The apartment had what had to be the worse view of the place, but Keith didn't dwell on it. By the time he got to the third floor and to the apartment, 16c, he was winded.

He could see the tape on the door even as he walked up. Not knowing what else to do, he knocked on it a few times. Eventually he called out her name a few times.


Macy stood in the walkway, a few doors down.

"I live in this one," she said turning and walking away. It wasn't a good walk either. The railing provided a stable hold as she walked. He followed, making sure not to over take her and went into the apartment.

"I thought you lived in the apartment down there," he said as he closed the door behind himself. Macy had walked in and went into the living room to sit on the couch.

"Well, it depends on the day of the week," she said. "Frankie was over there."

"You guys have separate apartments?" Keith asked astonished by the revelation.

"No, we own the whole complex, just don't rent to anyone but ourselves."

"Are you okay?"

Keith walked into the living room. Now Frankie and his sister were often confused for being a bit trashy in their appearance. Macy dressed better more often, but a rare occasion still.

Now Macy was a petite and small woman. She had orangish hair and kept herself a nice tan. Many would think she was exotic, but if it wasn't for her often frizzy and braided hair. Homely described her and she lived the homeopathic lifestyle.

As he walked up to the living room, the distinct smell of burnt weed hung in the air. As he approached, he saw that on the coffee table, many different substances were strewn about.

"Should you be doing this?"

He sat down looking at Macy. Her gaze was dead ahead and looking out of the patio doors. The view was bad, mostly obscured by tall trees. The complex was almost completely surrounded by undeveloped lands and protected woods.

"Fuck it," she said before actually doing a line of a powdery substance. "I just want to kill the pain."

Then the tears began and she buried her face into her knees. Drawn into herself, Keith sat there frozen on what to do. While she cried he looked around the apartment.

The apartment was furnished heavily. He could see there was at least two bedrooms. One, the door was closed, the other open. In the open one, he could see an easel and multicolored walls.

"He meant everything to me, and now he is gone," she sobbed looking up at him. Tears of course, rolled down her face. Her make-up ran and she looked even more haggard in mere moments.

Keith knew that as creepy as Frankie was, his sister loved him. No one in the group doubted her devotion to her big brother. There was probably many stories about why that was, but as he looked around the apartment, he didn't see family photos.

She went back to sobbing. Keith got up and sat next to her, to which, she immediately leaned on him. Putting an arm around her, he almost gagged at the smell of her. While he sat and listened, he wondered what he could do for her. Then, as wrong as it was, Keith realized he could help by giving her some sex.

Now, for Keith, his mind went to the ring. What better way to help than to get her mind off of the sorrow. Sex always made things better and the ring he wore had helped him out. With a turn of the ring, he thought about fucking her.

Keith waited. That is all he had to do. With the ring, women made the moves on him. His cock already hard in anticipation, he listened to the sobs still. A hand moved across his thigh and he knew that once again, the ring worked its unknown magic.

She began rubbing his thigh slowly, his jeans providing a nice feeling as they rubbed. Her hand froze when it felt the bulge of his cock. Everything went quiet as he waited for her next move.

Soon his jeans were opened and her head was bobbing up and down his cock. He sighed in contentment, and wouldn't do anything to ruin her distraction.

Sucking sounds filled the room and he soon found himself grunting out an orgasm. She sucked it down greedily before sitting back up with a gasp.

"Jesus Keith, you cum enough?"

"I have big balls," he said with a laugh.

"I'm sorry for doing that, I don't know what came over me."

"No complaints from me," he said with a stretch. With a turn of his ring, his cock sprang back up and his balls felt heavy again. "Though if you need some, its all yours for as long as you like."

"You just came," she said. Her hand moved on its own to his cock. A gasp was let out.

"Yeah, and it's a lot of fun if you want it."

"Of course I want it, just didn't think it would be right this moment. I look terrible."

Keith couldn't respond. He agreed with her self-diagnosis. Looking for a response, he drew a blank on speaking. Actions did better any ways and he slumped a bit on the couch and pushed his hips up a bit.

"Well, not gonna turn that down," she said with a laugh. Keith smiled at her. This felt right to do.

Macy stood up from the couch and leaned over facing away from him. Her dress rode up and he saw that she was wearing a red pair of panties. The word Butt Slut was splayed across her clothed ass. With thumbs hooked into the band of her panties, she pulled them down.

Pale ass greeted him as the clothes moved down. Something came over Keith. As he looked at her cheeks, a feeling of wanting his face between them overwhelmed him. No longer in control of himself, he reached out and pulled her towards him.

The warmth and pungent aroma immediately stung his brain like a junkie finding a fix. With little restraint, his tongue lashed out into the heat and slathered the soft skin. Muscles tensed around his face, but then relaxed when his probing tongue brushed against her hidden milk dud.

"Don't tease my," she sighed out. Cheeks pulled apart and his tongue pushed out. She pushed eagerly back and his tongue pushed into her ass.

Thankfully, Macy pushed back as he licked away. Nothing tasted sweeter to him in that moment and it no longer bothered him.

She was breathing heavily. Heavier still when his tongue probed deeper in.

"How are you doing this?" she said through those heavy breaths.

He didn't know. Nor did he care to answer with words. Instead he pushed further on until she let out a yelp before clenching. When she relaxed, she pulled away and sat on top of him.

"Give me a sec," she said huffing. "Ive never had something happen like this before."

Keith barely heard the words. In fact, his attention centered not on the petite woman, but instead on the feeling of awe washing over him. His tongue hung out, resting across his chin and the tip feeling the cloth of the shirt he wore.

Like a wolf from an old cartoon, his tongue lulled out. Freaky or not, Macy began to move and so he pulled on the prehensile muscle until returned back into his mouth.

"That took it right out of me," she said before rolling off of him and onto the couch. Within seconds, she seemed to be asleep. With an angry and erection, Keith got up and left her on the couch.

He looked at the ring and turned it so the power would be off. A quick vow of using it on the first woman he saw that he liked and he would be off to using the power again. Though, he did stop by the bathroom before leaving to look at his tongue.

Leaving Macy's and the woman passed out on the couch wasn't a bad thing. At least he hoped. The sexual encounter would get him in trouble if the right people found out. That made him feel bad a bit because he knew exactly what they would say. They would say that he took advantage of a girl when in all actuality, he tried to help her.

As he walked the path to leave, he passed by the yellow police tape for the apartment that no doubt Frankie had met his end in. Feeling emboldened, he tore the tape away and went inside.

Nothing seemed wrong with the apartment upon the immediate walk in. There on the walls, was filled with every picture imaginable in devotion to various games. The only thing that gave a hint of things hidden inside lingered in the air with a queer scent. Keith moved and made it to the living room.

Disarray greeted him as he walked up. Furniture lay tossed about. Glass covered everything. Clothes hung off the ceiling fan. A chair stuck out from the wall, all four legs piercing the wall. It was in the main bedroom that Keith really got to see the carnage first hand.

The body of course, had been removed. Blood, caked in an almost browning color now, painted everything. He gagged at the sight. Frankie didn't deserve whatever took him apart. As he looked over the room, something shined and caught his eye.

Walking over to some clothes strewn on the floor, he moved the pile over to see a small golden coin. On one side only, there was an etched symbol of four flower petals. A bare symbol, but as he held it, a sense of power flowed into him. Feeling alright, he put it into his pocket and left the place.

Stepping outside, into the sun, Keith realized he had no ride home. Walking slowly through the complex, he decided to call a taxi once more when his phone rang in his hand.

"Hey sis," he answered as joyfully as he could.

"What are you doing right now?"

He looked at the time. It was still early.

"Walking home."

"Where are you, I'm gonna pick you up."

"I can make it back," he said to her, his stomach sinking.

"That's not what I asked. Where are you?"


He knew why. Janice couldn't have been more of a Karen if she tried. His sister had the cropped hair cut and the attitude of always asking for a manager.Never used to not getting her way, he realized quickly that picking him up, meant that she planned on him doing something.

"Cause I am picking you up."

He told her, knowing that she would show up to his apartment and berate him for it. Walking through the rest of the complex was easy enough. Sporting wood though while waiting for your sister to pick you up, that should have struck him as odd. Instead, he felt confident enough to ignore any reaction she would have.

About fifteen minutes later, a blue sedan pulled up. His sister said nothing to him and even didn't wait for him to buckle before speeding down the street.

"So what's up?" he asked looking over to his sister.

When he thought of any stereotypical Karen, she dressed the part. With cropped hair, sunglasses and a bad attitude, it was no wonder she even talked to him. Only time she did is when she needed something at her behest and never small talk. He knew immediately speaking before she did annoyed.


She sighed.

"I need your help with moving some stuff around the house."


"And what?"

"It would be nice to be asked," he said with a shrug.

"Are you serious right now?" she asked with an indignant tone.

Now, Keith he knew he shouldn't respond at all. Janice was never one to be questioned. As the older 'sibling,' she demanded al respect to her demands. He moved violently against the window as tires squealed.

They pulled up into an empty lot with a ton of trees surrounding it. She stopped in the middle of the lot, not even bothering to park in an actual spot.

"Look here," she started, but Keith cut her off.

"No, you look here, I just had a friend die and I was consoling his sister. The fuck you have that's so goddamn important you can't say please?"

The look of astonishment on her face was pure gold to Keith. Her mouth hung agape. At that moment, with that look, all Keith could think about was the raging boner he had.