The Rise of Kora Kaai F/FM


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The girl had always hated wearing them at home, and when she was outside, she looked forward to being able to take off her shoes and socks and let her little feet breathe. Actually, Kora would have loved to be able to walk barefoot everywhere, to feel the ground under her soles, even those pebbles, which could be so annoying at times, could be a source of amusement, tickling her feet and making her laugh out loud.

She well remembered her mother's scolding when she had run barefoot on the asphalt to chase the ball when she was playing with her brothers, who were much older than her but loved playing with their little sister. She remembered how dirty her feet were that time, she had never seen her soles so black again as she had then, and she certainly remembered what had happened when she had re-entered the house and walked over the large white carpet in the living room. Her mother had never spanked her, even when she was a little child, but she had been unable to restrain herself at the sight of that carpet with the perfect black footprints of her daughter's tiny feet on it.

Almost without realizing it, Kora brushed her bottom, almost as if she could still feel the pain of that time. She wasn't sad, though; they were memories of a happy time and she would have paid to see her mother again, even the frightening, angry version of her. Kora went back to studying her own feet, and looking carefully at the soles, she wondered what they might have become if she had walked barefoot from then on.

"I could probably say goodbye to this skin, soft as a baby's. Amazing, even my heels are so soft...and without ever using moisturizer!"

Then Kora felt her eyelids getting heavier and heavier, and shortly after turning off the light in her small room, she fell asleep thinking back to what had happened that day and to that man who was so cute and so mysterious.

The next morning her ankle was definitely feeling better and after breathing a sigh of relief, Kora ate breakfast and began again to explore the pretty small village that already seemed much busier than the previous day.

"Christmas is approaching and everyone is on vacation" Kora thought as she watched a group of children running with wrapped presents in their hands, unafraid to slip on the icy road and break what their parents had just bought them.

For a moment she thought about shopping like everyone else, but she discarded that idea quickly. Kora had another plan, but she had no idea how to carry it out.

"It's not like I can go around asking people if they've seen a Spanish guy" she thought as she scratched her head, once again covered by her pink woolen hat.

How to find Jorge? And would he be happy to see her again? Kora feared she had offended him in some way even though it was not yet clear to her how. In any case she had to find him and thank him for what he had done the previous day, without him she would never have been able to get out of the woods and back to the B&b.

The girl thought that a good way to begin her search was to return to where they had first met. After waving from a distance to the ski instructor who wanted to give her lessons yesterday, Kora headed to the edge of the woods, fortunately her ankle was not hurting much, but it would still have been too risky to venture into it as she had done yesterday, this time she risked being alone and getting stuck there if the pain suddenly returned.

There were many families around but no sign of the Spanish boy who had almost become an obsession for her and Kora could only wonder why, after all she had never really had so much interest in a boy before. Perhaps the reason was his sudden and mysterious escape?

"I have to know," Kora said to herself as she surveyed the people around her, searching in vain for a familiar, aquiline-nosed face.

Several hours later, now tired and resigned, the girl turned back with her head down; not only she had not found Jorge, she had also wasted one of the few days of vacation she had, and for what then? For a man she barely knew and who had perhaps already forgotten about her existence? For all she knew, Jorge could be out with his girlfriend at that moment or maybe he was with her in the warmth of a fireplace. Kora tried to put those thoughts aside, which immediately worsened her mood, and she was so nervous that she almost didn't notice that she bumped into the ski instructor, who this time was not wearing a protective helmet and was sporting his incredibly curly hair.

- So, are you coming tomorrow for that lesson? - the man asked her and Kora realized he had a jaw so square that he could aspire to a role in the next Terminator movie.

- I really don't think my ankle will allow that - Kora replied, before turning away, perhaps a little rudely, and resuming her steps. But a moment later the girl froze, an idea had just occurred to her - Excuse me, you haven't by any chance seen a Spanish guy around? Tall, olive skinned, aquiline nose... -

She knew it was a stupid question, the man saw hundreds of people during the day...but the ski instructor's answer took her by surprise.

- You are not talking about Mr. Ramos, are you? I know he rarely comes out of his chalet, it's the big one up there - and so saying, he pointed her to the largest and certainly most expensive chalet in the area that must have had a spectacular view of the valley.

- I don't think so, I'm talking about a young man - Kora replied dejectedly, for a moment her heart had leapt for joy.

- What age are we talking about? Mr. Ramos cannot be more than 30 years old -

Kora's eyes lit up.

No noise came from inside the luxurious chalet, only a dim light filtered through an upper window, and Kora thought it might be the fireplace, in fact, just earlier she had seen smoke spread from the chimney, a sign that someone was in the house. But was that place really Jorge's? Or was she making a terrible mistake and the famous Mr. Ramos was a stranger who might even report her for entering his property without permission?

"Well, technically I haven't put a foot inside the chalet yet and there are no fences or gates outside..." the girl thought for a moment, before going back to looking at the window above, searching for something that might help her reach it and be able to spy inside.

Of course, there were no ladders around, that would have been too easy and Kora knew she was not a very lucky girl. But eventually she found something that might be useful. Not far away, there was a woodpile, the window was not very high, she would only have to stack a few pieces of wood and she would have successfully accomplished that first part of her mission. Kora, however, was a puny girl and it was not at all easy to move the wood she needed under the window. She was beginning to sweat and the girl was forced to take off her woolen hat before she put her first foot on the wood and "climbed up."

The interior of the chalet was very luxurious, from what she could see the furnishings did not look modern at all but the girl thought it was a definite stylistic choice and that in fact everything in there was brand new. Her eyes studied the large room and in particular the girl tried to observe the area near the fireplace. Her breath was beginning to create condensation in the window glass, and it was not easy to tell if there was anyone inside or not. Kora tried to clean the glass with her gloves and bring her face as close to the window as possible; she was not nearsighted but she did not have the eyes of an elf either. Suddenly she seemed to catch a glimpse of movement and Kora quickly moved her head to locate the person who had just entered her line of sight.


Kora's scream echoed perhaps throughout the valley; her movement had been too abrupt and the wood beneath her had moved, causing her to fall ruefully to the ground. As said, Kora was not a lucky girl, she could have fallen on the snow and end of story...but no, she fell on a nice piece of hardwood and her back was not happy about it at all.

As the girl continued to howl in pain, a door opened and Kora did not realize that until several seconds later, Alerted by the noise, a man had run out of the chalet and was now only a few steps away from her

- Kora? -

Jorge's voice was unmistakable, even in that confusing and painful moment, the girl could immediately perceive his strong Spanish accent although she could not tell from that one word whether the young man was worried about her or angry at finding her outside his house while clearly spying on him.

- Are you hurt? Let me help you -

Jorge did not wait for her answer, he gently grabbed her arms and helped her to her feet. As Kora touched her back, at the spot where she had fallen over the wood, the man watched her worriedly.

- I hope you don't have anything broken, your ankle is already in bad shape -

- This pain made me forget the one in my ankle, but I don't think I broke anything - Kora replied, trying to catch her breath and hoping the pain would soon pass.

- Are you sure? Maybe we'd better go to the emergency room... -

- No, please - the girl hastened to say - Maybe you can give me a cup of tea, this time -

- Hot tea it is then! -

The interior of the chalet was even more majestic than the one the girl had glimpsed through the window before her disastrous fall. Kora stopped to look at trophies with majestic deer heads, and for a moment she felt chills run down her skin.

- Don't worry, they are just imitations, very detailed and very expensive - Jorge intervened, amused.

- I didn't think you liked these things...hunting -

- There are many things about me that you don't know, but no, I don't like hunting. I do like these trophies though, and I don't care if they cost a lot more than the real ones - the man replied, then inviting Kora to sit on the couch in front of the fireplace, before adding:

- Anyway, I didn't think you were the type to...spy on someone from a window -

Kora blushed violently in shame, although in a polite way, Jorge had gotten straight to the point and it was now obvious that he was angry at what she had done. She had been a fool, how could she have made such a mess? What could he think of her now?

"I must look like some kind of stalker" Kora said to herself, almost thinking of running away if her ankle and the pain in her back allowed her to do so.

- Sorry, I didn't mean to... -

"I didn't mean to what? To spy on you like a psychopath? Fall like a fool and get caught in the act?" Kora thought without finding anything that could justify her behavior and forgive, at least in part, her actions.

Jorge watched her in silence for what seemed like an eternity, then picked up a woolen blanket that had been carefully folded and placed on top of another sofa, and handed it to her gently.

- Cover yourself, you are shivering -

Only then did Kora realize that her body was shacked by tremors, but she could not tell whether it was from cold or anxiety. She had never been interested in pleasing anyone, so why was it different with this boy? Why did she fear his judgment and dread that he might send her away? He wouldn't have been wrong to do so after all...

- Thank you - that was the only word Kora managed to say.

A deep silence fell in the chalet, broken only by the soothing crackling of the fire. After a few minutes, Jorge got up and put the water in the kettle, he had not forgotten about the tea he had promised Kora, and the whole time he did not stop looking, even for a single moment, at that girl who was so...special.

Jorge had known dozens of girls, being a handsome man and having a very considerable fortune, ever since he was a teenager he had always been the object of the attentions of the opposite sex, and Kora seemed to be attracted to him, too. But she was different, he was sure of it, there was something in her eyes, a light that seemed to struggle to come out of some hidden darkness in her heart. And he wanted to know what it was.

- I'm sorry I spied through the window, I didn't know if you really lived here - the girl repeated a few moments later.

- Why were you looking for me? - Jorge asked, curious to hear her answer, before pouring the tea, finally ready, into two large cups.

- I had fun with you yesterday, but in the end I think I did something wrong, although I still don't understand what - Kora said, before starting to sip the tea and risking burning her tongue.

- What are you talking about? -

- You suddenly ran away, I must have said or done something wr...-

- You did nothing wrong, my "running away" is not about you, it's all my fault -

Jorge's gaze fell downward, Kora did not realize it but his eyes were fixed on her boots, almost as if the man was trying to penetrate with his gaze beyond the leather so that he could once again admire that wonder he had discovered the night before and which had shocked him to the point of forcing him to a sudden retreat.

The man remembered well those feet so perfect, he had dreamed of them several times during the night, a few seconds had been enough to fix their divine image in his mind. It was clear that Kora was still a naive girl, she had not understood anything of what had happened, she had not the slightest suspicion that it was her feet, so beautiful and cared for, that had made him run away, out of fear of not being able to resist, of revealing his true nature, to disappoint yet again another person, one who could be really special.

- Your fault? How? You were so kind yesterday, to take me back to the B&b, to take off my shoes... -

- That was exactly the mistake - Jorge said getting up suddenly from the couch where he had sat only seconds before - Please go away Kora. You are a wonderful person and it was a pleasure to get to know you, if only for a few hours. But I am not what you think I am and I cannot give you what you want -

- Wait please, I don't... -

- I see how you look at me, I wasn't born yesterday and I understand human feelings much better than other people. Please go, don't let me ruin what you are...don't let me ruin your innocence -

Kora did not know how to react, what was going on? What was it that was bothering that wonderful boy so much? His words should almost have scared her, but something told her that Jorge was not dangerous, he would never hurt her. No, she had to help him. But how to do that if she did not understand what he was feeling and she wasn'able to discover the secret the man was so desperately trying to hide?

- I know that this thing you're hiding scares you, and that somehow you're trying to be a hero and save the princess in danger, but let me decide how to deal with the dragon, I've been fighting monsters on my own for years, and believe me, underneath this puny body, there's a warrior with a good spiked mace, ready to take on any challenge that comes her way -

Jorge listened stupefied to Kora's words, and thought perhaps he had underestimated the girl with that sweet face. But he couldn't drag her into his world, it wasn't right, even though part of him was curious to know more about her, to know what monsters she had faced, to understand why she would spend Christmas alone, and most of all, why she seemed ready to break rules and climb mountains for him.

- Tell me what's bothering you so much, then I'll go away and you'll never see me again if that's what you want. But let me know why I'm going to have to...let go of the one guy who really caught my attention...- Kora blushed violently, she still didn't believe she had said those words and certainly found it hard to believe that she had said them to someone she had known for less than twenty-four hours.

Jorge did not immediately respond, the man walked back to the sofa where Kora sat and let himself fall heavily next to her, as if that conversation was draining all his strength. Then, massaging his temples, with his eyes closed he asked:

- You've never had a boyfriend before, have you? -

Kora blushed again, it was something that had always embarassed her and she had always preferred to lie when someone had asked her such a question.

- Of course I've had boyfriends...well...not many...nothing important at least - she stammered, trying not to look Jorge in the eye, she didn't really know why, but she was too ashamed to confess that detail of her life that sometimes felt like a boulder on her shoulders and heart.

- I thought so - Jorge replied, not falling for her shy lie - You are too innocent and pure for someone like me -

- I'm sorry... -

- You don't have to be sorry, it's not a fault, in fact quite the opposite. But I can't bear the idea that I'm the first to ruin the dreams you surely have about a relationship, about love -

And what dreams did Kora have about love? Like all of them she had dreamed of Prince Charming, like all of them she had looked forward to the time of having a family of her own, a child to hold in her arms and to hum a lullaby to. But those dreams were now only a distant memory, the hope of that life all roses and flowers was growing dimmer and dimmer, and how could it be otherwise if she had never had a real boyfriend before? Besides, next month she would turn 26, time was passing quickly...and inexorably. Everyone kept saying she looked several years younger, but Kora felt the weight of her years in her soul and the fear of being alone, that her heart would never beat for someone, was becoming almost a terrible certainty. And then that young Spaniard had arrived, that man who had fallen with her the day before and who, between laughs, had brought her home, safe.

"I cannot give up so easily, not now that I too have finally felt...something," Kora said to herself, finally deciding to act.

The girl gently placed the cup of tea on the low wooden coffee table in front of her and resolutely stood up and, remembering how her mother used to do when giving her orders, she put her hands on her hips and said:

- Tell me why you ran away, now -

Jorge looked at her stupefied and seized by an irrepressible desire, the man bit his hand to resist, to fight against the urge to let go and give that girl what she wanted, heedless of the consequences.

- I fled when I saw your feet, I was afraid not to resist. Kora, I have...I have a foot fetish - eventually Jorge confessed and as he imagined the girl seemed confused by his words.

- My...feet? A foot fetish? - Kora asked, and her gaze could only fall down to her feet hidden by the heavy boots.

- And this is just the tip of the iceberg -

Ch 3:

Foot fetish, foot worship, foot licking...these were just three of the words crowding Kora's smartphone history, for hours intent on studying that new world whose existence she was totally unaware of. Jorge was right, she was still as pure and innocent as a child and ignorant of things that were almost certainly known to all girls her age, but things would soon change, Kora had promised herself. And so she had begun her search in the fabulous world of the Internet, where she had seen photo after photo, countless videos and read dozens of discussions in several forums.

"Is this, then, what you like so much, Jorge? Is this what you were hiding with all your might?" Kora thought as her eyes observed a young couple of girls who were the stars of that new video that seemed to be in the top ten of that strange site she had stumbled upon.

Now she could understand why Jorge was so ashamed, how could he love something as disgusting as feet? They were one of the dirtiest parts of the body, weren't they? And wasn't it so humiliating to prostrate yourself before another person and kiss his or her feet? Then why did Jorge seem to be so obsessed with them? And why did that girl in the video seems to feel such a pleasure in licking her friend's soles, moving her tongue sensually up and down, from the little heel to the delicate toes?