The Ritual Pt. 03


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Zulara was about to ask him about his behavior and why he had started calling her babe but before she could her eyes went to the four-wheeler that was pulled up. "Are we going somewhere?" She inquired worrying about being spotted by someone else.

"Yeah, trust me will ya." Louis answered moving behind her and opening the coat for her get into. The jacket was his and would have been a little big for her expect that her breast were so huge that they had a tough time zipping it up. He then handed her his only helmet and proceeded to get on the wheeler and told her to claim on back and hold on. She wasn't sure about all of this but she reluctantly decided to go along with him to see what he had planned.

Louis told her to hold on tight and took off quickly with a sudden jolt forward causing Zulara to clutch him even tighter around his midsection, forcing her breast to squish against his back and laying the side of her head below his neck. She told him to slow down and was about to chastises him for being so reckless but before she could she had to clasped her jaw close as they hit a few rough patches of ground making them bounce a little.

She was thinking of everything she was going to say to him once he took them to where ever they were going, how she would berate and remind him that she was royalty and the most important person to the Kafkan. She couldn't understand what had gotten into him, he was acting so differently now. He barely talked to her in the morning and now he was putting her in danger and wouldn't listen to her about how fast they were going. He would just laugh and tell her to enjoy it.

The ride made the weather colder than they both would have liked but it wasn't unbearable. Zulara was used to being in control, fawned and pampered over while she was Queen. She never would have experienced anything like this in her daily life. Safe and secure was all she knew but something about not being in control and having a little hint of danger started to make her enjoy the ride she was on and when they finally got to an edge of a wooded area she had to admit to herself that she found it exhilarating.

Louis got off the four-wheeler first and retrieved some things from the back of the vehicle and slung the backpack over his shoulder before holding his hand out to help her off. He then led her through the woods into a clearing that opened up to the sky. In the middle were a few logs around a fire pit. Most of the trees were bare with their leaves fallen to the ground and scattered around the land. He brought her over to one of the logs and told her to sit as he took the backpack off and set it on the ground. He then started a fire in the pit with the materials he had in the pack. When he was satisfied with the fire he took out a blanket and joined her on the log and wrapped them together.

"This was a special place for my family." Louis announced after a few moments of cuddling with her.

"How so?" She replied looking towards him.

"Well Rachael and I would always take the kids here and camp out during the summer. And, well." He stopped for a pause to look at her. "It was also the first place I ever kissed her."

They looked into each others eyes, desperately trying to figure out what the other were thinking. Just as Zulara was about to open her mouth to talk Louis leaned in and kissed her full on the lips. She was caught off guard by the move and was about to pull away when he reach over with one of his hands and gently caressed her left bosom sending intense pleasure through her whole body. She moaned softly into the kiss and started to kiss him back. Once the embrace was broken she knew she shouldn't have allowed it and had to inform him of as much.

"Louis, I...We cant, you know this." She said as she licked her lips.

"Hey you wanted to know about human culture and intimacy is part of our mating. If you truly want to learn about us then you have to experience it." He answered leaning into her as he started kissing the side of her neck. She could feel his hand squeezing her breast now, filling her with lust, her tits were full of milk and she needed to feed him. Her mind tried to justify what was happening, he was right she needed to explore everything about human mating rituals.

He could feel that her breasts were leaking milk into his palm and could tell she was enjoying being manhandled by him. She would try and tell him that they couldn't get romantically involved but then she would release a deep and sexy moan when he would kiss her neck or when they started to make out. They spent a few minutes just entangled together kissing with their tongues dancing with each other in their mouths. He would gently suck on her tongue when he could get a hold of it and could tell despite what she was saying she wanted more affection.

"Louis we have to get back for the nurturing." She informed him in between one of their breaks of intimacy.

"Why don't we just do it out here?" He asked borrowing his head into her neck and relentlessly kissing it. He scooped her up into his arms and set her on his lap facing him. He flipped the blanket aside making room for him to unzip the jacket she was wearing. She was going to protest him but once her cleavage came into view he started planting kisses on the sides of her tits which made her head go back in pleasure. He looked at her and in the sunlight and truly saw how magnificent she really was. Her teal skin was gorgeous in the nature light, her hair was straight and the burgundy and violent strands really stood out in the sun. Her tits were so massive on her frame, just perfectly round orbs set high on her chest. They weren't the biggest tits he had ever seen in his life but the only ones he had ever seen bigger were in porn that featured huge enhanced breasts.

Zulara was so desperate to have her breasts milked that she decided to go along with Louis's suggestion and nurture him here. They were so full and practically overflowing with the sweet nectar for him to suck out; she reached back and started to unzip the dress making her tits bounce softly as they came free. Louis was still kissing the sides of her breasts as the top of her dress came off revealing her glorious bust. Her areolas were just as beautiful and were capped with a fat erect nipple that was dripping with life giving milk.

The queen took his head into her hands and started her nurturing chant as she could feel his cock start to grow rapidly stiff against her moistening pussy, believing he probably purposely sat her on his lap so his cock would be squeezed right onto her lower lips.

"Go ahead Louis, its time for your nurturing." Zulara stated after raising his head to slightly look into his eyes. He leaned in and kissed her again on the lips for a second, and then he looked back into her eyes, gave a cocky wink and sucked in her right nipple into his hungry mouth. Her milk tasted even better than he remembered thus making him even more eager and causing him to increase the suction on her nipple. He placed his right hand on the side of her thigh just above her buttocks while his left hand pawed and played with her other breast.

The whole situation was building a scorching fire in Zulara's pussy. Her breasts were so full and needed to be emptied which made them even more sensitive to his touch. The way he kept playing with her other tit, or his hand just above her ass all the while he didn't relent with his lips engulfing her mammary. He looked up without releasing her teat from his mouth and saw her face was lost in pleasure. The thought of a whole race of sexy big titted aliens that mated from titty fucking made his cock fully hard. He started to dry hump into her moist crotch, feeling her seeping cunt juices soak his dick. She started to have small climaxes every time he would trust up into her clit, her mind completely overtaken by lustful pleasure.

"You love having your tits milked don't you baby?" Louis said taking his mouth off of her swollen nipple.

"Yes goddesses! I do, please continue Louis." She whimpered out while placing a hand under her breast and holding it up to his mouth, motioning him to suck again, she was completely lost in sexual ecstasy and the longer he wasn't sucking on her breast the more unbearable it was making her. She didn't just want him to continue sucking but needed him too.

"Of course your highness." He replied in a sly tone. He knew she was putty in his hands as long as he focused on her breasts. He took her back into his welcoming mouth and applied even more pressure to her tits than before, making her eyes close tightly in euphoric bliss.

"Suck harder Louis!" She shouted, her pussy was ablaze almost in a constant state of climaxing.

He sucked as hard as he could while he kept kneading her other breast and finally moving his hand lower to squeeze a handful of her plump ass, pulling her down onto his rock hard cock. Zulara eyes were rolled to the back of her head as her pussy started spamming wave after wave of fluids into their lap. Louis was holding back his own climax not wanting to explode and ruin what he had planned for her. Finally after what seemed like hours her right teat was completely drained. Louis looked up to her as she opened her eyes for the first time in minutes, now that she had a break in between milking.

He smiled at her and leaned in and kissed her on the lips again, her body to weak from her orgasms to even try and fight it, she tasted a faint residue of her milk on his tongue for the first time realizing why their partners always went crazy for their milk.

"You taste delicious Zulara. I wish I could just milk you here forever." Louis said in between kisses.

She was about to respond to him but he leaned down and took her left udder in his mouth and began sucking. This time he did it more sensual and slowly trying to enjoy it more. She appreciated him going softer on her, she needed to recoup from the intense orgasms he had given her. It took longer for him to empty her left bosom but finally both her breasts were empty.

They were now sitting on the ground facing the fire with the blanket wrapped around them. She had her back into his chest and he had his arms around her softly kissing her neck and gently massaging her tits. They stayed together like this for a while just enjoying each other.

"So you said you have never had sex before this when we first met, your people don't have sex at all?" Louis asked her resting his head next to hers on her shoulder.

"Sex on my world is only defined by our mating ritual. But we do have times when we get together with other Kafkan to relieve sexual pressure." She answered, loving the way he was lightly massaging her breasts.

"I still don't understand, is it just like one night stands?" He questioned again giving her bosom a squeeze as he asked.

She moaned before answering him, "Well the best way I can say is that its more a clinical exercise than a sexual one for us, when we get together and bring each other to climax we are doing it to clear our minds, to rid ourselves of our carnal wants and needs so we can focus on more important aspects of our daily lives."

"That's a shame, carnal wants and needs can be fun, with the right person." He said after a sort pause.

Zulara smiled at his joke while still enjoying the massage he was giving her breasts. He wasn't groping her tits in a sexual way almost like he knew her mammary were sore from being so full of milk. In there silence it gave her time to think of what had just transpired. She let him suck from her breast without engaging in the nurturing ritual. Something she would have never thought she would allow to happen. Her training as the Queen was quite strict about such things. She realized that how he was recently acting played apart in her decision making. She was determined to find out what brought out these changes in him and how she could take control of him. It shouldn't be this hard for her to resist him but something he did made her give in.

"Louis, why are acting so strange lately?" She asked turning her head slightly to look over her shoulder at him.

"What ever do you mean your highness?" He replied with a smirk, trying to act aloof.

"Don't give me that Louis you know exactly what I mean. You started calling me babe for some reason, you barely talked to me or even look at me this morning. You started kissing me on the lips even though I've told you not to and then you drove me out here on a very dangerous vehicle."

Louis snorted out a laugh making her stop talking to fully look at him.

"Just what is so funny?" She questioned him with a stern voice.

"That old four-wheeler isn't dangerous at all, and well humans in romantic relationships give each other pet names all the time, and as far as not looking or talking to you that much, what you want me to drool and treat you like some kind of royalty? And hey babe you're the one that wanted to learn all about human culture." He finished with a wink. Something about that wink made her frustrated with this whole conversation. He was making just enough sense that he wasn't lying but she knew that he understood what her problems were.

"Well I am royalty, so don't forget that. So when I say something I mean it, especially when I try to lay out boundaries I can not cross." She was explaining trying to convince herself as much as him.

"Oh is that a fact" Louis replied with a sarcastic tone, cutting her off from finishing what she was talking about. Then he mauled one of her tits and leaned into her kissing her right on the lips. She was taken off guard with the maneuver and a sharp jolt of pleasure radiated in her body from his hand on her sensitive bosom. She felt his tongue tangle with hers and his scruffy beard against her smooth teal skin of her face, and before she could even try to refute his advances she found herself being laid on her back on the blanket.

"Louis! What are you doing?!" She yelped out in a high squeal. He didn't even bother answering her as her ripped open the top of her dress exposing her massive chest. Each tit was a perfect sphere of beautiful tit flesh capped with erect nipples and they were close to being the size of a soccer ball. He moved to her side and dove in on them, filling his hands with their girth and popping her right nipple in his mouth and started to suck. Zulara let out a loud moan of pure pleasure despite herself, she had to make him stop or he could do whatever he wanted to her and she would let him.

"Louis please we cant, you know I cant let you continue. I have to get back and prepare for the ritual. Oh goddesses!" She could barely speak out to him through pants and grunts.

Louis knew she wanted him again; he just had to convince her to give in. He continued his relentless attack on her breasts, going from nipple to nipple with his mouth all the while he kept kneading and foundling her tits. He would squeeze them and lightly smack them, pushing them together making a deep cavern for his cock to be inside, using her tits to tease himself and make his cock hard. He decided to just go for it and see how far he could push her. He popped her tit out of his mouth with a loud smacking sound and straddled her stomach, all the while she was stuck almost powerless to stop him by the waves of euphoric pleasure he had kept focused on her chest. She looked up and saw him taking off his belt and unzipping his pants. Her mind was screaming at her to stop him but her entire body was giving in, and once she saw his engorged length appear, her eyes bulged out from the size of it. She knew her milk would make him grow so that her tits and his cock could match each other, but she wasn't expecting it to be so big.

Louis smiled when he saw her eyes grow wide. He then took his cock in his hand and started to lightly tap it against her left udder, making rippling waves of tit flesh which made her head go back as she shut her eyes trying to block out the pleasure he was inflicting on her. He ran the crown of his pink puffy head against her erect nipple, tracing circles with it putting her nipple to his cock hole, as if the two were making out.

"You want me to fuck your tits don't you baby." Louis stated more than he asked.

She was looking right at the display of his cock and her nipple being tangled together, she could feel how stiff, warm and pulsating he was, the pink of his head nestled against her dark teal nipple. Every tap of his cock on her bosom, every circle he traced against her nipple amplified the fire burning in her crotch. It was like he knew her body better than she did.

He took his cock and laid it between the canyon of her breast and told her to look at it. Despite herself she couldn't help but drink in the beautiful sight. His long, thick vein ridden cock was throbbing on her chest, begging to be wrapped in her titty flesh and stroked until he coated them with his seed. She couldn't speak and was biting the bottom of her lip so hard she was afraid she might draw blood, her pussy dripping with anticipation.

Louis chuckled at her silence and started to attack her right tit this time. So many thoughts were going through Zulara's mind. Some were logical, telling her that she needed to end this before things got out of hand. Others were emotionally charged, feeding into her pleasure and pushing her towards letting go. But the main thoughts that always came back to her was that of the Goddesses and what they would make of this whole situation. She was their chosen ruler, put in charge to try and find a species that were their equal. And with all those thoughts and emotions mixed together with the sensation of Louis's cock on her ripe and sensitive breast, it started train of thought about her failure as the Queen and the Goddesses abandoning her during her recent visit to the realm. The more Louis persisted with his steel hard cock against supple and soft tits the more it made her want to give in to him.

There was a fire burning in her pussy, making it a sloppy dripping mess. Zulara felt as if she was about to pass out from the intense heat radiating in her cunt. She then felt him lay his cock in the middle of her chest and take each of her tits and squeeze them together, smashing them around his throbbing pole. She could feel his heartbeat through the throbbing of his cock.

"You want me to fuck your tits don't you Zulara." Louis said with a smile creeping onto his lips as he looked down at her.

"No, we can't. You just drank from my bosom. Your body hasn't had time to digest my milk; it would be a waste of your seed." She pleaded, trying to make him see reason.

"Well one thing about humans you need to learn is that we don't only have sex to reproduce, but also to bring pleasure to each other. And I think despite what you are saying, you actually want me to make love to your tits. Lets see if I am right." He remarked as he let one of her breast fall as he reached behind himself and down her stomach towards her pussy.

"Louis, please!" She shouted right before he slipped a finger in. A smile crept across his face when he felt how hot and wet she was.

"Well your highness it seems your body is saying the opposite of what your mouth is. Its up to you babe, tell me right now to get up off you or to start thrusting. The choice is yours." He finished while he scooped up both breasts in his hands just wanting for her to give the word for him to wrap them around his protruding shaft and begin pounding away at her chest.

She was in a daze, her head felt like it was spinning. He had finally given her the out she desperately was looking for. All she had to do was tell him to get up, but something was stopping her. She couldn't make the words come out of her mouth. Everything in her mind was screaming at her to tell him to get off her, but her body was furiously telling her to give in and embrace the pleasure he could bring her. She bit her bottom lip before speaking.