The Ritzy Family Hotel Pt. 01


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Violet stopped dead in her tracks and shot her head back in disbelief. The faintest red blush appeared on her cheeks as she briefly envisioned her being the one that Erik had his hands on.

"Jealous?! Are you insane? Why on earth would I be jealous of that?!"

Erik laughed and stopped to look back at the irritated woman.

"Hell if I know..." He then walked towards her, smiling a mischievous smile. "...but I don't really know you..." He then started to move closer to her, forcing her to walk backwards until the wall was at her back. "... To me. Right now. All I know about you is that you're this, fiery, hot, tease of a woman that looks as though she would..." Erik reached his hand up and leaned against the wall, allowing him to move ever closer to Violet. " more than happy to bend a few rules. So long as she was bent over something. A bed, a table. Maybe even a, desk..."

Words and thoughts escaped her. There was nothing. No hotel. No people. Just her and this man that looked like her cousin, but didn't act like him. He had her trapped against the wall and himself. And all she could do was think about what would happen if she allowed him to do what he's thinking about. Allow him to bend her over.

"I can see it in your eyes Violet. You're picturing it..." Erik glanced between her striking blue eyes and heaving bosom. "... Me, touching you. Whispering all the naughty things I want to do to that tight, hot little body of yours. Aren't you? It's okay, I won't tell anyone if you tell me the truth."

"Erik... I... you need to stop. This isn't you. And I, I don't want this."

"Maybe, maybe not, but one things for sure, I'm going to do everything in my power to change your mind. I can't let something as gorgeous as you just walk around and cock-tease me."

"B-but, I'm not teasing you. At least, I'm not trying to..."

"Really? Because earlier, down in the kitchen, your top was buttoned up all the way to your neck, now it isn't. You want me to look at your cleavage. Just admit it Violet."

"T-that's... that's not true... I..."

Erik allowed his eyes to lower back to her impressive breasts. With the added heat of the moment, Violets heart was beating rapidly, forcing her chest upwards in rapid succession. He wasn't able to hold back anymore.

Erik reached his free hand up to the first button on her top that was still intact, and began to unfasten it. The button came undone with zero hesitation from Violet so far. Then the next, allowing him to see that she was wearing a white lace bra.

"I may not know you, but I know what you want. I'm not sure how, but I do."

Erik continued with her buttons, until she finally put a stop to it and pushed past him.

"No, you don't know what I want Erik." Violet began to button her top back up. "You might not feel like you're 'our Erik' but you still are. At least to us."

Violet finished composing herself and began to make her way downstairs. Erik had other plans. Just like he did with Elena, Erik grabbed his cousin's wrist and pulled her around and into him. The same position as before, the closeness and intimacy filling the small space between them.

"I knew you were fiery, but this... I like." Erik pulled her even closer. Then lowered his lips to within millimetres of Violets.

She didn't stop what was happening. She didn't know how. Somehow Violet had completely shut off her brain and decided that what was about to happen, was going to happen.

Instead, Erik suddenly kissed her cheek and made his way downstairs. Leaving his speechless cousin behind.

Violet felt her legs drain of blood and become unstable. She grabbed the wall to her side and steadied herself.

"What the hell? Why didn't I... stop him? What the fuck is wrong with me?"

Erik walked into the kitchen and sat down beside Audrey, Elena and Layla. Shortly after, Violet followed suit and sat across from him. The room was silent, until Erik chimed in.

"So, Audre... umm, mum... Where's dad?"

"Your father was on reception last night, so he's sleeping."

"Reception? Why?"

"Oh! Sorry dear, I sometimes forget about... well, you know. Umm, anyway. Someone always has to be at the reception desk sweetheart. In-case of phone calls or guests turning up at the hotel."

"Someone is always there? B-but there's only five of you. How do you keep the hotel running like this? And there isn't anyone there at the moment?"

Erik looked over to Violet and saw that she had her head down focusing on her food. Her face was still a little flush from their encounter.

"Well, we did also have you to help us son. And I'm sure when you're back up to scratch you'll be helping us again. But don't you worry about that just yet. It's still a quiet time of year for the Ritzy. And Elena came down this morning to relieve your father. We can hear the phone ringing from here otherwise."

Erik cast his gaze towards his sister to find that she was also doing the same as Violet. Part of him felt bad for making them feel this way, but another part wondered whether he was making an impact on their mental wall that was blocking his potential good times.

"So, who does what in the hotel? I'm curious"

"Me, your father, Violet and you took it in shifts to cover the reception. Elena, Violet and Layla clean rooms, cook and keep on top of maintenance. And you also helped them out with cleaning. You were doing a changeover the day you... fell."

"Right. What about the grounds?"

"We don't actually have that much land. James' father, Arthur, he purchased the hotel back in his hay day and focused on the building itself more than the grounds. But there is some grass to cut, which a local man does for us once every now and then. There's also a maze of trees and shrubs to the right side, which is barely used let alone maintained."

"It's where Violet goes on her breaks during the summer." Layla announced.

"Layla! That's my spot. Why did you tell him?"

"Who cares. It's not a secret."

Violet rolled her eyes at her sister and continued eating away at her breakfast.

"So, uhh mum? Can I do anything? You know, to help around here?"

"That's very sweet of you dear. But I want you to rest. There will be plenty for you to do once you've recovered." Audrey looked up at her daughter. "Elena, you've been quiet. What's wrong sweetheart?"

"Oh! Umm, nothing mum. Just thinking about something."

That was Violet's queue to tease as she always did. "Probably thinking about a boy. Right cuz?"

Elena shot her a dirty look and looked for something to mock throw at her.

"Shut up Vi. I wasn't."

They threw a few words at each other in a bickering sort of manner. All the while Layla and Audrey laughed at the two rivalled girls.

The family cleaned up their plates and prepared to start their day. Elena was on breakfast duty meaning she had to continue to cook the guests breakfasts. Violet had a small break until nine o'clock when the first set of guests were scheduled to leave.

Layla had the morning off, and for the day remained on standby for anything the hotel needed. Erik decided he would take a look at the woods that his mother was talking about so went to his room to find a warm jumper.

On his way to the entrance, Layla stopped him before he could leave.

"Oh hey! Fancy some company?"

"Layla? Uhh, sure. Why not?"

"Great! Headed anywhere in particular, or just looking around?"

"Well, I was thinking of taking a look at these woods that Audrey... mum was talking about. I'm curious."

The two headed towards the woods. Erik smiled knowing he would have company. Something about Layla made him feel comfortable. He could tell she was incredibly easy going and could pretty much get along with everyone.

They made their way around the side of the Ritzy and aimed their gaze at the woods. With Layla guiding them, it wasn't going to be hard to traverse.

Erik looked to his cousin as they walked to see her smiling. She had such a warm smile. One that immediately filled you with a similar happiness and forced you to smile alongside.

The daylight was still weak, and the clouds were a dark grey that covered the entire sky, but Erik could see his cousin's beauty clear as ever. As he had noticed before, Layla had a similar build to her sister, but she didn't have much of the same facial features.

While Violet scored a perfect ten when it came to who was sexier, Layla was more of a cute girl. The type of woman you would fall for initially the second you laid eyes on her. She wasn't this, sex crazed goddess that wanted to be dominated or punished. She was delicate and sweet, a girl to look after.

At least, that's how Erik saw her. He did decide that he needed to find out how accurate his guess was. Whether she would want to fuck, or be made love to. Either way, he was sure he would find out sooner or later.

"Here we are! The 'forbidden woods'."

Erik eyed his cousin questionably.

"Okay it's not actually forbidden. Just very boring."

They were surrounded by trees, long grass and shrubs. A thin path snaked its way through the centre, eventually branching off in the distance.

"Well, I wasn't sure what I expected by this... maze of trees, but it sure wasn't an actual maze of trees. So, is there anything actually here?"

"Nope. Not a single thing, it doesn't even stretch out towards the coast. Every corner of the woods eventually comes out on a plain of grass. Oh, well other than..."

"Ohh, ominous. What is it?" Asked Erik eagerly.

"Well, there is the bench that Violet sits on. It's somewhere in the middle, but I haven't been to it in years."

Erik started walking straight through the centre of the woods.

"W-where are you going?"

"The bench obviously. Come on..."

Layla questioned whether she should follow him, but ultimately decided that she at the least had to watch out for him in his memory loss state.

"Fine! Just wait for me!"

They both made their way through the long grass and shrubbery. Eventually they came to a clearing and there it was, just like Layla had said, the bench. Situated dead centre of the woods. It looked a little worse for wear, but was still very much intact.

The sky grew darker by the second, allowing only a small amount of light through the crack in the trees above the bench. It looked like a beacon to take a seat.

"Wow! It's been so long since I've been here. It looks different to how I remember."

They both took a seat and enjoyed the endless quiet atmosphere. Erik looked to his companion and smiled.

"Thank you for coming with me. This is nice."

"Well, you're welcome. It is." There was a short silence before Layla came out with a sudden topic that caught Erik off guard. "So what's going on between you and Elena. And Violet for that matter?"

"Uhh, w-what do you mean?"

"Come on Erik. You might not be yourself, but you're still really bad at lying. I see things just as clearly as the next person. And I know something is happening."

Erik resided himself to his fate and decided that any form of lying could cause mistrust. And Layla didn't seem like the type to forgive easily.

"Okay, I'll tell you. But do you promise to keep it between me and you?"

Layla seemed exited and sat on the edge of the bench, staring at her cousin in preparation.

"Of course! You can tell me anything!"

Erik laughed at her eagerness. "Well, as you've already mentioned. I'm not exactly... myself." Layla sadly nodded in response. "I don't know any of you. You're all just... people to me. Women..."

Layla had some idea where he was going with the conversation from her chat last night with Elena and Violet. But she wanted to hear it fully from him.

"So, we're complete strangers to you. What's that got to do with you and Elena?"

Erik sighed. He realised that it was far easier to pursue the attractive women in his life than it was to actually justify it. Feeling the awkward tension of his topic, he decided to use it to his advantage and moved closer to her.

"She's hot of course. And Violet for that matter. I don't know if I had that revelation before I lost my memory, but now... fuck me. They are hard not to look at." Erik wandered whether it would have an impact on Layla for not mentioning her to be in the same boat.

"So you really are attracted to them? Like physically?" It was Erik's turn to nod. "And them being family doesn't, you know... bother you?"

"Should it? I barely know who they are? I know nothing, but I know what my cock likes. And it likes a bit of you three."

Layla immediately blushed a bright red and subconsciously looked away.

"Wait! Three? Y-you mean... me too?"

Erik laughed. "Are you kidding me? Have you seen you?" He then moved closer and landed a hand on her lap. "Layla, deep down I think I know it's wrong, but right now, all I can think about is you and them. Doing absolutely anything and everything that family probably shouldn't."

Erik started to smooth his hand up and down her thigh in a soothing motion. Layla tensed up, but was secretly starting to enjoy the sensation he was causing.

"I have to admit, it's a little bit... weird. But from your point of view, I kind of understand. We just look like women to you." Layla started to feel her body burning up. "C-can I be honest with you too?"

Erik liked where this was going. "Please do..."

"I umm, I'm starting to wish that I could see it. From your point of view that is. It sounds... exciting."

That was it, that was Erik's opportunity to pry open that small crack in Layla's defence.

"I know a way to help with that..."

Erik very easily grabbed hold of his cousin and pulled her on top of him.

"Eeek! What are you do..."

"Shhh, just go with it."

Layla was not sitting perfectly on his lap. With either leg straddling his. She was so light and small that it took barely any effort to get her into this position.

Erik could feel his cock stirring in his pants having his cousin sitting on his lap like this. She sat there sheepishly looking away from him.

"Erik... I'm not sure about this. It feels a little... awkward."

"Okay, now close your eyes."

"What? Why?"

"Just do it. Humour me."

Layla hesitantly did as Erik asked and closed her eyes. She allowed her hands to fall down by her sides and let what him do whatever he was going to do to her.

"Okay, now just relax."

Layla did as she was told and tried to convince herself that this was normal. One thing working to Erik's advantage was the cold air. The heat from his legs was helping to keep her slightly warmer.

Erik started moving his hands over her black leggings. Slowly but firmly. Just enough so that she knew exactly what he was doing. He then pulled her slightly closer to him. Closer to his cock and closer to his torso. She didn't complain, nor flinch as he did.

Then he began to raise his hands over her front. At first beginning at the bottom, along her waist and slowly making his way upwards. From what he could tell, her breasts were likely no bigger than a handful at best, but that was more than enough for a women of her stature.

Erik noticed her beginning to squirm sightly under his touch. He assumed that his hands slowly making their way to her tits was having an effect on her. His hands were seconds away from grasping at her assets, but he saw her mouth begin to open in protest, so he moved past them to her shoulders. Her mouth closed and she continued to remain calm.

Erik then started to glide his fingers over her shoulders and arms. With every second he touched her body, he felt her relax into him. Instinctually she began to move her hips slightly. Gyrating them against his lap.

Layla exhaled a heavy, relaxed breath as her body started to feel good. In fact, better than good. The feeling of his hands, the intimacy mixed with the privacy of the woods eventually pulled away at her resolve. She could feel herself losing control. Desperately trying to guess what he would do next.

Erik noticed this and decided to take it to the next level by pulling her once again closer. Now they were stuck like glue. Her peachy rear firmly placed directly above his crotch. It took her all of two seconds to realise what was poking up at her.

"Uhh, oh god. Erik? C-can I open my eyes now?"

Erik brought his lips close to her ear and whispered. "No. Not yet." His breath against her ear and neck caused her body to shake.

"Ooohhh..." Layla then quickly continued the gyration of her hips. She soon started to wonder what it would feel like if he was erect.

Erik then reached a hand up to Layla's neck and pulled her face close to his. Their lips separated by only an inch of air between them.

"Ohh, Erik... I... I haven't..."


With her eyes still closed, and her hips seemingly moving on their own, Layla held her breath in anticipation.

"I... I've never, kissed someone... before."

"Let's fix that..."

Erik closed the distance and pressed his lips against hers. Hesitant at first, Layla let her lips rest against her cousins, but before long and without much prompting, she opened up her and parted her lips.

Seconds later the two family members were exploring the others mouth with their tongues. Layla began to let go of any uncertainty and let herself go with the flow. Her cousins hands were all over her, pulling them closer together while the kiss continued.

A few moments later they broke the kiss to take a breath. Layla's chest was heaving frantically and immediately opened her eyes to see the man who owned her first kiss.

"Umm, t-that..."

Erik smiled as he looked into her eyes. "Good?"

Layla laughed in response. "Yeah! That was... exactly how I expected it to be. But... I didn't think it would have been with... well, you."

"Are... are you disappointed?"

"No! God no. That was... amazing. Can we, do it again?"

Erik smiled and pulled her back to an immediate kiss. Diving straight back into it, Layla didn't hesitate to stick her tongue in her cousins mouth. It was naughty, so... hot.

Erik took the new found heat and pushed it as far as he could go. First he began to unbutton her top. One by one they came undone. Layla didn't stop him and before long her top was entirely open and parted. Allowing him the chance to get his first good look at what she was hiding.

She wore a red lace bra, similar to that of her sister Erik noted. The bra sported her surprisingly bigger breasts than what Erik would have assumed. To him, they seemed perfect. He immediately reached out with one hand and started to knead one, causing Layla to moan out loud with a cute soft bellow.

"Oohh my... Erikkk..."

"Let me guess. You also haven't had your tits played with?"

"Goddd, do you have to say it like that? It sounds so... dirty..."

"Yes. Now, come here..." Erik pulled her back down onto his lips.

"Mmmm..." Layla allowed her cousin to do as he wished. Her mind had gone mad with ideas and the thought of them taking it further.

Erik started to reach around her back to unclasp her bra. Layla instinctually reacted in a way to try and stop him, but she didn't. She allowed him to continue. Taking a deep breath and preparing for her bra to be shed for her cousin to see what the garment hid behind them.

As Erik started to fumble his way to her clasp, the heavens suddenly opened up and it started to rain.

"Ah! I-it's raining!"

"Damn it! Just as it was getting good."

The rain quickly started falling at a much more rapid pace.

"We should probably leave."

"Good idea Layla. Want me to carry you back?" Erik smirked.

"No. Well, maybe next time..."

They both smiled, pecked each other on the lips and reluctantly stood up from the bench. Layla buttoned herself back up and shifted her leggings around to hide any evidence of their exploits.

By the time they made it back to the Ritzy, they were soaked through to the bone. They walked up to the big doors at the entrance before they walked in and confronted each other.