The Runesmith Chronicles Ch. 22


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Ikuno's grin took up her entire face, "You're going to be a daddy again!" she said laughing.


"I promised her a long time ago that one day I would bring her a man worth breeding with. If she said that I kept my promise...?" Ikuno let the question hang in the air.

"Then I was that man," finished Kal, smiling. "I wonder why she didn't mention anything to me before we left?"

"She probably didn't see the need, remember that fathers don't factor highly into monster girl societies and she knew you were already with me," she said as she stood and returned to coating Kal's head with the salve.

"I must say, this is a bit of a shock. What do you know about salamander pregnancies?"

"Not a damn thing, to be honest. We never talked about it and there isn't much literature on them. I imagine that living in magma makes them very hard to study, even for wizards."

"Sounds like we may need to plan another trip down there in a few months."

"I'm liking that idea, maybe then you will be far enough along with your geomancy that you could make a new path to her home that doesn't involve losing all of your hair." Ikuno made a few more strokes with the brush, "Done."

"What now?"

"Do you want me to do it, or do you want to?"

"You? I suppose?"

"Then you need to take off the strength and healing bracer. You can't use either while the salve is working."

"What? Why?" he said as he undid the laces on the vambrace. The moment he set it on the floor glowing rings formed around his wrists, holding them in place. "Hey! What the!"

"With your strength rune you could easily break these, and you are going to want to break them in a second. Because this is going to itch... a lot."

"Oh, fuck."


After Kal was done trying to madly scratch the skin off his head Ikuno produced a small set of shears and trimmed him up so he looked like he was mostly back to normal.

"What about..." he looked down at his groin.

"Leave it, I'm sure Perra will appreciate it," said Ikuno as she was about to put the remainder of the salve up onto an empty spot on the bookshelves. She hesitated for a moment before calling out, "Ria."

The little sprite appeared next to the bag tied to Kal's belt and quickly flitted up to his shoulder. "Yes, Ikuno?"

"Hold on to this please, it won't go bad if it's with you," she said holding out the jar.

The sprite waved her and stopped as if frozen while the jar turned into a speck of light and found its way into the pouch. Leaning over Ria whispered in Kal's ear, "Have you not been taking care of her? I can smell her need from here."

Kal smiled, "It's okay, I can too. Be careful, she has very good hearing," he said seeing the look on Ikuno's face.

"Hey now," the oni huffed, "Gerda and Sandy are almost here and you know how we all got when you gave Bea a daughter. On top of that, I just found out you got Silma pregnant. I can't help it if all this has gotten me a bit excited." Her look turned predatory, "Sandy should feel lucky I haven't drained you dry because I certainly want to right now."

Ria turned to Kal, "You knocked up the salamander? Niiice. Bea? Sandy? Gerda? How many women do you have?"

"Ikuno, Aradelle, Bea, Gerda, and Perra are all mine. Silma is just a friend and Sandy is coming because she wants a kid and Gerda convinced her that she could trust me and I wouldn't hurt her or her sisters."

"Seems a little paranoid to me," said the sprite.

"Gerda and Sandy are rock golems. They were hunted a while back for their eyes making them very distrustful of humans," said Ikuno. "I keep telling Kal he should try to bond with Gerda's sisters, but he isn't going for it."

"I think I have quite enough women to keep up with, thank you," said Kal.

"I don't understand," said Ria, "why should he bond these sisters?"

Ikuno thought for a moment, "Sorry for bringing up something unpleasant Ria. That stuff you dropped into the lava before we left Silma? If I weren't bonded to Kal I would have wanted that," she said pointing to her mouth, "desperately."

The sprite cringed, "Ewww."

"Not to me, I love the taste, like most monster girls. However, my being bonded to Kal keeps me from wanting seed from any other man. Since the hunters used the scent of their seed to trap and kill the golems I think he should make a bond with Gerda's sisters as a means of protection."

Ria turned back to Kal, "She seems to have a good point."

Ikuno cackled in triumph as Kal rolled his eyes, "Fine, if it happens I'll accept it, will that make you two happy?"

"By the way Ria, if Kal ever decides to jerk off in you. I want it," said Ikuno studying the sprite intently.

Ria shrugged, "No problem."

Kal started laughing as Ikuno's face fell in disbelief, that was not the reaction she had been expecting. Ria looked between the two in confusion.

Kal spoke first, "I think she was trying to tease you Ria. After all, a few seconds ago, you were saying 'ewww' at the idea of having a man's seed inside of you."

"Ohhh..." said the sprite, "no, the seed wasn't the problem, it was the man it belonged to. My former master was a pig of a man. The thing I hated the most about him was that he could have had his choice of women. He was fit and fairly handsome but was a complete lecher. More than once he got kicked out of an inn for leering at the women and jerking off under the table when more often he could have gotten a piece of ass if he'd just walked up to one and treated one of them nicely. Believe me Ikuno, that asshole's cum didn't deserve to go anywhere in your body."

"Magic chalk, black tallow candle, and a book on summoning. Any bets he was trying to summon and bind a succubus?" asked the oni.

Kal chuckled, "I don't gamble when I know I'm going to lose."

"I can't answer that," said Ria, shrugging. "Which probably means you are correct. I may have gotten lucky he got killed when he did, spending the rest of eternity on the plane of lust would not have been fun."

"It certainly sounds interesting," said Kal. He immediately knew it was the wrong thing to say from the looks he was getting from the women.

"You'll have to forgive him," Ikuno said to Ria, "He hasn't learned about the different planes and has no clue what he just said."

"Obviously," the sprite said with a smirk.

"Mind telling me what I'm missing here?" Kal tried and failed to hide the exasperation in his voice.

"There are two planes of lust, one hedonistic and one demonic. Succubi come from the demonic one and are usually desperate to get here however they can. Unfortunately, they need to consume lifeforce to maintain their presence here or they get dragged back to the plane of lust," explained Ikuno.

"So, they eat souls just to stay here? Why?"

"Lifeforce, not souls, they're two different things. As for the 'why?' because it's the plane of lust, not satisfaction."

It took a moment for that to sink in for Kal, "If I'm understanding you correctly, they are horny all the time but can never get off?"

Ikuno and nodded, "Not just horny as you know it but lust that would drive you to stick your dick into any warm wet hole you could find."

"What do they do? Go around raping each other all the time?"

Ikuno chuckled, "You have a hard time finding a hole that wouldn't happily accept you." Ikuno cleared her throat, "Female or male."

"Welp, that settles it, no plane of lust for me. I prefer the asses I'm inside to have two tits and a pussy included."

Ikuno smiled, "For which, I'm very grateful."

"You seem to know a lot about the plane of lust," Ria piped in, "did you go there?"

"Me? No, I've never left this plane unless you count the dreams I've been having. I have met a few succubi though, they make good livings at whorehouses in bigger cities. They have more of a grazing approach, taking a little from each of their clients instead of eating them whole, the customer just has to wait a week or so to come back so their lifeforce could regenerate. Rumor had it that some older men at the end of their lives pay good money to leave the world that way, but I could never get any of the girls to confirm it.

"I thought only your lifeforce regenerated because of your shrine."

Ikuno shook her head, "Most humans can lose about half of theirs and still regenerate it but that takes a long time. With as little as the succubi take I could have visited them daily, maybe more."

"You were a customer?" asked Kal.

"Yup, and I'm warning you right now, Kal, stay away from them," she said looking serious all of a sudden.

"I hadn't planned on seeking any out, any particular reason why?"

"Because getting your cock sucked by a succubus might ruin you for the rest of us." Kal rolled his eyes as Ikuno started laughing. "Kidding aside, their tongues are amazing."

"Damn you two," said Ria, "all this talk of sex is getting me all worked up now." Kal and Ikuno both gave her blank stares. "What?" she said looking back at them, "our personalities were modeled after people with urges just like you. I've even messed around with a few of my better masters so don't look at me like that." Ria crossed her arms and turned around on Kal's shoulder her wings vibrating angrily.

"We weren't judging," said Ikuno, "You just caught us off guar..."

"Dammit!" yelled Kal looking down, "Wait a second, it's still there." He looked up at Ikuno, "I don't think I like this at all."

"What's going on?" asked Ria who had turned back around and was looking between the oni who was trying hard not to laugh and Kal who was looking both relieved and distressed at the same time.

"I think Kal currently had a Ria-sized dick," answered Ikuno

"Do you really expect me to believe he keeps you and four other women happy with a cock that can fit inside me?" she said glaring up at the oni. "Wait... you said 'currently'?"

"Ikuno cast a compatibility spell on me when we first got together, it changes my size to whatever fits the woman I'm about to sleep with. In this case, I was just curious and, well..." Kal blushed bright red and looked away from the small woman on his shoulder.

"You're forgetting something, Kal," said the oni drawing his attention back to her only to see that she was looking at Ria. "If she's of age the other participant has to be willing to keep it from disappearing, but she has to be wanting for it to change size."

Ria's face turned nearly transparent as she blushed then with a small hop she dropped off Kal's shoulder and disappeared next to her bag.

"That was kind of mean, Ikuno," said Kal as he pointed his tiny, semi-erect penis down and to the side. After concentrating for a moment, he let out a sigh as he felt it grow back to normal size. "You know as well as I do that this spell doesn't always follow the rules."

"Maybe so but now you both know that the option is there. I'd tread a bit more carefully with her though, she's not an eighteen-year-old who has just discovered how good sex is or a cock hungry monster girl. She may have very different rules, on the other hand, if she's anything like Kithana she may be just as cock hungry as I am but just hides it better."

Kal had to think for a moment before remembering that Kithana was Prentas's sprite friend. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of grinding rocks coming from the tunnel leading outside. He and Ikuno looked over to see Gerda standing with her hands on her hips looking mildly annoyed. Both of them went to their packs and grabbed their stone earpieces out, quickly putting them on.

"I was going to snatch you away, but you never moved off the furs," said Gerda once they could understand her. The golem held out her rocky hand, "Come along, Sandy is waiting for you."

Kal looked down realizing that Ikuno's 'carpet' had foiled the rock girl's sneak attack. Drawing a quick rune in the air, the bracer he had removed earlier floated up and onto his arm then tied itself before he smiled up at Ikuno, "Duty calls, see you in a little while," he said, pulling her down into a goodbye kiss.

"Pffft, 'Duty', as if. It'd better be more than just a little while if you're going to convince her to join the rest of us," she called after him as he made his way over to Gerda.

"Really? You changed your mind?" said the golem, her face lighting up with hope. He noticed that the pebbles covering her naughty bits were disappearing as he got closer, it had been a while since they had spent any time together. Kal thought that he might need to take a little bit of time from Sandy to pay some attention to the least demanding of his little harem.

"If it happens, I'll accept. I won't try to push the issue."

"Yay!" yelled Gerda throwing her arms around him in a big hug. Kal was extremely grateful he had remembered his bracer, an excited Gerda's hugs would be deadly without the strength rune. A fraction of a second later they both sunk into the stone beneath their feet.

"Dammit, I was going to ask him to leave Ria," Ikuno muttered to herself as she made her way back to her library. She really did hate sleeping in the chair.


Gerda had decided to turn the cavern where they first met into a little love nest, though each time he came back he got a stronger impression that she was turning it into something more akin to a home. She had turned some of the glowing mushrooms that were about to release their spores into a paste and seeded the walls of the cavern with swirling patterns, then filled in the gaps with an underground lichen that glowed more green than the mushrooms. The effect was very calming, almost to the point of hypnotizing. She also made a bed that was topped with moss from the corner he had first woken up in, again, it was a near replica of the one in Ikuno's cave. For the times when Kal ate there, Gerda had made a rudimentary pedestal table with four seats around it.

Kal looked around as soon as they entered the cavern but saw no trace of Gerda's sister.


Gerda shushed him and pulled him over to the table. She then pushed him up against it she began stripping his clothes off, her rocky hand shrinking down to its nearly-human size. "I'm in control, show Sandy you aren't a threat," she said in her slow manner of speaking. Kal nodded, if this was what her sister needed to be comfortable then he was fine with it, until Gerda reached for his vambraces.

Kal pulled his arm away, at her questioning look he explained, "If she's nearly as strong as you, I need these to stay safe." After a moment's thought the golem nodded and went back to removing his clothes.

As he stepped out of his trousers she pointed at a spot on the table in front of one of the seats, "Sit."

Kal's first instinct had been to look at her and go, "Woof!" but he didn't think she would get the joke. Not to mention that she looked very uncomfortable being in the position of power. With a smile at his internal humor, he hopped up on the table as instructed.

Gerda was normally more than happy to go along with whatever Kal wanted to do at the time. He hadn't disappointed her yet, and the only time he had hurt her was when he took her virginity. She was even considering letting him play with her bottom, something that seemed strange and unnatural to her. She had felt not only his enjoyment through their bond, but also that of the other women when he took them in the behind, with all those thoughts coming at her it was no wonder she was getting curious.

She sat down in front of him and began stroking him to full hardness. She then began a running commentary directed towards the floor of all of the different parts of his prick and the do's and don't's she had learned so far. Most of what she was saying closely copied a similar lesson Gerda had gotten from Ikuno with one large exception: deepthroating.

Kal couldn't suppress an audible sigh of relief as the golem explained to her sister never to try taking him further than her mouth. During Gerda's own lesson on the edge of Ikuno's bed, neither he, nor Gerda, nor Ikuno had thought of how the rock golem's voice worked. When she swallowed his prick the scraping along that small section of her throat had been intensely painful on such a sensitive body part. It was only made worse by him jerking back out and firing up his healing rune. Gerda was mortified, and Ikuno had to grab her to keep the golem from running away. After a couple of minutes of convincing her that he wasn't mad and that it was just part of learning about each other's bodies, Kal made a very firm request, bordering on an order, that he wanted to cum in her mouth. She tentatively took him back in her mouth as Ikuno told her to watch his face so she could see how much pleasure she was giving him. From that point on, no deepthroating was the rule and Kal was happy to hear that rule being passed on.

Once Gerda was done with her explanation there was a whispered question from under the table that Kal couldn't make out.

"No, I suppose you don't." The golem looked up at him, "She's impatient and wants to get to the main part."

"I don't mind, where would you like me?" he said reminding Gerda and hopefully her sister that the rock golem was in control of this encounter.

"Stand over by the bed, please."

Kal did as she asked and was patiently waiting for something to happen when he saw something out of the corner of his eye. Turning he saw a golem's rear end sticking out of the wall slowly walking backwards until her legs and waist were clear of the stone.

Kal turned to Gerda, "What the hell is this?" he asked.

"I don't know," she said looking slightly scared, she'd never heard that particular tone in his voice. Seeing the stony look on his face she disappeared into the wall, Sandy's rear end vanishing a moment later. Kal could tell there was a heated discussion going on behind the wall but couldn't make it out through the stone. Gerda coming back into the cavern with her head hanging and shoulders drooping told him all he needed to know. Walking back over to his belongings he called out, "Ria!"

"Yes, Master Kal?" said the sprite a moment later, his tone had erased any embarrassment from their earlier conversation.

"Gather up my belongings. Gerda, take me back to Ikuno's," he ordered picking up Ria's bag as specks of light flew into it.

"I'm sorry, Kal," said Gerda from behind him.

Kal threw Ria's bag onto the table then spun around and took Gerda's face in his hands, pressing his lips to hers. Breaking the kiss, he stared into her surprised eyes, "You have nothing to be sorry for Gerda, you did what you could to make this work. However, that's no way to make a child and I'm a little bit disgusted that she would feel it was okay to do such a thing. Tell her that if she still wants me to give her a daughter we will do it face to face enjoying each other's bodies and not with her head in a wall and me just there to donate my seed. One last thing Gerda, I haven't been taking good enough care of you, I'd like it if you would spend the night with me and Ikuno."

"But, Sandy..."

"Can think about what I've said overnight. I won't tell you to stay with us tonight but I would enjoy your company."

Gerda nodded slowly before walking into the wall to speak with her sister.

Kal picked up Ria's bag and walked over to the other side of the cavern, closest to Ikuno's home. The sprite flew up onto his shoulder, "Pants?" she asked.

"I suppose," he said looking down. "Sorry you had to see that side of me, I didn't realize her doing that would make me so angry," Kal told the bag's avatar as he slipped his trousers back on.

"You'll have to tell me later, whatever happened was before you summoned me. Here comes your golem friend."

Kal nodded, "I'll see you back at Ikuno's."

The sprite's image faded as Kal turned around. The look on Gerda's face said that things had not gone well in a very different way. At his questioning look, she growled, "You're right, she can sleep alone tonight," before grabbing his arm and dragging him into the wall.

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Rhino77PIlotRhino77PIlot6 months ago

Always ready for more


While I agree with the comments pertaining to the earpiece and pearl. I have to say that personally for me it took nothing away except for a slight pause to think about it. Other than that incredible as always. I'm in love with this story, and have been from the start. To be honest to me this would make one hell of a movie if whoever make it could keep it as close to your story as possible without changing it. Keep up the great work, and I look forward to more.

anubeloreanubeloreover 2 years ago

Ouch. Uncool, Sandy. Very uncool.

5 stars, per usual!

anubeloreanubeloreover 2 years ago

Just got to the bit where Gerda arrives, and yeah, anonymous is right, Kal and Ikuno don't need the rock earpieces, the pearls work fine. Something to fix in the final edit, if you publish this, I guess.

anubeloreanubeloreover 2 years ago

Midora was trying to kill Ikuno, repeatedly. Ikuno attempted to defuse the situation, attempted to reason with her, but she would not be reasoned with. It still sucks, and I feel terrible for Azrin, but Ikuno had no obligation to risk her life further for the sake of Midora's. If she could have stopped her without killing her, that would've been nice, but also dangerous, and I cannot, and will not, judge her for the decision to not take the risk.

(If you can't tell, I had to ruminate on this a bit. I already knew I believed Ikuno was justified, but my empathy with Azrin forced me to ponder it before making my mind up as to how I felt about it)

Ravey19Ravey19over 2 years ago

Another good chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Think maybe you forgot about pearl thing in his mouth. He donโ€™t necessarily need the ear rock to understand golem it just makes it more clear.

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenabout 5 years ago
You give me thoughts

So many thoughts. Wonderful, frightening thoughts. Also, congratulations Silma! And though it might be in a minority at the moment, poor Sandy. We've only been given a bit of their background, but it is a harrowing one. Hopeful that she is able to come around, but at the end of the day, he doesn't actually Need to impregnate all the girls... does he? ^.^ Not that there's anything at all wrong with Kal-tila the Monster Hun-ny bun.

P.S. Sorry about the bad pun. Thanks again for the new chapter. And the thoughts I'm thinking I'll keep to myself. Spooky stuff that may not come to pass.

M_grey555M_grey555about 5 years ago

Oh man ive been waiting a good min for this chapter to be uploaded. Not complaining mind you im just glad that ur not like alot of other lit authors that leave their stories unfinished. For that i thank you!!!

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeabout 5 years ago

I love how you give all of them different personalities and different relationships with him. It's a step up from the usual harem story.

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