The Saint Valentine's Day Murders


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"We ascertained that she did not know anything that would lead to an identification of the killer, she had been previously interviewed by Homicide but found free of any usable information at that time.

"It is unknown how the shooter got a gun inside the Green Door, not once but two times, but we have heard comments suggesting that their front door security was not exactly airtight. You have previously heard that the shooter's gun had been tied forensically to an 8-year-old shooting of an off-Strip dancer in Henderson. That is confirmed, but we are still investigating the details. It is probable that the slain dancer was the then wife of Blaine Peters.

"Lieutenant Simpson then acted and, based in good part on the foundational knowledge Devan Knight already had in this case, he decided to place him on-site to see if he could uncover the shooter. The Lieutenant has already told you about the rigorous selection process that identified the second person for the undercover investigation team." Grin and expected titter from the attendees. "And thus was born the dynamic duo which the Review-Journal has already rechristened as the "Golden Knights." That brought the house down.

Simpson stepped up front again and announced that "Miss Helen Hunt is over there in the front office and has all the details. If anyone wants more information, or to debate anything you have heard here, please go to Hellen Hunt for it." Loud groans from an audience accustomed to their leader's antics.


Two days later, Lt. Simpson dropped by Detective Knight's office. They chatted about a few loose ends, and Simpson, said "Knight, I don't have to say how much I appreciate what you have done, you make my job a sinch. I can tell you that, when Warner retires come July 1, I would have to have my head examined if I didn't hand you that job on a silver platter. At least that is how Chief Nielson described the situation to me." Broad grin and phoney modest reaction from the future Sergeant.

"And, my wife Louisa and I also want to invite you and the better half of the Golden Knights to join us at our lodge over at Las Vegas Ski and Snowboard Resorts; for the weekend after next. Please say yes." Devan said yes, pending the approval of his wife.

As soon as he got home, Devan told Alyssa about the ski lodge invite. "Yummy, I so hope you accepted! I didn't even know the old Teddy Bear had a ski lodge."

"I said I had to get your approval. I'll pass along your 'yummy' response. Yeah, I knew he had one at least a few weekends a year. I doubt he owns a full-time share. I never ever heard about his wife going there, I got the idea it was pretty much an old boys club kinda thing,"

The following Thursday Simpson calls Devan into his office and explains that their Department has agreed to transport a high-security federal prisoner to Albany, New York. He wants his star Detective to be the escorting officer over the upcoming weekend. It is to be done in connecting flights, McCarran to LaGuardia to Albany, with his return the next day.

"Alyssa and I were so looking forward to the lodge this weekend."

"Ohh, that's not going to be put off! Louisa would string me up if I interfered with those plans. We'll send a limo to pick your wife up about 8:00 am Saturday and those gals will jabber up a storm until we can get you back to Las Vegas mid-morning on Sunday. Okay, Dev?"

He happened to know that there were direct flights McCarren to Albany International and he knew he was being bums-rushed. And he had a very good idea why. He was equally sure he couldn't do much about it, short of insubordination. Why can't the almighty FBI escort their own prisoner anyway?

As soon as he got home, he sat Mrs. Knight down on the couch and filled her in on Simpson's plan. He told her that she was perfectly within the bounds of propriety to refuse the solo invitation, perhaps suggesting a make-up date later on. She snuggled next to him and offered him the remainders of his box of Valentine's candy. He smiled and took one of his secondary choices, his favorites already missing.

Devan led off, "So, sweetheart, you are the decision maker on this one. What do you think? This whole thing stinks. He did NOT have to send me off to fucking Albany on the day he was hosting and arrange for my wife to still meet him at the lodge. The wife that he has made it so clear he wants to fuck!

"So, you are saying he will get me to this lodge and just brutally rape me?"

"No, Alyssa, I don't think for one minute that he would risk his marriage his job and his retirement and even face a possible jail sentence to taste your wonderful wares. But we both know he is going to put a full court press on you and, well, I frankly don't know how you would react to that. Do you, even?"

She put her fingers to her lips in deep concentration. Taking at least half a minute before answering (an eternity in such a situation), "I honestly don't know dear. I really don't. I might be actally tempted to give in to him, I have to admit." He slumps back onto the couch and throws up his hands, murmuring to himself.

"Well, honey, I know you want me to reject the whole idea out of hand. It certainly sounds wrong. But..."

"I can't wait to hear the 'but'..."

Well, first of all, we have lived pretty happily so far with the lifestyle that each of us can make up our own mind about sex. So, I feel it is some kind of a step backwards for me to suddenly only get to be with lovers that you approve of. There is also the fact that he is actually a kind of cute teddy bear and, important to me, he is a semi-big shot, powerful man...and he seems to be so droolingly, pantingly in love with little old me. That's one powerful aphrodisiac, if you know it or not.

Devan slowly shakes his head and grimaces. Nodding, he surrenders, "You make me ashamed princess. Of course, it is entirely up to you who you let stick what in whatever part of your anatomy you want it to be in, for as long as you want, and as many times as you want. Forgive me for my bullheadedness." A smile of resignation followed by a mutual hug.

"Devan" she puts her hands decisively on his shoulders, "I am going to get on that limo Saturday morning. I am doing so knowing full well that he is going to offer up his old cock to me and knowing full well that I may or may not make use of it. O.K.? It will be a last-minute decision on my part, but if I do decide 'yes' he is going to damn well know what its like to fuck one of the Golden Knights!"

Their conversation devolved into some out and out necking which led inexorably to full on sex that eventually moved up to the bedroom and ended, finally, in deep sleep for both. In the morning Devin had to get prepped before his wife did in order to get to the lock-up, collect his prisoner and get driven to the airport. We'll spare you the play by play of this routine escort duty.

Alyssa was ready with suitcase, toilet case and a bright smile when the Lieutenant arrived driving a polished-up LVMPD sedan. He helped her get comfortable in the front passenger seat and began a non-stop session of personal chit chat as they drove away.

She could so see it coming, he was well over the top with attention to her every word and gesture. It came as almost an anti-climax when he casually brought up the news that his wife's sister had a spell and so Louisa would have to skip the lodge this weekend to tend to her. Ohhh dear me, how sad. "I guess that means it is just you and me at the lodge together sweetheart." she smilingly remarked with tongue way in cheek.

"Yes, that is true, honey. But I confess I am not altogether upset about it. You and I seem to get along quite well when it is just the two of us together."

"More than true, Lennie" she responded." He chose not to comment on her new use of the diminutive variation on his given name. What the fuck, it was clear as a bell that she owned him, and he sure wasn't struggling on the line.

He enquired about her skiing equipment. She shrugged saying that she didn't own any, that she has never skied and would just have to be an audience to his sloping about. For some reason that made him beam like a very smiley emoji. He reached his open hand over to her and she took it in her hand. She entwined her polished fingers with his, like new lovers, pretty much the whole hour and a quarter up the mountainside.

Alyssa thought to herself that she had already blown her best chance to head this thing off. Accepting a hand holding drive to an assignation knowing neither spouse was to be present, while they are both calling each other by terms of endearment...well what the fuck was she going to say when he walked up to her with his lips puckered up and his zipper down? She would have to think pretty darn fast. But she already realized how that was going to come out.

He bustled about like a teenage bellhop upon arrival, taking care of her every apparent need. They were ensconced in their rented lodge in record time, then they stood side by side gazing out the picture window to the slopes. As he put his arm around her waist, she couldn't help but feel a tingle of pride in her situation. This minor league big shot was falling all over himself to court her favor. And she admitted to herself that her earlier genuine sexual ambivalence had come to an end when she accepted the teenagerish hand holding. She was going to fuck him absolutely silly.

When they arrived he grabbed her suitcase and quietly took it to the master bedroom. He returned to get his own and calmly placed his next to her's, without comment from either of them. Then he suggested a toast and asked her preference in wine. After opening the chosen Chardonnay, he handed her a glass, took one for himself and suggested they should go ahead and unpack.

With his hand on her back he pointed her in the direction of the bedroom. They put their glasses on the chest of drawers and he dragged both suitcases into the walk in. She followed him in and opened hers, taking out a dress to hang it up.

That triggered one of the most sexually charged moments of her life. He had the same thoughts, although she couldn't know that. Oh My God, he had just calmly assumed they would be sharing the master bed and she just unhestatingly followed suite.

No fuss, no bother, not even a drop of alcohol in them. Their mutual consent was unspoken, but obvious and total. Yes, when you meet someone in a sex club, there can be such a casual presumption, but never in real life had she ever experienced such an unspoken acceptance of a first time fucking to come. Of course, their outrageous oral flirtations had made the end result pretty much a foregone conclusion and his manipulations to get them alone at the lodge sealed the deal. She was actually very happy, but worried that she might have misled her husband as to her intentions.

It was only 10 in the morning when they got in bed, naked, as they were to remain for the next day and a half. By 11:00 they discontinued the 'sweetheart' and 'darling' pet names, reciprocating with the moniker 'lover' as soon as it was accurately theirs to use with one another.

They were just sitting naked on the couch after some dinner, playing at lip touching like nearly exhausted lovers do, when her cell rang. Reception was fair up here and she chatted with her husband openly, seemingly with no regard for Simpson's presence. "Oh, it has been going fine honey, even better than expected." "No, we haven't been skiing Dev, you know I don't know how. How did your prisoner behave?" "I'm not surprised."

"You're not going to get here in the morning?! Metro couldn't book you a return on such late notice? Who would have thought that could happen?"

"Oh, we just got done with some sandwiches he brought along. On our second bottle of wine already. How about you?" "Oh, that's right, you're 3 hours ahead in New York." "We're really not doing anything much right now. I'm busy talking with you, kiss, kiss." "No, you are never an interruption to me, husband of mine."

"You're so nosey. We were just sitting here on the couch, resting up." "Not resting from skiing honey. There are other means of exercise around here. We have just been catching our second wind Dev. Well, more like 4th wind to be honest. I will confess every detail when I get home and have my favorite naked man alongside me." "Chuckle, chuckle. Yes, he absolutely is. We've both been starkers since about 20 minutes after we got here." 'Lennie' is visibly cringing beside her hearing her so very descriptive confession.

"OK darling, you are getting entirely too nosey for my taste." With a smile. "It is GREAT Devan. Totally great, he is not the dried-up old man you said he would be." She winked teasingly at her lover of the moment and tweaked his nose. "I don't know what time we'll be home. I guess since you aren't going to be back in Vegas until late afternoon tomorrow, my lover and I will stay here most of the day." "Har har, what do you expect we will be doing? Silly ass. He bounces back pretty fast for an over-the-hill copper."

"Yes, it was a great idea. Great! But, Devan, I don't want you to jump to the conclusion that I am about to become Len Simpson's steady girlfriend. I have had a wonderful weekend with him, but I'm not going to move in with him." She was staring at the Lieutenant's eyes and jabbing her painted finger right at his nose. He looked like an emoticon depicting 'crestfallen' and was starting to rise to his feet.

"Devan, you know how we agreed on all those rules to govern our swing-time behavior?"

"Yes", Devan replied.

"Well, I am suggesting we add another rule to our list of 'don't do's. I think we should agree to never fuck around outside of the club environment. We won't mess with people from work, or neighbors, or the mailman or anybody from our everyday life. JUST sex club people. I have come to realize that it can just too easily get out of hand if you start fucking your secretary, or your husband's boss or something like that and it would be way too hard to know where to draw the line."

Simpson was turning red in the head, with his cheeks puffed out and a killer expression on his face. He buries his face in his clenched fists so as not to strike at his Alyssa. "Wait. Wait!" Alyssa says, "Let me put the phone on speaker. I think this naked man beside me wants to say something."

"Oh, girl, you are the evilest, cruelest human being I ever knew. You make me into a jigging lump of jello for you and then you callously discuss rejecting me with your husband! My subordinate With no warning. You are killing me!"

"Alyssa, Alyssa, the boss is right. This is meaner than anything I have ever seen. I know you're not serious." He realizes if she is really serious then his Sergeant's stripe is going away and probably his job as well. Holy shit fuck!

Simultaneously, Alyssa realizes that she has gone way overboard. She felt she was correct in that becoming the bosses cum dump was a potential marriage breaker. But there was no way she could cruelly cut Len off cold after all the teasing this week and the little fact that she had engaged him in a 10 hour fuck to day. He would have every right to take revenge.

"Well, obviously I am not talking about cutting Len off." she attempted to recover. I am his lover now, and I certainly don't want that to ever change. We won't even try to put that genie back in the bottle.

"But I do want us to talk about this amendment to our rules, Dev. I don't think it is safe for us to start letting in other people from Homicide, or anyone else outside of the Green Door clientele. Len will be grandfathered in, of course. If he wants to be. But we have to agree on some boundaries and expectations even from him.

"Let's all three of us think about it until you get home husband. Then we should meet and thrash out the new relationship rules. Once we come to an understanding, we can celebrate with a nice long threesome. How about at our house for dinner at 7 pm Monday?" They all agreed.

She blew phone kisses to her true love and clicked off. She kissed Len's mouth, clenched in an unhappy frown. "That's the deal, lover. We will work out some reasonable ground rules. You are going to be one of only two people who will be able to call me lover. You will have full rights to every part of my anatomy but only when I say so, not whenever you decide to insist on something. And those rights you have, can be cancelled at any time my Valentine or I decide so to do.

"Keep this in mind handsome. Monday we will be agreeing on some reasonable limits on my carnal availability to you. And we will expect you to honor those like the gentleman we know you can be. BUT those limitations will be in effect only after our dinner meeting. They do not exist now. You are my generous host, and I am not going to be rude and tell you what you can and cannot do to your guest while she is still here, which I expect will be until mid-afternoon tomorrow." Holding out her arms to him...

The end...sort of.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Enjoyable story - it’s fiction and funny so why the terrible reviews? Good job odiouser

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

LOL- the "cuck whisperer" did it again. Wrote garbage. One Star. The word "hogwash" described this one well. Go to love the comments by the cucks, they're priceless.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Kalimaxos always crusading against cucks

why dont you write erotic stories about the wonderful swinger lifestyle? Huh? Give us your hot super erotic swinger porn stories that will cause us to get so hard and masturbate so hard and cum so hard! We are waiting

NitpicNitpicover 3 years ago

Long time since I read such a load of hogwash.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
@ tkh3nkey2110, ReedRichards

How any thinking person could see this is as anything more than nonsense is beyond the pale. Even Kalimaxos ,with whom I often disagree, makes a compelling case for the reasons this storyline is unbelievable and ludicrous. tkh3nkey2110, this story is not only nonsense, it’s straightaway bullshit. No wonder RR likes it.

InfosaugerInfosaugerover 3 years ago

I hope there will be a sequel

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago
A sinch

It's a sinch, this even more odiouser than for previous one. Maybe saddletramp can clean this mess up too.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 3 years ago

Could have been a fun story if the Knights weren't so disgusting. The sex scenes were...Yuck!

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110over 3 years ago
What both ReedRichards and 48WIZARD88 wrote

If you don't like what an author writes, why read it? I liked the story for its no nonsense depiction of a wife sharing marriage. In your face sex. It is a fun read.

5 *s.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great story!

Hey, people! This story, like most on this site, is fiction. Don't get upset and bent out of shape about it. Obviously, you want to read these tales, they are clearly labeled "LOVING WIVES", which means that a married woman is going to have sex with other men. If the idea of sex for fun bothers you, do not read them! I wish to thank the author for taking time to write, and hope he/she will continue.

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