The San Isidro Mysteries 03: La Loba Blanca (complete)


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What was worse, the rain the sigbins so welcomed, had turned the Basilica grounds into soft mud, a quagmire that quickly sucked in anything that fell on it, the more the monsters struggled to free themselves, the deeper they sank as the arrows fell upon them.

"Huwag hihinto," Sisto urged them, "tugisin ang mga halimaw hanggang lahat sila ay mamatay. Not one of them must survive."

"Fuego!" dela Paz finally ordered.

El Divino watched in rising horror and anger as his horde perished beneath the storm of rain and arrows and bullets. He screamed in frustration, grabbed the front of his shirt and tore it off.

"San Isidro, your children will all die painfully for this!"

One last bolt of lightning and one final deafening clap of thunder echoed across the sky, the rain stopped as quickly as it had begun as an eerie silence settled on the Basilica grounds. The mortals gazed at the fallen bodies of their foes, not quite believing that they had vanquished them when the quiet was shattered by a terrifying howl -- one monster, larger than any that they had fought -- entered the battlefield: El Divino had transformed himself into a tikbalang, one of the vilest halimaws, it had the arms and muscled body of a man, the legs of a wolf and the tail and head of a horse, sharp teeth filled its mouth, while its fingers and toes were capped by eagle-like talons.

"Pakawalan muli ang mga palaso!" Sisto ordered.

"Shoot!" dela Paz shouted.

Once again, the men let loose a barrage of arrows and bullets, but these merely bounced off the thick hide of the tikbalang; it sneered at the puny missiles and charged inside the Basilica, smashing the mighty double doors with its massive shoulders. He picked one up and shoved it at the entrance that led to the stairs of the choir-loft, effectively imprisoning the men above. Then he gathered several pews in his arms and barricaded the entrance of the cathedral; he inhaled deeply -- the pungent smell of incense was everywhere -- he moved along the middle aisle and drew in another breath... there it was... the faint trace of warm mortal blood and beneath it... the distinct fragrance of Lisa Enriquez... she was somewhere inside the abbey.

"Lisa Enriquez!" he called out, his voice deep and loud -- and cold as death -- it reached up into the high vaulted ceilings of the Basilica and down into its catacombs.

"You know why I'm here. Come to me... unless you want everyone in San Isidro to die a horrible death."


"It... won't... move," Ponce said as he and dela Paz tried, in vain, to push away the door that was blocking the choir loft entrance.

The sargento leaned against the massive plank of yakal, one of the strongest and heaviest of hardwoods and every wooden structure in the Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro was made of it: the loft they were in, the numerous arched ceiling beams, the doorways and corridors, the pulpit and intricate high altar and huge magnificent crucifix and, of course, the many pews.

"How do we get out, Sargento?"

"Let's return to the choir loft. If the bell tower is near enough, one of us might be able cross and climb down there."

But once they looked out the large window of the loft, dela Paz' heart sank... the tower was too far away. He turned to Ponce and noticed Lucas Regalado was not with them.

"Where is Don Lucas?"

Before the cabo could answer, a splintering noise echoed through the Basilica -- the giant stained glass window of the cathedral came crashing down -- La Loba Blanca had entered the church and now stood in front of El Divino. He licked his lips.

"Magdalena... we meet at last," he said.


Doña Maria, Porcia Gonzales and Dr. Lazaro came up to the front of the catacombs from the back where they had set up a make-shift clinic.

"Manong Julio?" Lisa asked.

"He's still groggy from the chloroform I administered," the doctor replied, "but he's fine. Aling Salud is with him."

The loud sound of breaking glass suddenly reverberated through the abbey. Padre Jose rose from his prayers.

"Mr. Williams, there is a small vault at the very back of the catacombs where you and Lisa can still seek shelter should El Divino break through..."

"No," Lisa whispered, holding Jason's hands tightly, "he will not... I feel her presence... my sister is here," she turned to the priests, "pray, Padre Señores, pray that... that God will give her strength to vanquish El Divino."


The two foes circled each other.

The tikbalang gave a soft laugh; though the she-wolf was indeed large, he was, by far, bigger and, he was certain, stronger. In one quick movement, he swiped at three pews, sending them flying towards Magdalena. She evaded the benches, leaping swiftly to her right and bounding against a cathedral column, but her momentum brought her straight back to El Divino, he ducked and as she sailed over him, caught her hind legs with his tail, she flew into a row of pews, sending them tumbling across the church aisle. The noise echoed around the cathedral.

"Give up, Magdalena," the tikbalang said, "join me and I will give you and your sister wealth, honor and power."

The she-wolf rose from the pile of pews, growled and darted towards the side doors of the church.

Her speed was the one thing he could not match -- but the wolf's left hind-leg was limping -- he lifted another pew and threw it at her, just as she ran across the high altar, Magdalena quickly turned to the opposite direction, evading the heavy bench. The pew hit the giant crucifix, the Basilica shuddered with the force of the impact, Magdalena saw the cross start to sway.


"I... I thought he had followed us...," Ponce answered, he and the sargento found themselves holding on to the choir seats as the cathedral shook.

"Don Lucas!" dela Paz raised his voice, hoping he would be heard above the noise from below.

"I'm here," Lucas faint voice called out from behind the tiers of choir seats.

"Where?" dela Paz asked.

"Go behind the choir seats."

The two men followed Lucas' directions and found him inside what appeared to be a compartment hidden under the floor of the choir loft.

"I may have found a way out, Sargento."


The combined forces of Andres, the Supremo and Sisto stood helplessly at the cathedral entrance, the mound of pews prevented them from entering the church and the abbey where the Isidranons were. They could also hear the deafening noise of battle inside -- and from Sisto and Illuminado's description of the monster -- knew that Magdalena needed their help.

"There is no way to move them and we cannot go over or under them," Andres said.

"There is a way to go through them, Capitán," the Supremo said.

Andres gave him a puzzled look. Señor Chua held out a sack and understanding dawned on the capitán when he saw what was inside.

Black powder.


"How did you know about this passageway?" dela Paz asked Don Lucas as he and Ponce followed him down into and then through a very narrow corridor under the choir loft.

"My friends and I discovered it by accident, we were all choir-boys back in the day and rehearsals were every Saturday afternoon. One day, the choir-master was late and we decided to play taguan up in the loft, we were sure we'd find many hidey-holes, this passage was one of them."

"Wh... where does it lead?" Ponce asked.

"There is another small door at the end and it opens up behind the high altar."

The three men stopped, a loud noise reverberated around them and dust and bits of plaster crumbled down as the cathedral trembled.

"Is it far?"dela Paz coughed.

Another deafening noise echoed and the building shook once more.

"It's here!"

It did not take long to push the small door open, and when it did, they were indeed behind the high altar, but some ten feet above its base. Beneath them, they could see the white wolf running round and round, zig-zagging over the cathedral aisles, evading the pews and heavy planks the tikbalang was throwing at her... planks that he had torn off the walls of the church. She was swift as the missiles constantly missed her, bouncing off the walls, hitting the columns and often times, the high altar itself; dust and debris was settling everywhere, dislodged by the many blows the Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro had suffered.

They heard a strange creaking sound above them, Lucas looked up and realized that the giant crucifix was swaying over their heads.

"Watch out!" dela Paz warned as Magdalena slipped beneath them as another pew missed her, striking the base of the high altar instead. The suspended crucifix swayed even more, its chains creaked louder as they took the tremendous strain of the cross' massive weight.


"What is he doing?" Sisto asked Illuminado. From a considerable distance, they watched Padre Miguel bow his head as he stood before the Basilica entrance with a box of Bryant and May's, Señor Chua's favorite matches.

Andres and the Supremo had made sure that the bag of black powder was strategically placed so that, once ignited, it would blast a hole through the stacked hardwood pews. But they were all surprised when the young priest volunteered to light it -- his reason was sound -- the only string they could find to use as a fuse was barely a foot long and since he was the tallest, his long legs would cover a far greater distance at a much shorter time, thus, he stood a better chance of getting as far away as possible from the explosion than anyone else. The capitán and Chua reluctantly agreed.

"I think he's praying," Illuminado whispered and the cuchero was right, for Miguel had a second reason for volunteering to light the fuse: he wanted to spare the rest of the men any guilt or shame that would arise in causing significant damage to, or possibly, the total destruction of San Isidro's beloved Basilica, now he was saying a prayer begging forgiveness for what he was about to do.

Miguel made the sign of the cross, took out a match, lit it and ignited the string then he turned and ran as fast as he could away from the cathedral steps.


La Loba Blanca quickly recovered from the slip and once again ran to the opposite direction. El Divino was now clearly frustrated, his anger evident in the scream he let loose. He tore off an ornately carved beam from a wall and threw it at the she-dog, it sailed past Magdalena and bounced off the elevated pulpit, the domed ceiling trembled at the impact.

El Divino changed his tactic; gathering three heavy pews, he hurled them all at Magdalena; one managed to nick her tail, she yelped in pain, but did not stop, the other two pews hit the high altar. The three men above it held on to whatever they could as the floor beneath them shook.

"How long can she keep this up," Ponce whispered, "and how will it end?"

Large pieces of plaster fell from the ceiling above them, the suspended cross was now swinging violently, and as its mighty chains creaked louder, dela Paz realized what La Loba Blanca was trying to do; he swiftly removed his revolver from its holster, aimed it high above them and fired, the bullet hit one of the metal plates that secured the chains to the ceiling.

The shot startled his two companions; it did not take long, however, for them to see the sargento's plan. They aimed their weapons and started shooting; cracks started to appear on the ceiling, the metal plates began to slip, they kept firing until their weapons were empty... but the plates refused to break free.

Magdalena looked at the high altar as soon as she heard the shots and saw the three men, but that split second proved to be a mistake, her limbs suddenly went limp and she felt her whole body rise and smash against one of the cathedral columns -- El Divino had ripped two of the iron sconces that had held the gaseras from the wall -- and thrown them; they found their mark, she lay on the middle aisle, unable to move.

The tikbalang yelled in victory; nothing could stop him now. He made his way to where the she-wolf lay and found she had transitioned back to her human form. He laughed, Magdalena was now helpless.

"Beg... and I will spare you."

"Bumalik ka sa impyernong pinanggalingan mo," Magdalena answered.

El Divino raised one foot -- he hoped Lisa could see him stomp the life out of her beloved sister.

Magdalena closed her eyes, this was the first time she had ever entered a church and she had always envied the devotion and reverence ordinary people had for it, she also had never learned how to pray to the God most everyone in the islands worshipped... how did one even begin?

"Forgive me," was all she could whisper.

Lucas, dela Paz and the young cabo watched helplessly... then the whole world seemed to shatter into tiny pieces.

El Divino was hurled against the high altar by the mighty explosion, he fell on its steps, the stout chains and metal plates that held the suspended crucifix finally broke, the giant cross fell and pinned the tikbalang to the floor.

Magdalena rose to her knees painfully then walked to the fallen monster, she watched as it transformed back to El Divino, she unsheathed her claws and raised her hand.

"Ate, stop!"

She looked up and saw her sister running toward her, followed by Jason and the other Isidranons in the abbey. She stepped back; someone slipped a shirt around her shoulders to cover her nakedness -- she turned -- Miguel stood behind her.

Lisa went up the high altar's steps and gazed at El Divino's face, a flash of recognition lit his eyes. She held out her arm, a farmer placed a scythe in her hand. She lifted the weapon high and swung it down with all her might.


The sisters stood on the hill beside the Basilica, they clung to each other while a small group of people surrounded them; below the hill, the Supremo and his men had built a huge fire where they were burning the bodies of the malignos. Lisa was weeping, as she begged her older sister to stay.

"Please, Ate, we've started a new life here and... and the people who matter... they will protect us... they will keep your secret safe. I beg you, please, please stay."

"Lisa is right," the jefe said, "we will protect you, Magdalena."

Magdalena shook her head and gazed tenderly at Lisa's face.

"You have a chance of building a home here in San Isidro, Lisa, I have none -- one careless word -- and my secret will be revealed and your life and happiness will be ruined. I cannot risk that."

"But where will you go?"

"There are many mountains and thick forests here in Luzon, places where one who does not wish to be found can find shelter," she placed a gentle hand on her sister's cheek, "and you know I will be safe anywhere I choose to go."

She led her weeping sister to where Jason Williams stood and placed her hand in his.

"Mr. Williams, I give you my greatest wealth -- and my greatest joy -- please take care of her."

Jason held Lisa's hand tightly.

"I will."

Magdalena turned to Andres, dela Paz, Padre Jose and Miguel.

"Thank you for giving me that which I thought I would never find... kindness; now I must go."

She started walking away from San Isidro. Miguel looked at Padre Jose, the parish priest nodded his head.

"Magdalena, wait!" Miguel caught up with her, "I'm coming with you."

"You can't, you must stay in San Isidro, the people will need you."

"There are other priests, Magdalena."

She shook her head.

"Miguel, there will be more battles, worse than what we have faced tonight, don't ask me how I know... I just do. Without you, the town will... disappear."

But... I love you, Magdalena."

"It... it isn't time for our love yet but it will come... and when it does... you will hear me call you."


The population of San Isidro slowly grew again, though many of those who left before the battle with the halimaws did not return. New residents came and settled, never knowing that their lives had once hung in the balance in an obscure little town.

Magdalena was right, San Isidro faced not just battles, but two terrible wars -- and it was Padre Miguel who kept the Isidranons' hope and faith alive, he even managed to have the Basilica rebuilt.

On the day before his fiftieth year as parish priest, Padre Miguel rose early, removed his cassock and donned the attire of the many farmers who worked the rice paddies around the town. He had received word from the Archdiocese of Manila the week before that it was time for him to retire, he had served the town and the Holy See well; a younger priest would soon take his place. Now, Miguel wanted to walk through the land one more time before he left. The cook in the kitchen gave him two pieces of pan de sal to eat along the way and the good padre left through the kitchen door... and was never seen again.

The police and the army searched for him, but not a trace was ever found.

There are people, though, who say that they have seen a tall young priest and a white wolf wandering the nearby hills together -- but they are just stories -- this, after all, is San Isidro... where things are never quite what they seem to be.


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29wordsforsnow29wordsforsnowalmost 2 years ago

Like your favorite place for vacation you return to each year, you will find things went on, people evolved and the managing director learned a few more ways to make your stay even more enjoyable.

Bravo, a gran final to the San Isidro Mysteries - well-timed fast-paced action in its very unique setting.

Thank you for reassuring us that "All good things come in threes."

HaydenDLinderHaydenDLinderalmost 2 years ago

I really enjoyed how everyone was needed for the climax. Wonderful chapter. 5 Stars. :)

NewOldGuy77NewOldGuy77almost 2 years ago

Quite the effort! Weaving folklore into an amazing and well-textured period piece the way you did is really something. Your writing is consistently excellent, 5 stars, as always!

Lector77Lector77almost 2 years ago


Thank you for sharing your talents with us.

Recibe saludos y gran respeto de un humilde lector.

PeytonMirabellePeytonMirabellealmost 2 years ago

Fun culmination to the series. I enjoyed all three, thanks for sharing!

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