The Scholarship


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And before Will realized what was happening, Courtney was kissing him. She planted her lips firmly on his and kissed him with her whole body. It was over before Will had even registered it had begun. He tried to speak but had to pause a beat, she had taken his breath away.

"Ready?" she asked, her smile not showing any embarrassment or hint of hiding her excitement.

Will stared at this girl and made a decision, "I just got to drop these exams off." He paused. "Um, do you have a jacket? It's freezing outside."

"Oh, uhh, I forgot it. I'm such an air-head," she giggled. If she kept giggling, Will was pretty sure he was going to have some kind of cardiovascular event.

"I..think I have one back in the office, you can borrow it. I have to head back there anyway."

As Courtney waited by the glass doors at the entrance of the math building, Will was charging into the T. A.s office, fully prepared to beg if he had to.

"A hundred dollars," he was talking to mike, his closest friend among the T.A.s, "A hundred dollars if you grade my share of the exams."

"Haha,. What you got like a hot date or something?"


Mike stopped laughing, but a smile still clung to his face. He shook his head, "Two hundred."

Will wasted no time, "Done." Will handed Mike his bag of exams, grabbed his jacket and headed to the door.

"Can I see her? Is it a student? Do I know her?"

Will paused to think, "It's that freshman, Courtney."

"Bullshit," Mike said, still smiling.

"She's waiting for me downstairs." Will didn't know why he felt the need to prove anything, just now. Maybe just to make sure that she wasn't a hallucination, that she was more than a well-imagined fantasy.

Mike came downstairs with him with the excuse ready that he needed to lock the door of the building behind them as they left. Courtney was standing with her hands clasped in front of her. She bounced excitedly as Will approached.

"You're so sweet," she said as Will helped her put on her flannel jacket. Then she turned to give him an ice-melting kiss, pull him in by the collar of his shirt.

As Will waved goodbye, he could see Mike's jaw had dropped in disbelief. Will couldn't help but strut a little, feeling like a million bucks. Ironic since he was out two-hundred, and he knew that he would spend much more on this girl if the opportunity arose.

They sat next to each other at a table at thebar. The man at the door, indeed, had not carded her on the way in. She had given him a conspiratorial wink, and walked right past him. Will thought perhaps she knew the man.

They talked through two drinks together. Courtney played with her hair and touched his arm flirtatiously as she laughed at stupid jokes. Then, her she turned it up a notch. While they spoke about school and music and movie, she gently placed her hand on his thigh and slowly stroked his leg. Will nearly choked on his drink, but Courtney's face didn't change, not acknowledging the effect she was having on him. After they'd finished the second drink, their eyes and met and Courtney was looking at him like a delicious meal she'd very much like to taste. Will's face grew hot at the thought of what her eyes implied

Will reached for his wallet, thinking that it was a good time for the next stage of this date, as a date it apparently was. Maybe they'd go to dinner, or a movie or something. Courtney reached over and grabbed the hand in his wallet pocket.

"I got it," she supplied happily.

"What? No I--", Will began to protest.

"I invited you out, silly. Besides, my scholarship is, uhh, comprehensive, it pays for lots of extraneous stuff like meals and drinks.

Will had a hard time imagining that any scholarship would pay for drinks at a bar, after finals were over, to a girl who wasn't 21 yet, but Courtney slid across his lap, and made no effort to disguise the wiggling of her ass she performed as she did so, and Will forgot all about his doubts.

Then she kissed him on the cheek and said, "Wait right here. I'll pay. Then you can walk me home."

"Okay," Will tried his best to keep the disappointment out of his voice. It was over already?

He watched her approach the bar. He couldn't quite see the bottom of her butt as her skirt swayed in time with her steps. He glanced around at the other patrons that the guy from the car outside his house the other day? Bald man. Blue suit. Seated next to a red-haired woman. He looked familiar, now that Will could see him a little better. Will realized that he had given that interview from a couple weeks before for the Luxembourg group or whatever it was. Will had only taken that interview at the insistence of his advisor, who had only told him about it 15 minutes before it began. Will hadn't prepared at all, and didn't even understand what he was interviewing for, so he didn't consider it a huge loss that the interview had not seemed to go well. Will looked away, hoping Blue-suit wouldn't recognize him. Will thought maybe the man had glanced his away for a moment, but if he had, he had apparently not cared that Will was there, if he even knew who Will was.

Courtney was in front of him on her tip toes, reaching her lips up toward his. He met her in a fiery, albeit short, kiss and they left together.

Courtney's apartment was a few blocks away. They continued talking as they walked. What about, Will would never quite remember. He was completely enamored with his date. Before he knew it, they'd stopped walking. They'd reached the porch of her townhouse apartment.

He leaned in to kiss her goodnight, but was disappointed as she looked away apparently fishing her keys out of her purse. When she'd retrieved them, he'd tried to get attention again, hoping for one last kiss before the dream was over, but she had turned directly to the door to unlock it.

Will felt a little awkward as his hand fell away from her hip. When she turned around to wish him a good night, he was lean in for the kiss. This was his last chance.

But she never turned around. She had opened the door to her apartment and walked right in. Leaving him outside in the cold. She was still wearing his jacket. She turned to close the door. But was apparently shocked to see him standing there.

"Aren't you coming in?" She smiled.

Will slowly walked inside, dumbfounded. It felt as thought he had walked a hundred miles between the porch and the entry way. He was in her apartment. They had drinks together and now he was in her home. His feet didn't make it far into her apartment, however. He was so struck by how this evening had proceeded, he was finding it hard to think what to do next. He had never been in a girl's home before. Never. His dates had all ended badly or, at best, with a peck on the cheek at the door, followed by radio silence when he had suggested another date.

This was completely new territory for him. Courtney seemed to sense his hesitation and smiled warmly at him. She took his jacket off her shoulders and laid it over the back of her couch, and before he knew what was happening, she was taking her top off as well. As her hands lifted the hem of her shirt up over her head, a tight, perfectly tanned, abdomen revealed itself above her skirt, growing into disproportionately large chest. Her tits sprang out, joyously freed from their confinement. She cast her blouse aside and walked purposefully at him. He would have been enthralled by the sight of her naked breasts if not for the fierce, lustful look in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around him his neck, pressing her ample chest into him.

Then she was kissing him. Her tongue thrust it's way into his mouth, bringing her moans with it. Her lips passionately tasted his own. Her hand pulled down on the back of his head, forcing him to stay where he was. As if he would want to be anywhere else.

Courtney used her other hand grasped a hold of his own. She pulled it passed her hip and pressed it firmly to her ass, squealing emitting moans of delight as she did so. Will brought his other hand to grasp her other ass cheek, playfully squeezing her. Then he was struck with a thought.

No sooner had he thought of it, did Courtney jump upward, allowing her weight to sit directly on the palms of his hands as he held her up, wrapping her legs erotically around his waist, and thrusting her boobs under his jaw, all while maintaining her ferocious lip-lock. Never ceasing her onslaught on his mouth.

He found that she was remarkably light in his arms. Carrying her, trying not to lose too much attention on her body, he made his way into her living room and sat down on her sofa.

Will sat on the couch, while Courtney straddled him. Courtney's moans in to his mouth were making him so hard. After a couple minutes like that, he could not longer fight the urge to feel her tits in his hands. He gently grabbed her chest. Courtney pulled away, a wide grin on her face. She pressed his hands harder into her boobs with her own, massaging herself with his hands. She threw her head back in wild ecstasy, screaming with delight. Courtney then leaned forward and pull his face into within an inch of hers as if she were about to continue making out with him.

Instead she whispered, "Can I suck your cock, now?"

The question caused his erection to slam against his pants. "Can...Can you--?"

"Please?" She whispered, "I want it so bad." The rasp in her voice was driving him crazy. Courtney had pulled a hair band seemingly out of nowhere, and had begun tying her hair back in a pony tail. She stared at him, expectantly, but Will was stunned. She was offering to give him a blowjob? He opened his mouth to respond but nothing came out, he'd forgotten how to speak. The imag e of her on her knees with a mischievous look in her eye and his cock in her mouth was causing his brain to short-circuit.

Then she was on her knees in front of him. Without a word she undid his belt and pulled his pants down to his ankles and tossed them across the room. She looked at him with the same mischievous look that he'd just imagined in his head, as if she somehow could read his mind. and took him into her mouth.

Will had never had a blowjob before. He'd only had sex a couple times and they weren't particularly good times either. But he knew that porn was not a realistic view of how they usually went.

But someone had apparently not told Courtney that. She immediately took him all the way into her mouth. He could feel the back of her throat. His fingers clenched the sofa cushion beneath him, the sensation was so intense. Courtney happily bobbed up and down right there in his lap, seeming to relish in the pleasure she was giving him. He feared he wouldn't last very long, until Courtney released him from her mouth and started to stroke him with her dainty hands. She slowly stroked his head, her eyes fixed on him, a grin on her face. Using her own saliva left on his shaft as lube, she started jacking him off with her hand, while her mouth made it's way down his balls. She took them into her mouth and gently suckled, playing with them on her tongue. The sensation was mind-numbing.

Will sat on the couch and basked, allowing himself to feel tremendous sensations of pleasure this co-ed was giving him, until he felt that his time was coming to and end. He knew his cumming was an inevitability, and looked down at Courtney as she alternated between sucking his cock and jacking him off while sucking his balls. She had suck a beautiful face, that was somehow enhanced by the sight of his meat between her lips. He fantasized about covering that beautiful face with his cum, but then realized he wasn't sure where Courtney wanted him to finish.

Trying to keep the panic out of his voice, Will said "Courtney, I'm going to...", he was panting. "I'm gonna c--"

"Of course you are sweetie! That's the goal, isn't it? Now give it to me!" She giggled, and then bobbed her head on his shaft a couple more times before saying, "I want it! Give it to me. Don't you wanna cover my pretty face with your delicious cum?" She licked him a couple more times, and kissed his tip. "Cover me with your cum, sir. Give it to me. Don't I deserve it? I'm a good girl, sir. Please!"

A minute went on like this: Courtney interrupting her own pleas for his cum on her face to lick up the length of his shaft 2 or 3 times. He held out as long as he could. But in the end, Courtney got what she wanted.

Will exploded. He came harder than he ever had in his life, but Courtney was prepared. She took the initial release into her mouth, preventing the cum from getting too far, and then closed her eyes and use his cock like a shower nozzle, spreading him all over her cheeks. Courtney locked eyes with Will and opened up her luscious lips, allowing the rest of his cum to drip down over her jaw and onto her chest.

Her chest.

Will's mind was filled momentarily with her luscious tits as she delicately picked it up with two fingers licked it off like she was baking a cake and was tasting the icing. He wanted to reach out and touch her. He imagined washing off her body in the shower, her supple flesh dripping with water and pressed up against his.

Courtney smiled at him, and wordlessly stood up in front of him and held out her hand. Then she lead him into her bathroom. They got into her shower together where she made him scrub every inch of her, insisting that he pay careful attention to her magnificent bouncing boobs and her divine rear-end. He was rock hard the whole time. He was clearly ready for a second round.

Then they traded and she starting cleaning him, but she didn't use her hands. She lathered up her breasts used them as sponges for his whole body, or at least all of him that she could reach. She wasn't tall enough to get very far above his elbows, but as she knelt before him in the shower, sandwiching his raging hard-on between mounds of soapy flesh, he really could not have cared less about the spots she couldn't reach.

Without thinking, without asking, he picked her up off the shower floor, and bent her over, impaling her on his cock. Her sweet young pussy was ambrosia. Her screams of pleasure only served to make him even harder.

The next morning, they sat together at her kitchen table, drinking coffee, smiling at each other. Courtney looked so sexy wearing nothing but his flannel jacket from the night before. Every inch of this girl was boner fuel, and Will was definitely gonna try for another round before this, whatever it was, ended.

There was a knock at the door, and the smile vanished from Will's face. He looked up and was going to say, "I'll get it if you want to get dressed", but Courtney stood up and answered the door. She opened it up and let it the guest without a word, a smile still on her face, still completely nude under his jacket.

"Peter!" Courtney shouted, "Come one in" she said as blonde man of about 30 and a young woman stepped inside and closed the door behind them. The man was wearing a shirt and tie under a red sweater, dressed as if for an office job in business casual attire. The girl had long dark hair, and was was wearing a long trench coat that completely covered her from the neck down to her ankles, beneath which were black stilettos.

Will thought he had seen the girl around campus, perhaps.

Courtney bounced back over to the kitchen table and sat in his lap, and Will realized at that moment that he recognized the man.

"Uhh," Will began, was suddenly very uncomfortable and insecure. He was about to ask Courtney what was going on when the man, apparently 'Peter' said "Good morning, Will. It's good to see you again."

Will though back to the interview he'd had. He was having trouble remembering the details. He remembering meeting with this man in front of him and blue-suited man he'd seen at the bar, and there was a very attractive woman there as well.

"You've been officially offered membership with the Lichtenburg Group," he said. "I'm here to make sure you get your welcome package and to explain exactly what is being offered." He spoke softly and politely, as if to a friend he hadn't seen in a while.

"What...what is this? What do you mean? That interview? Is that what this is about?" Why on earth would this man, Peter, come here? Now?

Peter smiled and turned to the vixen in Will's lap. "How did he do Courtney? Does he have what it takes?"

Courtney looked at Will, and while with his hair in her figners, growled, "He most certainly does".

"Excellent," Peter's smile widened.

Will didn't understand. His mind raced thinking immediately of everything he'd feared and been insecure about. Was this a set-up? A membership to what? Courtney was in on it? None of this made any sense and the girl in his lap suddenly felt very heavy, as if he were trapped. He looked at her, pleadingly and then back to Peter.

"We are a society of mind-controllers, Will," Peter declared without a trace of irony. Will's brow furrowed in disbelief. Peter continued, "Throughout the world there are a select few who have an ability to bend the will of others." Peter pulled up a chair sat down across from Will, crossing his legs. Will didn't like how comfortable Peter seemed to be, since he himself was so confused.

"Last night. What did you feel?" Will was completely thrown by the question. Peter clearly knew he and Courtney had had sex the night before, but that didn't make it his business. The anger must have been clear on Will's face because Peter said, "No, that's not what quite what I mean. Did you feel in control? Did you feel like you were in command? Like you giving orders and those orders were being obeyed?

Will's eyebrows shot up. Had that been what he had felt? Had he imagined what it might be like to get a blowjob from Courtney? Or had he given her a silent mental order, subconsciously knowing it would be followed? Had she obeyed his psychic command when she let him cum on her face? When she'd taken off her shirt?

When they were in the shower together, had she been very easy to bend over, or had she known what he was going to do and allowed him to do it, having been given a command?

Will sat stunned for a moment. Peter look satisfied, "This is merely a meeting to explain that you have been offered a membership with us. Should you accept, someone will be in touch to explain more about what it is we do." He continued, "In the mean time, I am to assure you that Courtney is a gift, she is meant to entice you into our ranks, but ownership of her isn't contingent upon acceptance. Olivia, here," He gestured to the girl in the trench coat, who had been standing demurely behind him until this point, "is yours for the day. It is our wish that you understand the sorts of benefits you can expect from membership in the Group. Olivia," Peter to turned to the girl, standing up from his chair, "as we discussed, tomorrow morning you will return to your dorm and away further orders."

Dorm? What they discussed?

Peter turned to Will, his smile fading, "You have a great talent, Will. Of that we are sure, you've just never known how to use it before." His smile returned, as she gestured to the hot blonde Will's lap, and the hot brunette, whose trench coat had fallen to the floor and revealed a set of black lingerie, covering a body with the same relative proportions as Courtney's. "These two have been prepared, so you'll be able take full advantage." He walked to the door and turned to Will as he was closing the door behind him, "Have fun! I'll be in touch."

Will stared at the door, dumbstruck. Silence stretched on for a long moment, as Will's mind had completely frozen. Courtney reached to and gently grabbed his chin, turning his head to face her. She stared at him with genuine affection in her eyes, then closed those eyes and a leaned in for passionate kiss.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I wish there were more but not sure if your intent was to ever follow this up based on your publishing history. Oh well, our loss.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Still waiting for more!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great start, this has wonderful possibilities as a series.

TSreaderTSreaderabout 2 years ago

A very good start to this story, I'm looking forward to seeing where your take it. Thank you!

TheopheneTheopheneabout 2 years ago

Do we have the new JCBeleren among us ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

can't wait for the next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Good start. I love your stories!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I have to admit that this is not what I thought it was which aside from writing a great start to this story, is another mark in your favor. I wish I could have gone higher than 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Good one! Looking forward to more .

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