The Screamer Ch. 06


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The door to the conference room opened and the women came in. Jill was still a mess but she was not going to miss a word. Gary introduced his girls to the assembled staff. He informed them that they would be seeing a lot more of them as of now.

"I want our distributors and retailers world-wide to know what has happened and to reassure them that the business would continue under the same leadership it has always enjoyed. Make certain they know that Ron and Tina are in charge of everything. There will be no change to the product."

"Gary, how is Jeremy?" Ron asked.

"He is a mess. Jill and I are flying to Thailand later today. Have the 550 ready to go this afternoon please. We will be gone about a week. Ron, I would like to address the entire staff in the auditorium in fifteen minutes please. I will relay your condolences to Jeremy."

"Dave, I've talked to Mark several times this morning. I know you have as well. I need you to do one more thing for me. Robert and Maggie's household staff are all getting ready to retire. I need to hasten that. I will notify them when I am done here. Give everyone three months severance and accelerate his or her pensions. Make certain that they have moving assistance and no fucking around; they get full pensions and all benefits. If any of them need a car, give them one of the staff cars. I need them out right away, as I will be moving in there and I have my own staff. I want us to give them all the assistance they need. If they want to buy a home, we'll hold the mortgage at 1%. They are family too. If there's anything else that you think needs to be done, make it happen."

"Gary, when will the funeral be?" Tina asked.

"Tina, I don't think there will be one. The man from State told me the bomb was huge and there are very few, if any, remains to be returned. I would like you to arrange a memorial service in two weeks please. They were well liked in the industry. I don't know how many people will be attending."

Ron assembled the rest of the staff and Gary addressed them. They were shocked but reassured that their jobs would not be affected in any way. He told them he was proud of the company and of them. The meeting was simple and brief. He told them the business would be closed for three days and that they would be paid during that time.

He walked back into his office with his arm around Jill. She was sobbing and he was trying to console her. He told her to go home and pack. He checked his cell phone and saw that he did have Red and Nancy's numbers programmed into it. He told Jill to meet him at his place in a couple of hours.

He sat at the desk and the girls took a seat. He dialed Red's number in Ft. Lauderdale. He put the call on speaker when she answered.

Red saw the number and answered right away.

"Gary, darling, are you alright. Nancy woke me up screaming when she saw it on Fox this morning. It is so tragic. What can we do darling?"

"Do you still have the plans we worked on the last time you two were in town?"

"Yes I have them. Actually, Nancy and I went over them again and added some pretty and some sexy things." Red replied

"Good. How busy is your contractor?" Gary asked her.

"In this economy, baby, he is hurting big-time."

"Then get me the best for the least. I need you to make a few changes. The four bedrooms adjacent to my wing, I want them to be three ultra-luxurious suites with great closets and lots of room for shoes and all the other good things. Make them as deliciously sexy as your own place. I am heading to Thailand this afternoon. What is your schedule like? Are you in the middle of something?"

"I wish; this economy is killing me too baby. When did you want me to start?

"Next Monday would be great. I want you to come to my apartment. Three of the most delicious women you will ever meet will be waiting for you. Introduce yourselves to them and they will give you the keys to the mansion. I want this done right. I want it better than Mark's."

"Speaking of your fucking twin; how is that delicious hunk of man-meat?" Nancy said.

"Hi sweetheart, it is nice to hear your voice again. He is leaving for Thailand probably right now. He is feeling the way I am, very upset. We'll survive but the next few weeks will be hard. He was so pissed at me for keeping you two a secret for over a year. What pissed him off the most was he only learned about you two from the story I wrote about the party at Hydro Bob's."

"Hell that was how you met Holly wasn't it?" Red laughed.

"Yeppers, that story brought her into my life and then she brought my three lovely women into my life as well."

"You did say three, didn't you?" Gary, you're getting greedy."

"Guilty as charged. You'll see why once you get a taste of these three wonderful, gorgeous, sexy women. I've already warned them about you. Just remember people, and I am saying this to all five of you, house rules exist. High heels only. I am going to be gone a week, so come up whenever you want and take care of these insatiable vixens for me.. I'll see you next week." Gary hung up the phone and took the girls for a walk.

He walked down the top floor hallway. He pointed out three offices that belonged to Ron, Tina and Dave. Three offices sat empty. "That was Jeremy's and that one was Mark's and this one was mine. They are now your offices. I will have Red redecorate them once she is finished with the house."

They looked at him in complete disbelief. Much had changed in just a few hours.

Gary drove to Windermere. He was admitted into the gate at Isleworth. He told the guard what had happened to the Carters. They knew he was the owner of the property. He gave the guard instructions to allow the girls access anytime they wanted. He also put Red and Nancy on the list and told them that there would be massive construction going on.

With that said, he drove to the house. The girls were in awe of the homes they passed. They drove into the property and entered the home. Gary talked to the staff who had already heard the news on TV.

They were upset but not surprised that they were being let go. Gary explained every aspect of what would be happening and they understood. He gave them Ron and Tina's phone numbers and told them that they would be in touch with them shortly.

He took the women on the grand tour and they were speechless. The property consisted of a 15 bedroom, 3 story, 34,000 sq ft. waterfront mansion complete with a brand new, gorgeous pool, 4 hot tubs, tennis courts, fabulous gardens and a 12-car garage. The home sat on 10 totally private secluded acres. This was in addition to the two additional 6-bedroom guest quarters and the 6,000 sq foot servants' quarters.

He explained that Red and Nancy would give this place a total upgrade. "You won't recognize this place in a few months. Anyway, I wanted you to see your new home. I hope you like it."

"I feel like I just got off the Sybian. I'm speechless," Wendy said.

"Okay, let's go. I have a plane to catch. Let's go back to the house. I need to pack."

When they returned to the apartment, they found Jill had already arrived and had packed for him. The girls were a little taken aback that she had just waltzed in and had taken over.

"Are you okay honey? Did you get the staff taken care of?" Jill asked.

"Yeah I did sis, everything is taken care of," Gary said.

"Sis?" Rose questioned.

Jill walked up to Rose and smiled sweetly. "He calls me that. He was the first man ever to make love to me. I won't tell you how old I was because I don't want him to get in trouble. I grew up with Mark and Jeremy. We played together as kids, we discovered sex together and we love each other like family. An incestuous love, mind you, but family nonetheless. Don't worry girls, I am not out to steal your man. I may borrow him occasionally but I may borrow you three too. He always has had good taste in women."

"He tastes pretty good too," Debbie said.

"That he does girl that he does." Jill joked. "How is Mark taking the news Gar?"

"He and Dani should be airborne already. They were heading to Thailand immediately. We'll see them in about thirty-nine hours or so. It is going to be a long flight."

They grabbed Jill's luggage and Gary put it in the car. He headed out to the airport. Debbie was confused. They were heading to the executive airport instead of the International Airport. The girls were very shocked when they were met at the airport by two pilots. Jeff and Alan had been recommended to him by Mark's crazy pilots. All of these men were former fighter pilots and funny as could be.

"Gary, we are so sorry. Robert and Maggie were good friends to us. We'll miss them more than you'll ever know. We just got back from Mogadishu last week. We never thought it would be the last time we would ever see them," Alan said.

They talked as they walked out onto the tarmac. The girls stopped dead in their tracks as they looked upon a sensational private jet that was sitting there. Jeff began to stow their luggage when Rose grabbed Gary's arm. "I know this has been a bad day but whose plane is that?"

"It's mine. It is a Gulfstream 550. Don't worry, you'll be traveling all over the world in it darling," he said looking at all three of them. "Speaking of that, make sure your passports are all up to date. You'll need them. While you're all at it, quit your jobs, you won't need them anymore anyway. You are already on the payroll. I love you all. I'll see you in a week. I'll miss you." He kissed each of them and he and Jill boarded the plane.

They stood on the tarmac as the twin Rolls-Royce BR710 turbofan engines sprang to life and the sleek jet rolled down the runway.

The girls were in shock. Debbie drove home, and they walked into the apartment.

"Now I definitely need a drink," Debbie said. "Do you believe all of this?"

"I can't even vocalize what is going through my head right now," Rose said. "Why wouldn't he tell us? I mean what was the point of keeping all this from us?"

"Did you ever think that he may have had a good reason? After all, think about it. Debbie, you've known him for two years. He has always lived here. I know this is an upscale place but fuck, compared to what we've just seen; this is not very good. We didn't know he even had a sex life until Holly showed up. If she weren't so loud, none of us would ever have known.

What happened next is that we came into his life fast, hard and all three of us fell in love with him totally. Debbie, he knew you. He and I had talked briefly a few times in two years and goofy over there wouldn't even look him in the eye," Wendy said.

"So, let me see if I am following you. Here he is, rich and tremendously successful. He has three of us suddenly in his life. He didn't tell us because he wanted to know that we loved him for who he is and not for his wealth?" Debbie stated.

"That certainly makes sense to me. Who the fuck are you calling goofy? I don't know about you but I fell in love with a writer. This man is whom I want to spend the rest of my life with. I thought that way last week and last night. The only thing that has changed today is the fact that he has some money. I don't care about that."

"I feel exactly the same way. I don't care if he didn't have a dime, I love him totally and completely and I love the two of you exactly the same way. I've never been this happy in my entire life," Debbie said.

"I hit the lottery the day he whispered, 'keep packing' in my ear. My pussy had been on fire all that week. After all the mind-blowing sex, that gorgeous slut got that weekend, to hear him whisper those words in my ear was the sweetest thing I had ever heard in my life. He has thrilled me every minute since. I want the four of us to be together forever. I'm not good in bed, I'm fucking great but so are you two as well. I can't think of any other man who can satisfy three women like us and still be standing at the end of the night. The fact that he has not just a little money but a lot of money doesn't mean a thing to me. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that living in that home won't be great though," Wendy smiled.

"To the three luckiest women on earth," Rose lifted her glass and the three women clinked their glasses in a toast. As they did, there was a knock at the door.

Debbie opened the door and started laughing. "Were your ears burning? Hello Holly, it is nice to see you again."

"It's Debbie, right? Hello. Is Gary at home? I heard the news and drove right up."

"Come in sweetheart. No, Gary and Jill left for Thailand a couple of hours ago."

"How are they? My money says that Jill is a freaking disaster and Gary isn't too far behind him. He didn't answer my call so I wanted to see if he was all right. I didn't know the Carters but I did know how close he was to them. How is Mark? He has to be a wreck too."

"Mark and Dani are on their way to Thailand as well."

"That is good. Dani will take care of him. Have you three ladies met Mark or Dani yet?" Holly asked.

Rose got up and walked to the bar. The blender started and she poured Rum Runners for everyone. She handed Holly the glass and said, "No, we have heard his name but don't really know very much about him."

Holly laughed and started to speak but Wendy interrupted her. "Holly, do you know what Gary's house rules are?"

"Fucking right I do. When I first heard them, I laughed and then I realized he was serious. Personally, I think they are the only way to live. Why?"

"Is your luggage in your car? Go get it and then, it is house rules only. We had to promise him that before he left."

Holly looked at the three of them and smiled wickedly. She got up and walked to her car. She returned and Wendy took her luggage and put it away.

The women met again in the living room shortly. Gorgeous flesh, stunning shoes and a sea of fabulous tits prevailed. Wendy walked up to Holly and got right in her face. Their breasts touched teasingly when Wendy brought her tender hands to Holly's cheeks. She looked deep into her eyes and kissed her with as much passion as she knew how to deliver. The touch was warm and it was wet. Wendy held her and their tongues darted in and out delightfully.

Rose was next and she moved in and felt Holly's hot body pressed against her luscious frame. She kissed her deeply, lovingly and wantonly.

Debbie walked up to Holly and said," Looking at you makes me want to cum so many times. I love you Holly, more than you will ever know." She took her in her arms and kissed her deeply and lovingly.

"Wow, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. What was that for?"

"Didn't you get the roses?"

"The four dozen roses, yes I got them. All right, what was the significance? I think I missed the point. I thought Gary was just being his usual over-generous self."

"There was a dozen from each of us. You had so much sex that weekend and we, collectively came so many times that we lost count. I tell people it was the best sex I never had," Rose said. "Gary lived below me for two years and I never once talked to him. Debbie and he had been friends for two years but they never did anything until you were here. Wendy and Gary spoke occasionally but nothing ever happened. Then, you, gorgeous, you happened and you changed all our lives forever. That is why we love you and you had better get used to it because, we aren't going away and we know you aren't either."

The girls filled Holly in on everything that had happened and she was smiling.

"You do realize I knew I was turning the three of you on that weekend. I'm such a fucking slutty tease. I love knowing that people are starring at me and if my words can stiffen a cock or soak a pussy, then, I am in heaven. I love having that effect on people. Something told me the way he looked at the three of you that there was something missing in his life. I don't see him as much as I want to. I can tell you love him and so do I. Many people feel the same way about him. They don't know who he really is. There is a lot more to him than meets the eye. I can't say more than that but someday you'll find out."

"If there is more to him than what we learned this morning, I am going to need paramedics."

"What did you learn this morning?"

"Oh not much, we learned that he wasn't just a writer. He owns D'Orgasmic and he is wealthy as hell. Other than that, not much." Rose walked to the blender again.

"So you do know. Good, I feel better knowing that I won't accidentally let something slip I shouldn't. I love him, yes I do. I don't have to tell you that I fuck him every chance I get. Why do I get the feeling that I am going to be fucking all of you very soon too?"

"We weren't kidding Holly. We love you." Wendy walked in front of Holly and she got a good look at Wendy's legs.

"Has he ever told you that he has lusted over Carmen Electra for years? He said she had the sexiest legs he had ever seen until he met me. You're legs are more like hers than mine are. That pussy looks pretty tasty too." Holly was laughing when the phone rang.

"May I please speak to Debbie?"

"This is Debbie."

"Debbie, my name is Kate. Most people call me Red. You may have heard Mark mention me."

"Red, hello. How are you?"

"We're fine; the bigger question is how are you girls holding up?

"We're okay, a little taken back by the events of the day but all right. How can I help you?"

"Gary just called me from the jet. He wanted me to call you and tell you that we would be coming up to Orlando in the next few days. He talked to Ron and the staff will be out of the house by Thursday. We can get started earlier than we had thought."

"So when will you be here Red?"

Holly reached for the phone. She was smiling wickedly. Debbie handed her the phone and she switched it onto speaker.

"I'm sorry, when did you say you would be getting here tonight?"

"Who is this?"

"Listen bitch, it is house rules dammit. My clit is sitting here with three of the sexiest women on earth, we all want you, and that little blonde cumslut of yours up here right this fucking minute. It has been way too long since your lips were planted in my pussy."

"HOLLY, ohmigod, Holly baby. How are you? You delicious slut, we've missed you. What are you doing up there baby?"

"I came to be with Gary but he and Jill left. I don't mind though. I have three of the hottest women with me. All I can see is beautiful, waxed pussies and my mouth is watering. So answer the question cunt, when are you getting here?"

"Hold on, Nancy, come here for a minute please."

"What's up Kate?"

Holly started to laugh, "My clit is hard and you are way too far away. How soon can you get packed and head that thing that Gary is not allowed to drive up her to Orlando?"

"Well, you've peaked my interest when you said your clit was hard. That always gets my attention. Keep talking."

"You are the most delicious, submissive darling CUMSLUT on earth."

"HOLLY....ohmigod! Is that you?"

"Pack your shit and get up here tonight. Gary's gone, Jill is gone but we're going to party."

"We'll see you in three hours," Red said.

"I hope you don't mind me taking over," Holly said as she handed the phone back to Debbie.

"Not a bit. I have a call to make." She looked at Wendy and Rose who were scrambling for their phones as well.

They each called in and quit their jobs. Life in Gary's world was going to be the life they were going to enjoy as well.

Wendy walked over to Holly and knelt in front of her. "Since I was the last one of the three of us to enjoy Gary, I want to be the first one to enjoy you."

She ran her hands up Holly's beautiful legs and Holly parted her legs wide. Wendy's face traveled up her thighs and her eyes were focused on her lovely, large clit. Holly's pink gash looked so inviting and her scent was intoxicating. Wendy kissed her inner thighs and Holly began to flow. She glistened as Wendy got closer and when she began to open her folds tenderly, Holly moaned.