The Second Date


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"I appreciate that, but I still feel... guilty, I guess?" Rose shot me a weird look.


"For making you go out of your way for me. Like earlier today, when you got that book for me... and with the tea... you were happy with it, so I didn't mind giving it to you, even though that hot chocolate was godawful."

"Matt, it's not 'going out of my way' if it's something I want to do - I had the money for the book, and I just figured I'd grab it for you. And as far as the hot chocolate goes, I wish you would have just told me you didn't like it from the beginning instead of offering me your tea and going without a drink."

"I didn't want to make a big deal out of it; it was just a cup of tea, after all." Rose sighed.

"Sure, maybe it's just a cup of tea at first, but... where does it end? I'm just saying, it can be a slippery slope, Matt. I... learned that the hard way. Some people just take and take from you until you've got nothing left to give... and then they keep on trying to take more, however they can." Rose's eyes became a deeper shade of brown for a moment as she spoke. "It honestly sounds like Cait walked all over you because she knew she could get away with it, and that's the last thing I want to do to you." I was silent for a second before nodding at her, and then she continued: "You said you didn't want to be like my shitty ex, and I don't want to be like yours either, Matt, but you have to work with me. If something's bothering you, please let me know so we can work it out... together." I nodded after a moment. Rose really was wonderful, and we weren't even together yet. My mind caught on the word yet and I felt myself start to blush yet again; I felt like I was getting too far ahead of myself - it was only our second date, after all. Rose's hushed voice brought me back to reality, though. "Matt? You there?"

"Oh, um, yeah!" I said, feeling my cheeks blaze even hotter. "Er, alright Rose... I will."

"Great," she replied, before flashing me a grin. "So... I'm going to as you one more time: is there anything at all I can do for you?" I turned crimson at that and turned around, so my back was facing her.

"I've got... a couple ideas," I murmured, still feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Hmmm?" Rose asked sultrily, as she pressed her breasts against my back and threaded her legs through mine. Her next words came out in a playful purr: "Speak up, Matt." I felt my dick twinge between my legs, and I wriggled my legs free turned around to face her.

"Yes! There are... things..." I said, letting the sentence trail off.

"What exactly did you have in mind?" Rose asked, with a smirk. I felt a bit self-conscious at the request, but I figured I'd just go for it - there was something I was still pretty curious to see for myself.

"I was wondering if you could maybe give yourself... um, eight breasts this time?" Rose nodded and beamed at me.

"I can do that. I'm going to need a little help this time, though."

"You need my help? With what, exactly?" She winked a steel-blue eye at that.

"Oh, you'll see. Now what was the other thing?"

"Well, I know it's not the most creative thing, but I was wondering if you could give me a, er... a blowjob?" Rose raised her eyebrows and smirked at the request.

"Oh, I can get very creative, Matt. Don't worry; it'll be the best one you've ever had." I flashed her an embarrassed smile.

"Um, it'd be my... first, actually..." I said, letting the sentence hang in the air between us.

"Ooooh, even better. I'll have to make it really special, then. I've got another question for you." I nodded, but Rose looked a little unsure of herself. "I know you fingered me last week, but I was wondering how you felt about..." She let the sentence trail off has her cheeks burned, but after a moment she finally finished it, ", fisting." It wasn't something I had any experience with. I wasn't opposed to it exactly, but I wanted to make sure it was safe for her.

"I, um... I mean, I guess I'm okay with it, but I've never really tried before. It won't... hurt you, right It's safe?" She nodded.

"As long as we take the proper precautions, yes. Taking things slow to start, using plenty of lube, all that good stuff." I nodded at her, feeling a bit more at ease.

"Well, then, sure, I'd be open to it."

"What about if we took things a little bit... further with it?"

"Further? What do you...?" I started to ask, but then I stopped myself. "... Actually, you know what? Never mind. I'll just keep it a surprise. Let's do it." Rose's eyes went wild with color again as she smiled at me and leaned in for another kiss. We locked lips and began to make out again, and I ran my hands gently through her black and white locks, and she moaned softly at the sensation.

Rose pulled away from me and smiled at me as she nibbled on her bottom lip, then sat up and wriggled out from under the blankets before lying down on her side and resting her head on her palm; the mere sight made my dick start to stiffen, and all she was doing was lying there... waiting for me. She sat up and her eyes drifted down to my crotch. She smiled at the sight, licking her lips before meeting my gaze again. "I can't wait to give that cock of yours some attention, but are you cool if we start with these, though?" she asked, as she cupped her bountiful breasts in her hands and bounced them up and down playfully. "I want to save the blowjob for a bit later." I nodded as my cock grew harder in anticipation of the coming display. "Sweet. First thing's first, though, I need to get ready." I shot her a confused look, but then my eyes were drawn to her breasts, as they began to shrink back down, eventually leaving her completely flat-chested.

"I thought you were going to grow more," I said, trying not to sound disappointed. Rose just smirked at me.

"Oh, I'm not going to grow them - you are." I cocked my head to the side and stared at her with my mouth hanging open - I was confused before, but now I was completely lost.

"Huh?" Rose winked at me and beckoned me over with a wag of her finger before lying back down on the blankets. I clambered over and positioned myself over her.

"Well, go on, then," she said, as she brought her hand up and pointed at her nipple. I nodded and put my hands over her chest as I began to slowly massage it. Rose's nipples stiffened in my palms at the touch, and then I felt it - the flesh around them began to inch forward at my touch. I suddenly understood what Rose was playing at, and I grinned as I worked faster, delighting in the feeling of them growing under my grasping fingers. It was only when they grew large enough that I could barely fit them into my palms that I finally pulled my hands away, but not before giving Rose's nipples a playful little pinch for good measure. She let out a satisfied little moan and nibbled on her lip at the improvisation; clearly, she had enjoyed it.

I smiled at her before leaning down and kissing her torso below where her original nipples were. I heard Rose chuckle, and a moment later two new nipples appeared below the original pair, in the spots where I had kissed her. I swept my tongue across the left one for a bit, dancing circles around the edges of it, and her flesh swelled out at my encouraging teasing. When it was just as large as the one above it, I lifted my head up and pondered my next move. I considered moving on to the other one at that point, but I changed my mind and went in for another round of pleasuring the same breast. Rose eagerly obliged, expanding it even further - it was honestly a bit bigger than I had expected as I pressed my entire face into its softness and smiled as I began to nibble on it playfully; it was nearly as big as my head.

"Oh, God, that feels so fucking good!" Rose cried, shivering a bit as I repeatedly kissed her comically oversized left breast without thinking. My eyes widened as three new nipples appeared on it in a matter of seconds. I flicked my eyes toward Rose's face for a moment to find that she was smirking. "That's what you wanted, right? You did kiss it, after all." She did have a point. I just shrugged and cupped her breast, feeling the new nipples stiffen between my fingers as I gently lifted my hand up, tugging on her newly added nubs ever so slightly as I went. Rose gasped and bucked at that before settling back down onto the bed with a heavy moan. I moved my other hand to her other breast and started playing with it, too; Rose responded immediately, growing out her bottom right breast at my touch.

Creamy tan breastflesh pooled into my palm for a moment, and Rose grabbed her left one and started squeezing it herself. "Mmmmf, God yes!" she exclaimed, and I then pulled my hand up, leaving the burgeoning breast sitting at about a B cup - it was absolutely dwarfed by its sister tit, and Rose let out a huff, sounding a bit disappointed as pulled her hand off her bottom left breast and looked at me, the confusion clear on her face.

"Really? You want them all lopsided like that?" she asked, incredulously. I looked up and shot her a sly grin.

"You asked for my help, didn't you? I'm helping," I teased.

"You know, this isn't really what I had imagined when I asked for your help, but you know what? Fuck it - you do you, Matt; go wild down there. But first," she said, with a smirk of her own, "I'm making an executive decision." She quickly grew her bottom right breast to match, and she had a matching pair of impressively large boobs. "Sorry, but I prefer my titties to be twinsies."

"Fine with me," I said. "Anyway, as far as going wild goes..." I said, as I turned my gaze back down to her stomach. "I think I will."

I bent my head down and cheekily pecked her four times in quick succession and looked back up at Rose - I honestly just wanted to see what she'd do.

"That counts as four, right?" I asked, innocently.

"I mean, this one's got four nips already-" she began, as she lifted her be-nippled tit for a moment before letting it fall onto her torso, where it landed with a little squish. Rose let out a soft moan at that before she finally answered my question: "-but sure Matt, we'll go with that. This'll be a new one for me, but here goes nothing, I guess."

I brought both hands down onto her lower abdomen and waited in eager anticipation for Rose to do her thing. My lips perked up into a smile as I felt the familiar surge of soft flesh in my palms. My eyes widened and my dick throbbed as Rose raised four breasts in a large, cluster-like formation around the four nipples, resulting in a large mound of soft flesh. It grew to the same size as the larger pair of breasts sitting above it, but Rose showed no signs of stopping there; I pawed and squeezed at the formation with reckless abandon, drinking in the sight of this strange and admittedly sexy new addition of hers - whatever it was. Rose continued to moan with pleasure as the mound grew and grew under my hands. When she finally stopped growing it, I pulled my hands away and observed her handiwork, marveling at the sheer size of it - the mound of cream-colored flesh protruded out about 8 inches or so, sagging down toward her legs. It almost liked like an...

"Rose, is... is that an... udder?" I asked, in shocked disbelief. Rose just smiled at me and winked as the four nipples situated on the mound began to thicken and stretch by the second, forming large, pink faux-teats that flopped down over the sides of the impressive mound - they were long enough that they nearly reached the bottom of her new 'udder.' Rose let out a sigh and nibbled on her bottom lip, seemingly satisfied with her curious creation.

"S-sort of? I kind of... fudged it a bit," she said, after a moment.

"Well, I was certainly not expecting... that."

"Well, if you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a very... improvisational lover. I-is it okay?" she asked breathlessly, with a hint of hesitation coloring the question.

"Oh, it's more than okay; I love it," I said, grinning as I reached my hand down and tentatively poked at the soft mound of flesh. My finger sank into it a bit, causing it to shift ever so slightly; Rose clamped down on her lip to stifle a small scream and took a moment to collect herself before she spoke up again: "God, it's so fucking sensitive!" Her eyes were positively blazing with color already... but I wanted to really drive her wild.

"Oh, yeah?" I asked, teasingly. "Then let me know this feels," I reached forward and took the front two 'teats' in my fists; I didn't want to grab them too roughly, but I was still pretty firm with them. It was a decidedly strange feeling; at first, they were soft in my hands, but then I felt them stiffen between my curled fingers, and they even seemed to grow a bit longer. I supposed it made sense - they were actually nipples, after all.

"Mmmmf," she moaned, clearly enjoying herself, but then she opened her eyes and raised her head. "W-wait a second, Matt. Before you do anything with them, could you... lube up first, please? We'll need it later, anyway." I nodded and let go of her teats. Rose smiled at me, raising her eyebrows as she eyed her makeshift udder; she looked very pleased with her handiwork. She stood up and struggled a bit as she rolled over to the side of her bed, moving a bit awkwardly due to her new assets, but she opened the top drawer of the nightstand next to her bed and procured a large bottle of lube from it. I reached over and took the bottle from her; it was a water-based lube. I opened it up and squirted a liberal amount into my free hand before giving her back the bottle. She took it from me and placed it on her nightstand. "Thanks, Matt. A little lube never hurt anyone, after all." She smiled and winked at me, then resumed her position on the bed before finally flashing me a thumbs-up, giving me the okay to continue. I rubbed my hands together to coat them in the lube and warm it up a bit - I didn't want it to be too cold for her.

I grabbed her nipple-like teats again, and she gasped and let out another moan. It was music to my ears, and I gingerly danced my thumb around the tips of them, causing Rose to shiver with delight. That done, I began my work in earnest as I slowly ran my lube-slicked hands up and down the lengths of her lengthened nipples. Rose only moaned louder in response as she surrendered herself to the sensations. Rose clutched the blankets in her hands, then ran her hands along her naked form, enjoying the feeling of her own body.

"F-faster!" she commanded, and I eagerly obliged, focusing singularly on the movements of my hands and the positive feedback I was drawing from Rose. I got lost in the repetitious pumping up my hands, the supple warmth of her nipples between my fingers, the rough bucking of Rose's body, and the salacious sounds she was making.

As odd as it was, I was still very much enjoying the whole thing, and it's safe to say that Rose was enjoying it, too; her moans steadily intensified into a carnal crescendo as her body finally gave in to the pleasure, and her body reached orgasm - it was only then and then she finally took a moment to rest. I clambered over and laid down next to her - she had a satisfied smile on her face as she let out a long exhale.

"Holy shit, that was just... wow," she said, breathlessly. She looked over at me. "What did you think of my little experiment?" My cheeks burned.

"I'd call it a success; I, uh think I unlocked a new kink, actually," I said, as my cheeks burned. I laid my arm across her chest and smiled at her. "I wouldn't have guessed, but that 'udder' of yours was really working for me."

"That's all part of the fun; exploring things with your partner to figure out what you both like," Rose said. "Actually, speaking of working for you, I think I owe you a little something for all of your hard work." She eyed my still-hard cock hungrily and smiled at me. "You ready for that blowjob, then?" I nodded, and she sat up on the bed before she spoke again. "Could you move up a bit for me? You'll need your arms free for the, er... fisting." I slid myself up and positioned the pillow behind my head and shoulders, cushioning it a bit against the wooden headboard.

"Wait we're both doing it... at the same time?" She raised her eyebrows and nodded at me.

"If you're okay with that, of course." I nodded at her and smiled - it sounded pretty fun.

Rose smiled back as she grabbed the bottle of lube and passed it over to me. I applied a fresh coat onto my hands and up to my wrists, but she shook her head.

"Oh, you'll need more lube than that, Matt," she said, looking at my hands. I threw her a questioning glance.

"Just to put my fist inside you?"

"I did say I wanted to take things a bit further, didn't I?" she asked, and my eyes widened as I realized exactly what that implied.

"Um, how far were you thinking, exactly?" She shrugged.

"It's really up to you, Matt. If you want to back out at any time, go right ahead." I was silent for a moment before I nodded.

"Alright. Thanks, Rose." I squeezed out yet more lube and coated my right arm up to the elbow, figuring I wouldn't need any more than that. I handed the bottle back to Rose, and she set it back onto her nightstand. That done, she came back over and settled over me, bending onto her knees. I couldn't see her face from where I was positioned (all I could really see was her 'insulated' ass) so what exactly she was doing down there was a bit of a mystery - I found that rather exciting if I'm being honest. I felt my dick begin to harden at the prospect - my arousal had faded while we had chatted.

"Hmmm, looks like I still need to warm you up a bit, Matt," she said, and I let out a gasp as I felt her mouth envelop my cock. She worked her tongue over it, running it up and down the length of my shaft, and soon enough it was fully erect.

"Whenever you're ready back there, you can go ahead. Just take it slow," Rose said, once she pulled her mouth off of me. She began to kiss the area around my dick. I hadn't shaved down there in a bit, but she thankfully didn't seem to mind. A few pecks later, I felt her fingers begin to caress my length, and I gasped - it felt fantastic.

As she continued to tease my cock with her fingers, I took my hand and formed it into a fist, then tentatively reached up between her legs and moved my hand toward her vagina. I began to try to press my fist into it, and I felt Rose jolt in surprise a bit as she stopped what she was doing on her end.

"Wait!" she exclaimed. I froze and quickly pulled my hand back, feeling my cheeks blaze with heat as my stomach lurched.

"What's wrong?!"

"You can't just shove your fist in there all at once, Matt," she said, letting out a soft exhale. "I mean, I could take it since I'm a Polly, but that's not really... safe. You have to build up to it a bit. Start with a couple fingers and go from there, okay? It helps if you press your thumb against your middle finger and pull them the others inward toward your thumb as much as you can as you insert them; it's a bit easier on me."

"O-okay. Sorry, Rose. This is my first time doing this, so I didn't know."

"No, Matt, you're fine. You did mention that earlier, so I really should have given you a bit more of a primer. Let's ease into it so you can get a feel for it, then you can try it for real, okay? Start with just a finger or two for now, like you would if you were just fingering me." I did as she said, feeling a bit nervous as I gingerly sank my index and middle fingers into her and teased her clit a bit. She gasped at the sensation.

"I-is that okay?" I asked.
