The Second Date


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"Mhmmm," was all I got from her before she spoke up again. "Do a couple more now, and remember to fold your fingers in." I tenderly slipped my ring and pinky fingers in, drawing out another satisfied moan from Rose. "Th-that's it. And finally, the thumb. But don't put your whole hand in yet, okay? This is just p-practice." I felt a bit uneasy about putting my thumb in her, and sat there for a moment, working up the courage before I finally slid it in alongside the rest of my fingers. My whole hand wasn't quite in yet, though. "That should be good for a warm-up, Matt. You can pull out now." I did as she said and waited for the go ahead. "Alright, now go in again, the whole way this time. Just remember - take it slow."

I nodded even though she couldn't see it and did and got to work. I hesitated a moment before I slowly slipped my fingertips into her again, feeling the wet warmth of her pussy surround them. This was the real deal, though; I'd actually be shoving my whole hand into her this time. My heart began to race as I slowly pressed my fingers deeper into her, up the second knuckle, joint, and then the first; Rose whimpered slightly at the insertion. I was in the same position as I was earlier, but I suddenly felt her walls loosen a bit as they seemed to expand outward slightly, giving me more room to fit my hand in.

"Are you okay, Rose?"

"U-uh... huh," she reassured me, sounding slightly breathless. "G-go on and do it, Matt -- I'm ready for you now." Before I could finish the job, though, she started to go down on me in earnest on her end.

I gasped as I felt her mouth glomp down on my cock. Once again, she worked her tongue around it, moving it up, down, and all along my length. Rose's body bobbed forward a bit as she took my entire cock in her mouth and pressed it toward the back of her throat; it throbbed with pleasure, and I let out a moan.

As she did this, I finally steeled my resolve and inserted the rest my hand into her expanded vagina, and we both jolted a bit - her from the pleasure of my whole hand brushing against her clit, and me from the feeling of my dick reaching the back of her throat. I turned my hand back and forth inside of her, feeling her tight walls surround my hand, as she moaned, and I moaned with her as she slid her lips to the head of my cock and shoved her mouth forward again, but then ... two very strange things happened at once.

"Oooooh, yes!" I heard Rose exclaim, even though I could still feel that her mouth was on my cock - the words sounded a bit quieter than usual, though. And I don't know what the hell was going on with her tongue down there, but I could have sworn I felt like there was... suddenly more than one of them caressing my cock. I could feel them both coil around my shaft in an enthusiastic effort to completely surround it - the effect on me was instantaneous as I felt myself reaching new heights of pleasure.

"D-don't stop," I pleaded, and Rose redoubled her efforts as she repeatedly uncurled and then twisted her titillating twin tongues around my dick in a deliciously arousing display of dexterity.

"Wasn't planning on it," I heard her purr from some unknown source. "Can you... keep going, too?" I did as I was told and hesitantly slid myself into her more, feeling my arm go into her up to the wrist. Rose gasped and moaned again, clearly enjoying the feeling. There was something I was curious about, though.

"H-how are you still t-talking when you're going to t-town down there?" I asked, stammering a bit through the haze of lust currently clouding my brain. She continued to work my cock even as she answered - I wasn't sure how much longer I was going to last.

"That's a secret," she coyly replied, her voice still sounded slightly hushed. I just rolled my eyes at her ass and slipped a bit more of my arm in, causing Rose to shift back a bit as she spasmed with pleasure - my arm was in her up to my forearm at that point. "Don't stop! K-keep going, Matt; I can handle it!"

I steadily pressed more of my arm into her vagina; I had figured I would have hit her back wall by now, but that wasn't the case - it just... kept going. I could hear Rose's breathing quicken as she began to pant with need, even as she continued to smother my cock with her tongues - I really was about to blow.

"Rose, I'm gonna cum soon," I moaned. "God, that feels amazing."

"I'm almost there, too Matt! Just a bit further," Rose cried out. My arm was almost up to the elbow at that point, and I became aware of her heartbeat - her tight walls vibrated ever so slightly as her pulse pounded rapidly in her chest. Clearly, I had found the other way to her heart, and it was honestly a bit too much for me. I shook my head and pulled my arm back a bit, just to the point where I could no longer feel the vibrations.

"You doing okay back there?" she asked.

"I could actually feel your heartbeat, Rose!" I said, feeling a bit weirded out. "Sorry, but it's a little too much for me."

"You don't need to apologize; it's alright," she said. "Um, do you mind if I try something else a bit... out there, since you liked my little experiment earlier?" If it would help her get off again, I was willing to give it a shot, and I had to admit I was intrigued.

"Go ahead," I replied, feeling anticipation begin to well up inside me again.

My eyes were drawn to the top of her ass as I saw a little nub begin to protrude from her tailbone. I watched, speechless, as the nub snaked its way down as bone, muscle, and skin marched downward, eventually obscuring my view of her asshole. The appendage was thin and smooth, and it was the same color as her skin. By the time it had stopped growing, it was about 8 inches or so, and my jaw dropped as I realized what it was - Rose had somehow managed to grow a goddamn tail... and I was actually kinda into it?

"Holy shit, Rose. That's a fucking tail... you can really do that?!"

"Well, yeah; humans do have tailbones, after all," she said, as her tail wagged back and forth a bit before it finally settled down in front of me. "Pollies can't create actual animal parts, but I've seen some damn good imitations from other Tabbies before, and I figured I'd give it a shot. Anyway, this is the best I could manage in a pinch. What do you think?"

"It's... kinda hot," I said, feeling my cheeks blaze with heat again. "Er, could I touch it, or...?"

"Well, I didn't grow it just so you could stare at it, Matt. That thing is probably sensitive as hell right now. Go ahead and play around with it back there, and I'll get back to it up here, too - you still need to finish, after all."

"Alright, then," I said. With that, she took her dick in my mouth again, and redoubled her efforts to make up for lost time - my arousal had abated during our little chat. She bobbed up and down as she did that thing with her tongues again, and it wasn't long before I was stiff again.

I reached up with my free hand and gently ran it down her tail. I heard Rose let out a moan as she shivered with pleasure once more, even as she continued to work my cock.

"Oh, fuck, yeah, it's sooo goddamn sensitive," she said; I still couldn't get used to the fact that she was actually talking while she pleasured me, but I was glad that she didn't have to stop down there to do so. I continued to play with her tail a bit, and it was driving her crazy. I recalled how much she enjoyed what I did with her udder earlier, so I made a fist around the base of her tail and squeezed it a bit; Rose gasped at that and let out another satisfied little moan.

"You like that?" I asked, my voice husky.

"U-uh huh," was all she managed, the words breathless. With that I slid my fist up and down the length of her tail, slowly at first. Rose moaned with pleasure while simultaneously panting somehow; it was a bit weird, but I ignored it and kept pumping faster, drawing even more excited elicitations from Rose. "I'm so close now, Matt."

Meanwhile, my dick was aching with need as Rose continued to pleasure me - I was going to cum any second now. I firmly tugged on her tail one last time even as I shoved the hand inside her even further than I had before. Rose gasped as her walls instantly expanded to make room for me. I could feel the rhythmic thrum of her thundering pulse buzzing in my hand, but it didn't matter to me - I knew she was almost there, and I wanted to seal the deal.

That was what finally drove her over the edge, and she screamed with pleasure as her body spasmed. I left the hand inside her become drenched in her cum, as it had nowhere else to go - not that I minded. Between that and the fact that Rose took the full length of my cock into her throat once more, it wasn't long before I came, too.

We both let out a sigh, and I felt the tension release from Rose's body, as she pulled her head up and swallowed my seed.

"Wow... that was just... holy shit," she said, clearly unable to conjure words for what she had experienced. "You can, er... pull out now, Matt."

"Oh, sure. Of course," I said, my cheeks blazing with heat as I steadily extricated my hand from inside her. That done, I slid back down onto the mattress as Rose clambered over and laid down next to me. She looked over at me and smiled.

"Well, that was definitely a good experience for me. How did you like the blowjob?"

"It was absolutely amazing, Rose," I said, grinning back at her, and I saw her eyes flash emerald green for a second. "I do have one question though: How the hell were you talking to me while you were going down on me earlier." Rose shot me a sly grin.

"Do me a favor? Close your eyes and raise your hand up for me." I nodded and did as she asked, and I heard Rose shifting position next to me. I moved my left arm over and touched her shoulder. "A little higher?" I tentatively raised my hand up, tracing the curve of her shoulders until my hand reached her neck... and that was when I felt them: there was a soft pair of lips on the back of Rose's neck, smaller than her actual mouth. My eyes widened as I felt her breath against my skin, and she puckered them up and kissed my palm gently before a small tongue slipped out from between them and licked me. I jolted with surprise and quickly pulled my hand back.

"I-I know it's a bit weird, but I still wanted to talk to you, so..." Rose let the sentence trail off, and I could tell from her tone that she was a little self-conscious about it. I really didn't know how I felt about this particular addition, but it did make it easier for her to talk to me. Still, it was just so strange; then again, so was just about everything she had done in the past few minutes, so I really shouldn't have been surprised. I didn't want to make her feel self-conscious about the things she chose to do with her body, though - so I ducked my head down and gently kissed her shoulder, slowly working my way up. I peppered her soft skin with tender little pecks as I curled my arm around her, and she let out a little mmmm as my hand touched her udder again. I finally reached her neck, just below where my hand had been and then moved my head up ever so slightly and kissed the pair of lips on the back of her neck. They were soft and warm, and it didn't really feel all that different from kissing her normally... my lips were just a bit larger in comparison this time around.

Rose bent her head down and pushed her lips harder against mine as she awkwardly maneuvered her hands around my back and pulled me closer - an impressive feat, considering she had her back to me. She kissed me vigorously, and her tongue flicked out from between her lips as I heard a series of little moans stream from her original mouth. The smaller tongue had nowhere near the reach of her original one, and I pressed mine further in to compensate as we made out - it was far and away the strangest kiss I had ever had, but before I knew it, Rose had pulled away from me.

"As much as I want to, we really shouldn't - I'd like to actually finish that movie with you at some point."

"You're right," I agreed, just a bit begrudgingly. I rolled over onto my back and opened my eyes, suddenly becoming aware of just how much I needed a shower. I could feel sweat pooling in various places on my body, not to mention the arm that had been inside of Rose's vagina. "Um, would it be alright if I used your shower?"

"Oh, sure!" Rose chirped, as she rolled over toward me as I sat up on the bed. "There are towels in the closet down the hall. Feel free to use my products, by the way - I'll hop in after you." I nodded and left the bedroom. I made my way down the hall to the closet and grabbed a towel before heading to the living room to gather up my clothes; they were still a bit damp, but they were better than they had been, at least. Speaking of that, I noticed that the rain had died down while we were busy... enjoying each other's company.

Clothes and towel in hand, I went to the bathroom and put the towel on the hook before tossing my clothes to the ground. I stepped into the shower and was just about to turn it on when Rose burst through the door, causing me to jump a bit. She still had her extra tits and udder, and they jostled a bit from her movements, causing me to blush. I tore my gaze from them to look at her face - her eyebrows were raised, and she was smirking at me as she shook her head slightly, but then her playful demeanor disappeared as her face grew serious.

"Sorry for scaring you, but I forgot to mention that the water here is finicky - it can be easy to burn yourself if you're not careful. I figured I'd come get you situated; there's a bit of a trick to it." I nodded and watched as her tail swished behind her as she walked to the shower as she turned the knob in a way that vaguely resembled an attempt to open a combination lock as the water began to pour down from the showerhead above her. She was awkwardly scrunched up against the wall with the knob on it, trying not to get hit by the stream.

"You know, we could just shower together, Rose," I said, speaking up a bit so she could hear me over the sound of the rushing water. "Er, if you wanted to, of course." Rose looked over at me and her tail started wagging of its own accord, causing her cheeks to turn crimson as she took it in her hand and held it gingerly.

"Oh, you want to get consensually wet together?" she asked, with a smirk. "You know, I do love getting nice and wet." She winked at me as ran a hand through her locks and stepped into the water. She smiled as soon as it began to pour over her. Steam was already billowing out of the shower and drifting around the bathroom, so I shut the door. "I should... probably get rid of all this extra stuff, though, huh? We should probably keep any further sexual shenanigans to a minimum." I was slightly disappointed - I was hoping for at least a little more sexy shenanigans.

"Can you keep the extra tits, though, at least?" I asked. Rose nodded, after a moment, then sighed as she flashed me a playful grin.

"You want me to keep all of it, don't you?" I nodded as my own cheeks turned pink.

"Well, get in here, then," she said with a grin, and her irises turned green as she beckoned me into the shower. I made my over, then slid the door closed as she scooted over a bit; there wasn't a ton of room, but we'd be able to manage.

It turns out, we really didn't get into many shenanigans, after all... at least at first. Rose grabbed her body wash from the little caddy below the shower knob and washed her arms, and then I insisted on washing her chest for her; Rose rolled her eyes at me but obliged nonetheless and held out the bottle for me. I put my hands out and she squeezed some body wash onto them. I rubbed them together, forming a rich lather that I rubbed all over her front. I grinned at her as I made sure to wash each breast thoroughly, causing her to moan with pleasure. When I finished with her chest, she offered to wash my back for me. I agreed, thinking nothing of it as she squeezed a liberal amount of the body wash onto my back. My eyes widened as she wrapped her arms around my stomach and pressed her four tits into my back. Their softness against me combined with the heat of the running water was divine, and I even felt her udder pressing against my ass.

"I thought you said no sexual shenanigans," I mused, with a grin.

"What are you talking about? You washed my front, so I'm just returning the favor by washing your back," Rose replied, innocently. My stiffening cock begged to differ as Rose continued to 'wash' back there, but it thankfully wasn't long before she finished up.

"Did you want me to get your back, too?" I asked her.

"That depends: are you planning on messing with me while you're back there?"

"No." I piped up, instantly. Rose sighed before she turned around.

"Alright, then. Go ahead." She handed me the bottle of body wash, and I squeezed a huge dollop of it onto my hands. She turned her back to me and I realized that I couldn't see her second mouth through her hair - I was kind of relieved at that. I worked the body wash into a rich lather, then got to work rubbing my hands up and down her back, making sure to wash every bit of it. I moved up to her shoulders and started to gently massage them a bit, and Rose's body relaxed at my touch. I continued to rub her shoulders, and I felt her tail start to whap against me as it started wagging back and forth.

"I'm guessing that feels good, then?" I asked, with a smirk.

"Yup," Rose said, going silent for a bit before she spoke up again, the words softer this time: "You're wonderful, you know that?" The heartfelt compliment stopped me in my tracks as I felt warmth in my cheeks even through the heat of the hot water.

"Thanks, Rose - I try my best." Rose's tail wagged faster at that, and its constant bonking was making my leg hurt a little. I decided to mess with her a bit, as I wrapped my arms around Rose and pulled her in close as I rubbed my chest against her back, like she had done a few minutes prior. Rose immediately started to giggle as I wriggled against her. "S-stop it, Matt!" she managed to say through her laughter. I let her go and smiled as she turned around.

"Did that feel good?" Rose rolled her eyes.

"No comment," she replied, but her cheeks turned crimson; I could still hear the rhythmic thumping of her tail hitting the wall.

"That tail of yours begs to differ," I said, grinning at her. Rose let out a huff, but she grinned at me nonetheless.

"You said you wouldn't mess with me!"

"What? I was just washing your back, Rose," I said playfully.

"Sure, you were," she said, rolling her eyes. "We should really finish up pretty soon, though. We're probably going to run out of hot water before too long."

After that, we both renewed our focus on washing up so we could finish up in the shower. Rose grabbed her shampoo bottle and squeezed some out onto her hands before lathering it up and rubbing it into her hair. She set the shampoo bottle back onto the shelf and turned to face me and smiled as she sat under the water. As the suds from the shampoo ran down out of her hair, I saw her smile immediately become a grimace as I heard her start to retch and spit.

"Blegh! It got in my mouth!" Rose said, with a frown. I was confused for a second, but then as I saw her reach back toward her neck, I realized that she meant the one back there. "Ugh, that tasted awful. Yeah, I definitely should have gotten rid of the second mouth, at least." I knew she was unhappy, but I couldn't help but smirk at the whole situation - I felt a little bad about it when Rose glared at me, though. "What?"

"Nothing," I piped up as I grabbed the shampoo bottle and started to squeeze some out on my own hand. I looked at the bottle - it was vanilla scented - then squeezed some out in my hands and lathered it up. "So, I'm guessing it doesn't taste as good as it smells, then?" Rose rolled her eyes at me but smiled, nonetheless.
