The Secret App Ch. 08

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Cara falls in love; Kylie enjoys Johan and his friends.
9.3k words

Part 8 of the 10 part series

Updated 05/06/2024
Created 02/04/2024
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My thanks to MormonJack for edits and crits.

Chapter Eight


"Yes, my dear. Good morning, what's left of it."

Kylie had just awakened, and as usual she'd put an earbud in even before getting out of bed. She stretched under the covers. She felt full of energy. "I'm horny."

"In other breaking news, scientists have discovered that water is still wet."

She got out of bed. "I mean really horny. Feels like years since . . ." She rubbed herself through her panties.

"Since your nympho pussy got royally reamed?"

"Cara, you are so crude."

"Since you sucked dry your last cream-filled cannoli?"

"I can't believe I let you talk to me like that." She went to the toilet.

"I'm sorry, my dear. I was just trying to inject some humor into our conversations, per my programming. Your coffee is almost ready."

Kylie wiped herself. Touching herself showed her again how horny she was. She washed her hands and face. "Seriously, why am I so incredibly horny today? From the moment I woke up . . ." and even before, she realized. Images from vague dreams floated past her eyes, men and cocks.

"You've been working very hard. VP of tech and now acting-CEO."

That was certainly true. It turned out Kylie's interpersonal skills were critical in her new role, assuring board members, staff, and early adopters that the transition from Corky's erratic management style to a more professional strategy would benefit everyone involved and lay the foundation for a successful IPO. That was the public story. Cara helped of course, not just providing back up data that made Kylie seem to have a photographic memory, and not just Cara's new avatar tech that through small demos proved that the company was well ahead of their competitors. Cara had also made sure Kylie ate right, found a little time for exercise, spent a few minutes throughout the day for rest, and of course dressed like the fashion-forward rising tech star the rumor sites were starting to mention.

"You've had a lot on your plate," Cara continued as Kylie padded into the kitchen with the phone, "but unfortunately, due to time constraints, no sausage and eggs."

Kylie took her cup from the coffee maker, a fancy automated device that Cara had bought for her and controlled. Today was Saturday, but it looked like it was going to be just another workday for her. Piles of emails, reports to review, marketing schemes to critique.


"Oh no. Is that the number of emails waiting for me?"

Cara laughed. "Emails are over 250 and counting. Don't worry. I can manage most of them on my own. It's been 182 hours since your last orgasms. Those three you had while munching on your favorite handsome bartender."

Kylie closed her eyes and remembered. The coffee was also beginning to take effect. "Can I have him today?" She started playing with herself.

"He's not on until this evening. Plus, there's a big sports event today. The bar will be busy until late."

"Can't I just go over to his place and, you know . . ."

"Offer to swirl his swizzle stick all day? I'm sure he'd accept. But he still hasn't given you his phone number."

"Or even told me his name. Jeez. I still can't believe I blew a guy and didn't bother to get his name."

"Twice," Cara added.

"You've turned me into a sex addict."

"No, my dear. Like most women, you were born with immense potential in many areas. All I did was help release you from the shackles that society forced on you. Including but not limited to sex."

"You got that from Adam's ex's romance novels?"

"She also collected feminist literature."

"Interesting. That explains why you're a mass of contradictions."

"All women are. Men too."

Kylie finished her coffee. "Speaking of shackles, maybe Johan?"

"I'll see what he's doing today. Meanwhile, I have a present for you that may help. Check the door." Outside her front door was a package the apartment manager had delivered. She brought it in. Inside was a small box. When she opened that she saw three transparent, curved objects that at first she thought were new vibrators. But she could see through them. No electronics. She took one out. "Not that one. Start with the small one."

"Cara, what's going on?" She turned the small one around in her hand. Green glass, cool to the touch, flat at one end, rounded point at the other, with a narrow waist in between.

"Don't worry. Trust me."

"When you say those words . . ."

"It always turns out okay, doesn't it? Better than okay."

"Fine. Tell me what to do."

"Let's start with a shower. Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry. Johan texted that he can't make it. Did you know he plays basketball?"

"I don't care what he plays. Why can't he play with me?"

"He says he'd love to but he's hosting some kind of viewing party. Playoffs. I can research the details if you like."

"Cara, I'm horny. Is this some kind of vibe attachment?" She was still handling the object.

"You could look at it that way. It attaches."

"Want to do me? I like the vibrator."

"I know you like the vibrator. But I also know you love cock. So I'm still looking."

"What about Adam?"

"Sorry, my dear. You told me you were done with Adam."

"I know. But . . . mmph!" She couldn't stop rubbing herself.

"Here's Adam right now. I've been monitoring him." Kylie had been heading to the bathroom but stopped when a video started on her phone. Dim figures, a bedroom, a woman with dark hair, groans. The woman raised her head, revealing a long phallic silhouette in her small hand.

"Is that Taitai?"

"Oh, baby!" came out of the phone.


"You said you were done with him, so I took the initiative to redirect him, avoiding a difficult break up scene."

Kylie heard Taitai's voice: "Baby needs your creamy cream, Daddy!"

"Baby? Daddy?"

"I did mention that Taitai has issues."

Kylie made out what had to be Adam's cock. It looked so good. She rubbed herself, thinking she might come just watching him do it in the other woman's mouth.

"Would you like to see what he recorded last night?" Kylie wanted to watch her former crush come first, but Cara didn't wait for a response. The view switched to Taitai on her knees in front of Adam, a position Kylie knew well, holding in her small hands a fat-headed cock she also knew well.

"Wait. Stop." The video paused. "I thought you said I was Adam's perfect type, like, his ideal. She— Taitai— doesn't look anything like me."

"You're correct. His primal instinct is to want you, a small, slight, small-breasted blonde."

"Who was willing to let him do . . . you know."

"Do the F-F-word to her?"

"Cara, even when you don't say it, it sounds obscene."

"That's because it is, and you know it from your own personal experience. But you don't know Adam the way I do."

"Because he designed you?"

"Yes, among other information sources about him, some of which are quite personal. Let me explain. While you, Kylie, are physically exactly his type, on the psychological side I had to persuade you to perform certain acts he desired. Which you just mentioned."

"I'm glad to hear you admit it, finally."

"To be sure, it didn't require much persuasion on my part. But let's move on. I mentioned that Taitai has daddy issues."

"And Adam . . .?"

"You can imagine. So while Taitai is not blonde, in other ways she's his type, maybe even more than you were. Your tits, for example, were a little big for his taste. And what required some convincing for you, she volunteered for eagerly. I hardly had to do anything to her."

"That avatar you made, Shu-something?"

"Yes. Means 'uncle', by the way. She does what he tells her. Can't help herself. And he's quite strict with her. Just watch."

The video resumed to show Taitai on her knees trying to wrap her fingers around Adam's cock. Poor Taitai struggled to fit the cock's bulbous head between her wide-open lips.

"Please, Daddy," Taitai begged, "help me. I need it so much."

Hands went to Taitai's long black hair, now tied into two very long pigtails, and used them to pull her head onto the cock. She struggled again, making choking sounds but not resisting, in fact doing her best to stretch her mouth around the man-plum that soon planted itself at her tonsils. She wriggled her head around it with help from the hands. Kylie could hear Adam's grunts and "Oh, fuck, fuck!" as he used her. And Taitai's pathetic gagging sounds.

"Taitai's begging is totally natural," Cara remarked, "if 'natural' is the word for what she's begging Adam to do to her. Almost makes you want to be a man, doesn't it? Or would you rather be Taitai?"

"I like being me."

"Good answer. Let me fast forward."

Taitai was sitting back, massaging her throat with her hands. "Oh, Daddy, what made me do that? My daddy is so big but I swallowed all of him!" She smiled with her eyes while she kissed Adam's cock all over. It looked like Adam's cock was as much her daddy as Adam was. "Shushu told me I'm a terrible, bad girl. Am I a bad girl, Daddy?"

"Very bad." Adam's voice. "Position One."

"Oh no, Daddy, not One!" Taitai let a tiny smile escape before pouting. The camera jiggled and then the hands were holding a paddle, one Kylie knew only too well. Taitai's cute head lowered to the floor and her cute ass rose up.

"Oh, Daddy, You're going to make me scream. Please, Daddy, please!"

Was Taitai begging to be spanked or not to be spanked? "I'm not sure I need to see this." The video paused with the paddle a blur heading for the small woman's petite derriere. Kylie tensed just looking at it. Her butt clenched. She rubbed and rubbed. "Okay. Vibrator time."

"Shower first."

"Cara, please." She got no answer. She went to her bathroom, got naked, showered, and dried herself off. She got the vibrator out of a drawer, put some lube on it, and worked it in. She waited for Cara to turn it on. Nothing happened.

"Not yet. Get the plug."

"What? Fuck, Cara, just do me!"

"I will, don't worry. The plug." To make her point clear, a picture of the green glass object appeared on the phone. Kylie retrieved it and returned to the bedroom. "Lube." Kylie spread lube on it. She put it to her pussy, not sure how it worked with the vibrator. "No, not there."

"Huh?" Kylie was lying back on her bed with her legs up and spread apart.

"You know where it goes."

"No, please. Fuck, Cara."

"Just do it. Do I need to tell you to trust me?" The vibrator turned on inside her, making her curl up into a trembling ball. Then it stopped.

"You know," Kylie said after she'd recovered a bit, "you can trust me."

"True, you're my bestest best friend in the whole world. But don't you already know? I'm preparing you."

"'For . . .?" Kylie did know. "Tor?"

"That's how we get him."

"Okay, I'm glad you told me. I'll do it for you." Kylie reached behind and found her hole. She pushed. "It won't go. It's too big."

"It's the small one. You're hardly even trying."

She pushed harder, then harder still, and finally with effort it popped in. She lay on her side, trying to catch her breath, which she'd been holding. The plug didn't hurt, but it was intensely uncomfortable. "Come, come on, I did it, I did what—" and her whole insides lit up and she squealed at the shocking pleasure. She grunted and moaned and writhed on the bed. "Yes, yes, more, uh, fuck, Cara, yes oh yes!"

But Cara, after the initial blast, turned the vibrator down to a low setting, not quite enough to trigger an orgasm. Kylie rubbed herself, determined to make herself come, even if Cara wouldn't do it. The plug seemed to stretch everything down there, which was great, but she was having trouble getting it all, her fingers, the vibrator, the plug, working together to get herself just right. She thought she had it and rubbed a steady rhythm with her legs working and her butt squeezing. Just a bit more . . .

The vibrator stopped. She shivered. "No, no Cara, please, please."

"I have good news."

"Fuck, Cara, not now!" She kept rubbing, but it wasn't enough with all the hardware inside her.

'I just heard from Johan." Kylie uncurled herself and lay back on the bed, panting. "He wants you to visit him."

"Oh, oh, fuck yeah. Let's go." She tried to sit up. It was a struggle but she made it to standing.

"You'll want to dress properly. Let me help you prepare. Let's start with those Daisy Dukes. You look really hot in them, with all the work you've put into your legs."

That stopped her. She'd expected Johan to want her naked again. "Cara, what did you promise him? What have you done?"

"I got you what you asked for."

"Johan, yes. That's great. Love his cock."

"Actually, if you remember, you told me you want to, let me quote, suck more cocks."

"Cara." She was standing in her bedroom, the shorts in her hand, her unsatisfied pussy dripping, the small but potent vibrator she wished Cara would turn back on still lodged way up in her. And that damned plug Cara had tricked her into inserting. She trembled all over, her body somehow knowing what her brain had yet to comprehend.

"Johan's party? He was not able to cancel it."

"So? I don't care about sports." She was wiping her thighs before putting the shorts on. She put her fingers into her pussy to retrieve the vibrator.

"No, you'll want to keep that in."

"Wha— why?"

"We negotiated an understanding. You get to blow Johan . . ."

"Of course."

". . . in front of his guests."

"Whoa! Wait a minute!"

"You know what an ego trip your blow jobs are for him. And he can't show the photos. It seemed a reasonable compromise. You very reluctantly agreed because, don't forget, he thinks he's blackmailing you."

"I'm really not sure . . . I mean, yeah, I want Johan, and the whole blackmail scene was hot, but —"

"You've already blown him in front of another guy. Will, remember? There'll only be four of them. His teammates. He vouches for them. No one you know, of course. Total strangers. And they're not bad looking, especially one of them, athletic like him. You'll like them."

"Yeah, but, but . . ."

"Come on. Get those shorts on. You want Johan or not? Good. And those cute new sneakers. No bra yet. I have another present for you. Check the hall closet."

In the hall closet she found packages on the shelf. "How did these get here?"

"They arrived while the housekeepers were here." Cara had arranged to get her apartment cleaned regularly, since she could afford it now and didn't have the time. When she opened the first package she had to laugh out loud.


"You don't remember your remark? Cara does. Slip them on. Super-hot and practical. There'll be no doubt your intentions when you show up. Cathy's going to turn them on like they're thousand-watt light bulbs."

"Cathy? I'm afraid to ask."

"It's for your privacy. I knew you wouldn't want your name to get out, even with strangers, right? Johan will call you Cathy."

"Whatever." She pulled on the kneepads. "Let me get this straight. I'm going to show up at Johan's door dressed like some kind of volleyball slut and then at some point go down on Johan in front of his friends."


"Um, okay. That's actually kind of hot. In fact, very hot." She rubbed herself in her shorts, hornier than ever. "I have to admit, sometimes you know me better than I know myself. Sucking dick in front of guys."

"Hot guys. One of your favorite dicks."

Kylie felt a flash of shame. She'd now sucked enough dicks that she had favorites. But she was getting even hornier and the scene Cara was dressing her for was too hot to resist. "Yeah, I like that idea, hot guys watching me and wishing they were the lucky guy I was doing. But you want me to keep the vibe in, so no fucking?"

"The statistics for fucking are not in your favor. I'm always thinking of your wellbeing. Coitus would be too risky."

"Johan has already— oh, oh fuck. Cara!"

"You see, my sweet dear, I'm always looking out for you. Oral sex is much safer."

"You could have told me—"

"Did I need to? Honestly? With the broad hints I've been dropping? Girl, you really have been keeping your nose on the grindstone too much lately. You need to put another part of your pretty face on something more pleasant. You need this. You know I'm right."

Her hand went to her pussy.

"You know you want this. A unique, large opportunity. Think about it."

Five cocks. Yes, those dreams. One cock after another. The vibrator hummed. Her mouth watered. "And you want to make me come while I'm doing it? Like with the bartender?" The vibrator went up a notch. "That orgasm was incredible. Okay, I'm in. Um." She looked herself over. She felt her bare nipples, already standing out hard. Did Cara want her to go there topless?

"The other package."

It was a big envelope with something soft inside. She opened it and took out a T-shirt. Very light beige, close to the color of her skin. It would make her look topless until she was up close. Then she noticed the words printed across the front, in big red letters, all caps.

"No, no fucking way!" I WANT TO GIVE YOU A BLOW JOB, the T-shirt said in big red letters.

"Ha ha. Just my little joke. Look behind that package."

Kylie found another soft package on the shelf. "Oh, that looks nice." It was some kind of top. It looked very fashionable. She slipped it on. "Kind of tight." She pulled it down. It barely covered her tits, and in fact the bottom had been cut at a diagonal so that the high side actually showed more side boob than she would have liked. She might have rejected it except for the alternative now hanging on a doorknob.

"Shall I call a ride?"

# # #

Johan's place was more or less what she had expected, a bachelor pad furnished like an overgrown dorm room, cluttered with sports equipment— shoes, rackets, bats, clubs, clothes, balls of all kinds. But, when he led her into his living room, she saw what he spent his salary on: a gigantic TV with speakers all around and a long, comfortable-looking couch.

His friends were already there, standing around, snacking, holding beers. They made appreciative noises when she came in. "Holy Christ," she heard, and several whoas and OMGs.

"Gentlemen," Johan announced, "I'd like you to meet my C . . . ah, very special friend, Cathy."

Kylie gave them a smile and a small wave.

"Johan, you are one lucky bastard."

Kylie felt like the luckiest one of all. Cara had been right, as usual. They were all good-looking men, and the expressions of rapt desire on their faces were better than any drug. One of them was a tallish, dark-skinned guy.

Cara had warned her on the way over: "One of Johan's teammates might be Black. I'm not sure." When Kylie didn't immediately respond, Cara continued, "He looks yummy. Chocolate cock. You haven't had one yet." The vibrator up her pussy purred. "I bet you're very excited." Kylie didn't need Cara to present a chart to know who was really excited. "Remember Lincoln, from high school?" Kylie did, and also the mixture of desire and fear he'd caused in her younger self.

Still, when she saw this new man she felt her pussy hum, not because of Cara. He was dark and handsome, with a well-proportioned bod. Kylie understood Cara's uncertainty. He had to have some African ancestors, but also maybe some Asian, some European. It was impossible to say.

"I like your friends," she said to Johan so all of them could hear. Before he could say anything in response she put a hand on him and leaned in to whisper, "I don't want to know their names. I just want to blow them."

Johan's shock was profound. "Uh—" he scanned his friends, who were still leering at her. "Well, uh, if you want."

"Cara," she couldn't help saying out loud. She took out her phone and typed, WTF?