The Shop Girl and the Priest


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"Seriously, do I need to be DBS checked or something?" I only knew about this because my Mum worked with the Creche at the church and had needed to be checked by the Disclosure and Barring Service.

"Nah," he said. "You're only coming into my office and having a brew, not meeting any of the clients."

He took my hand and walked me back to the church hall kitchen door. He touched his finger to his lips to indicate silence and let go of my hand, opening the door and waving me into the kitchen I'd delivered just-about-to-go-out-of-date groceries to for a few months, and again just over a week before—and what a great week it had been.

"Gang!" he said to the half-dozen or so young people in the kitchen area drinking tea and preparing the bags of food that would be given to the rough-sleepers the next morning, and the hot soup and sandwich supper shortly to be given out. "This is the lovely Jaime Connor from the superstore, founder of this and quite a few other feasts!"

There were smiles all around and Tom popped his head above the crowd and waved, mouthing, 'Hi, Jaime,' to me. I waved back,

"Hi, Tom!" I called, just to give the rest of the crew some sense of my previous soundness of character, "Hi, guys!" I waved to the rest and smiled. The smiles were returned, even from the straight and narrow Dinah. I was part of the gang now it seemed, sorted.

"I've got to have a chat with Jaime about food deliveries and cool stuff like that, just down in my office, Dinah—keep an eye on things for me. I'll be twenty minutes, max."

"Okay, Father Russ," she said brightly.

We walked down to his office and he indicated the seat from my previous visit. He grabbed his kettle and returned from the small utility room and switched it on. As he turned around, I pinned him to the tall counter and kissed him.

"Been wanting to do that all evening," I said.

"Me too, thanks for coming by the way." He kissed me this time.

It was obvious he'd shaved since our tea in his landlord/boss's kitchen and I didn't want the usual tell-tale red chin to give away what we'd actually been discussing on that chilly Saturday night.

The kettle clicked off and I stepped back to allow him to make tea. He sat down, and without even thinking about weight limits on the office chair I sat astride his lap this time, and we carried on kissing. I'd seen Gemma sat on Will's lap so often that it just came so naturally now. I broke from our caresses for a moment.

"So," I said slowly, "When are you free next week?"

"Nights next week, until Thursday," he said, hugging me some more and gently rubbing my back and my sides. I pushed into him to let him know it was okay. "But we can do lunch any time, and then dinner out on Friday?"

"Wonderful," I said, all soppy again. I leaned across and picked up his tea, handing it to him and taking mine.

It was the same brand I used, and made me feel even more at home.

"Let's say Tuesday for lunch—and Thursday, same place?" he said.

"I might not have a Full English both days, but yes, the food is great there." I loved the food, but didn't want to put on weight.

"Brilliant, then I'm off Friday evening, how about you?"

"I'm good," I said. "I'm not in work until Sunday; how about you come to my place for tea one evening, before you come here? It's not far from Oriel." I kissed his nose, figuring it was okay for me to be a bit playful with him.

"That would be great."

"I don't have a cool log-fired range like your landlady Ronnie has, BUT I can get a big loaf AND I have a jar of her amazing jam in the cupboard now."

He kissed me.

"Thanks, Jai," he kissed me once more then drank some more of his tea. I did the same and looked at clock above his door.

"That's our twenty minutes, Russ," I said.

"Damn, been a very nice twenty minutes though..." We kissed again and with us both grinning at each other like love struck idiots, I stood up, finished my tea and put my cup down.

He did the same, took a deep breath and opened his office door,

"Just go with my lead, Jai," he said, and we stepped out into the short corridor. He became more animated, "...and please thank Dave SO MUCH for his continued generosity, we actually couldn't do without you." He shouted across to Tom, "How we fixed for tomorrows lunch bags, Tom?"

"One for each of those on the list plus three spare, in case any newbie's arrive."

"Excellent." He turned back to me. "And you can tell Dave we recycle all of the branded shopping bags you bring us out to our boys and girls, most of our clients are walking around with at least one of them."

"Of course," I said trying to be cheeky but business like. I turned to the crowd of students. "And thank you guys for your commitment to the rough sleepers, makes what we do seem rather easy in comparison."

They all grinned at my praise and some nodded, one even bowed.

"Well, we've got people to feed and bed down and lunch bags to prepare, and poor Jaime here has probably been at work since early this afternoon," Russ said with a grin.

I hadn't, of course, and had started a mere four hours before, but wasn't going to spoil Russ' speech for a little thing like the truth.

"I'll see you some of you later as I'll be delivering some more food quite soon, but I will wish you a good night."

"Goodnight, Jaime," came the chorus from the volunteers. With a big wave, I left through the usual kitchen door, followed by Russ.

"Goodnight, Jai," said Russ with a big grin that wouldn't be visible to his crew. "And may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!"

I desperately wanted to kiss him, no I desperately wanted to grab him!

"Goodnight, Russ," I said, moving so his body was hiding my face and my pursing lips. I turned. "I'll see you Tuesday lunchtime," I whispered.

"See yah," he whispered back. I turned and walked back the way I came, hearing the clunk of the kitchen door as he went back in.

We met for lunch on Tuesday, and we were both buzzing after 48 hours of nothing but text messages. I sat right up close to him and ate my lunch one-handed, because he was holding the other one. I was late back to my afternoon lecture, but was duly apologetic.

I walked to my supermarket for my shift that evening, buying a big uncut loaf and more milk for our shared kitchen. Working where I did I took a couple of quid from each resident and kept the necessities topped up.

I ran back to my rooms, even though it was a short walk, and tried to find something suitable to wear for tea. It was daft. It wasn't like we were going to get up to anything, as he had to be at work for nine, but I was just really nervous.

Thank God (sic) Gem was there, as she just giggled and sat me down.

"Babe, you don't have to sweat it. He's just as crazy for you as you are for him." She picked up my make-up bag. "A tiniest repair here," she touched my eyes, "and I'll sign you off as 'fit for dating'—I have a form I have to send to Cheryl," she whispered, "and you'll be all tea and toast, soft caresses and deep sighs."

So she did. Russ arrived and we sat in the shared kitchen with the grill and sharp knives, and had Ronnie's amazing strawberry jam on toast, and mug after mug of Earl Grey. Sally, a girl from the other end of the corridor popped in.

"Father Russ!" she said.

"Hey Sal," he said with his big work smile.

"You saving our Jaime there?" She giggled. 'Jai's new boyfriend, the vicar,' had been a subject for discussion in the entire block, especially with the girls, but it seemed that Sally knew him from her evening classes at the main church.

"Oh, the impossible I can do at once, Sal, but the gorgeous Jaime here," he kissed my hand, "is well passed my simple skills and anecdotes."

I smirked and wriggled my fingers as if I was casting curses around the room, kissing his cheek just so Sally knew he was taken.

"As Tiffany Aching says, 'why be the princess that needs rescuing all the time when you can be the witch and know things'." I'd discovered Terry Pratchett and his vast cast of characters at school.

"And who can argue with that?" Russ said with a shrug, kissing my cheek.

Sally smiled sweetly at us, took something from the main fridge and left with a wave.

With a last mug of tea, we retired to my room and my sofa for very pleasant hour of kissing and cuddling, with me sat on his lap again, both getting much more handsy, and I gasped in delight as he touched, stroked and held both my arse and my boobs, as I ran my hands through his hair and across his chest through the gap in his half unbuttoned clerical shirt he had on for his night's work.

His phone bleeped at a bit before nine and we stood, straightened our clothing, fell on each other again, before I shook my head, pulled him back up and escorted him to the door.

Wow. I was soooo turned on.

That night in bed I had to masturbate myself to an orgasm before lapsing into a dreamless sleep.

We met for lunch the next day, and while Russ did look slightly bleary-eyed, he looked amazing and it was a struggle to only kiss him, his red Star Trek TNG hoodie over his clerical shirt, white strip removed from the collar, even then a passing older lady did throw in a quick and smiley 'good afternoon, Father Russ,' as we sat close together.

We ate FEB's again and decided we would hit the town the next night with my gang, as it was Will's birthday. I had no lectures that afternoon and could have very simply gone back to his place with him, but I could see he was recovering from five nights at work and badly needed his sleep.

We agreed he would come to my place on Friday at seven, and we'd 'paint the town' with the kids at least three years younger than me, four or five for him.

He duly arrived and was let in by the birthday boy himself, and to my delight, knocked my door, handing me a small bunch of flowers as I opened it.

We hugged and kissed and he stepped in, leaving the door open so we would know what time to leave. Many of the others had started the pre-drinks already and the music rang out from two or three doors down.

At a bit after eight we were out in the cool evening in our Friday best, mostly blue jeans and smart shirts for the boys, tight blue jeans and clingy-sparkly tops with as much cleavage as possible for the girls.

Even slim curvy sexy Gemma said, "Let's face it, none of us are going to look as hot as Jai."

We started in the town centre, first at The Turf Arms, then The Kings, with a third in the White Horse.

"Here's one just for Russ!" shouted Sally, hanging onto her partner for the evening and pointing up to the sign of 'The Mitre'.

Then it was into 'The Bear', then more student hilarity for Russ in 'St Aldgate's Tavern.'

"Never met the man," my boyfriend said, moving up to the bar with our order.

Several of the group had started to flag, as this was a Gemma pub crawl, and halves or soft drinks were strictly off limits. When we tumbled into 'the Wheatsheaf,' there was a head count and while all were present and correct, Russ, Will and I, very much the grown-ups of the group, did start to call things to order and some perspective. Some of the eighteen-year-olds were starting to be quite unsteady on their feet.

Russ suggested that we stop and grab something to eat, there were general shouts of agreement, and calls for pizza, burgers, curry and other tuck. The group split off in the directions towards their chosen meals agreeing we'd all be outside 'The Crown' at ten thirty.

Russ took my hand. "This way," he said, kissing it.

We found our way to a small and very posh looking place and it was steaks again.

It was so nice to have some quietness and my man all to myself again, the food was amazing and I looked across the table and just smiled at him.

"What?" he asked. "Spinach in my teeth?"

"We haven't eaten spinach," I giggled back at him.

He flexed his arm muscles,

"It's a Popeye thing," he said.

"You're just looking particularly gorgeous tonight, Father Russ."

"Just trying to keep up with the fashion model I'm out with," he said.

I frowned,

"Is Gemma here?" I said, and looked around.

"Very funny, Miss Connor," he said.

"I thought so, Mr Hughes," I said, flicking out my dark brown hair and making sure my cleavage looked its absolute best, just in case he might have missed it briefly.

Dinner finished, we pulled on the jackets we'd been carrying, it was only mid-January, and made our way to 'The Crown,' where only two of our 'comrades in ales' could be found, Clive from the next corridor and his partner Holly from ours, looking much the worse for their evening out.

"We're heading back," he said, "Gem and the gang went off in THAT direction," he pointed vaguely down St. Aldgates.

We wished him and Holly well in their walk or search for a taxi.

We checked a couple of pubs, but to no avail, but at the last one the door was open spilling a slightly moist heat, flashing lights, the smell of beer and the boom-boom-boom-boom, boom-boom-boom-boom of what even I recognised as my favourite 'The Who' song.

"Peeeeple traa to put us.... Dooooown, cus we traa to git arooooound!"

We peeked into the door and there was a gang of girl rockers absolutely killing 'My Generation.'

We went in and listened, I bought a couple of Cokes from the bar and moved in close. After a few more of the same, the tone and pace changed and they slid into a soft rock version of a song that I'd known from Mum's Church party evenings, and I started to sing the words, mouth them at least, to Russ.

"Anytime you want to, You can turn me onto Anything you want to Anytime at all,

When I kiss your lips Oh I start to shiver Can't control the quivering inside, Wouldn't you agree? Baby you and me Gotta groovy kind of love..."

Russ just started to move, and I moved with him.

By the time the band finished we were bashing tongues together, safe in the dark corner of the pub. Shit, but I had it so badly for him. I pulled him outside and we kissed yet again, another couple to our left doing the same.

As we wandered along Blue Boar Street, shielded from the January winds by the high walls of Christ Church with a view to a last drink in 'The Bear,' I could hold out no longer and pushed him against the sandy-looking Headington stone the wall was built from.

I kissed him.

"I'd very much like to make love with you, Russ," I said.

He smiled one of his wonderful smiles that I was getting so used to.

"That... That would be amazing, Jai," he said and kissed me again.

"It's not against your religion, is it?"

He tilted his head to one side, pursed his lips and looked up. "I don't think so," he said "And if it is? Well, that's easy," he kissed me again, "I resign..."

I sighed into his mouth and knew that if I didn't do something to slake my lust, I'd melt.

Hugging each other we walked slowly back to my rooms,

Once back to my rooms and at my door, he was hugging me and kissing my neck and cheeks and ears as I struggled to get my key into the door. I saw Gemma's door closed and locked, confirmation that she was still out on the town.

That was going to be easier; Gem was a lovely, happy, outrageously vivacious girl, but I didn't really want her presence and her faux-innocent inquisition into 'what were we going to do tonight,' seeing as we were home before eleven on Friday night. I had Russ all to myself, and for the first time in my life, I was burning up for him and wanting to make love with him desperately.

I finally managed to open the front door and turned to pull him in by the collar of his jacket, kissing him the whole time. I shrugged off my heavy Barbour and threw it towards the hooks on the wall—kinda—and did the same with his, both landing on the floor a good metre or so away from the intended target. We collapsed onto my sofa and I grabbed him, just so he didn't forget my request from our walk home.

We kissed and caressed, our touches became more and more insistent, and to up the ante, I pulled his shirt free of his trousers so I could run my hands up his rather fine and sculpted chest and across his back. His response was to do likewise and my temperature raised somewhat as his hand pushed down the to the bare flesh at the base of my spine.

Our kissing was reaching a crescendo, so I paused and rolled away from him slightly to expose the brass button and zip at my waist. He popped that open and I trembled as I felt the zip fastener slowly lower.

I thought back to what Cheryl had said to me when we talked about boys and her experiences.

"Give them something nice, Babes," she had said, "if you're wearing good underwear let THEM find it, give them a moment to appreciate you in it because..." she paused and narrowed her eyes in remembered pleasure, "it's so fantastic to watch them getting turned on—by you!"

That would do me.

I was wearing my tightest jeans and knew they would be hard to remove. I kissed his nose and wriggled up and out of his arms to reach down and take his hand and pull him to my bed, turning off the lights bar the bedside ones.

I pulled him down and we continued. I started to scuff down my jeans and he helped, sitting up a bit and tugging them over my hips, and then inside-out off my feet.

I was wearing tight, lacy silk boy-shorts that clung to my bottom, hinting at what was beneath. I rolled to my side and pulled his shirt off. He looked amazing. I was totally in awe of his handsome face, but on top of a chest so tight and well-muscled I could count them.

He sat up slightly, taking the hem of my stretchy shiny top, and pulled it up and off. There were my breasts, held in perfect place by my matching balcony bra with a cleavage that the patron saint of dates had arranged just right.

I lay back on the bed, resting on one elbow and giving him the full 36-28-36. He just sat there, looking down at me.

"Wow!" he said, "Jaime, you're fucking... I mean... Jesus!"

"Blasphemy, Russ?" I said with a grin, flexing and stretching just so he could get the full effect.

"Shit, Jai—you're... enough to turn anyone's cool." he leaned down and we kissed, with more passion than we'd shared up to that point. "Demonic almost, Jame."

"I'm turning you to the dark side, young Padawan," I hissed.

"Aaah," said Russ, turning and unbuttoning his trousers and dropping them down to leave him in his stretchy boxers. "The Force!" He took a deep breath. "Now THAT'S a religion."

He rolled onto me and we kissed again, enjoying the skin-on-skin contact, a first for me, and the fire in my belly increased. I knew I would feel no pain as I'd had my vibrating rabbit in there quite regularly since the Ann Summers party almost three years before, and I was as contraceptively safe as I could be. I'd started a fresh pack of my regular pills not a week before, and there were condoms in my top drawer, just in case, a pack of twelve that Gem had left for me, not ten days before, the evening of our first date.

I was just so comfortable with him. I was almost naked with the gorgeous man who was naked bar his underpants. Wowee!

"I'm afraid I'm really not much of an expert at all of this, Jai," he said with an apologetic look as he sat up to move the clothes we'd both been throwing around.

"Me neither," I said, pulling the duvet up to my neck to surreptitiously tug my bra down a bit. "In fact, I've never done it before. Had sex... made love I mean." I grinned apologetically. "Sorry."

His eyebrows raised.

"Don't apologise, Jai," he said with narrowed eyes. "I'm intrigued." He raised the duvet enough so he could slide under it next to me. "Were you saving yourself for the right man? No," he said with a grin. "You're an undercover atheist Nun and you've been sneaking out of the atheist seminary to lead me astray."

I giggled,

"If only it was that interesting." I rolled to my side and laid my head on the pillow next to him on his. "Nope, just a sad, single, sissy virgin that never found herself with the right man at the right time."
