The Showrunner

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He drew her in with his charm. Now he's in control.
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He was incredibly handsome and charming. The way that he talked to her, along with his intense eye contact, just made her want to melt. She had a hard time wiping the smile off her face. And she couldn't believe that he was actually interested in her!

She had been sitting in one of the large, comfortable chairs at the coffee shop, a large textbook in her hands and all of her accessories on the ready. The highlighter, the mechanical pencil, the little sticky tabs. Her extra large mug of mocha with whipped cream sat barely touched on the side table next to her. He had sat down in the adjacent chair, just the other side of the small table. He had a coffee but he wasn't reading anything or even on his phone, he just kept looking at her, making Clara blush.

"You are so consumed by what you are reading, it's really incredible to watch," he finally said. "You've hardly touched your coffee, it must be getting cold."

"It's an economics textbook," she smirked. It definitely wasn't anything super interesting, she just had to concentrate really hard to understand anything that she was reading. She picked up her mug though and sipped the lukewarm brew.

"Ah yes, I don't miss the whole period of time of textbooks and highlighting and exams. How much longer do you have to go?" That smile, those dimples, it was hard to actually look at his face and not feel all tingly everywhere.

"I just started my MBA, it's my first semester," she admitted.

"MBA, huh. That's impressive. Beauty and brains," he nodded, his eyes focused on hers. Clara didn't know what to say. She could feel her face blushing furiously as she hid behind the mug again, taking a long sip.

He carried the conversation, asking questions, volunteering some information about himself. Clara tried her best to keep up, her textbook long forgotten in her lap. Her eyes roamed over his chocolate brown hair that had a slight wave to it. It was longer on top, swooping over to one side, with an undercut. It looked very professional and modern. There was a couple of days worth of stubble on his face, which looked almost purposeful and put together. He wore a suit and tie. As much as Clara tried to find some sort of a clue as to how old he was, she couldn't put her finger on it. He seemed of an indeterminate age somewhere between mid-twenties to mid-thirties. His level of comfort with himself, unlike any other man she's ever talked to, made Clara consider the possibility that he might even be older than that, closer to forty.

The alarm on her phone went off, reminding her to go to class. She had it set so that she wouldn't lose track of time while reading, cause it had been known to happen. Clara grabbed her phone to silence it, feeling reluctant to end this conversation. His smile was dazzling when she looked back up at his face.

"You have somewhere to be?" He cocked his head to the side when he asked.

"I need to go to class," she sighed, starting to gather up her things.

"I would really love to see you again. It was awesome talking to you." His hand landed on her knee. "Do you think I could get your number?" Clara nodded her heart racing. He pulled out his phone and she dictated her number to him. "What's your name?"

"Clara," she told him, pressing her lips together.

"I'm Tyler," he offered his hand out to her and she shook it. His hands were large and his grip was firm. "I'm definitely going to give you a call."


He took her out to dinner at the Boucherie Union Square. She texted him beforehand, asking what she should wear. Jackpot. It was like a confirmation that he had made the right call with her. He'd even have input on how she'd dress. He tested the theory further when he offered to order for both of them. Clara seemed happy to give over the control on that. She closed her menu and admitted, blushing, that everything looked really interesting and she couldn't make up her mind. Tyler was glad to take the decision-making off her hands.

She looked quite stunning when he picked her up. He told her to wear a dress, something dressy casual. She had on a navy blue dress that was fitted through the chest and waist with a flared and flowing skirt that ended mid-thigh. There was a keyhole cut out over the chest before the straps looped around the neck. She wore a pair of silver heels with a strap around the ankle, her hair down around her shoulders, in perfect auburn spirals. The whole package was extremely sexy.

He laid on the charm, peppering in small touches here and there. He fed her a piece of steak from his fork. Clara hesitated, saying that she doesn't usually like rare steak.

"Give a try, please, I think you'll enjoy it," he told her, his fork out in front of her. She accepted it, nodding.

"That's very good," she agreed. He couldn't hide the pleasure he felt at her taking that small step out of her comfort zone. This was very promising.

"Do you like to try new things?" She hesitated a moment, considering the question with a small smile on her face.

"As far as food goes, yes," she decided. "Which is why I didn't mind you ordering for me. I grew up in the suburbs and most of the restaurants nearby were chains. And aside from those, it would be pizza or Chinese. You had to go a good half an hour to the nearest sushi place."

"That's a shame," he shook his head. "I think my favorite thing at a French restaurant is the Charcuterie. I could probably make a whole dinner out of just meat and cheese and maybe some pate and terrine."

He kept the conversation going, kept her chatting, touching her hand, and reaching out for face at opportune moments. He ordered dessert too, prolonging their time together in public. The intention being that if she felt comfortable enough with him in public, she would be more open to spending time with him in private, and that was the goal. Clara didn't strike him like the type of girl who slept with guys on the first date, but that was kind of the appeal. Part of the attraction was that good and innocent vibe she had and the other part was the challenge of converting her.

He suggested they take a walk. It was a warm September night and it wasn't really that late. It also gave him a chance to put an arm around her, to give her a gentle kiss on the head.

"Would you like to come up?" He asked her as they approached the building doors. She hesitated, biting her bottom lip, her glance switching between Tyler and the building. He didn't actually live there, but Clara didn't have to know that detail. He didn't usually bring women to his place. But, conveniently, as a realtor, he had access to other apartments that he felt were ethically acceptable to borrow for the night.

"Ok," her voice was quiet as she nodded. He gave her his brilliant, reassuring smile.

The building was still mostly empty, only a few of the units had been purchased and even fewer tenants had moved in. He had access to the staged model apartments in the building and chose the modest one bedroom on the tenth floor. He dropped off a few things earlier in the afternoon. He wasn't really planning on putting on a show and pretending that he actually lived here, once she was in, she wasn't leaving.

"This is a really nice place," she walked into the apartment ahead of him when he gestured for her to come in.

"Yeah, it is," he agreed. His actual apartment wasn't too dissimilar from this one, but a bit further uptown. There was a modern feel to the furniture and accessories and a color palette of greys and blues. There were large windows on one wall of the living room with a door to the balcony, but the view wasn't anything spectacular - just more buildings and the street below. His place in Murray Hill was on the fifteenth floor and had a view of the Empire State Building.

She walked over to the windows to look out and he came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her and drawing her into himself. He could feel her heart hammering and it gave him a little thrill too, knowing that she was nervous about this. He wanted her to be uneasy and unsure, it was a turn-on for him. He leaned in to kiss her neck and she drew in a breath. Tyler worked his way down her neck and over to her shoulder before turning her around in his arms and kissing her lips. It was a deep, hungry kiss during which her arms came to circle his neck, hanging on to him. They stayed connected for a long moment before he pulled away from her, stepping back, the grin on his face turning wicked.


Clara stood there, catching her breath as Tyler took a few steps back, sitting down on the sofa. Her heart was racing and she didn't react right away, but when she took a step toward him he put out a hand stopping her. He had a huge smile on his face, but it looked different now than it had before.

"Take off your dress for me," Tyler requested, and a lump formed in her throat. She wasn't sure how to react. She stood in front of him staring while he waited. "Do you need help undoing the zipper?" She shook her head. He sat watching her, one of his arms spread out along the back of the sofa and the other on the armrest. He seemed completely relaxed. "Don't keep me waiting, sweetheart," he added after a significant amount of time had passed. Clara reached behind herself, unzipping the dress, and pulled it up over her head. "Good girl," Tyler's eyes scanned over her body as she stood there in her bra, thong, and heels, holding her dress in her hands. "Toss it over here," Tyler put out his hand. She tossed the dress to him and he draped it over the armrest of the sofa. "Do a spin for me, dear," he continued.

It felt demeaning and humiliating, but she didn't know what to do. Her brain wouldn't get its shit together. She pulled her shoulders back and took a slow turn. He'd stirred a certain amount of fear in her, though she wasn't entirely sure why. Aside from his size and his implied strength, he hasn't said or done anything tonight to inspire fear.

"Take off your bra," he instructed. She wasn't sure what the point of all of this was, aside from Tyler wanting to watch her squirm. She reached behind her back and unhooked the black lace bra she was wearing, letting the straps slide off her shoulders. She tossed the garment over to Tyler as well and he caught it effortlessly. "Beautiful. Absolutely stunning." He complimented her.

Clara didn't know what to do with her hands. She desperately wanted to cross her arms over her chest and hide, but she had a feeling that would defeat the purpose of why Tyler wanted this. She clasped her hands behind her back while he calmly examined her head to toe.

"I keep wavering back and forth on the panties, honestly," he brought a hand up to his chin, a gesture of consideration. "You look really sexy in them and I like this whole topless look, but with the thong and the heels still in place." He paused, looking her in the eye. "But I also really want to see your pussy." Clara shook her head no. "Yeah, I think yeah," Tyler smirked. "I think I need you to just pull them down for me, just to about mid-thigh." She repeated the movement with her head, denying his request. "I think you should be a good girl and comply," she shook her head again, wringing her hands behind her back, "because bad girls get a spanking." He had an evil grin on his face. She didn't move. "Clara, be a good girl and pull down your panties for me." She shook her head again.

Her brain was racing. Why did she agree to come up here with him? Why did she take off her dress? Why didn't she just leave as soon as it got weird? What did she expect would happen? Just normal sex, that they'd make out on the couch for a bit, move into the bedroom, and have standard, enjoyable sex, without any of these weird games. She didn't understand what he was even getting out of this!

She looked towards the door. That didn't seem like a feasible escape, not now that Tyler had her clothes. He moved quickly when he stood up and she didn't get the chance to react. He wrapped his arms around her in a way that pinned her arms in that position behind her back where she had them clasped. He picked her up with ease and moved over to the sofa, sitting down with her laid out across his lap on her stomach. Her head laid on the sofa, facing away from him, out into the room, and he had both of her wrists in one hand. He rubbed her bare ass cheeks with his other hand.

"Here's how this is gonna go," he smacked a hand on one of her ass cheeks with a loud clap. Clara sucked in a breath. The smack stung and it felt humiliating to be in this position, but at the same time, she felt a slight tingling of arousal at him handling her this way. "You're going to listen to what I tell you to do," his hand came down on the other side of her ass with a crack, "and you're gonna do it and we're going to have a really nice time." He pulled the string of her thong to the side, pushing her legs apart. "I promise that my intention isn't to hurt you," she felt his fingers rubbing between her legs and she didn't believe him. The way he had grabbed her, the way he was holding her wrists behind her back now, all pointed to him wanting to hurt her. "I want you to enjoy this too," he talked slowly. His hand suddenly lifted and smacked down on her ass again, before going back to her pussy. "And I think you like it," his finger slid through her folds. The way that he touched her felt good and she hated the way her body responded to it because her brain was telling her that she shouldn't be enjoying something forced on her like this, while being restrained.

He lifted his hand again, smacking her ass, and then immediately pushed a finger inside her pussy, surprising her. He worked his finger in and out while his thumb massaged her asshole in a circular motion. Clara closed her eyes. What he was doing actually felt really good. She felt herself growing wetter. Clara felt herself relax slightly and Tyler must have felt it too because he let go of her wrists.

"There you go," his voice had a smug smile in it. She moved her hands to cover her face, leaning on her elbows. "We're gonna have a good time here, Clara. You're gonna be a good girl, follow directions, and then you'll get to come too. But not yet." He pulled his finger out and picked Clara up to sit next to him. He pressed his wet finger to her lips. "Lick," he instructed. Clara accepted his finger into her mouth and licked her own wetness from it. "Good job." It was embarrassing. She couldn't look at him. How had she fallen for that whole act he had put on to get her here?! "Clara," he shifted her face with his hand so she'd look at him. "I need you to get down on the floor for me," he pointed down between his wide spread legs. She bit her lip, hesitating again. Tyler lifted an eyebrow, waiting. She slid down to the floor, onto her knees in front of him. He tipped her head back to look at his face and she hated seeing the smirk there. "I want you to undo my pants and take my cock out," he told her.

Tyler was still completely dressed. He wore a charcoal grey suit that fit him perfectly, a white shirt with no tie, top button undone. He was back in the same pose he had been while watching her undress, his one arm along the back of the sofa, the other resting on the arm. His dominance was palpable. Clara's hands were nearly shaking when she reached up to unbuckle his belt. He didn't move, just watching her. She opened the button and drew down the zipper, then reached in through the fly of Tyler's boxer briefs to retrieve his cock.


The look on Clara's face was priceless. She looked extremely uncomfortable at the site of his cock in her hand, her fingers barely reaching together around the shaft. She just stared at it, holding it steady in her hand. He was entirely hard, getting to spank her like that has been fun and unexpected.

"Clara," she seemed to startle, looking up at him. "Put it in your mouth."

She moved her mouth over him and he watched her lick around the tip. She licked down the shaft towards his balls and then back up again, putting her mouth over it and accepting his cock inside. She moved her mouth down, her tongue circling, and came back up again. He let her go for a while, licking and sucking at her one pace, one hand holding onto his cock at the base. He was enjoying it, but this wasn't going to get him to come.

"Put your hands behind your back," he instructed her. She sighed around his cock, but moved her hands away, sinking her mouth down onto him. "I need you to take it deeper." She made a half-hearted attempt. He needed more. "Scoot back a little," he sat forward and she moved away. Tyler stood up in front of her. She needed to sit up high on her knees to reach him. He fed the cock back to her with his hand on the back of her head, then holding her there began fucking her mouth, thrusting into it. She tried to pull back, but he didn't let her. Her hands came up to his thighs, trying to push him away. "Hands behind your back. Don't make me tie them back there, Clara, you won't like that." She shifted her hands away. "You're going to take me deeper, I'm going to come, and you are gonna do your very best to swallow it all, without dripping. I can't get cum on the rug in here."

The pleading look that she gave him, her eyes watering, as he picked up speed just served to bring him closer to the edge and he was coming a moment later. His cock throbbed inside her mouth and Clara sputtered, unable to swallow it all. He sighed, pulling out, and lifted her chin, cupping his fingers under it, his cum dribbling down her chin onto his fingers. He ran his fingers up her chin to her lips and stuck them into her mouth. He didn't have to tell her to lick the cum off, she understood what she had to do. He tucked himself back into his pants.

"That was very messy Clara. Should I give you another spanking for that?" She quickly shook her head, the pleading look still in her eyes. "Really? I thought you kinda enjoyed that." Either he was wrong or she really didn't want to admit it. She was shaking her head adamantly, sitting back on her ankles, her hands still behind her back. He liked this tableau of her, especially from the perspective of him standing at his full 6'2 height over her. He stood for a moment longer, his hands on his hips, looking down at her. "You're going to get up now and take those panties and shoes off for me," he told her as he sat back down on the sofa, making himself comfortable.

She took the shoes off first, neatly setting them aside, then shimmied the thong down her hips. Tyler put out his hand and she handed the panties over to him to set aside along with her other clothes. He would stay dressed for now. It was a power thing. There were times in the past when he didn't hesitate to get naked along with the girl and other times when he chose to hold back on that. She stood in front of him, her hands still behind her back, looking somewhere past him. She was almost too compliant now. He wished that she'd try to bargain for this to be over already because he got to come, but she seemed resigned to the fact that it wasn't. Of course, he wouldn't end it now either way. He had a lot more planned.

"Come here," he called her over and Clara came closer. "You're gonna put your knees on either side of me here," he patted the sofa, "and sit up tall on your knees." She followed the directions precisely. He lifted up her hands, placing them on his shoulders. His mouth went to her nipples, sucking them just a little too hard, making Clara whimper and squirm. He slid his finger through her wet folds again. She definitely got something out of this. Her pussy was slick and swollen, welcoming his fingers. He slid a finger inside, thrusting it in forcefully, then added a second finger after a short while. She stayed still for him. Man, she caught on quickly.

She had her eyes closed, her face pointing up. Her nipples were so hard and bright pink now from all of his attention. She was biting her lip hard.