The Sorcerer of Azurai


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"Did he really intend to kill your clan?" Sage asked, she was trying to distract him, but how long could she keep this up?

"What is that to you?"

"I can't see Nyris killing an entire clan without reason-

"Mr. Cyrus we should hurry it up, that innkeeper's son was nosing around the entire morning asking about the little sea witch and her friends."

"Fine." Cyrus came near Sage and drug her by her wrists towards Nyris "You believe in him so much? His goodness? Then you can have a front row seat and watch as he dies."

"You're crazed, not justified!" Sage yelled, her eyes widened as the blade of the sword went though Nyris' neck. Nyris felt the blood build in his throat, thick and hot, clogging up his airway.

Nyris made small gasping noses under the sash, he coughed, repeatedly.

"Stop this-

"This is what your faith got you, and now he's going to choke on it." Cyrus gave a nasty grin "Give the blade here." The man tossed it to Cyrus who held it high in the air.

"A strike to the heart, that'll finish you off for sure. Goodbye, Nyris of Azurai." Cyrus swung down and grinned as the blood flew in the air.

Piper shrieked as Cyrus removed the blade, he found himself in utter shock. In front of him was not Nyris, but Sage. She had jumped in front of him, taking his victory away. Sage coughed, feeling the blood pool from her chest, at least it missed her heart. She gave a sad smile at Nyris. Her amber eyes slowly closed as her body slumped to the ground. Sage! Sage! Sage! You can't die here, you can't die! Nyris felt a tear well up in his eye.

"Sage!" Piper tried to crawl towards her but fell against the cavern floor that scraped against her face "Sage!"

Nyris watched as her chest sank in and out, but slowly, she was breathing for now, but she didn't have much time. The tear escaped his eye, so frustrated and afraid he couldn't catch it.

"My mistake." Cyrus laughed "Looks like one less body to roll into the sea. But I won't miss a second time." Cyrus held the blade in the air once more, bringing it down. Nyris closed his eyes breathing in, he'd give anything to stop this all, erase it from view. Nyris felt time freeze in this moment, he opened his eyes watching it all. Piper was bawling on the floor, Sage was dying, and he was just there, unable to do anything. Think, damn you, think!

Blood. An old teacher from Nix told him once that blood magic could undo itself. It wasn't a natural magic or even considered dark, but it was all that he had. And all the blood that made the symbol on the floor was his blood. He could use his own blood, the blood that he was still choking down.

There was magic in it just as there was magic in the air. You couldn't just see it, but you had to feel it too, sense it all around you, let it pull in. Nyris just had to focus on absorbing it. Instead of over thinking it, he looked at Sage's face, growing paler by the second. Her blush covered lips slightly parted, a blood spot on her dress, the one he made out of the blue roses after their stay in Lapise, that only grew bigger.

This was not the Sage he wanted to see, he wanted to see the worrisome Sage, the bold and honorable Sage, the happy and charitable Sage. Not death, not her, not yet. Everything went silent as Cyrus watched, it was the same as before, Nyris' eyes turned a steely gray, his hair a deep plum. There was no time to react or speak, the white light enveloped him this time, and everything within it's reach was obscured.

Sage felt sore, so she was alive. Her chest wound still stung, but she felt alive and that's all that mattered. Her eyelids parted carefully taking in the view of the cave, she made out two figures, Piper was shivering on the floor ad Nyris sat next to her. As he extended a hand, she slapped his hand away. Unsure at why she did it, Piper grimaced.

"Ny, I-

"I understand. I can't begin to apologize for this, what you both were put through, because of me." Nyris seemed okay for the most part, but his eyes had lost confidence as he couldn't look Piper in the eye.

"It's not, because of you." Piper whispered "Not, because of what you did to them. You saved us."

What had Nyris done to their captors? As Sage looked around she didn't see them, the symbol on the floor had been broken, but Cyrus and his man were gone. Sage turned her head to the side to scan the rest of the cave. She had been carried from the spot she fell, so focused her eyes there, Cyrus was standing behind her. There was a small spot of ash, another small pile nearby close to the wall and that's it.

It didn't take much time to connect the dots, the mysterious form, the white light that turned an entire clan to ash. Was it possible for him to summon the powers of lightning from inside this dank hole in the earth?

"I know what they do to my kind, Ny. My sisters told me, it's the reason we rarely come up on land..But...I thought you were going to die, that we'd be sold off as slaves, that-

Nyris placed a hand on her shoulder "No more. Put it out of your head, Piper. My soul would have never rested if you were forced into such a fate."

Piper placed her head in between her legs and sobbed as Nyris ran his fingers through his hair, this was why he never came back, the good and bad, his good and his bad. The mistakes he made were accidents, faults of powers that weren't stable. But he still felt responsible for every instance that it happened.

Sage placed a hand to her chest and rose. "Fool, you're supposed to be resting!" Nyris snapped "Lay back down!"

"Are you both okay?"

"Of course we're okay, we didn't sustain as bad an injury as you have so lay d-

"Nyris, you almost died. Have your wounds healed?"

Nyris didn't want to shout, but he was pissed, pissed at her for being so caring about his well being and not her own. Nyris patted his chest "Mostly. I'm waiting for my magic to build back up and then we'll be back on the island okay? All three of us."

Sage believed him, but knew something was off. Everything was too quiet now.

After a few hours of sitting and waiting the winds kicked up again and transported the trio to the island. Warm sands and grand waves that climbed onto them.

"Piper!" All three whipped around to see two mermaids in the water, one had crimson curls and clear green eyes, the other had straight brunette locks and dark green eyes.

"Are those your sisters?" Sage asked.

"Two of them anyway. Brielle and Mielle, my elder twin sisters.." Piper walked close to the edge of shore with Sage and Nyris not far behind.

"Your face.." The red head one reached out and touched her cheek "Who hurt you?"

"Just some loud mouth human, it's nothing, Brielle. It's healing."

"A human?" Mielle twisted her lips "Food?"


"Were you on land?" Mielle stayed on topic.


"Ursa's going to flip out-

"I'm fine. Ny's going to let me stay here for awhile." Both women looked up at a disheartened Nyris.

"I guess this is fine." Mielle said to her sister "For now. When you are ready, Ursa would like a word. Be well, sister." Mielle kicked off on her tail and scurried into the sea.

"We trust Nyris, so please stay out of trouble."

"I will." Piper groaned. Brielle smiled at her, giving her a kiss on the cheek she then dove into the seas after Mielle.

"I'm sorry-

"It wasn't your fault Ny, mind if I take a little nap?"

"Not at all the bed is all yours, I can sleep on the couch." Piper walked off towards the little hut and when it was just him and Sage he sighed deeply, of course it was his fault.

"It worries me." Sage said in a soft spoken voice.

"What happened-

"No, Nyris. What worries me is that you've become so apologetic. Here I thought I was the one to say I'm sorry. Feeling the guilt of wearing out my welcome."

Nyris rubbed his eyes and then looked down at her, her light green hair tied up in a braid, her pale skin glowing in the sun light, how calm her hands were.

"I can feel guilt, because it was my mistake-

"Exactly, a mistake, an accident. You didn't mean to kill al those people did you? Nyris, look at me." His lavender eyes were skittish, but they burned into hers on the command "You're not that type of person. You've known war, death, but all of this is not on you."

Nyris felt weak, utterly lost at the moment. He patted Sage on the shoulder before leaving her on the shore by herself.

Three weeks passed. Nyris said a little prayer every morning, hoping for a small favor, he'd go to the cave to sit and think, shadowed in darkness. Piper and Sage would swim around the pond and talk about how fun it would be to go to another festival, to travel to different cities and explore. Sage would take a book from the shelf of the hut and read while Piper lent a hand in watering the plants, then they would switch duties and wait on Nyris to reappear.

Three weeks became three months, Sage was still no closer to unlocking her powers as Piper was beginning to feel cooped up, she would swim through the pond and go off on her own without a word to Nyris who she felt was worrying too much. Sage kept her secret for awhile until they came upon the forth month. Piper had been visiting the innkeeper's son, Magnus whom she had started a small romance with.

Piper woke up giddy and full of joy, she and Sage had woke up early so that Sage would keep guard of the pond while Nyris had alone time up in the cave. Of course neither one them could foresee Nyris sitting there waiting for them, his hair was red, his eyes a mesh of orange and yellow. He was sitting there on the ground, heated, literally.

He had his knees up and hands together watching the two girl's shock as they approached him.

"So, you've been leaving to visit your boyfriend. That's nice to know, Piper. Even comforting knowing that you knew the entire time, Sage."

"She's not a prisoner, she's free to leave if she wants."

"I was worried about her, about you. You didn't have to orchestrate this feeble minded plan behind my back. Just like sending your parents notice, that would have been nice, as a friend."

Piper sat down on the ground looking at his orange eyes frowning at her "I love him, Ny."

"You fall too quickly-

"No!" Piper hit her hands against the floor of the forest "I love him, he loves me. Truly, Ny."

"Not just to bed you?"

"That s hypocritical." Sage spat "You may not have accepted the women when you came here, but you never denied your past of missteps, you accepted them into your embrace, your bed, so that you could-

"Please, Sage." Piper pulled at her leg "It's okay, I can defend myself. He and I have only touched with our lips and nothing more. It may have been fast, it may have been sudden, but it's real for me and for him." She pulled small item from her dress and showed it to Nyris. "He wishes to be with me forever, in an official union."

Nyris sniffed sourly into the air "Does he know what you are-

"Yes, he knows, he knows of what I've done and I know what he has done. I laid all my sins bare and he's accepted every single one."

"How will you live? Where will you live? Not the ocean entirely, and not up on land."

Piper rubbed her hands together "Holis, it's the safest place that we can live together in peace without people judging me, because of what I am. I just thought he was a cute guy that I could have relations with, but I found more and I'm taking it, Ny."

Nyris was silent for a few moments, his hair and eyes turned back to their original colors "I'm sorry."

Piper wrapped her arms around his muscular form "It's okay, I'm just going to miss you guys when it happens."

"Just remember to send us notice before the big day." Sage smiled as Piper latched onto her.

"I will, but now I have to go. I'll be okay, just don't get too cozy and forget about me."

"Don't be ridiculous, you're one of my best friends, I could never forget you."

After more goodbyes were exchanged the elated mermaid swam off into the pond to find her own path.

Two more months passed and the duo received word from Brielle or Mielle that their sister was fine and still planning for her wedding, the invites came a week before via seashell magic. Still in a funk, Nyris would go to his cave to think while Sage tended to the wildlife. Today as he made his way towards the entrance of his thinking hole, he noticed a small patch of grass growing on the rocky floor.

Nyris breathed, trying not to get upset, ever since Piper left, Sage had tried even harder to free her powers, and little by little there were small growths appearing in places that she had been. Sage knew she wasn't allowed in the cave, but then there was another small patch of grass inside the entrance. She was checking on him, even though it was from a good place, Nyris still liked some privacy on the island.

He took his time making his way back to the shoreline and entered the hut, Sage was reading a book on the constellations while she sat on the fluffy pink sofa.

"Hey." She said this casually, when she was enthralled into a book she couldn't snap back into the real world until the entire text was read.

"Were you in the cave?" Nyris asked her outright, he didn't want to play games or see if she would jump. Sage placed the book down on it's face.

"You've been holing yourself in there for months, I was just checking to see how you were."

"You have this backwards, I should be checking you. Are you still sore?"

"No, and the scar's gone away. Nyris-

"You're leaving grass everywhere you go." Nyris picked up the book and looked it over.

"I'm still figuring out my powers, I'm not trying too, I t just happens. I can't even feel it."

"You have ways to go, Sage. But for the time being, stay out of the cave." He lightly tapped her forehead with the book.

"Fine, I'll give you your space."

"Aww, do you miss me?" Nyris teased "Lonely?"

"Oh you.." Sage felt her face heat up, even though it was joke, she did miss Nyris' company, she tapped him back with the book.

Nyris grinned "We can take a walk about the forest tomorrow morning, and you can lament on my brooding okay?"

"Deal." Sage smiled. And just like that they were friends once more.

As promised when the first rays broke and fell onto the island Nyris was up with Sage walking through the green thicket gathering herbs and fruit in hand. The wind was brisk and wild, nearly knocking Sage into a tree, but Nyris caught her, sort of. Her leg pulled back against his, she went right, he went left causing them to fall next to one another. They both laughed looking at one another.

His copper skin and light eyes made him seem foreign to Sage, always, not odd, but just a bit far from where they resided. Sage pulled a dark strand away from his face, they were very close, but a bit far too.

Nyris felt a small warmth sink through him, he didn't want to admit that their bond was growing into something more. She seemed naïve and scared at first. Now she was confident, stronger, ready to embrace the world, light or dark.

Sage never had a crush before, but she always enjoyed Nyris' presence, whether he was joking or being serious. He was always with her now, there for her, protecting her, sharing his life with her.

Nyris didn't know whether to say something or not, but his face moved towards hers. His response was his lips pressing against hers, for a full minute. Sage reciprocated by placing her hands on the side his face, feeling his hair brush against her fingers. Her lips were so supple, tasting of fizzle berries, sweet and spicy.

Nyris pulled away "I..This can't go on." Nyris got up off of the ground, he helped Sage up.

"Is this, because of my age? Nyris it's a number. I feel something for you."

Nyris stiffened, he could hear his heart beating faster, the bold admittance was something he wasn't expecting. She was able to speak from her true emotions, but he had a lump in his that prevented him from doing the same.

"I'd be a danger too you, Sage, you know this first hand."

Sage gave him a leveled stare crossing her arms "We all have sins, but I'm willing to accept yours. You've known since then, haven't you?"

Nyris rubbed his head, he did know. Sage was in a position where anything and everything could have be done to her, and she didn't fear it, but kept faith in him and only him. Thoughts of her pushed him to prevail in the situation, he didn't want to risk this, her life, her feelings just for him. But he knew she wouldn't stop, just because he said so, and he couldn't stop if she stayed with him. Nyris would worry if she had left to live somewhere other than near him, where he could see her and keep watch.

"Nyris, say something."

"I think that it's wonderful that you can accept my sins, my past, but being as I have feelings for you I'd do anything to keep you safe. And I want you to remain safe, Sage." He placed his hands on her shoulders "I don't wish to displease you, but your safety is my first priority."

"Yes, I understand." Sage looked down, he had feelings, but similar to her powers they laid dormant. Strong, tender arms pulled her into a hug. Nyris held her against his chest as if she were the most precious thing on earth, because to him she was.

Two more months blew by in time for a seaside wedding in Holis. A flick of his wrist and Nyris teleported himself and Sage to their destination in full wedding attire, a black tux, white undershirt for him, and a cascading gown for her. Sage had let her hair fall down off her shoulders, against the short sleeves of her sun-soaked dress.

Down by the beach Nyris spotted all fourteen of Piper's sisters standing in the front row. Magnus' father also stood in front smiling, waiting patiently for his son's bride to arrive. Once they got in placed, the wedding commenced.

Piper feeling that white wasn't appropriate decided on a sea-green dress that went well with the coloring of her hair. Once the vows were exchanged as well as a kiss, she was officially Piper Harrin. Food, dancing chatter, and music circled along the beach.

"Ha, I knew it!" Piper hopped up and down in her dress pointing at Nyris and Sage who were alarmed by the volume of her voice.

"What are you speaking of?" Nyris said rubbing his ear. Piper pointed at their joined hands.

"Afraid you'll lose her in the crowd, Ny?" Nyris glared, he felt the blush creep up his face and averted his eyes "Ha, I knew you two would have a thing going."

"No, you have a thing." Sage waved her hand around "This is your thing, your official thing."

"Not yet you don't, but before you scowl let me just say that I'm happy, over the moon that you guys made it."

"Same, just try to be appropriate." Nyris told her.

"That's what I've loved about you, Ny. Always the dreamer."

A month after the wedding Nyris and Sage both received a message from Piper from a magic seashell message.

"You guys, I'm in heaven. Complete and utter bliss. Guess what? Guess what? We, Magnus and I are having a baby! Can you believe it? I'm expecting, Magnus is so excited. I miss you guys. Visit soon, bye."

Nyris grinned at the little shell, Piper was really having her own life, love, a husband, now a child. He was happy that he could at least know that she was safe, that she had someone to fill her days with light.

"Have you ever wanted children?" Sage asked.

"I never had time to give it real thought. I don't know. What about you?"

"As a child, I imagined marrying a fairytale prince and having two children, and living happily ever after." Sage laughed "But now, I don't know either. I've been thinking about Piper"

"I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to apologize for, Nyris. We're at a mutual understanding." And this was slowly weighing on Nyris' mind and his heart.

Nine months later in a moderately sized beachside home in Holis, Piper gave birth to a baby girl who had deep brown eyes, bright seafoam hair, and beige skin. She looked more human than mermaid. Nyris and Sage were there to greet their new goddaughter. Once the delivery was through they both were invited into the bedroom where Magnus held her in his arms.