The Special Millionaire Chemical Pt. 10


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Chapter 47

John said, "Sounds like an answer interviews could be held it's an island that can be secured with our help. If you like we can set up testing facility in the houses which will give you a full medical staff. We both can give it a top secret base designation."

"Looks like you guys are deciding for me and my family."

"No we are just talking you see the problems coming up here you know it would be next to impossible to remain here. You accomplished something no man on this planet has done united our two countries in a common war on education against crime. But with your situation it will fall apart if you stay here."

"Yes, I do see that and this is tempting but I got to talk to my slaves. Plus I have stuff here that I don't want to lose and have some gold I was told anything on the property was mine I gave the drugs to the mayor and the guns. But the gold I kept.

It was in the agreement we both signed. Will this place can remain yours for as long as you like tax free and we can put your gold where ever you like. I said you guys better come with me and I punched in my code and the wall opened went down and showed them my gold room where there on the floor was four pallet loads of gold. "Now where can I put that where it's safe?" John stuttered and you got evolved with civic matters?"

"Yea smart eh?"

"You do realize this is more than that drug dealer had this was the holdings of the syndicate or the cartels it is wonder your still alive Scott."

Never stopped to think about there was this much pure coke and the same in arms."

Stephen said, "Yes we got the arms as a matter of fact they are on that island."

"Oh great, get rid of them one place and you trying to give them back."

John said, "Here is the analogy for you to think on image you in your buff no weapons just your body going to fight an elephant bare hands and feet punch him he probably won't feel it hit him in a sensitive spot and he steps on you."

"You don't get hurt you don't get wounded you get dead. That's why the guns and so much fire power to keep the peace."

"Well that is not working well now a days is it."

John said, "Scott your right that is why we need people like you to give us the proper strategy to stop this."

"That is as easy answer but your big business won't like it."

"What you have a solution yes but it would take more than a night to lay it out but you would never do it your like the red coats fighting in uniform out in the open while the Indians hid and you couldn't tell a good Indian from the bad and your latest example was Vietnam."

"You got your ass kicked there and you're going to get them kicked here."

"Your answer is in history but you don't see it."

"Enlighten us," John said.

Remember what the Russians did when the Germans were trying to take their country?"

"They did a lot of things."

"As the Germans advance they burnt everything left them no food contaminated water stretched their supply line past what they could maintain they got to the gates no further. That's what you guys need to do."

"I don't follow," said John. "No I suppose you don't because it is so far out what was brainwashed into you that it is a foreign idea,"

as we walked back to the office bar area.

"These extremist don't want us infidels on their land correct. Then give them that destroy everything from the west buildings steel does not come from their country destroy every piece blow up every high rise that has our steel leave them with exactly what we went in there no dams no steal no pavement all western devices along with western people leave the middle east."

" Start the middle eastern police force here, one terrorist act and that whole community is deported let them police themselves if they want to stay they will work with our police to make it happen it is like you said the elephant and the man be the elephant."

"We need the oil, John said.

"Fuck the oil, those oils are killing the planet use our own and develop your secret technologies your rovers on the moon didn't need fossil fuel, we don't."

Stephen said, "It would through the world into depression."

"You don't know that, big business is telling you that. You ask for the way to fight and win."

"There it is otherwise in a few years they will be running both our countries they are already putting their people in elected positions just when you gave black the vote how long before you had black in congress I am not saying that is wrong it was right but to allow a group of people that our philosophy is so much different to sit in our government. They already have been able to take prayer out of our schools singing our national anthem basic things our countries are founded on you guys have to stop it or surrender to them." How much longer do you think you're going to be able to keep the saying on your American dollars 'In God We Trust'."

Our families on average have 1.5 kids was the last statistic. Middle eastern is 6-8 kids how long before they out number us in this country and take over your jobs Stephen and John do the math. They don't have to go to war anymore. Look at your elected officials in Vancouver the inner city is almost all eastern Orientals."

"Anyway you asked so there it is"

Stephen and John just looked at each other and at me and said, "That is an awful extreme view."

"Yes maybe but you can't fight a war like the wars in the past Vietnam showed you that."

Reverse the tide stop trading with them destroy anything they got from us use our gold silver whatever by back the planes tanks guns everything not made in their country let them have their oil with no pumps no pipe line they will no longer be the rich country their people will demand a change or leave there middle east no more Mr. nice guy we can't afford it." Any way you guys will never do it in a decade they will be sitting in your office and you will scratch your head how it happened. Good night guys I will let you know about the island it does sound promising but I must talk to my family."

I left them and they talked through the night I guess until the sun was coming up I went down seen them still in discussion. I had my girls bring in the coffee and called them for breakfast.

They said, "They talked all night what I said was right but how much they could do was another thing."

I said, "Simple start backwards from when they will take over your countries without firing a shot. Then start planning what must be done and will be done."

"Anyway we talked last night and of course they said it was my decision and I said we go with a few stipulations of course."

Johns said, "I knew this guy was a born Politician."

"Medical facility I am in charge you have access to all data but I am King on that island and everything there."

"Two, No military base like Cuba however a security force like big red one is acceptable and I would Like Lieutenant Commander John Grimes to be the head."

"Three, I want to be able to defend that island so at least two apache helicopter and a couple harrier jets and I need an air field camouflage to land air force one, because I would like you guys to visit when you want to get away."

"Also like full radar so a mouse can't get close without me knowing and repelling things like patriot missiles and underwater release mines or whatever to stop underwater attack."

"Were out there all alone hours away from major protection so we need to be prepared. All of this gives your team's free access to my brain and my kids if indeed they are prodigies. And one last thing I want access to spy satellites when they are in my area so I can see any developing threat even a weather storm."

Stephen said, "You're not asking for much you sure you don't want our wives too?"

"No but if you got some teenage daughters?"

"Go way with you, you're a horny punk." Everybody was coming in now so the subject changed to lighter topics like trade agreements and the likes. The backlash from business was already on the news how these two leaders was putting us deeper in recession as of all the people they were laying off due to cancelation of sports.

The President's advisors were calling saying they had to fight back their numbers were dropping in the polls. John Stephen I am sorry to all the people here.

Mr President, Prime Minister call the press let me take the heat off turn it on these guys."

" Scott to you I am John and I am Stephen."

"Have them hear within 1 hr for a international transmission."

"You don't mess around want some time to prepare a speech?"

"Nope don't need it going to be short and not so sweat."

Family get ready for school and Elli came out with her cuffs and collar and I said, "You don't need it today." She kissed me and said, "Thank you oh master."

Chapter 48

"Brad take care of her and let Mrs. Dagger know to turn on the TV I am sure she is being pressured also."

The media set up and the music started for the president and the three of us walked to the podium Prime Minister on my right President on my left. I dug in my pocket and gave each a five dollar bill, "You will know when to give it to me." The shook there heads and looked at each other.

John says, "My writers spend days on a speech this guy spends seconds."

"Good morning citizens of both countries we are still at my home in Nova Scotia and we are getting some disturbing reports. We knew big business was not going to be happy because the criminal part of that industry is being put out of business. But that should of helped our two friends here."

"I do say friends because these two are helping our sons and daughters become educated bringing all there recourses their best minds to figure out ways to help your sons and daughters to catch up and become part of the solution not part of the problem How many off you mothers are home crying because your son or daughter is in jail thinking why weren't they there for my child."

"The answer is they didn't know it was hidden from them the same as it was from you but now it's in the light now."

"Your younger children can get an education and our governments pledge to do their very best to get your children educated."

"They are going to need your help your support it is a two way street big business says they will be laying off workers. Nice scare tactic but I would ask them, why would they lay off workers when their business is about to boom.

There are thousands of students that would like to play hockey that are passing in school and they can play against themselves very easily red team blue team same school when they go to play they pick out of a hat 10 blue ten red and if there are the required number that want to compete they would pick and would be a white with a blue or red corner meaning they would play the next game everybody that wants to play gets to play but they all need gear cups jerseys pads all the things one team would get now could expand to hundreds in each school big business wants to shut down on this lucrative matter the only ones to get hurt on this is organized crime they will lose the gambling money they will lose the new incoming crooks they are the losers."

"We the people are the winners your leaders this President and my Prime Minister are taking the lead as your leader that you elected. Do you support your leader or organized crime big business what say you now?"

The President and the Prime Minister held up the five dollar bills. I took them and said, 'see people it pays to be on the winning side I just made 10 bucks, which I donate to our governments back to educate our unfortunate students that got sucked into this trap."

In closing all I got to say is call your MLAs your councillors your mayors senators all your politicians let them know you support education over sports and support your leaders for making this happen and giving you back your son and daughters.

"Do either of you have anything to add?" John said, "I got no more bills to give you."

"Stephen pulled the twin flags that I had last night and said Scott Hanson or Batman however you want to call him is much more than a Canadian he is a young man helping all students everywhere bigger than himself and proud to have him part of our circle of citizens."

The President and Prime Minister started clapping as did the room the camera panned all the dignitaries there and then back on us and faded to black.

The clapping continues and I said, "I really don't have any more bills to give you guys."

The phones started ring the Premier's office said the phones were going crazy the mayor called on my private phone said he was five minutes away and his office called about all the calls. "Good then get the word out to every politician the response they are getting we need to put big business behind us and fast."

John said, "That is the first time as a politician I had nothing to say on TV I must of looked like a duffus."

"You two were great you two let me be the bad guy standing up to organized crime."

"We need to keep you around and John there are way too many guns south of the border."

"But you made yourself even a bigger target."

"Yea isn't that great now you have to meet my conditions."

They looked at each other and we all laughed. The news man said you may want to turn on the national talk shows you guys are the subject on all of them.

The presidents phone rang and an the aid said congress put together a bill and made it law to suspend completive sports it's expected to pass unanimously later today. Congress has already said they support the bill and will pass it as soon as they get it. Stephen phone rang and said they were calling back parliament to pass the same bill.

John said, "I am glad he can't run for President I would be out of a job."

I said, "If you like I can go back on TV see if they want to change that law so I could run."

"Go way you Punk," John said laughing.

Mrs Dagger called and said, "We are inundated with calls from parents and news reporters the school is in turmoil. I said, "It will settle down I can't come in while my guest are here and it's probably better if I stay home anyway."

The chef said, "He put on a nice lunch roast pheasants."

"Nice to be famous never had such fine food you guys need to come round more often. The governor general said, "He got word that England and the European countries were examining their schools to see if they had the same problem across the pond as they called it."

"Scott what started out as one girl sure started a storm nothing can stop it now it is too big and your little speech today united our people like the Boston tea party did," John said.

Stephen said, "The Canadians are the same I just got word that the NHL is endorsing us and is checking all its triple A teams for education qualification. The Universities are also moving in the same directions."

I said to Stephen, "Does the words get out of Dodge fit my situation."

John spoke first and said, "Get is to light of a word gone, gone, gone, is better, I am sending the fleet to your island to get things set up Stephen said, "I will send what we have to help."

"Let's get your people here," Stephen said to his security force, "Go get them and I said, "Remember Brad drives Mary make it clear."

Stephen laughed and said, "You don't want a few RCMP officers." Stephen John and I laughed the other people all wondering why. I said private joke sorry don't mean to be rude. But it's a national secret."

Then I said. "I am a Nation now. "Yes king Hanson," John said.

"Aw lost my Batman title moving down in the world next I be a president. Every one chuckled at that.

President's wife Shelia said, "Darling I think this kid just insulted you."

"Sheila my love what this genius has done for our countries he can joke and make fun of me the rest of his life, as I know the humour of this punk."

"Mrs First Lady, no harm or disrespect is meant against this great man. It has been such a whirlwind this last week humour is what we got left or we would sit and cry what has happened to so many of our students on both sides of the border."

That got an applause again and I think I turned red. Stephen said, Folks we got him he actually turned red."

"Gees you guys I was making a statement not a speech."

The group laughed and everybody was directing their conversation at me while in the background was John and Stephen. I looked over they just shrugged, pointed at me and laughed.

The chef came out and said, "Lunch is served. We were ushered into our seats at the head of the table they had my name tag to my right the president to my left the Prime Minister to my left. The wine glasses were filled with the french crystal and serve a french wine called champagne. The glasses were filled and no one said a word just looked at me and the chef said, "You are the head sir your to make the toast."

I stood and said, "I guess this is my duty and I have nothing prepared but I make a toast to democracy and to these two gentlemen."

"The leaders of our free world my they rein and bring peace to the world. I also wish to thank all for coming to celebrate this fine food and to lend support to this venture may God show us the way to save our children," and I took a drink from my glass as did everybody.

The president stood and said, "As usual this young man has upstaged me but I propose a toast to King Scott Hanson may his rein on his island nation bring him peace."

They all took a sip.

Prime Minister Clapper spoke, I propose a toast to a hero a real hero he not only brought this huge problem to light he stood out in front making it his crusade as if it was all him to take the heat of the president and myself. He knows full well a contract will if it already hasn't be put out on his life."

"He has united the people of both countries behind this and is going to put a dent in organized crime and now it seems to be going across the free world seriously crippling organized crime.

There is an island outside all jurisdictions and Like Mister President said is outside all jurisdictions making him King both of us have made it a top secret base to keep unwanted guest away and will support this base with all the latest technologies to protect this extraordinary young man and his family. I also hear by make a toast to our hero King Scott Hanson."

Here, here was hears around the table and a sip of wine was taking and then another applause and after a few minutes everybody was sitting eating.

I said to Stephen, "I wonder if this is what the last supper felt like."

John piped in and said, "No they didn't have pheasant," smiling.

Stephen said, "Its uncanning how you can come up with a speech from nowhere we had all morning to prepare ours and until the chef told you Scott, you did not know. You have to get me in on that sleep technique."

Chapter 49

John said, "You have to stand in line my election comes first."

"Oh goodie put you both to sleep put in a subliminal message to have you join countries and make me King that be fun."

"Scott you really are a nut in all this adversity you joke and make light of it."

The good thing is the iron is hot and unless you're going to make yourself a target I will allow you to use me I can turn the credit back to you on election but use me to save the kids. I plan on leaving here by the morning and what you guys need to do is find your trouble spots I will land there go to a high school speak and leave crisscross me across the country let no one except your most trusted people know I am coming we can set up for national in less than an hour gives the assassin less of a target.

"Stephen can you secure my gold." I won't need it on the island but the cash for security and god knows what else. I will personally handle it most of it will go to the Caymans and Switzerland we well figure it out and thank you for trusting me I could retire with that yes but I have John to supervise you and then I will have Mary come visit you."