The Stewardess

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Carol spends the evening with a passenger.
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Author's Preface: Everyone in this story is over eighteen years or older. The story is entirely fictional. Any similarities to real people or events are purely coincidental. Constructive comments are always welcomed.


It was 16:00 DST on All American Air flight 247 and Carol was tired. It had been a long day. Based in Dallas, Carol had flown from Dallas to Los Angeles to Chicago. In Chicago, she had a twelve-hour layover. Tomorrow, she'd fly to Miami and then back home to Dallas. As usual, the flight was packed. It was the last leg of their flight, so she'd be in her hotel room in a couple of hours.

Carol loved being a stewardess. She found life after college pretty grim. This was the early seventies, and good jobs for women were rarely available. After four years, she hadn't found any jobs she was qualified for, and the jobs she could get were only slightly above secretarial jobs.

She was young and good-looking. The idea of being stuck in an office all day, for lousy pay, did not appeal to her. She wanted to have fun, party, and travel. Luckily for her, the seventies were also "the good old days" in the airline business. They could still hire stewardesses based on how good they looked in their short little uniforms, rather than, on their ability to do their jobs (maybe more so). It was the days of the "Fly Me" advertising campaign. All airlines sold the suggestion of sex. It's what the passengers, mostly men, wanted.

Carol was an ideal candidate to be a stewardess. She was smart, tall, slender, confident, and extremely attractive. After applying to all the major airlines, she was hired by All American Air based in Dallas. As a stewardess, she could travel and see the world.

She loved the image that people had of stewardesses and flirted on the job constantly. When she gave a man special attention, they noticed. She knew the effect she had on men and loved the attention. She got hit on constantly (all the stewardesses did) and had to learn excuses to turn men down while still being pleasant.

She especially liked the longer flights filled with businessmen who flew regularly. They knew what they were doing, making less work for the crew. The business passengers were also dressed better than average. Fit men in $1000 suits were much better eye candy than fat guys in cut-off jeans.

Carol was not being her usual perky self today, and a friend, Susan, noticed and followed her to the galley.

"Hey Carol, what's wrong with you today?"

"Oh, nothing really, just a bit of drama at home," She hesitated and then said, "Steve dumped me." Steve was her most recent boyfriend. They'd been dating for a couple of months.

They didn't have time to talk because it was a busy flight, but Susan said, "Let's talk later."

After landing and doing her paperwork, Carol boarded the shuttle bus to the hotel. She checked into her room and got cleaned up. Susan knocked on the door. They decided to go out to a small restaurant nearby for dinner.

"So what happened with this guy, what's his name?" Susan asked.

"His name is Steve. You've met him and he dumped me," Carol answered.

"So? I can't believe you didn't dump him after one date. He wasn't attractive, was as dull as dry toast, and from what I could see he had a tiny package. Am I wrong?"

"You're probably right, but I wouldn't call his package 'tiny', it was more like 'petite'," Carol laughed.

"Did he at least know how to use what he had?"

"Not really. He had no concept of foreplay, and he was a lousy kisser. He'd never go down on me but expected a blowjob. His stamina was not great either. I was never really satisfied with the sex."

"Sounds like you're well rid of him. I know they say sex isn't everything, but without great sex, then other stuff probably isn't great either," Susan said.

"Still, I hate the idea he broke up with me. Like I wasn't good enough. I haven't had a real boyfriend in a long time. I get lonely sometimes."

"Screw that! You're a Sky Goddess. That loser will soon realize that he walked away from the high point of his pathetic life," Susan said. "You need to realize the power you have over men."

Their food arrive and the girls ate and drank. Susan was trying to cheer Carol up a bit and kept ordering more drinks. They couldn't drink too much. They had to get ready to fly out at six in the morning, and it was going to be another long day.

Sitting at the table and looking around the restaurant, Susan asked Carol, "You see all the guys sitting around in here?" Carol nodded. "You could go up to anyone of them and say, 'I'm a stewardess. I'm easy, are you?' Even if they're married and on a trip with their wife and children, they'd go to your room with you."

Carol was a bit shocked and said, "No they wouldn't. I could never do that!"

"Sure you could. Do you want me to show you? Pick a man for me," said Susan with a wicked look in her eyes.

"No. And shut up."

"You might choose not to, but you could. You have the power," replied Susan.

Carol could picture Susan doing that. She was a bit of a slut. She hated thinking of her friend that way, but Susan partied a lot and often had sex with strangers. Susan rarely went out with the same guy more than once. As far as Carol knew, Susan had never had a boyfriend.

"What you need is to fuck a good-looking stranger," Susan said. "We've all been given business cards by passengers looking to 'spend the evening' with us. Right?"

"I suppose."

"What would happen if you saw a good-looking guy on a flight and flirted with him, to get his card? You would be choosing him rather than having some random guy, praying to get lucky, handing you his card."

"No way, this is stupid. I'm not going to have sex with a man I just met on a plane, " Carol said.

"Why not, it's not like you didn't have one-night stands with strangers in college. This way, you get to screen him on the flight, gauge his interest, and then go out with a good-looking guy that you know something about. You'll be completely in control," Susan said.

"What's wrong? Are you chicken?" Susan asked.

That phrase has caused so many bad decisions to be made. That phrase and too much alcohol.

"I'm not chicken," Carol said.

"Then you must be afraid that you won't be able to pick up a man that's not at a drunken college party?" Susan said.

"I can pick up any guy I set my sights on. But this just sounds crazy," Carol blurted out.

When Carol got home to Dallas, her apartment seemed very empty. She no longer had a boyfriend who got excited that she was home. She didn't want to go out by herself, and she had nothing to do until she flew again in a couple of days. The things Susan said, kept running through her head.

On one hand, it would be stupid, possibly dangerous, and certainly demeaning to pick up a guy on a flight for a one-night stand. She wasn't a co-ed anymore. On the other hand, she thought about how much fun she'd had in college. She'd bedded guys without knowing them or their names for that matter (not often, she wasn't a slut). It was usually a drunken mess and the sex was not great, but it was fun and dirty. She missed the fun she had in college.

She took off her uniform skirt and shirt and lay on her bed to relax for a minute. She kept flashing back to her college days. While most of her one-night stands were not great, she still had a good time. She picked the guy she wanted and was in control. Sometimes the sex was bad. Sometimes OK, sometimes good, and on very rare occasions, it was outstanding.

She thought about one night in particular when she met Derek. He was no ordinary lover. She could still picture every inch of him. Could still smell him, could almost taste him. It had been over 5 years ago, but it still was the best purely sexual encounter she'd ever had.

Derek was a law student who had just graduated. He showed up at a dorm party visiting a friend. These parties were usually boring affairs, with the same old people, and I considered skipping it. But it was the end of the semester, and I was looking for some fun, so I went to check it out. Derek was new. I'd never seen him at one of these parties, so I went over to talk to him. He was beyond good-looking, tall, blond with blue eyes and a sparkling smile. I pressed up against him to let someone pass, and it was clear that he had a rock-hard body. I got him several beers to loosen him up and then told him I had a bottle of Jack Danial's Black in my room. Giving him my room number, I told him to meet me there in five minutes. I went first to straighten up a bit. He arrived with several cold bottles of Coke to use as mixers. I handed him the liquor, and he made us a couple of strong drinks.

Back in her apartment, her hand drifted to her bra-encased breasts and then slipped under her white work bra. She felt a familiar warmth radiating from her belly as she pinched and pulled her nipples. The warmth spread lower, and she followed the feeling with her hand, sliding it down her flat tummy and into her plain white panties, as she remembered that night.

He brought my drink over and sat very close to me on the only place available, the bed. We talked while finishing our drinks, and he made us another. By the time we finished our second drink, I knew that he was 30 years old, eight years my senior. He started college late. After high school, he wasn't ready for college, so he got a job ferrying sailboats from one place to another for rich people. Between jobs, he was on his own and could enjoy the places he traveled to and had stories from each. He saw a lot of the world before he started college. His voice was soothing, and his stories were full of exciting adventures. I had never met a man so charming, disarming, and charismatic. I found myself hanging on his every word as if he had cast a spell on me.

As she ran her finger up and down her warm, wet slit, she thought about how pretty he was. Her excitement rose a notch.

After finishing my drink and hearing about his exotic adventures, I was a little tipsy and a lot horny. I threw my leg over him, sat on his lap, and gave him a hot, hungry kiss. It was a wonderful kiss, and it made me want more. He wrapped his arms around me, and I cupped his face in my hands and deepened the kiss. He slid his hands slowly from my waist up to the back of my head. The kiss became warmer, wetter, and sexier. I scooted higher on his legs, closer to him. I could feel that he was well-endowed and that his interest in me was growing rapidly.

At home, her hand reached her clit. Touching it made her moan slightly. She ran her finger around it gently. It was too sensitive for much pressure right now, but she had plenty of time. Her excitement ratcheted up.

Derek pushed me back slightly and looked deeply into my eyes and smiled, melting my will to resist him. He told me that he was going to unbutton my thin white blouse. I just nodded. He undid each button slowly, running his hand over the skin he'd just exposed. I wanted him to go faster. I wanted to just rip the blouse off myself, scattering the buttons around the room, and then rip his shirt off. But no, I had given up control long ago, something that I'd rarely done in my life.

When the final button was undone, he pulled the shirt out of my pants and spread it open, exposing my breasts to the cool air in the room. My already erect nipples got even harder. Derek pulled my shirt off my shoulders part way down my arms, pinning my arms back and thrusting my breasts out towards him. Finding a nipple, he traced his tongue around it, teasing me. I pushed my chest out further until he sucked and flicked it with his tongue. His hand found the other nipple, and he twisted and pulled it.

Back home, Carol remembered how her breasts felt when exposed to the cool air. Was it her imagination, or was the room cooler now? No matter, her nipples stiffened as she felt exposed. Remembering that moment, made her shiver with excitement. Her panties were now drenched as her finger rubbed harder around and around her little pearl.

Derek told me, he was going to remove my pants. I could only whisper "Yes", as he unbuttoned them. He pushed me off of his lap and onto my back on the bed. He removed my shoes and socks, then unzipped and pulled off my pants and panties together. I lay before him naked, except for the shirt trapping my arms. I was a little embarrassed by the hungry way he looked at me, and the submissive way I looked back at him, but it excited me. He turned me over and finished removing my shirt, and slapped my tight bottom.

Derek told me to take his clothes off. I jumped up and got down on my knees, unbuckled his belt, and unbuttoned his jeans. He stopped me and told me to do the shirt first. I did, but quickly, and I was impressed by the vision of his hard chest, well-muscled arms, and six-pack abs. I kissed and nipped at his nipples, then dropped to my knees and continued removing his pants. I undressed him like it was Christmas morning, hurriedly unzipping and pulling down his jeans, dying to get to my present. He wasn't wearing underwear, so his hard cock popped out and bounced and jiggled in front of my face. It made me happy and gave me naughty ideas.

I reached out and held it in both hands. It felt heavy, and there was a drop of pre-cum oozing out, that I quickly licked off. He moaned when my tongue touched the crown, and my lips spread over it. My tongue swirled all over his head and I concentrated on the most sensitive part on the bottom. I slid him in and out of my mouth a few times, then licked him, from the base to the head, slowly. He moaned as I engulfed his head again, taking it as far down as I could, over and over. I loved the feeling of his smooth cock in my mouth. His taste and scent were masculine. I was eager to please him and the swelling of his cock made me proud.

He pulled me off. Surprising me. I thought I had done something wrong. I wanted to taste his cum. But he put me on the bed and crawled between my legs, stopping inches from my pussy.

Carol realized that this wasn't going to be a quickie for her. She needed a serious orgasm. It had been a while. She didn't want to, but she stopped playing with herself to pull off her bra and her now-soaked panties. She reached over and pulled out her large, cock shaped vibrator, turned off the light and lit a candle. Then she settled down, naked, to finish what she'd started. Now, where was I, she thought and closed her eyes.

Derek seemed to have learned a lot about pleasing women in his thirty years of life. He'd learned to control himself and to put a woman's needs before his own. An excellent trait in a lover. As a sailor, he probably had a woman in every port, and practice makes perfect. I relaxed and let him be in control. It was the right choice.

For a few moments, he seems to immerse himself in the sight and scent of my sex. He explored my pussy with his mouth. His tongue ran slowly up and down the outsides of my lips then down the center, spreading them, just grazing my clit. His lips sucked on mine. He seemed to be in no hurry, but he was driving me insane. I had never had sensations this powerful. He glanced up and looked at me. I closed my eyes and bit my lower lip. My breathing was rapid and ragged. Flattening his tongue, he licked me from my anus to my clit. His tongue on my anus surprised me, no one had ever done that before, but it felt wonderful. When he touched my clit, I jumped. It felt like an electric shock, from his tongue, to my clit, to the rest of my body.

Carol ran her vibrator up and down her slit before switching it on to its lowest setting. Touching it to her clit, she found that it was still too sensitive. She pressed it against her entrance and found that she was so wet and ready that it slid right inside. Switching it to 'medium', she left it there, sending her arousal state higher. Her hands now free, she continued rubbing around her clit and rolling her nipples between her fingers.

He licked all around my clit and I could tell I was going to come soon. He sucked my clit deep into his mouth and rapidly flicked it with his tongue. That sent me over the edge. My back arched and my toes curled so tightly that I thought they would cramp. With my muscles tensed, I could hardly move. Derek continued rapidly licking my clit, taking me to another level. I screamed and collapsed as I was hit by another orgasm. I'm sure the whole dorm could hear my scream, but I didn't care. I lay on the bed, not being able or willing to move or speak. My muscled twitched randomly as I regained my senses.

Derek was the first guy to go down on me that knew what he was doing. That orgasm was, by far, the best I'd ever had.

Her excitement had grown overpowering, her swollen clit could now take more direct pressure, and she rubbed it between two fingers harder and harder. She pinched and pulled her nipple, causing the most exquisite pain.

Before I had completely recovered, he slid a finger into my well-lubricated entrance. I was so sensitive, I didn't think I could take anymore. But he continued and bent his finger to gently rub on the inside of my vagina. As he continued, he put pressure on my engorged clit with his thumb. My third orgasm suddenly hit me, and I screamed in pleasure.

Exhausted, I tried to regain my senses, but he flipped me over like a rag doll and pulled me up onto my hands and knees. I was dripping wet with anticipation, as he crawled behind me.

She pulled the vibrator out of her pussy, and turned it to "high". She pressed it directly on her clit, while mauling her breast with her hand. That was it for her.

He rubbed his head up and down my slit, pressing against my clit, then slipped into my waiting hole. Just the head at first, then increasing the pressure until his balls touched my clit. He pulled back until he was almost out of me, leaving me feeling empty, and then pushed in again slowly. I pushed back. Gradually building up speed, he was soon pounding his cock into me, his balls hitting my clit with every thrust. My arms buckled, and my head fell into my pillow. I grabbed the pillow and screamed my orgasm into it. My pussy muscles contracted over and over, squeezing his cock like a vise, pushing him over the edge. He emptied his load deep inside me.

She screamed, and her body jerked and twisted, but she kept the vibrator pressed against her throbbing clit until she couldn't take it anymore.

The thought of that extraordinary fucking, the vibrator, and the action of her own hands made her whole body stiffen and convulse in a massive orgasm. Carol rolled up into a ball as she came down and relaxed. She felt better than she had in a long time.

After a short nap, Carol thought about what Susan said, and was warming to the idea. If she could find the right guy, it could be a sexy, dirty, and fun adventure. She might not be a co-ed anymore, but she still wanted fun in her life. She especially wanted an adventurous sex life. Thinking about sleeping with a handsome, older stranger, where she was in charge, was making her very hot. At the very least, she'd get a good meal. If he turned out to be an ass, she could leave after dinner. But, if she picked the right guy, the sex might be great. Even if it wasn't great, it had to be better than sex with that prick Steve, and it would certainly keep her mind occupied. It was also possible that it would be extraordinary sex.

The next week, Carol was on the same flight from Dallas to LA to Chicago. She was hoping to find someone suitable to "spend the evening" with on the way to Chicago. She went into the lounge, checked in, and headed for her flight.

On the way out, she looked at herself in the mirror on the door. The sign under it read,