The Storm Pt. 01 ('Window Seat')


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"Have you done this yet, Sarah?" she whispered. Sarah said she hadn't. Yet. "You haven't sucked his cock? What had you done...? Tell me."

Sarah leaned forward, a hand between her thighs and a hand caressing her breasts. "I had him... fuck me- on top of me... and then... after... I wanted to be on top because I had seen pictures... and that's when-"

"You just fucked him, then? I got to do this before you did..?" And she sank her mouth down all the way. "Mmm it is... it is perfect. Perfect for sucking." For once, Sarah had no reply. I was going to have to cherish this moment- for more reasons that that.

Brenda had brought me to full erection again and she hovered over- and sank her sweet cunt down on me. I held her up by her pretty little tits and we fucked again. But she kept looking over at Sarah. "This is how I saw you fucking him, Sarah. Just like this. It feels so fucking gooood... I hope it rains for the rest of the week. I want to fuck him again and again- just like you do. You were right. If he was my Dad, I'd want to fuck him too. Isn't that right, Daddy?" She looked at me and bounced up and down harder, encouraging me to slam up deeper inside her. "Fuck me! Oh, Daddy I'm gonna- oh god fucccckkkk." Brenda wavered after she came all over me. Just sitting on me- quivering... milking my cock, dazed and in a state of bliss.

After a while- she was a long time savoring the experience- she crooked a finger at my daughter. Sarah joined us on the bed and held her- and kissed her. Brenda kissed back, wrapping their arms around each other, touching each other softly and sweetly. She leaned down and took one of Sarah's nipples in her mouth- sucking eagerly.

"I... mmmm I thought you weren't... that way?" whispered Sarah.

"Like I said... this is a one-time thing for me... so shut up... and lets go for it."


Mmm god. They went for it, and since it was going to be a while before I was able to recover, I was in Sarah's place as spectator. It was an awesome show.

I left them together- kissing them both and going back out to replenish the fire and make some more tea. I had my t-shirt and underwear on, my jeans draped over the armchair. I was there for a while- leaning against the sofa, stretched out on the rug with my feet toward the flames. Sarah came out alone, closing the door. She slipped her clothes on and took her tea from where she left it on the hearth and zapped it and came to sit on the floor beside me. She brought the tin of cookies and we shared.

"She's sleeping. I don't feel tired at all." She looked at me and smiled. I leaned in and kissed her lips. We just sat there for a while, basking in the warmth of the room and the fire before us. It appeared that we were sated and well fucked and we weren't going to do anything but talk.

"So we have some time... are you going to tell me that story?"

"About what?"

"Touching cocks...?"

She paused and looked away. "It's not a fun story, Dad. It makes me look like..." She shrugged.

"If you want to talk, I'm here. We could talk about what's happening tonight with Mom and Ben."

"That'll come later." She wriggled her toes and started slowly. "Okay... the story. I hadn't thought about... sex... until just a while ago. I don't know if I was scared of it or not, but... all my friends- the girls on the teams did things with guys and I was one of the only ones that didn't. They kept telling me I was missing out on getting fucked and that I'd end up a virgin when I was in college. I guess I started thinking about it more and more. I started... you know, getting myself off more. And Stace started talking about you... how she wanted you to do her- and I realized I... maybe I wanted that, too. So I decided I should start... doing things- to get ready for other things.

"So Stace got me together with one of the guys in our class. He was a nice enough guy. I liked him a lot as a friend and... we were at a party and we ended up in a room all alone and there was kissing and all that- and it was really nice and I let him take off my top and bra. He was the... the first guy to touch and suck my boobs and that was really nice... and well... Stace had told me that I should probably start with, you know... a handjob. And I knew he wanted that too, because he kept putting my hand there... and soon he helped me unzip and his cock was there and... god this is so embarrassing..."

I put my arm around and comforted her and she continued. "I guess I was a bit... enthusiastic... Nobody had never told me how to do it. Maybe I was a bit rough and well... he got mad and told me it was a handjob, not a mix-master. At least I made him come but he didn't do anything for me. That was my first time. Pretty bad, right?" She looked up at me- hopefully and I kissed the end of her nose. Apparently this wasn't an easy experience for her to relive.

"I was so embarrassed I couldn't even talk to any of my friends about it. So I went... to someone I could trust. "


"Well, no, I didn't talk to her about that... but I did talk to her about starting to have sex, so she made an appointment for the doctor. For the pill."

"Who did you talk to?"



"Yes, Ben. I knew he was a shy, near-virgin, too. I told him what had happened. He didn't laugh or anything, he was really nice about it. Understanding. He said he'd help any way he could and one night when you guys were out, he invited me into his room and we sat at his computer and we... we watched things. I said I wanted to know how to do a... a handjob and he opened some files inside other files and clicked a bunch of keys and showed me a whole lot of girls stroking guys and making them come and like... wow. I could see what I was doing wrong. We were sitting side by side and I realized that this is really hot stuff and I was starting to get all warm and... that I wished I had a chance to try it again with that guy and do it really good.

"Ben was sitting there, kinda quiet like he is- and he asked if there was anything else I wanted to see. I asked what else he had. And he opened another file and there were all these clips of girls... sucking guys. And files of other things and I looked over and he had his hand... on his- you know- rubbing his jeans. And I realized I had my hand... between my legs. And as all those clips were playing I just sort of whispered... show me. I want to see yours."

"And... did he?"

"Yeah. I don't think he wanted to, but at the same time I don't think he could have helped it. He undid his jeans and stood up and slid them all down and he- his cock was pointing straight at the girls doing things and he sat back down. I knew he had a... you know- he was uncircumcised? But it looked really nice. I asked him how a girl would do that- if there was a difference... between cocks. So he brings up a file of a girl doing that to a... a cock like his. And... and I did it. I stroked his cock just like the girl in the clip... and made him come all over himself. And me.

"Well he got embarrassed and said I should go now. I went to my room and left him sitting with his pants around his knees, staring at the computer screen. And I knew he was lonely in that way... just like me. But before I left, I asked if we could do that- looking at things together- again and he said maybe."

"And did you?"

"A couple times. But if you want to know what happened you'll have to wait."

"Okay, I'll wait."

"Next time I touched a cock was prom. I was hopeful- planning on losing my v-card that night. I had talked it over with Mom and she kinda told me what to expect without giving too much away and she was great. My date was a nice, guy- you know- you met him... Connor, the perfect gentleman, right? Well, I had an awesome time. It was fun dancing with him, sneaking in the odd kiss, laughing and hanging with everyone. Everyone kept saying I looked really nice, and yeah, considering this was my very first "formal" I thought I looked okay."

"You looked absolutely amazing. Stunning. Your Mom and I were so proud."

She blushed. "Well, thanks... So after the dance is done we all drive out to Marwicks for burgers and cokes and its really fun, sitting there in a formal gown eating a cheeseburger and fries. But I notice all my friends are taking off- giving me little kisses, saying goodnight and I hope I enjoy myself and all that. They're slipping away and driving off with their dates.

"Connor asks if I'd like to go somewhere with him. I figured this is where the sex part would come in so I said yes and we drive to the Lodge Motel where he has a room and key in his pocket already. Its a bit of a dump, but its not like I could ask for a suite at the Hilton, right?. So we go in and he's nice enough at first. We turn off the lights except for the bathroom and start making out and its really hot. I'm having a real good time.

"We start undressing each other and we're practically naked on the bed and he tells me he wants us to... you know- make love. And I say I do, too and we tear off our clothes and get under the covers. I tell him to take it easy, because its my first time. Even though I've been on the pill for a while, he's fumbling for a rubber and trying to get it on. So then he's on top of me and I feel his... his thing slipping inside me and he is going slow and he's being gentle because it hurt when he... when he takes my virginity. My first thought is if there's going to be a mess on the sheets, but then I figured a sleazy motel like this must have things like this happen all the time. Then... then I realized that something might be wrong.

"He's on top of me puffing away and pounding at me and he tells me he's coming but I can't feel a thing. Maybe if its your first time, you're kinda numb after the pain and all. Well, after its all over he gets off me and goes to the bathroom, I guess to flush the rubber down the toilet or something. I sit on the edge of the bed and turn on the bedside lamp. I can see that there is a bit of a mess, but Mom said that would be normal. But I look up and I see Connor and he's naked and I just blurt out "My god, no wonder I couldn't feel anything- your cock's the size of a peanut!"

"Oh god Sarah, you didn't..."

"He gets all mad and he's screaming at me, calling me bitch and telling me to get the fuck out of the room and I can find my own fucking way home and he's throwing my things at me and telling me to get dressed and get the fuck out and I'm crying and laughing and I get dressed. And as I'm getting ready to leave I tell him thanks for the lovely time and... and he slaps me. Right across the face. I was going to punch his lights out, but he was bigger than me and he was really mad and so I just left. I walked home. That's why I was late. I stayed out walking so there wasn't much of a mark on my face, but Mom figured it out. And she never told you, because I told her not to."

"I'm gonna kill that little fucker as soon as we get home. I know where he lives and I will make him so fucking sorry that he ever asked you out." I was seething mad. I had never been so fucking resolute in seeing some bastard bleed for what he did.

Sarah put a hand on my thigh. "Dad, you're not going to do anything to him. You're not going to go beat him up. It's over and done with. And besides, he's already hurting in a big way. When he took me to the Lodge, there's rooms opposite- back to back, right? And some of his idiot friends and their girlfriends had the room backing ours and they were all listening to their buddy fuck a sweet little virgin. Big joke, right? He was in on it, they set it all up together. And his friends were all listening with their ears to glasses against the wall.

"They heard us fucking. But they also heard me say that his cock was the size of a peanut. They heard him freak out and they heard him slap me. And the girls- and some of the guys, well, I know that a lot of them aren't friends anymore. Everyone calls him "Peanut" now. The story got out and it was all over the school by Monday. That's his nickname. And So I think he got what was coming to him. Even when he goes off to State, that nickname will follow him. So you don't have to do anything." She leaned in and kissed my cheek. "But thanks."

I looked in her eyes, proud of this young lady, proud of her bravery. "That's quite the story, kid."

She was smirking. "I have more. If you can stand it."

"You and Ben?" She nodded.

I put some more wood on the fire while Sarah made more tea. We returned to our spots by the fire.

"After that first time with Ben, between the handjob and prom, we were sort of... cautious, I guess, around each other. But I made a few jokes about it and so did he and we were back to where we were. I asked if he'd show me more and we did- next time you guys were out of the house. We looked at the things we had before, and lots of different ones, too... he had lots, Dad. Lots. And the same thing happened. At one point, there were girls with big breasts... and older women with bigger breasts and they all looked like me- and Mom, too but I didn't say anything. But I found myself getting more and more turned on thinking about all the possibilities. I know he was too, by the way he was moving around in his seat.

"So I asked him again, to show me and he said he would if I showed him... so I lifted my top and took it off. He stood up and pushed down his sweats and when he sat down... I just... well, I just got to to my knees and... I did it. Just like the girls in the clips. I gave him my first blowjob. I even swallowed. It was his first, too." She paused and blushed and looked at me. "At least from a girl."

She sipped her tea for a moment and continued. "And when we were done, we just sat there. We were stunned and you know... we looked at a few more things. I asked him, 'What about Mom' and he looks at me and says what do I mean? and I said, 'While I was doing that... you said "Mom, oh Mom that feels so good." I told him I heard him whisper it a few times. And he gets this look on his face- like he's seen a ghost. He tells me that I can never tell anyone. And I said, 'What? That you have a secret crush on Mom and you dream of her doing things with you?' and he just nods and goes all quiet.

"I told him I'd never tell a soul- cross my heart and all that. I asked him if it helped that she and I sort of look alike and he said yes, but he hadn't planned for any of this to happen. Then he turns to the computer and brings up another file and inside that file were pictures... of Mom. He says, 'I bet you think I'm just a freak loser.' I said I didn't, and looked at the pictures. Just normal pictures of her. At the kitchen table. Sitting watching TV or when we get dressed up to go out. You know him and his stupid camera."

Yes, I knew.

"But the thing was, all the pictures he had of Mom, well we were all cropped out of them and they sort of well, focused on her tits, you know?"

Yes, I knew. She sometimes liked showing off her cleavage and I had seen our son taking the odd peek. I didn't blame him.

"He said I could never tell anyone about this, but then he opened a file and there were nine pictures. The first one was Mom in the morning in the kitchen in her bathrobe, like she was getting ready for work. Her hair was still damp and she was at the counter, buttering toast. It was a nice picture- the sun coming in the window and all that."

I looked over at her and her eyes were closed- like she was remembering everything. "The next one, she's sort of looking at him, and it looks like there's some kind of conversation, like 'What are you doing, Ben?' but she's kind of smiling. In the next one, she's facing him, and she was... like, posing, her hip leaning against the counter with her arms crossed under her breasts- looking right at him, showing off her cleavage. The next one she's in profile, her ass against the counter- her hands on either side- not looking at him, but with her breasts pushed out... Then she's facing him with her hands on the sash of the robe, pulling it down tight. You could see she's liking the attention. Her... nipples were hard. Then there was... the robe was open just enough to see, you know... the valley. In the next one... the robe is off and its just... her tits and face. I had to admit for in her forties, she looks really good like that. And in the second last one she's... you know, holding them up... and sort of pinching her nipples. And then... holding one up and licking it."


"I know... I asked him what happened after that and he said she just kissed him on the cheek and told him to make sure and erase them. She picked up her robe and finished her breakfast and went to get ready for work. He wanted her. And it looked like maybe... maybe she wanted him. Anyway he keeps telling me I can't tell anyone and I tell him not to worry because I thought the same things... about you, Dad. And he looks all shocked as if he can't believe it- but I just nod and say that all my friends talk about how cool he is and that they have fantasies about having sex with him and now I've started having them, too.

"He was quiet for a while and then he said 'I guess we all have secrets.' I told him that I had fooled around with girls a bunch of times but hadn't done anything with a guy besides the... the bad handjob night. And the things I had done with him. He swears me to secrecy again and tells me that he's been with guys- his friends, including Aaron... but really only with two girls and the last one was not a lot of fun. He didn't go into details but I gathered it was because he didn't have a clue what he was doing. But we laughed about the fact that he really wanted to be with Mom, and I really wanted to be with you.

"He starts opening other files and there's girls together- doing all the things I had done at sleepovers- and after school and after practice. I've got my hand inside my shorts by this time and I'm rubbing myself and really turned on. He asks if... there's anything he could do for me. I just said to keep showing me things.

"He's hard again and he's stroking himself and he's finding all these clips- girls kissing and undressing and doing things with each other... guys together sucking each other... and coming all over each other and then he goes to a site and there's ones of older women and guys his age, and they look like they really could be mothers and sons... having sex and making love- and then he finds ones that could be dads and daughters and fuck... by this time I explode and so does he.

"Then we hear the garage door open and you guys are home, so we clean up and I go to my own room to pretend I was doing homework."

"Your Mom said there had been flirting... going on between them."

"Look, Dad- I don't mean to be a bitch about this, but maybe it has something to do with how you're away all the time. We know you're making a good living to support us, but... we miss you."

"I miss you guys, too."

"After the prom thing- you went on another trip. And I was able to talk to Mom a bit

more about... what had happened. We talked all about it and I told her how disappointed I was about... my first time. I asked her about hers and... that's when she told me all about her and Uncle Kevin. And that led to me asking about how you and her met and the times you had sex with... Aunt Emily... and her family. We were tucked up in her bed- I mean your bed- and she's telling me about how she fell in love with you- and fell in love with your cock. And I told her that I wished I had a cock like that to fuck next time I do it.

"And then all of a sudden we're kissing and touching and she tells me all about her first times with Aunt Emily and how she loved being bi I'm telling her about the girls I've been with and that she'd do whatever she could to make sure that I'd have a nice cock and a nice guy for my next time. And she meant you, Dad. While we... did things she told me all her secrets and some of yours and it was so fucking hot. I confessed that I had given my brother a handjob and then a blowjob and she got off on hearing about it and god- I just know I'll want this all the time now..."