The Story of Victoria and Will


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Ian finally asked me if I was upset with him, and was I planning to try and get revenge against him in some way. I reassured him that no, I wasn't going to try and beat the crap out of him. He seemed visibly relaxed by that. I did tell him that from this point onward he would use condoms with Victoria; and that wasn't debatable. And if I found out that he had not been using condoms, I would come and see him and express my displeasure in very tangible and physical ways.

"Does your girlfriend know that you are having sex with Victoria?"

"What girlfriend? Victoria is my girlfriend."

"Victoria told me that you had a girlfriend and that having sex with her was in addition to your other relationship."

"My last girlfriend and I broke up months ago. Victoria is my only girlfriend now."

That spoke volumes about just how honest Victoria was being with me. She had lied to me, about her relationship to Ian and what she saw as the future for them. Her view of the future looked very different than my view just then.

A couple of nights later Victoria was really pissed at me for having gone to see Ian.

"Will, why the fuck did you go see Ian? He says that you were pissed at him and threatened him."

I was grinning inwardly. "Did he tell you that I told him that he is not to have sex with you unless he uses a condom?"

"Yes, he did, but condoms take all the fun out it. Why are you wanting that? We're both disease free, for Christ's sake." She was hot under the collar now.

I took the high road. "Honey, I'm only looking out for your safety here. We agreed that you and he were going to use condoms. You agreed to that."

Victoria muttered something under her breath and stormed off. We didn't talk for two days.

When we did talk she was fuming again. "Are you happy now? Ian has broken it off with me. I won't be seeing him again. That's what you really wanted wasn't it when you went to see him."

"What I wanted Dear wife, was to make sure that you were safe and not going to get a disease that could do you great harm or kill you. That's what I wanted. I also wanted to make sure that any disease wasn't passed to me. But I don't need to worry about that do I, since we haven't had sex together now for so long that I forget when it was the last time. What happened to the idea that this whole open-marriage business was going to be good for us as a couple and benefit our marriage? When is that part going to start Victoria?"

I was pissed at her and she knew it full well.

"Well, I hope you're happy now." And she stormed off.

A chill descended over our marriage. It was a very quiet month. We did not have sex; hell, we barely talked to one another. And then it all suddenly changed.


Victoria announced that she was meeting a new man. She got dressed up in her tightest see-through blouse and skirt and put on four-inch high heels. Her hair and makeup were perfect, and she had put on a new perfume that I didn't remember her using before. Suddenly she was as sweet as could be. She called me Dear for the first time in a while as she said that she was going out to meet someone that she met online.

A large flare went off in the back of my brain. "OK, where are you going and who are you meeting?"

"Also remember Dear that you are expected home tonight. And I do mean tonight, not at 4 AM."

Things spiralled out of my control fast after that. But I did get a name, and what he did for a living. And that he was divorced.

She had started out seeing Henry once a week and now after a couple of months was almost living with him. She only sleeps at home a couple of nights night a week, sometimes only one and it's usually only when her lover was away with his job. I think he is a sales representative for a drug company, but I'm not fully certain since Victoria doesn't want to share information about him.

We had stopped having sex since a long time ago since I knew that she was fucking him bareback and I'm not keen on sloppy seconds and possible STDs.

I got fed-up with what she was doing and moved her things to the spare bedroom. She was surprised by that, but I said that it would be more convenient if I had someone over for the night; especially since I was the parent responsible for the kids full-time.

Her idea that being able to have a relationship with another man that would bring passion and intensity to our marriage hadn't really come true. It did bring drama. Lots of drama.

I was getting increasingly more frustrated with Victoria. I should have just divorced her lying ass a long time ago but I didn't. I had hoped for the sake of the kids that she would come to her senses and see that this was not going to lead to anything good for her, me or the kids. If she did we could go to marriage counselling and try to come to some awareness of what was in her mind for wanting to fuck around like this and my mind for allowing it. Yes, you are saying that I'm fucked-up as well and you would likely be right. I was way too lenient with her and her nonsense.

I was doing the parenting duties without her being at home to do her share. It was noticeable with the kids and they were wanting their mother to be around. They asked almost every day where she was and why did she have to be away so much. At first, I said that she was spending time with a 'friend' and she would be back soon. But being around only one or two nights a week didn't give the kids comfort that she was telling them the truth when she would say that she loved them. The oldest, who was now nine, said, "Dad, why does Mum spend so much time with her friend? Who is her friend?" I had a hard time explaining that one.

Victoria had started missing important things that she had usually done for the kids. I got a call from the school one afternoon saying that the regularly scheduled parent-teacher interviews had taken place the day before and no-one was there to talk about our children. The vice-principal that called said that normally Victoria was there and asked if there was some problem; they would be happy to reschedule. The school had tried to call Victoria, but her phone was turned off and went to voicemail. I apologized and said that I would call back and make an appointment the next day. When I tried to call Victoria her cell phone went right to voicemail. I left a very terse message asking why she missed the parent-teacher meeting and to call me. She didn't call for three days and then blew it off as unimportant. I wanted her to come home to talk to me. She agreed to come that Friday afternoon. I took the afternoon off and got ready to make my ultimatum.

On the Friday afternoon she called to say that she had to cancel but would try to come by to see me next week sometime. She was stalling as she talked trying to find a work excuse. I figured that her boyfriend wanted to keep her occupied; probably sucking his dick.

The next big event that drew the proverbial line in the sand was our daughter's birthday. Most parents make a big deal about their children's birthdays. They're important and it tells the kids that the parents love them and care about them. Kids understand that. They get a present or two, they have cake and ice-cream, and they usually have friends over to celebrate. My kids are no different.

But when your mother forgets about your 10th birthday, you tend to notice that.

I had asked Victoria a few weeks before if she was going to plan our daughter's birthday party; she initially said, "Of course I'll do it Will." But there was no action and so I got on with making plans, sending out invitations to the other kid's parents, got a present that I knew my oldest daughter wanted, booked a party venue, and organized food.

I was keen to see if Victoria remembered. She didn't. My daughter was heart-broken that her mother was not even around for her birthday party. Some of the other parents asked where Victoria was, and I gave a bullshit excuse about work.

My daughter was crushed that her mother forgot about her birthday. I called Victoria's cell phone and when she answered I passed my phone to my daughter. "Mum, it's me, where are you?"

Victoria stalled a few seconds, "What's going on sweetheart?"

"Mum, today is my birthday; how come you're not here? We had a party and everything, but why didn't you come?"

There was dead silence on the phone. My daughter though that her mother had hung-up on her and passed m cell phone back to me. "Victoria, are you still there?" I cold hear crying on the phone.

"Victoria, what the fuck is going on with you? You missed Emma's birthday, for fuck's sake!"

The phone went dead.

One of the neighbourhood mothers came to me and quietly asked of everything was okay with Victoria. She hadn't seen her around the street in ages and I could tell that she sensed that we were not doing well as a couple.

That night I made the decision that enough was enough. Victoria wasn't interested in me or her children, so I needed to get on with a divorce. We were for all real purposes separated. Time to take this on to it's conclusion.

I called Victoria the next day and of course her voicemail kicked in right away. I left another terse message, "Call me please, it's urgent and important. Better yet, come to the house so we can talk."

I guess using the 'urgent' word finally got her attention because after supper that night she appeared.

"Will, what is wrong, what is urgent and important, are the kids okay?"

"Hello Victoria, thanks for showing up, I appreciate it. We need to talk, please sit down."

She looked at her watch as I said that. "Don't worry, this won't take long."

"Okay, what is it you want to talk about Will?"

"Since you left us, the kids have been asking when you're coming home. Are you planning to come home Victoria? Cause it sure looks like you have left us!"

"Of course I'll be back Will, I told you before that this time for me right now is to find the passion and intensity that you and I have lost. When I've been able to satisfy that need, I'll be home, I'll be a better wife for you and we'll be a family again."

"Sure, just so you know, Emma cried herself to sleep the other night when you didn't show up for her birthday party. Our other two children asked me if you were going to come to their birthdays."

Victoria's eyes went wide and her facial expression said it all. How the hell do you forget your children's birthdays.

Now to drop the bomb on my wife and her lover. "Victoria, I've decided that I want a divorce."

"Wh...What, why would you want a divorce Will. I'll be home soon."

"Victoria, you should never have left in the first place. I figured that having a boyfriend one night a week for a couple of months might get it out of your system and I was willing to overlook a one-time affair. But this has gone way too far. You moved your clothes and work things out months ago and you barely remember that you have children and responsibilities to them, let alone me. My lawyer has advised me that the Court will see that you have abandoned our marriage and the children."

"But..but...Will, I love you and the kids, can't you see that?"

"No Victoria, I don't see that. If you loved us so much why did leave us? Why did you move in with your boyfriend? You talk about bringing passion and intensity to our marriage but that's just a joke. The joke has been on me. Ha-Ha, good one. Well, I'm done. I'm not laughing anymore. We're divorcing, and as soon as possible. So, pack whatever you want and go back to him. You're not my wife anymore. I'm not your husband. I'm going to step up my efforts to find a real wife and a new mother for our children."

"But Will, we're married, I'm your wife, you're my husband, I love you. I don't want a divorce."

"Well, I do want a divorce. I've done some homework and the courts in this state understand and recognize when someone has abandoned the marriage. You abandoned our marriage and your children. So, get out of the house. Go away back to Henry, where you clearly want to be. I don't want you anymore."

Victoria looked surprised by the things that I said to her and slowly gathered her purse and quietly walked out the door.

What I had not discussed with Victoria was that while she was living with her new boyfriend, I had started a couple of weeks ago looking for a woman that I could have fun with. Two can play at Victoria's game.

After searching the internet, the source of all knowledge of the universe, I figured that what I needed was a fuckbuddy. I wanted recreational sex, not a romantic relationship. It would be casual, only one or two times a week and would be with someone that wanted the same thing. We would certainly use protection, at first, and then if things were going well, look at options depending on whether we were exclusive with each other.

I looked at a bunch of websites to see if there were women in my area looking for the same thing as me. I didn't really get a good feeling about what I saw. I perused a couple of websites that are designed for married people looking to have an affair. Ashley Madison was one, there was a couple of prospects there but when I 'chatted' with them I eliminated them. I started to get discouraged by the shallowness of my prospects.

And then, just when I was getting depressed that I would die a lonely old man, and quite by chance, I was at the bank doing some business and I was talking with the woman that is my personal banking representative. Charlotte.

I have known her for a couple of years, and she is divorced with two little girls. Her husband left her and the kids for another woman. I am not going to judge any relationship; god knows that my own is in tatters but suffice to say that she and I had a long talk about personal needs and eventually we talked about sex and what we both were experiencing. She was in a dry spell just now having broken it off with a boyfriend a few months ago. She wasn't looking for a permanent relationship, but she was missing the physical intimacy of sex. Could I relate to that, or what!

I screwed up my courage and came right out and asked her if she would like to be fuckbuddies. Initially she was a bit shocked that I would say that. I invited her out for a drink to talk about it. Even if it didn't work out that we could be FBs at least it was a night out with a woman and away from the house. God knows, I needed to get out.

Friday night I got a baby-sitter to mind the kids and met her at a local pub for a bite to eat and a couple of drinks. We both took cabs to the place so that we could have more that one drink and not worry about having to drive. I arrived just after she did. She looked really nice and gave me a big smile when I came in.

I started, "I wasn't sure that you would be here, I can't begin to imagine what you must have been thinking about what I said at your office. I mean, I must look like an idiot."

Charlotte gave a little laugh and replied, "I did think a lot about what you said. I must say that it took a lot of courage to tell me that much about you, your wife and what you're going through."

Charlotte is two years younger than me; she is 5' 9" tall, weighs about 150 lbs and is... beautiful. That's the best way to put it. She has shoulder length blonde hair, fair skin and even though she has a few extra pounds she has a curvy figure and looks incredibly sexy. After two children every woman adds a bit of weight but in Charlotte's case, she wears it well and I had a hard time trying to fathom why her husband buggered-off for another woman. Maybe the same reason why my wife has buggered-off for another man.

We got something to drink and ordered food and talked about our lives. I wanted to be very upfront with her and tell her all about me, so that there wouldn't be any surprises. I also wanted to know all about her. We got all that out of the way over the next three hours.

"Charlotte, I'm looking for a non-romantic recreational sexual relationship. My marriage to Victoria is just about done. We have some legal business to do and financial affairs to sort out, but the end is near. I have a lawyer working to do that for me. Victoria made her decision; she doesn't want to be a mother to our children or be my wife anymore; so, I need to move on too. But I don't want to jump into a serious relationship, not just yet. But I'm not a celibate monk either. I want to be with a woman. So, here I am. Is I fucked up?"

I took a breath and a sip of my drink and kept talking, "What I want, is to be an equal partner for a woman and give her the same thing that I'm looking for. I won't under any circumstances do anything that the woman does not want to do or feels unsure of. I don't want to screw up anyone's life. I want to try to give as much or more than I get. At least that's what I read on the internet about what being an F-B is all about." Okay, I need to shut up now.

Charlotte was nodding her head all the while I was talking. I made sure that I looked her in the eyes the whole time I was nattering on. I knew I was babbling but I couldn't stop. As a lawyer I had learned that the eyes will give it away. If someone is not happy or doesn't like what you are saying they will look around the room or at the floor or the ceiling. If they like what you are saying they will look you back in the eyes. It's human nature.

Charlotte was looking me in the eyes. Wow. She took a deep breath and said, "So, when would you like to start this, if I agree?"

"Okay, well, ah, soon I suppose. But I need to get a doctors note that says that I'm STD free. I imagine that you want that before we do anything." We talked about the logistics of being fuckbuddies and decided that since we both had kids it would need to be at a time and place when there weren't any kids around.

We had each other's cell phone numbers so that we could text.

After we were done our food and drinks, we shared a cab home, dropping her off first. Over the next week we sent a few text messages back and forth and agreed that the weekend coming up would be the start of our FB adventure.

Come Saturday night I was as nervous as a seventeen-year-old on his first date. Charlotte wanted to go out for food first and then we could go to a hotel for the FB part. Both of us had to get sitters to mind our kids and I had to reserve a hotel room. We picked a place in the downtown and I reserved a room and a restaurant table close by for supper.

My kids knew that I was going on a date with a woman and they all were by the door when I left. My oldest Emma, winked at me and said, "have a nice time tonight Dad. Don't worry about us. We'll keep Brittany busy all night playing games and having popcorn." Brittany was the sitter from a few houses down the street and was eighteen. Emma was way too smart for her age.

When I picked Charlotte up at her house, she told the sitter that she would be back by midnight at the very latest. I made a mental note to make sure she was a few minutes early. My own sitter was able to stay until 1 AM so that would work out fine.

I mentioned that I was nervous. I barely remembered what I ordered for supper. The waiter could have put a bowl of hot water in front of me and I would have thanked him. My stomach was flip-flopping, and I know that I was sweating just a bit. The anticipation was killing me.

Charlotte looked beautiful and enjoyed two glasses of wine with supper. I had one glass of wine with the spaghetti I ordered; what, I ordered spaghetti? Please don't get spaghetti sauce on your shirt I kept thinking; I'll look like an idiot. I wanted things to be perfect. I arranged for a bottle of white wine to be delivered on ice, to the hotel room, so that it would be there when we went up.

Finally supper was done; it was only 8 O'clock, but I was checking my watch to make sure that we had lots of time to do what we wanted and that she got home by midnight. If this whole thing turned out to be a bust, well, it could end a whole earlier than that.