The Story of Victoria and Will


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We got to the room and the wine was waiting for us. I turned down the lights, turned on some music and poured us both a glass. We toasted, "to being fuckbuddies."

We were both nervous as hell and it showed as we drank some of the wine. I thought that I better not have too much or it might cause a certain part of me to not perform the way that I wanted it to. Yeah, my dick; would alcohol make me not keep an erection long enough, disappoint Charlotte and then she won't want to see me again, ever. Aarrgghhh!

Charlotte went to the washroom and a few minutes later when she came out, she was naked. "What do you think Will?"

You could have knocked me over with a feather, I was that surprised. "Wow, Charlotte, you're gorgeous."

My eyes bugged out a bit as I took in her shape. She was curvy in all the right paces. She was an absolute delight to look at. Not a lot of pubic hair but a small bit on top of her mound. Her breasts were large but perfectly shaped and not a lot of sag. My god!

I stood there for what seemed like an eternity staring at this beautiful woman that was naked in front of me.

"OK, I guess it's my turn." I went to the bathroom and stripped off, used the facilities, washed my hands and then came out.

I took a deep breath and opened the bathroom door, "I hope I don't scare you away."

I was is decent shape and had been running a lot lately to burn off the stress of dealing with Victoria. I watched what I ate and avoided the spare tire that many men get after thirty. I figured that my physical appearance wouldn't frighten her; at least I hoped it wouldn't.

I stepped into the bedroom and Victoria eyed me up and down and I could see the smile on her face. She looked at my cock and it started to react to her stare. I was getting a hard-on.

Victoria was sitting on the bed with her legs crossed and a glass of wine in her hand and whistled "Ooohh, I think I'm gonna like that."

I picked up my wine glass, took a gulp, put it down and moved over toward the bed.

Charlotte got up and put down her glass on the table and after a brief pause we kissed. We started with a slow kiss and then moved on to getting our tongues involved. Wow, she was eager, and it showed. So was I, and it showed! I was like a 17-year-old. My god, this woman was beautiful, sexy, curvaceous and I was so excited to be near her.

My hands went to her hips as we kissed and hers went behind my head to pull my head down to meet hers. I felt the warmth of her body as she pressed against me and it, of course, caused me to get a raging erection.

It didn't take long for us to move on to the bed and I made a point of asking Charlotte what she wanted. Things that I read on the internet said that it was important for men to communicate with their partner to find out what they really wanted. That was key to a successful relationship. Okay, I can work with that. I'm a lawyer, I know how to ask questions.

"Oh Jesus, Will, I'm so fucking horny, just put that thing in me, please. I need to have an orgasm, so bad. We can talk later about other stuff. Right now please fuck me."

Okay! That was all the encouragement that I needed for the time being. I moved on top of Charlotte and kissed her again, she wrapped her legs around me and took one hand to grab my cock and line it up with her pussy. I slowly pushed into her. She was already wet and felt so good. It was like it was the first time I had sex with a woman, all over again. The excitement was crazy.

As I pushed into Charlotte, I wanted to do two things. I wanted to last and not shoot my load too soon and I wanted to make sure that she had the orgasm that she so desperately wanted.

That was a tall order. My senses were on overload just touching her. She is sexy and beautiful, and I was in heaven being there. Her body felt like electricity when I touched her. My God!

I stroked in and out of her pussy until she grabbed at my hips and pulled me in tight and held me there. She arched her back and I could tell that she was near.

"Oh yeah! oh yeah! Don't you dare stop! Fuck me! Oh yeah, I need this! Keep going! Don't Stoooooppppp! Ahhhhhhhhhh!" And then I knew that Charlotte was having a thunderous orgasm. I stoked in a few more times and then I came and came and came. I shot my load deep in her pussy and then I was spent.

We lasted all of about fifteen minutes and then collapsed in each others' arms. She was breathing hard. "Oh fuck Will, that was so good, I needed that so bad."

I was getting my wind back. "that was fucking awesome, Charlotte. Give me a few minutes and we can try again if you want to."

"Oh yeah, I want to."

We had a sip of wine and talked about how great our first combined orgasm was. I realized just then that we had not used a condom. Oh cripes! Had I screwed up already?

I let my hands slowly explore her body, going from her neck, down to her breasts and then her hips and pussy. I started to slide down and parted her legs so that I could get a better view of her pussy and clit. I kissed the insides of her legs as I worked my way up and eventually got to her pussy. I could see the remnants of when I shot my load in her and carefully wiped her with a damp facecloth.

My lips and tongue found her clit and slowly I sucked and nibbled on it until she was moaning with pleasure as she got near her second orgasm of the night. I kept at it for almost 30 minutes as she went from one high to another and knew that she loved it as she grabbed the back of my head to pull me tighter to her pussy. After her third orgasm she pulled me up again and I entered her pussy for the second time that night. I came in her again, it was not like I could avoid it; she just felt so damn good to be inside of and her whispering in my ear kept me hard.

After two hours of great sex we were both exhausted and I looked at the clock to see that is was just after 10:30. We had time to relax, have a bit more wine and then shower together before we had to leave to get to our families.

I called for the cab at 11:15 and it was 15 minutes to her house. As she got out of the car I got out to say goodnight. "So, was it what you thought it was going to be?"

"Oh yeah Big Boy. We will be doing that again, lots, if I have anything to say about it." She smiled, I kissed her on the mouth and watched her walk to her front door. After she went in, I got dropped off and paid the sitter.

The kids were in bed, but my daughter came down to the living room and wanted to know how my 'date' went.

"Sweetie, it went just great. I had a very good time. Charlotte is a very nice person. I like her a lot."

"Is she going to be our new mother?"

Wow, where did that come from? 10-year-olds, nowadays, know things that I didn't know at that age.

"That's not your concern, Sweetie. Besides, this was only our first date. I don't know when there will be a second."

"Dad, is Mom ever coming back?"

That was a hard question to answer. I lowered my voice, "I don't know. But I do know one thing. And that is that I'm never going anywhere but right here with you and your sister and brother. You can count on that."

"Thanks Dad." She gave me a hug and then we walked back to her room and I tucked her in to bed.

I went to the kitchen and got a glass of water and sat at the counter to think.

My wife had pretty much abandoned her family to shack-up with her lover. I had been on a date with a wonderful woman who might be my new fuckbuddy. Tonight I had had the most fun of the last year. The sex had been fantastic. I wanted it to continue. I wanted a woman to share my life with again.

Monday, I called my divorce lawyer to talk about getting on with the process. I had the financial numbers from before, so I knew pretty much what it was going to cost to divorce Victoria. It would mean digging into my retirement savings to pay her for her half of the house and probably it would mean a small amount of alimony for a couple of years; but right now it seemed worth the cost. It was time. She wasn't interested in coming back and it was clear that she no longer wanted her children or me.

I told my lawyer, "Go ahead and serve the papers. I have an address for her, and she mostly works from home so it shouldn't be too much of a problem to find her. Do it and let's get this marriage over and done with."

Three days later there was a call at the apartment where Victoria and Henry lived. The document server was skilled at getting by security doors at apartments and so when he knocked on the door, she was the only one there. She opened the door. "Victoria Kennedy, this is for you." He handed her the envelope. "You have been served."

Victoria was stunned by his words. She knew what the envelope contained. She slowly closed the door and took the envelope inside to the kitchen counter and sat it down. She waited for over an hour before opening it. She had been thinking about the last year and her decisions that she had made. Were they such smart ideas? Did she really think things through when she told her husband that she wanted to take a lover? Was Henry that much of a catch that she was willing to give up her life and children for him. The sex with him was the best that she had ever had, but was it enough? Was Will really that boring of a husband and lover that it caused her to run from him and her children? Did she dislike her old life that much to sacrifice it for Henry?

Those were hard questions. She sliced open the envelope and pulled out the papers ever so carefully. It was as if she expected them to explode in her face. She read them over. Divorce, citing abandonment and infidelity. Division of marital property. Her husband, Will, would have full custody of the children, but she could have visitation rights with them, to be negotiated. Alimony of $1000 a month for two years.

She dropped the papers on the kitchen counter and realized, finally, 'Oh my god, what have I done?'

All the lies and bullshit that she had told Will over the last two years was now coming to bite her on the ass. No longer would she be able to tell herself that she had won. That she could do whatever she wanted, and Will would not complain. That she could have sex with any man that she wanted to, and Will would not have any say in it.

Victoria immediately called Will's cell phone. It went to his voice mail. She left a terse message for him to please call her about some paperwork that she just received. Next she called her old home. No answer there either. She decided that she needed to go home to try and salvage her marriage. She found her car keys and purse and went out to her car. She drove to the house to find that her key no longer worked in any of the doors and that the code to get in the garage had also been changed. She went into full damage control mode.

Victoria next drove to Will's office. His administrative assistant, who was aware that Victoria had left him for a lover, was quick to tell her that he was out of the office and wouldn't be back that day. Since talking to him there wasn't going to work, she had no choice but to drive back to her old house and wait for Will and the kids when they came home from school.

The kids showed up from school about 4 PM, along with their after-school sitter. The kids were openly cold to her and her oldest flatly refused to even acknowledge her mother, other than a terse 'what are you doing here?'

Victoria sat in the dining room as the kids ate a snack and started their homework. She noticed that Will had done some redecorating since she had last been there. There were different things on the walls. Different curtains as well, and a couple of pieces of new furniture.

Finally about 5:15, Will pulled in the driveway. When he came in the back door from the garage, she jumped up to greet him. "Will, Honey, I'm home and so glad you're here. Honey, we need to talk about some papers that were delivered to me today."

"Excellent Victoria, did you sign them and bring them with you? I signed them before my lawyer had them sent over to you. I think what I'm offering is both fair and in accordance with family law and divorce law in this state. The kids are staying here with me, I'm not negotiable on that, but you can have visitation with them if you want to, and if they want to see you."

"Sweetie, I'm going to come home tonight. I've decided that I really need you and the kids in my life again. I was wrong when I thought that I needed to...find something with another person. You and the kids are all that I need. I know that now. I'm coming home and I will work hard to be a good wife for you and mother for our kids."

"Not so fast Victoria. When you decided to abandon your family for Henry you made that decision. I do recall that I tried to talk you out of it, several times, but you were adamant that it was what you wanted to do. Well, you did it and now you have to live with the consequences. So, no, you're not coming back. Your home is with Henry now, so you can go home to him. You don't live here anymore; you haven't for a year."

Victoria was quietly sobbing now, and I handed her some tissues to blow her nose. I waited for a few minutes for her to compose herself. "I think it's time for you to go."

"Can I see the kids, please?"

"Okay, I'll go get them."

I went upstairs to get the kids and told them that their mother was downstairs and wanted to see them. They were hesitant to see her but after some discussion and convincing by me that they didn't have to say anything to her if they didn't want to, they slowly followed me down to the kitchen. It had been months since they last saw their mother.

Victoria smiled at them and said, 'Hi Kids, I need a hug from you."

They all stood still and didn't make a move to their mother. The oldest, Emma, asked her, "Why did you leave us and Dad?"

Victoria started crying again. "I'm coming home kids. I've missed you all so much. I love you all so much."

My daughter countered fast "If you love us so much why did you leave us and stay away so long?"

Victoria had a shocked look on her face at that question. The answer she had was not one that she wanted to admit; that she wanted to have consequence-free sex with men other than her husband and not worry about her family and what it would do to them. She didn't give-a-shit about her family, only herself. Only now was she realizing what she was losing.

I jumped in, "Kids, why don't you go back upstairs. Your mother and I have a lot of things to talk about right now and it's best if we do that with just the two of us."

The kids all scowled at their mother as they left the kitchen. Emma led her sister and brother back to their rooms.

I waited a couple of minutes then began, "So, are you so sure that leaving us for your boyfriend, Henry, was such a great idea. I mean, did you actually believe that you could leave for so long and then come back as if nothing had changed between us, at all?"

I waited for her to answer but got nothing except her continued sniffling and blowing her nose.

"I've started to move on, in case you didn't know that. I guess you just figured it out when you were served the divorce papers today. You hot-footed it over here quick when you saw that your family had had enough of your bullshit."

More silence, more sniffling.

"So, you can pack up all of your things that you haven't already taken. I put everything that I could find in some boxes, it's all in the garage, so it should be easy for you to manage. You can get Henry to help you take them. If there is something else from here that you want to take let me know. You can have whatever you want. Except me and the kids."

I waited another minute to see if Victoria had anything to say. Nothing.

"I think you should go now. I don't have anything else to tell you. I don't want you back. The kids aren't keen for you to come back. You need to go home to Henry. Get your lawyer to look at the divorce papers if you want, and we can have them sort out the fine details."

I got up and started to move to the front door, I opened it and waited for her to go.

"Goodbye Victoria."

She sat looking defeated for a moment, then stood up, grabbed her bag and walked out the front door. I shut the door behind her and exhaled a big breath.


Three Months Later

My lawyer scheduled a final meeting for us to sign the divorce documents. We did some haggling about visits with the kids but in the end, we agreed that the kids should not be forced to visit their mother if they didn't want to. The first few visits would be supervised by grandparents and then if things went well Victoria would have the kids on her own for visits. The kids would decide if they wanted to see their mother. If they didn't then a visit with her wasn't going to happen.

As it turned out they did have a couple of visits but when they met Henry, they were not keen to go back. They thought he was creepy. They're a good judge of character, in my estimation.

My time with Charlotte progressed to the point that we were spending more and more time together. We would meet-up two or three times a week.

On one of our FB dates I suggested to her that we do some other things outside of the great sex that we were enjoying. I offered up a chance to take in some activities with our kids. He daughters were about the same age as my two youngest and I was keen for my kids to meet her kids and who knows what would happen.

We took the kids to the zoo and had pizza after, as a first outing. Things went well, the kids got along great, and so my relationship with Charlotte went from being FBs to full on dating.


A Year Later

Okay, it's been a while now and lots of things have changed in my life. I'm a year older and a year wiser. I'm living with Charlotte; or I should say the seven of us are living together. Five kids are a handful. They are; no matter what anyone says.

We all fit in my house nicely and with a bit of doubling up of two of the girls in one of the rooms we live just fine.

We have become a family.

Charlotte and I got married just after we amalgamated our two families into one. It was a small ceremony with family and a few friends. We got married by a judge friend in Dominican Republic on a beach. It was fantastic.

We have a date-night once a week where we pay attention to each other, and in addition to great sex, we talk, a lot. We agreed that we need to never stop talking to one another, no matter what it is about.

At dinner one night the kids all told us that they wanted to try camping. So we got some camping equipment and gave it a try at a state park. It turned out great and the kids had a blast. The campfire and roasting marshmallows were a big hit. Several times when the marshmallows would catch fire, I would see a ball of fire aiming for my head and would duck to not get hit with the gooey flaming mess. Four girls and one boy can giggle a lot when they have fun with flaming marshmallows.

I adopted Charlottes two girls, that way everyone in the house has the same last name. It works easier that way.

A month ago at our regular date night Charlotte surprised me yet again. She is a wonderful woman and gives me immeasurable joy every day. That night after we ordered dinner, I noted that she didn't want a glass of wine with her meal and instead asked for water. That by itself is no big deal but when she reached in her clutch purse that she had, she brought out a small white plastic stick that I immediately recognized and then handed it to me; then I understood

She smiled as she handed it to me, "You might want to have a peek at this, Dear."

Holy Crap; she was pregnant. My wife of less than a year, the woman that I share five children with, is going to have another. Wow!

We had a busy time getting ready for the new baby. The biggest surprise of all was that Charlotte was going to have twins. Oh my. We would have seven children. Good thing I got a promotion at work and now headed the legal division for the company. My salary and bonuses would nicely handle the finances needed to look after this gang and we would be able to put aside money for education later.