The Strange House Pt. 01


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Fuck it. This was my chance. If not to befriend these idiots, then at least I'd get to be with Anna or get closer to her. All the things we do for love.

"How much do you need anyway?" I began.

"Nothing backbreaking, just some forties," Zach said.

"And Everclear," Jeremy shot in.

It sounded like a bit much. How the fuck would I even get that much out of there? If I remember, the liquor was all the way in the back anyway over at Jeremy's cousin's store. I guess I hadn't really thought of the logistics of this.

"It's a victimless crime. They got that shit insured anyway," Jeremy explained, seeing I was getting cold feet.

"How do I even get in and out?" I asked.

"I knew we could rely on this motherfucker!" Jeremy exclaimed. For some reason that filled me with a small portion of pride. Adoration from the cool boys, rather than the torment I usually got.

"You just walk casually. The shit people always get wrong is that they run. That shit's suspicious," Zach said, opening the door of his big SUV to let us in like I was part of the gang already.

"You boys alright?" Mrs. Banks asked concerned from a distance.

"Just peachy, Miss!" Jeremy said, giving a thumbs up. I guess I gave one too. The teacher turned and walked away.

"Talkin' of peach, look at at that fucking ASS!" Jeremy said, nudging me.

"Yeah," I half-muttered, half-chuckled, eager to be accepted.

"See? Man of class. All class and ass that one," Jeremy cheered. "Let's go."

"Nah, we're waiting for Amanda," Zach said.

"You guys going steady?" Jeremy asked his friend.

"Think so. We're probably gonna go to the same college even," Zach said, and so the two commenced a conversation I was barely able to keep up with. This and that. Football, girls, teachers, hot girls, hot teachers.

"Who's the loser?" Amanda suddenly said, looking at me with disgust. She had opened the door on my side but hesitated to get in when she saw who was sitting there. The thing is, she knew who I was. We had been classmates all our lives. She was just being a bitch.

"He's helping us get the shit we need," Zach explained.

Amanda gave an annoyed sigh, then waved her hand for me to scoot over. I obeyed. I was in the back of Zach's car, next to Amanda, who could even give Anna a run for her hotness. I was actually getting an in with Jeremy and his crew. I was one of them now! So I happily gave my seat to her.

"Don't drool, idiot. This is brand new baby cashmere and I don't want any of your nerd gunk on it, got it?" Amanda reprimanded.

"Of course," I said, wanting to not be a total mute. I gave her a blue wool-looking crop top a brief glance. It was... very flattering. So I looked away quickly, so I wasn't caught staring.

Amanda gave an annoyed sigh and moved her attention away from me and to the people in the front. The rest of the ride to the store I was mostly mute after all. I didn't have much to say, being both shy and kind also kind of out of my element. But I was just happy to be along for the ride.

But as we pulled up to the parking lot at the front of the store, reality dawned on me. This had to happen. Now. And it was going to happen. Now. My heart thudded against my chest, my vision blurry. I was nervous, to say the least. My palms were sweaty. Would I even be able to carry anything with these greasy things? I'd drop everything!

"You got this," Zach encouraged, as he turned in his seat. "I'll keep the engine going. Remember. Casual. Go look at some candy first, like you're figuring to buy something, but change your mind and leave."

"Yeah, he ain't got an alarm system," Jeremy explained. "So nothing will go off unless you're suspicious."

They made it sound so easy. Maybe it was, in some sense. In a physical sense. The motions and action of grabbing a bottle or two, then walking out of the store with said pair of bottles, was easy enough. But it was the morality of it, and the ramifications, that made it hard. Yet, when Amanda reached across my lap and shoved the door open, I exited the vehicle. I looked at the store in front of me. It was a local store. I didn't know the owners other than, as Zach said, that Jeremy's cousin ran it, so by default in our little town, I knew of the owners. And I have shopped myself here a few times.

I opened the door and pushed inside. I saw the liquor way in the back, away from prying eyes, but with Zach's plan fresh in my mind, I turned right and went to the candy. I didn't really look at anything. I just picked up a bag of chips and put it back down. Next were the sodas, which led to liquor. After pretending a bit in the sodas, I went to get this over with. I had decided I'd be quick and not linger around the booze, to not be suspicious, to make it seem like I was making a detour. I was quite pleased with that little plan. So I zipped up my jacket, found the liquor, and stuffed the bottles inside, shoving my hands into my pockets so they wouldn't smash to the ground.

Before I knew it, I felt the cool air against my skin as I exited the store. I did it! I fucking did it! I looked at the car and was met with the excited faces of Zach and Jeremy. Amanda barely took notice, as she was busy scrolling Snapchat or something.

"There ya go! Now let's go," Jeremy said happily. "Time to get fucked up!"

"The party is today? I thought it was tomorrow," I said, turning a bit unsure.

"Yeah, can we drop the baby off?" Amanda asked.

"Don't be a wuss," Jeremy chuckled, slapping my back like a real bro, and yanking me back into the car. "There's a few extra shirts in the back if that's what you're worried about. Or call your parents and tell them you're sleeping over or some shit. I don't know."

"Yeah, we gotta pick up Anna on the way anyway," Zach muttered.

My eyes went wide. Anna? Holy shit. Did I get to sit between Amanda and Anna? This Friday was getting quite exciting already. I figured I'd call my parents when I got to the party and let them know. I knew they wanted me to get out more often, so here I was. Getting out. And hopefully, I'd get to talk with Anna for real.

"Hey bud, mind jumping in the trunk?" Zach suddenly asked as we pulled up to what I knew was Anna's house. Like me, she lived in suburbia, though not on the same street.

"What?" I asked confused. Didn't I get to sit between the two prettiest girls in school?

"It's gonna get really crammed. Hey, don't worry about it. Better view from back there, eh?" Zach said. The words were meant to be encouraging but came across as excessively condescending.

But if this was my ticket to a better status in my senior year, then I'd climb in the back. So in the back, I climbed. It was a big SUV anyway, so plenty of space.

And there she was, Anna came marching out of her house. I had to wonder if her parents knew where she was heading. By the looks of it, not really. She dressed way skimpier than I was used to seeing her, and by the lack of lights in the house, I had to guess her parents were out. My eyes enjoyed her new attire, however. Short skirt, torn nylon stockings, and a top that screamed all the right things for the brain of an eighteen-year-old kid. Her makeup was way crasser than she wore it in school too. I guess I didn't really see her much outside of Courtington High.

"Who's in the back?" Anna asked as she jumped in.

That stung. This time it was sincere, unlike with Amanda. She had no clue who I was.

"It's our burglar," Zach said.

"L-like B-Bilbo," I said, without thinking. An awkward silence followed, which in turn was followed by laughter by the others. I even chuckled a bit, though I knew it was at my expense, rather than my 'clever' remark.

"It's Logan. You know Logan right?" Jeremy asked cruelly, turning in his seat so I could see his knowing smirk. He knew full well Anna didn't, so he wanted to rub it in.

"Oh yeah, sure," Anna said, looking back at me, her blue eyes sparkling as she seemed to draw some recognition. My face became beet red as I crumbled under her stare.

"So w-where is th-this party?" I asked, not wanting the topic to remain on me much longer. I had fucked it up enough already. My nervous stutter didn't help either.

"The woods. You know the small forest near Milton Avenue?" Zach asked.

"Fuck no, we're not partying there?" Anna exclaimed. I was shocked at her language. She always seemed so proper.

Amanda snorted, but Zach ignored them both and went on. "So I hope you packed your warm jackets!"

I hadn't. I only had my regular day-to-day jacket on, and a regular set of jeans, t-shirt, and flannel. That was it. That would be freezing! The girls didn't seem to fare much better, being dressed in skimpy skirts both of them.

"God damn it, Zach," Amanda exclaimed. "It's gonna be cold as fuck!"

"Don't worry, babe, I'll keep you warm in here," Zach said confidently.

Amanda snorted again. Anna then started to rummage through her pockets as if she were looking for something, making Zach react.

"No smoking in my car!" Zach yelled. Anna rolled her eyes.

"It's just pot," she retorted.

"It stinks!" Zach replied.

Then the four of them continued talking about this and that as I sat back, delighted to even be here. Included. Accepted. Barely, but just enough. I sorta zoned out as they drove. At least we wouldn't be too far from where I lived. I could just walk home if it got too bad.


The party itself wasn't something to write home about. Nothing happened out of the ordinary outta what you'd expect. Loud music, drunk people, all that. And like at school, no one talked to me. No one. Not even the people I got here with. So I just sat on a worn-out sofa, drinking some vile-tasting stuff, amusing myself as I felt slightly warmer inside due to the alcohol and the bonfire, despite it being outdoors. I was slowly but surely realizing I wasn't enjoying this party. Or perhaps parties in general. But I'd endure if it meant being slightly cooler, and perhaps getting a chance to talk with Anna.

What is that expression anyhow? Write home about? I chuckled to myself, imagining myself sitting here among all these people, at a party, writing a war-time letter to my folks who lived right through a cluster of trees, the old houses' garden, then up the street a bit. Funny. Like some soldier in a war far away from home.

"What you laughing for?" a bubbly voice suddenly said in front of me. It was Anna.

Apparently, my ability to speak stopped functioning, as I sat there and stared dumbfounded at her as she sat down next to me. Jeremy had been flirting with her all party long, much to my dismay, but here she was. Despite one of the most popular folks trying his luck with her, she sat down next to me!

"I- I just thought of s-something funny," I said, desperately looking around for something funny I could use as an excuse. But Anna didn't follow up.

"Sorry I didn't recognize you earlier," Anna said softly. Almost as if she was purring. Jesus, my heart felt like it was going to explode.

"I-it's okay, it-it was d-dark," I replied. I couldn't tell if the shivers were from the cold or from the hottest girl in school talking to me.

"Still, it's fucked up," Anna said, then her sparkling eyes trailed me. "You cold? You're shivering and stuttering all over. Here, take some vodka."

She handed me her cup. Her own cup. I took a sip, savoring every ounce of liquid I dared to let past my lips, carefully not drinking all of it. Her eyes and mouth curled beautifully into a smile. I stifled a cough at the worst shit I had ever tasted and handed her the cup. She then did something that I would never have guessed.

She leaned over and pressed her luscious, scolding hot lips into my cheek. It lasted for a brief second, and when she leaned back Anna smiled warmly and said, "You're cute. Anyway, I have some mingling to do. Just wanted to say thanks. For helping us with the stuff, I mean." She stood, smiled at me, and moved into the crowd surrounding the small bonfire we had got going.

I briefly touched my cheek where she had kissed me. It burned into my skin, kinda like someone had branded me like they did with cattle. But as much as it felt like my skin was steaming and burning from her moist lips pecking me, I liked it. Sign me up for more parties!

One drink to another, and some time later I found myself chatting with Robert. I can't really recall what we talked about. Something about football. I made the mistake of saying I didn't understand the rules, so Robert took it upon himself to teach me. I nodded and tried to follow along, but it was honestly lost on me. In return, I tried to explain the joy of reading fiction, but it was honestly lost on him. Agree to disagree on what is interesting in the world. Booze helped me out, though. But toward the tail end of the conversation, as Robert strolled away, I noticed Jeremy and Anna returning from the woods. When Anna caught me staring, she blushed but came back over. I quickly stood up and for some reason, I suddenly felt very dizzy.

"Here, take a shot with me," she said, rosy-cheeked and her breath steaming. "It's getting way too cold."

"Yeah, thanksh," I said, slurring my speech. Where did that come from? "What did you and Sheremy do?"

Anna moved a bit closer, and I could almost smell her as she stood close. Roses, matching her flushed cheeks. Her hand moved to cup my face for a brief moment, then down to rest on my chest as she looked into my eyes. The warmness of her palm pressed right through my clothing, and it was a much-welcomed warmth among the shivers.

"Don't you worry about that," Anna said, looking over her shoulder conspicuously. "You know that creepy house?"

"Yesh, I live n-near it," I slurred.

"Yeah we just explored near it a bit," Anna said, looking at my chest more than my eyes. She seemed somewhat abashed talking to me, suddenly. Shy even.

"So you like Overwatch?" I asked, feeling a bit more confident by now, though stifling something brewing in my stomach.

"I like what?" Anna asked, a bit confused.

"Overwatch. Y-your coshplays on Instagram?" I asked, taking another sip from my cup. Man, my stomach was really not cooperating right now.

"Oooh. Yeah, I have no clue what that is. I just google popular cosplays and do them because they look kinda good for extra clicks on Insta. What, you enjoy my cosplay?" Anna teased, flicking me a so sexy smile. "JESUS CHRIST!" she suddenly screamed as I threw up all over her cleavage, and her splendid clothes. Fuck.

"I'm s-sorry!" I said, as I truly was. How fucking embarrassing couldn't it get?

Well, I was about to find out. I spun around and hit the ground, my face suddenly numb with pain as it collided with the snow. I quickly turned around and saw Jeremy's angry face and his closed fist. I never felt the punch, but I sure as shit felt the aftermath. But he stopped before the second one. I saw Robert hold one of his arms back. At least someone would be my savior. For once.

But as they argued, and as Anna cursed my name, I just slinked away in the darkness, wanting to disappear forever.


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Rimbaud17Rimbaud176 days ago

Hey, nice to see Ms. Louise Banks make a brief passing appearance here. Fun little Easter egg.

BundledandboundBundledandbound25 days ago

Interested to see where this is going!

MCJOHN11708MCJOHN1170827 days ago

Really hope this doesn't turn into another cuck story. Has fairly decent potential.

PervertedKnightPervertedKnight27 days ago

I agree with IJS0904's critique. I'm a sucker for the haunted house genre, and you have many different paths you could take this. Cheers!

IJS0904IJS090428 days ago

I'm looking forward to where you take this story. You've set the stage, and we will see what happens to our protagonist. Nice start and excellent writing.

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