The Stronger Girl 07


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Nancy's head was moving as her jaw worked. Annie imaging her narrow tongue deep inside Michele, her wet chin pressing rhythmically against The Stronger Girl's asshole. Likewise, she knew the thin sweet flavor of Michele as she approached orgasm, could almost taste it.

The Stronger Girl grunted. She released her hold on Nancy's hair and Annie's neck, spreading her arms wide, she pushed off the bed with her elbows, her heels rose off the floor, raising her knees on pointing toes, her abs knotted as she curled her body inward.

"G,D!" She choked, splashing Nancy's face and hair with cum. "Oh GOD fuck Baby!"

Nancy's face was dripping wet as Annie kissed her, combing the cum back into her hair with her fingers. They were smiling and Annie was tugging at the fly of her jeans with her free hand as Nancy lifted her shirt. They separated and Annie knelt, working the tight jeans down Nancy's legs and freeing her feet. She looked up just as Nancy was pulling off her bra.

"Those fucking tighty-whities!" Michele hissed with a hungry look. "Come here Baby Miss."

Michel was sitting up on the edge of her bed, her long legs still held shamelessly wide open, she spread her arms now and beckoned Nancy with her fingers. Annie sat kneeling as the other girls embraced, Nancy standing awkwardly in the delta of The Stronger Girl's powerful thighs. Michele leaned back, taking Nancy with her, the two laughed as Nancy toppled onto The Stronger Girl.

Nancy's cotton briefs stretched tight across her ass, her hips wedged by The Stronger Girl's now clamping thighs, Her legs bent, balanced on her painted toes, her knees together, hanging just above the floor. Nancy's pose looked comically girlish and impossibly pretty to Annie. Michele was kissing and sucking at Nancy's neck, who squirmed and shrieked in her arms. Michele's attentions became gentler, soft bussing, and easy sucks, and Nancy relaxed and began to moan. The Stronger Girl moved her hands down to Nancy's back to her waistband, hooked them with her thumbs, pulling the little cotton trunks down as far as she could reach.

Annie moved so she was kneeling between Nancy's feet. Taking the waistband from Michele, She slipped them down and off. When she looked up from freeing Nancy's feet The Stronger Girl was holding Nancy by the ass, spreading her wide.

"Make it soft?" she asked. Hearing that, Nancy moaned loudly against Michele's shoulder - the sound was full of longing. Almost painful in its intensity

Annie had sucked Nancy's clit under Michele's harsh direction. Pulled to the task by her hair that first time, she had nursed at Nancy's surprisingly large glans until she had orgasmed explosively. Annie had very willingly eaten Nancy out for the first time while the lingerie saleswoman looked on, but hearing Nancy's moan now, she realized licking her ass was something her friend had been longing for. Had she fantasized about this? She pictured Nancy in the dark, masturbating while her roommate slept. Annie wondered why Michele gave this to her now. Was it a reward for Nancy for making her cum so hard? She rose onto her knees, placed her hands over Michele's. The Stronger Girl was staring at her over Nancy's shoulder.

"Or maybe this is just what Michele wants right now,' Annie thought.

Petting The Stronger Girl's fingers; Annie bent her neck. She blew softly on Nancy's pale knot, felt her Baby Miss tense. Annie's mouth had flooded with saliva, she felt as if she must have been hoarding it was so full. She stared into Michele's eyes as she opened her mouth and drool poured off her tongue and down her chin into Nancy's crack. She watched Michele's eyes as she made the lewd gesture; watched them go black with excitement. Swilling Nancy's asshole with her lips and tongue Annie felt spit dripping onto her thighs.

"Yesss," Nancy hissed, rolling her hips upwards towards Annie's mouth. "Oh, Annie pleassse yesss!"

She moved her face side to side, lubricating both the outsides of her cheeks and the insides of Nancy's. Once her face and the confining flesh were wet and slick she let her tongue go soft and flat and lapped; long slow licks. Nancy arched her back and growled. The low grumble of easy and contented pleasure. Annie was in no rush and kept to the slow even pace, wanting Nancy to luxuriate in the attention. Michele's hands had relaxed and were petting Nancy's flanks.

After brunch, David and Charlie had taken the girls to the station and put them on the train. Michele had ushered Annie to a pair of window seats on the river side of the car that faced another pair of seats. Michele had sat across from Annie. They had traveled out of the city like that, looking at each other and not touching, in silence.

After the train made the long slow underground trip from the station and emerged into the brightness of the afternoon Michele had taken out a book and read. Annie took out her PHYS 200 textbook and found her place, but instead of reading had studied squalid aging conditions of the open cut the tracks ran through - the graffiti, trash piles, small encampments, and industrial debris. After a while, she had dozed, waking to a view from elevated tracks of gritty neighborhoods; identical highrise towers, and rundown playfields. Michele was holding her book with one hand but looking at Annie. They had watched each other for a time, but Annie's eyes had drooped and closed again.

She woke to the river, and on its far side steely cliffs. The red, orange, and yellow foliage of fall was starting to disappear. The forests along that stretch of river - except for startling glimpses of green pine making appearances now and then - had been nearly as gray as the supporting stone.

She turned to see Michele watching her.

Annie had wanted to ask The Stroger Girl about her feelings, what it had meant that she had introduced Annie to her brother as her girlfriend, wanted to know what, if anything, had changed between them. She wanted to ask about Charlie's warning, about the 'gap year' Michele's mother had mentioned. Instead, she had leaned over, sliding her textbook in her bag, then bent over to untie Michele's laces. Tenderly she'd slipped The Stronger Girl's feet out of her shoes and lifted her feet onto her lap. Slipping off her socks, she'd brushed the lint from her toes and begun to rub them.

Softly kneading Michele's feet, Annie had watched her read and thought about how badly she wanted to please her. She could not imagine anything she wouldn't do for The Stronger Girl. The sky went from neon pink to indigo, to black. A man seated across the aisle, facing Annie, had stared at her. When she'd noticed, she'd wondered what he would do if she had lifted Michele's foot to her mouth and sucked her toes. Instead, she stared back. As she did she had pictured Michele slapping him, knocking him to the ground, and standing over him, holding him to the filthy floor of the train car with her bare foot on his chest. He had looked away.

Submissively licking Nancy's asshole Annie wondered at how bold she'd been on the train. How entirely secure in the knowledge she'd been that The Stronger Girl would have defended her from the man if he'd said or done anything to her.

Annie felt Michele's hand on her head, her fingers drawing through her hair into a fist. Nancy's breathing had dropped into such a slow deep rhythm she could have been asleep, but Annie knew she wasn't. Annie could hear Nancy sucking and kissing Michele's neck. She could tell she was holding The Stronger Girl's large breasts, see the backs of her arms flexing as she fondled and squeezed. Reaching around Nancy's hips, and slipping her hands between the two girls' bellies, Annie's right hand, palm up, sought out Nancy's fat clit with her middle and index fingers, her left hand, palm down flattened over Michele's smooth mons, her thumb finding the rigid little pearl; circling and stroking.

As Annie's fingers stroked, as her thumb circled and her tongue licked and swirled she thought of Michele putting down her book and looking out at the dark river. Annie was still rubbing her feet, but The Stronger Girl had pulled them away, taken them off Annie's lap, and gotten up to take the seat next to her. She found her page again and holding her book up to read, reached for Annie's hand with her free hand. They rode that way, hand in hand, in silence for the rest of the trip. They had waited for the shuttle back to school with a few other students, Michele still holding her hand tightly. And, after seating Annie near the window, Michele had held her hand all the way to campus. As they walked across campus with their bags, the wind had been blowing murmurations of colorful leaves in great gusts. Michele had held Annie around the shoulders, squeezing her close, keeping her warm.

Annie pushed her pointed tongue and swirled it hard around Nancy's asshole; she was rewarded by a deep pining moan. She pictured her tongue, the pink tips of her fingers and thumb circling the pink moons of her Baby Miss and The Stronger Girl like satellites. She tried to decide what was the initial condition of this Three-Body Problem. Was it the moment she first saw Michele standing in their room, mistaking her for a woman in authority, assuming she was a member of the college staff or administration, only to realize she was a strong girl; but not yet The Stronger Girl. Or was it when she and Michele had first met Nancy, and, even before knowing her name, she had first thought of Nancy as Baby Miss, but not yet her Baby Miss.

She thought of the ways the three bodies were attracted to and orbited one another - the unpredictability of the movements, the chaotic nature of the relationships. She pictured the ways she orbited Michele a tight circle of a small body spinning in tight formation. She knew Nancy didn't circle The Stronger Girl the same way. In her heart of hearts, she knew that Nancy orbited Annie herself, sometimes closer to Michele sometimes further. Fear stabbed her as she pictured these orbits becoming erratic, remembering the ways Michele had nearly spun away, how the whole system had almost flown apart. She pushed the fear down, thought of the tight circles and violent collisions of the past week - Nancy's cum spraying past the gold band, the blood and piss on Michele's face.

Just then Nancy bowed and arched her back in quick succession. Michele squeaked as if she'd been pinched or bitten and then Nancy's legs shot out straight, making a wide V. Her clenching ass forced Annie's face back and out, but Annie kept her fingers kept working, as Nancy's orgasm rolled through her with an intensity that looked almost painful, Michele began to shake and jerk with an orgasm of her own.

"My good girls," Annie whispered. "My beautiful good girls."

"It's strange, isn't it?" Michele asked.

They were lying in the dark, shades drawn, each in their own beds. Annie was fingering the little web of flesh connecting the floor of her mouth to the underside of her tongue, there was a small gash where it had been pressed against her bottom teeth.

"Yeth," Annie answered, her finger still in her mouth.

"Come here Little One."

Annie climbed out of bed and crossed to Michele. She could just barely see The Stronger Girl, who was sitting up in bed naked.

"Give me this," she said, lifting Annie's camisole. Her hands caressed Annie's skin, found her waistband, and pulled her panties down.

"That's better," Michele told her as she lay back on her side, holding her bedding open for Annie.

As she climbed naked into the bed, Annie pushed her knee between the Stronger Girls thighs, easing them open and Michele onto her back. She pulled the bedding up and over her head as she took her place in the muffled dark at the foot of the bed, wrapping her arms under and around The Stronger Girl's long hard thighs. The little web stung as she parted Michele's lips with her tongue, but Annie drew it back as she found Michele's singularity - its gravity so intense Annie imagine light bending around it. Her pursed lips ringed the dense little body, trapped by its pull. A pink moon, billions of times heavier than the sun.

'Billions,' Annie thought and began her suck.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Indeed. All those films in the Small Axe anthology were great. Great taste. And great filmmaker.

SiteNonSiteSiteNonSite2 months agoAuthor

Thank you for the kind words RereadingAnon. I enjoy the claustrophobia of the dorm room fantasy as well - a hidden world, behind a veil. I’m glad to know the rhythm matches the storytelling, and deeply glad it’s not reggae (although the ska driven house party in the Lovers Rock episode of Steve McQueen’s Small Ax is one of the sexiest things I’ve ever watched).

It really does give me great pleasure to know these stories are being reread. I am a rereader and like the idea that I’ve made something worthy of being reread.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I've reread this story the most often of the three and the most recent comment triggered something in why that may be. The cloistered setting of the dorm room/university really adds to the intensity (almost repressive) and the narrative decisions (this series is probably the most minimalist of the three in terms of other events and the suspension of time) and I think it really works in combination with the d/s theme. It combines beautifully with the psychology of Annie being preoccupied with the pre-eminence of Michelle. We don't need Annie at class or more of her daily routine (IMO) for the way this story has been told. There are some school interludes but the pacing is perfectly matched with rhythm of the characters. I'll use that Jazz reference in another way...the beat matches the storytelling and the d/s dynamic. Other stories may be more reggae or what have you. One could almost say, that it's been perfectly edited. (even if it wasn't cut down, the end product is so streamlined)

This is just my perspective obviously. I rate all the series but for these reasons and others, I find myself rereading this series the most. Great work. I hope there's a little more. :)

SiteNonSiteSiteNonSite2 months agoAuthor

You’ve been here a looooong time mikecable (2004!) so I very much appreciate the praise coming from you, and enjoy the jazz analogy. I’m very glad the narrative about the relationship feels equal to the sex - I enjoy writing both parts, but not always at the same time, so I struggle to keep them balanced.

I hope that if you keep reading, that you will keep commenting. I’m curious if the intercutting and flashbacks improve for you as I go along (while I like to reference highbrow art, I really don’t have literary pretensions, it just seems to be the way I think. I have worked hard to make the leaps more legible for readers.) Thanks so much for reading and for letting me know what you like. XOSNS

mikecablemikecable3 months ago

It's quite a remarkable piece of writing. I find it's often challenging in erotic stories to incorporate narrative about the participants with the juicy erotic bits. One part always seems to suffer. Here, it feels like either piece could stand nicely on its own, and the parts are woven beautifully together, and complement each other nicely. The story pulls you in, and refuses to let go.

I sometimes found myself lagging a bit at some of the shifts back and forth between flashbacks/scenes. The scene would change, and I had to play a little catch up. Still, I thought of some of those 'fast dissolves" like a segue in a jazz piece from a sax solo back to the chorus...the listener just needs to follow the improv.

Great work.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I refuse to believe that this story is finished. :) It's too good.

SiteNonSiteSiteNonSite11 months agoAuthor

Thank you VeryOldAnon, it’s always a special treat to hear from other authors. The writing has been a wonderful discovery for me. I’m pleased to know the three body reference struck a cord with you. You too S9808, so glad to see you’re enjoying all the stories.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Just beautiful. The writing, the characters, the visionary refs to the three bodies problem I’m a very old, published author so I recognise good writing when I stumble across it. It’s been a joy.

S9808S9808about 1 year ago

I find your stories so immersive it is very disappointing when they finish. Keep writing please. There are lots of stories in this genre but few of this quality and inclusiveness.

keep going.

SiteNonSiteSiteNonSiteabout 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you ComeBackOftenAnon, I find the force of Michele’s desires magnetic as well. Because this series refuses the conventions of a D/s story, I’m glad to know it’s appreciated on those terms. I would love the series to continue as well, but for whatever reason don’t feel compelled to do so… perhaps when I finish Impact I’ll come back to TSG.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I thoroughly enjoyed this series. Excellently layered and highly focused. I think the dorm room setting combined with the expertly crafted d/s dynamic accentuates the sex (which are easily the best written scenes of this nature that I've come across in this genre). I've read all your other series and rate them all highly. However, I do come back to this series the most often, I think because of the simplicity and the almost singular focus on Michelle's desires (her strictness w/ Annie and Nancy) and her air of command. I would love to see the series continue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Outstanding. I strongly endorse continuing this great series.

_robin_robinover 1 year ago

PHYS 200 textbook! A curricular hint!

I think Little One was dozing while the train passed through my Spuyten Duyvil?

Sweet that Nancy was so excited to see them back!

SiteNonSiteSiteNonSiteover 1 year agoAuthor

I think about Annie regularly, and Nancy, and Michele, but mostly just to wonder how they might be doing - no real image of what’s next. Perhaps when I’ve wrapped Impact, I hope so. Thank you Wilding, and StrongerAnon. I think you are exactly right about Annie, but I’m not sure what it would take for her to realize that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I really liked this story. Your writing is awesome and the dialog is very well done something that is often lacking in other stories I've read on here. Loved the way you maneuvered past and present through Annie's thoughts. I can see this turning into a very long project for you. Annie may think of Michele as the stonger girl but it is Annie that this little world seems to revolve around and if it were to come down to a dedicated couple I can only see that happening and would love to see that happen between Annie and Nancy because they just seem to have a natural flow between them. I can understand why you're so dedicated to "Impact" as it deserves that perfect ending and I'm also looking forward to seeing where you take these girls or where they take you. Thanks for another great read.

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