The Sultanah Ch. 03


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"Tanri's bride has finally felt the hand of god!" Rahibe remarked, feeling Acemi's new interest. The older nuns began to help her. They pulled her back when my cock slipped out of her and thrust her back down hard as I sought to re-enter. The end result was faster, more powerful thrusts. The older nuns continued to suck on Acemi's nipples and her body twisted in their arms as she moaned lewdly.

For several minutes, this motion continued unabated. I moved my hands off my breasts, letting my nipples fall against the cold stone. I placed my hands on my hips, panting with exertion as my hips continued to pound into the wall. Rahibe and Ikiyüzlü continued to lift Acemi up and slam her down hard on my cock. Acemi's cunny squeezed my aching cock tightly. I felt my balls sagging as they filled with new seed. My head felt light and my body felt weak. I did not think that I could continue to move, but still the sweet release from tension I needed did not come.

In fact, that pleasure found Acemi first. I felt her motions grow more frantic and her eyes looked more unfocused with each passing second. Finally, Rahibe and Ikiyüzlü gave her a final hard thrust down onto my cock, their mouths slurping loudly on her nipples. I felt something different, even as my cock slipped deep inside of her. It was tighter than before, rippling. I heard her screaming now, not in short bursts as before but in one long, sustained screech. Her body was shaking wildly and I could feel it through the wall. Acemi was reaching a climax. I thrust my hips out hard, burying myself in Acemi finally. Rahibe and Ikiyüzlü sensed what was happening, and kept Acemi hard against the wall.

Acemi's contracting cunny finally provided the relief my thrusts would not. I felt her cunt squeezing on me, trying to milk me of my seed. Finally, my body obliged. The relief I felt as the tension crested is indescribable. My breath was coming in ragged gasps. It wasn't so much that I felt the warm pleasures I had felt the first time, now I felt supreme relaxation, like a hard day's labor come to a satisfying end. This relaxation rolled from my cock all throughout my body.

While this occurred, I was acutely aware of my balls seizing up against my body. I could feel the vessels in my cock contracting. The seed poured from my cock so rapidly that I could feel the pressure as it sought to overwhelm my capacity. I felt my seed entering Acemi's tight cunny. It was already so constricted that I felt like her body would be unable to take it, but it just kept filling her. She groaned and twisted, but kept pushing her hips into me, willing more and more of my seed into her body.

Finally, I felt my cock give one final twitch and the last of my seed spilled into Acemi. I became aware that I had started holding my breath over the last several seconds. I was already light headed from exertion and beyond the breadth of my stamina. I stumbled back slightly. I felt my cock finally slip out of Acemi's cunny. I could feel my seed spurt out as that happened and I heard Acemi gasp. But by then my struggle was merely to stay on my feet. But, in that, I failed. I fell back into the passage, onto the floor on my ass. I let out a low groan as I landed, sucking in air like a beached fish.

My mind was still focused on one thing: the actions of the room beyond. I could not have stood at that moment if I had needed to, my legs were made of jelly. But I was able to pull myself quickly up onto my knees. I fell, rather than leaned, forward against the wall once again. I placed my eye against the larger hole, where my cock had been. The scent of my cunny (and Acemi's) was overwhelming in that location. But I was focused on the sights, wondering what had happened after I filled the young nun.

It had only been a few seconds since my eye had moved from the peephole, but already the women had moved. If I had been shocked and surprised by the nuns when I had first arrived at this place, I was absolutely dumbfounded by what I saw now. Rahibe and Ikiyüzlü had set Acemi down on her back on the floor of the cathedral. Her legs were now spread very wide. The two older nuns were kneeling between her legs, their heads pressed against her cunny. I could see their bodies writhing and I could hear a significant slurping and sucking noise. Rahibe and Ikiyüzlü were fighting over my seed! They were licking it from the insides of Acemi's legs and sucking it out of her cunt. I could hear them moaning with pleasure as they sucked it down. The two older nuns jockeyed for prime position between the young novice's legs, contesting with one another for the choicest location.

I looked up towards Acemi's face, wondering what the pious nun thought of her sister nuns' action. Acemi's eyes looked glazed, but a slight smile was formed on her face. She writhed slightly as their tongues moved about on her cunny. I could see her breasts rising and falling rapidly as she panted. After a few moments, I watched as her hands rose slowly from her side. Her palms landed down her own nipples, pressing against the spit-shimmering skin. She moaned loudly as her hands grasped around her own breasts and her palms rubbed gently on her nipples. Whatever resistance Acemi had was completely broken. She was just like the others now.

"Stop staring you fool...or grace. We don't have time, we should leave while we can," I felt a tugging on my arm and turned to look. The thief. I had nearly forgotten she was there. Her face was still exposed and her eyes looked tight and tense. I shook my head violently, coming out of what felt like a trance. I looked around the darkened chamber and remembered who I was and what I was doing. And I thought of something else as well. In an instant, a stroke of inspiration, the provenance of which I could not but guess.

"Do you know how to reach the clock?" I asked as I stood, grabbing quickly at my clothes.

* * * * *

I heard the bell calling once again, this time heralding the six o'clock hour. I was standing in the square, in the exact location I had been one hour earlier. The crowd in the square was larger this time. Those who still worked were now off and they had come to witness the hourly prayer to Tanri. All eyes turned to the door as nuns and monks began to walk out slowly and solemnly (some of them, perhaps, covered in my seed). Already, people were dropping to their knees to pray to the God of chastity and self-discipline.

My time in the passage below the cathedral with Soyguncu (for I had learned that this was the name of the pickpocket) had been, amongst other things, instructive. When I had stood in the same spot an hour previously and looked up at the beautiful, forbidding cathedral I had felt the power of the place as symbolized by the massive structure and the weighty symbols. I had sought the power behind those symbols, to find a way to undermine it.

When I pulled my eye away from the hole in the wall in the basement of the cathedral, I had realized that I had been looking for an illusion. Tanri was, and always had been, a false god foisted upon my people by foreigners. There could be no power in this place because any power had to come from Tanri. I had stood in for Tanri in a ritual and I had not felt him. All I felt was the hypocrisy of a religion that taught self-discipline and celibacy but found elaborate means to avoid practicing what it preached. The only God I could feel while spilling my seed on three of Tanri's "virgins" was my God Gunes, a true God. If Tanri had been a true god and believed the tenets of his own faith, he would have cast down the church that bore his name for betraying his legacy. He would have behaved as Gunes had when we turned our back on her, destroying to teach submission. Instead, Tanri's church had plodded along, sapping the strength and wealth of my people.

I could not deny that the Cathedral in the square, and the church it represented, had power. I could feel that power in its symbols, its icons. But I now recognized that these symbols were its power. Just as the nuns seemed pious on the surface but were hypocrites in their souls, the symbols of the cathedral shone forth on the outside, but were hollow within. The symbols and the chaste nuns hinted at a power that did not exist, and tricked my scared people into believing the lie. But I had seen past that now, I had seen what the church truly was. And in so learning, I devised a method to enlighten my people.

I glanced quickly up at the clock once again. The large, pacific blue gem stared down at me. I tried to strain to see any indication of change, but it was too far to tell. I thought, for a moment, I could see someone moving in the shadows, in the eaves to the left of the clock. The clock was still ringing and the nuns and priests had formed their semi-circle before the door. They were not yet looking up.

The third strike of the bell. Now I saw a black figure slip out from the eaves. The figure moved very slowly, keeping low against the ledge below the hands of the clock. I looked around nervously. The crowd was looking and the nuns or at the doors and seemed not to notice. The figure was very small from down below and I doubted I would have seen it, save for the fact that I expected it there.

The fourth strike of the bell. The black figure had crept all the way out so that it was laying below the gem in the center of the clock. In a half instant the figure rose, just to the left of the gem so that it did not obstruct the view. The figure held a vessel in its hand and it quickly upturned it on top of the gem. I could see some liquid pour from the vessel, but once it landed on the gem it became invisible. I ventured to look again at the crowd. I felt my heart pounding wildly in my chest, my mouth was dry, and my stomach was in knots. This was the riskiest moment, and discovery would be fatal. I heard the crowd mumbling slightly, but only as they had mumbled before, reverent for Tanri.

The fifth strike of the bell. The black figure dropped quickly down onto its stomach once again, clutching the vessel closely in its hand. It crawled quickly back toward the eaves from whence it had come, never rising or exposing anything but a dark tunic in the rapidly dying light of evening. I breathed easier now and my stomach eased. I was not completely at ease; the ultimate act was still to come. But I felt almost certain now in the red evening light of Gunes that the attempt would be a success.

The six and final strike of the bell. The dark figure had returned to the darkness of the eaves. But I could see a slight light in the darkness beyond. As the reverberations from the bell continued, I something fly from the darkness, tossed by the hand of the figured. A ball of oily rags, set alight flying across the sky. The ball was very small, no larger than a turkey's egg. The wind whipped at it as it flew through the air, almost extinguishing it (and, luckily, making it almost invisible from view below). I held my breath and said a silent prayer to Gunes. Just as the bell ceased to vibrate, the ball of rags struck the doused gem.

"Glory be to..." the voice of the nuns and priests began the ritual start of their prayer. I took a step forward into the crowd. I tossed back the hood on my cloak, exposing my face.

"Gunes be praised!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, "The gem!" The nuns and priests ceased their prayer in shock at my outburst. All eyes in the area quickly extended up towards the gem in the center of the clock. The crowd gasped in unison. The perfectly smooth blue ball seemed to have disappeared entirely. Replacing it was a jagged, red and yellow ball of fire in the center of the clock.

"The Sun of Gunes shines forth from the usurper's Cathedral!" I moaned in agony, "Gunes punishes us for our lack of faith, failing to remain steadfast and for following a false God. But Gunes has remained in this city despite our perfidy! In her infinite wisdom she offers another chance." I dropped to my knees and stared up at the glowing red ball. At that moment (though I could not have planned it if I tried), the sun sank down in the sky on its descent so that it seemed perched on the top of the spire. Two suns, one on earth and one in heaven, the sun God and her vicar.

"It is the Sultanah!" I heard some voices call in shock, "She brings a miracle!"

"Gunes save us!" others called in response. Soon, all around me my people were dropping to their knees and staring up at the fiery ball. There were no abstainers now, save the nuns and priests (who stood in mute, shocked silence, tears of rage in their eyes). All knelt before Gunes. I could hear their prayers all around me.

I looked up again at the burning stone and then turned my eyes towards the darkness of the eaves. I could just make out the sly smile of Soyguncu in the shadows. I resisted the urge to smile back at her. She had known the way to reach the clock, she had known a place to find oil and rags, and she had known how to get me back in the square with a few moments to spare. She was loyal to her Sultanah, loyal to Gunes, and more than willing to do anything to undermine the hypocrites of Tanri. She would be richly rewarded.

"Gunes is the true God!" I heard voices clamoring. I drop my head as the others did and for a long while, simply breathed and felt relief that my gambit had seemed to pay off. I had taken his stone; I had defeated it with a more powerful symbol, infused with the reality of Gunes. Only time would tell the scope of my victory. But I felt a lightness in my heart that I took for a positive omen.

I felt no remorse for my deception, as I heard the people clamoring to abandon Tanri. It was true that Gunes had not directly caused the ball to light aflame. But was I not Gunes' representative on Earth? Had I not made it happen? Besides, if it turned my people from the false and harmful God to the true path, could it possibly be a deception? Tanri was an empty concept; his power came solely from symbolism.

Even as I was justifying my actions, my eyes rose and I felt the breath catch in my throat and my eyes fill with tears. There had been little oil on the stone, only as much as Soyguncu had been able to carry quickly to the apex of the cathedral. It had quickly burned through its supply. But now, in the fading of my manufactured miracle, I saw something more substantial. An actual miracle.

The beautiful, blue ball that had stood for centuries as the symbol of Tanri had been changed. But not in the way I suspected. I had anticipated that it would be charred and black when the burning completed, a symbol of the fires eating up the false god. I was shocked to find something else entirely. The ball was just a clear as before; it sparkled just as brightly in the dying light of the day. No soot marred its beauty. But the blue color had been entirely eradicated. The ball was a deep, dark red. The color of blood. The color of Gunes!

I closed my eyes and bowed my head, now with real rather than affected reverence. I could not explain this miracle. Gunes had entered the Cathedral with fire and filled the empty symbol with her power. I could not think about what that meant in the moment. I could only cry and feel the warmth of euphoria as it filled my soul.

End Chapter 3


Note: I honestly write so that I can hear the comments you all give. So please just tell me what you think. Even if it is just a sentence or two (though I always prefer more). Consider that your payment for a free story. And if you like this, I beg you to read my other stories and comment on them too. I know who my loyal readers are and I really appreciate you. Thanks!


P.S. I do one edit of my work and I try to be thorough. But I figure when it comes to handing out free erotica, you all would be better served getting it fast (if a little rough), than waiting for me to polish it like I was getting paid for my work. Especially on a massive project like this, it took a year to write and could take longer to edit. So, in short, I know there are some errors and I don't really care that much. Don't complain about the soundtrack in your porno, don't sweat the typos in your erotica. Thanks.


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Rapier875Rapier875over 1 year ago

3 chapters in and so far a brilliant story.

On now to part 4...........!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


chucklesfeeneychucklesfeeneyabout 3 years ago

Very absorbing story with an unusual character! Wonder if her cunny will get some action?

Chris7swChris7swabout 3 years ago

Abot line 30 on page 3 (Literotica pages, that is) I believe that you've wrongly named the responder.

"Do not create artificial distinctions in your mind," Gunes responded you wrote but I guess it was Cin who replied and not Gunes. However, for all I know you spotted that anomoly years ago and corrected it in your final draft.

Whatever - this is a truly amazing story that's on a par with many a top notch novel. Brilliant work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Your characters are all well-developed, the situations and plot is realistic (even if at times "bizarre" and erotic), and the story continues to move on at an accelerating pace. I like how you use the Sultanah's special nature to solve problems, usually with her being unaware of how to do so until the opportunity presents itself through Gunes' guidance.

Thank you for such a wonderful gift to all of us,

Blue Eyes

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

As with the last couple of chapters, the story progresses in a believable, yet exciting way. Once again the erotic and non erotic parts of the story are seamlessly woven together. Simply brilliant so far.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Great Deception!

I loved that trick Varis pulled at the end and how you wrote the plot to show the hypocrisy of the Nuns and the Faith of Tanri. Also, the sex scene was freaking AWESOME!

From: Pietro Aretino

BlueMoon0BlueMoon0about 7 years ago

I don't normally go for "nun" erotic fantasy, as I normally find them too focused either on shock-value ( yet too close to reality), or on ritual, pomp and ceremony. Thankfully, this found wonderful balance. I am truly enjoying the erotic surprises your mind conjures.

Hubs_in_hoseHubs_in_hoseabout 8 years ago

I am fully invested in the story about this young Sultanah and her empire of Bütün Dünya. I don't fell as if I am reading "some sex story" but a really good novel with intoxicating sex scenes. I've read a few chapters and it grows increasingly difficult to put my phone down. (I had to log on to the website to write this review, as there isn't a manner to comment on the mobile app)

I wish you all the success in the world with your writings. I hope you continue to write as I enjoy what you create immensely.

I really wish I could rate this higher than a 5*. This story is one of those that truly deserve to be among the top rated.

QuazziQuazziabout 8 years ago
Can't get enough!

I am loving this series me and more with each chapter!

YKN4949YKN4949over 8 years agoAuthor
To anonymous

Once again, thanks for the thoughtful comment. In this case, my explanation is simple. In medieval times merchants were near the bottom of the totem

Pole. They were thought of as uppity peasants. Nobles didn't think about their rights or property as worthy of respect. There was no such thing as market theory. Rulers often egregiously abused merchants without thinking twice about it. Merchants wouldn't rise up or execute a leader for this because people with noble blood had a near monopoly on force. In a siege in the Middle Ages I guarantee any leader (wise or not) would seize property and use it for his or her purposes. You can disagree with this, but my story is not a libertarian treatise on good governance. It is an attempt to write a story that exists in a realistic world. But thanks for your comment nonetheless, I love that it got you thinking.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
You lost me with

"...I had to seize all the food to avoid profiteering...". It's a good peek into your personal philosophy. "If somebody has something I want/need, I have every right to just take it!" You are...dangerously, frighteningly misguided. Mass theft is *not* a way to endure a siege, or a disaster. If the merchants had food, she should have offered a guarantee of compensation, and allowed the merchants to sell what they would not donate at reduced (similarly compensated) prices, if they preferred that. When their survival depended on the soldiers getting to eat, they would not refuse to help. But stealing from them under the cloak of "the good of the community!!" is not the act of a wise, competent ruler. Nor is it the act of a ruler who plans to rule for a long time without being deposed or executed by his or her people.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I'm with iknowwhat. Loving it more and more as the story progresses. By now my only issue is another minor one--the repetitive use of a single term for each aspect of their sexual organs :P

Would love it if those could be varied a little from cock and cunny and balls :P

iknowwhatiknowwhatover 8 years ago

loving the innovative scenes and situations in this series

wibitriwibitriover 8 years ago

Well executed and can't ait for more!

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