The Surrogate

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Wife asks husband to take her friend as a surrogate.
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Kathleen, known as Kat to her friends, and Maddie had been friends for a few years. They partnered as leaders in a small discipleship group for college girls at church. They both were High School teachers, same school, both History Teachers. Their friendship was easy and comfortable. They just fit with each other.

Kat was married. Maddie was single. Maddie never felt like a "third wheel" to Kat and her husband, Michael. Although Maddie had a lot to offer, Michael had always kept his hands and eyes (mostly) to himself. She was always welcome and safe in Michael and Kat's home.

Kat was a red head with fair complexion, dotted by a few freckles here and there. She stood 5-6 and weighed about 150, on her best days. Her legs were toned as was her ass; and with breasts measuring 38c, she offered something tantalizing to the eyes.

Lauren was a brunette, equally white in her ethnicity as Kat. She stood toe-to-toe with Kat, a bit taller, and bit lighter, a better ass, slightly smaller breasts, an overall package that drew more attention and flirtatious advances than she preferred. She dated, but was picky and patient.

Both women were active in their church. On campus they were both adored as student favorites. For all practical purposes, they were models of sweetness and success.

So it was quite the shock on that fateful morning when Kat asked Maddie a question. They were sitting at Kat's dining room table sipping their coffee, enjoying a slow Saturday morning free from the hectic pace of the work week at school. Michael had left earlier to go golfing. It was wonderfully quiet.

Kat's blue eyes looked downward as her voice got a bit softer. Maddie had no idea what was about to happen. Even though Kat was formulating the question in her mind - and had been for quite some time - she too had no idea what birthing that question into existence would trigger.

Maddie had just giggled, her brown eyes warming the room, and she lowered her lips to sip on her coffee. Kat smiled. Michael had once said Kat's smile could rule the world. He also had added that with Maddie's eyes, the two of them could rule the universe.

In this moment - Kat just wanted to rule over her emotions. Her heart was racing. Her mind was almost fuzzy. But she knew it was the moment. It was time.

She took a deep breath, attempting to summon up the courage - and clarity - to ask that question. For days she had battled this moment. She had time and time again decided the moment was not right and kept quiet; each pass tightening the tension she felt within. This morning, she felt as if she would snap if she did not ask. She could wait no longer.

Maddie was clueless of the internal struggle within Kat. She hid it well. But, Kat knew once she uttered the words, a new tension would be birthed. Would she lose Maddie's friendship? Would Maddie understand? Say yes or no? Lose her mind and go off on Kat?

So as Kat's mouth opened and that question, as awkwardly worded as it was, moved from her tongue to her lips and then to Maddie's ears, the world seemed to stand still. To both women. Not just quiet - but dead stop still.

"Maddie. Will you be my surrogate with Michael?"

It had taken weeks for Kat to settle upon that word surrogate as the word she felt captured best what she was asking. She had never breathed a word, even a thought of this, to her husband, Michael. Nobody in the entire world had even a clue that such a question existed in her mind; not until this moment when she opened her mouth and invited Maddie in.

Seconds ticked in silence - seemingly an eternity of time - as Maddie absorbed that question. Kat's eyes still downward in gaze, dared not look Maddie in the eye in this moment.

All Maddie could say was, "Surrogate?"

Eyes still too fearful of rejection to look up at her best friend, Kat took a deep breath and sighed as if expelling days worth of tension that had built up to this moment. "Yes Maddie, a surrogate."

"I... I am sorry. I am not following you. A surrogate for... a surrogate you." Maddie's voice tailed off. She shook her head as if trying to clear the cobwebs. "What do you mean by, surrogate?"

Looking up now, feeling her entire life seemingly pouring into this moment, Kat tried to explain. "Michael and I talked again. For the umpteenth time since my surgery, we talked."

"Okay," Maddie softly affirmed Kat, understanding the battle she had been through over the past two years. Cancer. Treatment. Surgery. More Treatments. Survival. But, the battle had cost her the loss of her womb.

"He says me being unable to have children is okay with him. But, God, we both want our own child so badly." There was silence. Kat nervously took a sip of her coffee and then continued.

"I am broken. Unfixable. And I cannot stand the feeling that Michael must suffer, as well as me, like this."

"Kat," said Maddie as she scooted her chair closer to Kat, close enough to put her arm around her shoulders and hug her. "Kat, you are not broken."

As a tear rolled down her cheek, Kat whimpered, "I am broken. It's okay, Maddie. I accept it now... finally."

Maddie pulled Kat even closer and tried to comfort her. "Kat, Michael adores you. The way you are."

"I know. I am not questioning his love. I'm not. But Maddie, I see how life goes on. It doesn't stop. For anything. Keep up, or it will leave you behind."

"Nobody is getting left behind, sweetie."

"Maddie, please. Hear me." Kat took a cleansing breath before continuing. "We talked about adoption. Michael is okay with that. But, I want a child that at least has his DNA. I have thought about it so many times. There are so many worthy children out there we could adopt and assimilate into our family. But it is not just any child I seek. It is another 'us' my hopes are pinned to. A child with our DNA, or at least Michael's. And this, this is the only way."

It took a while for Kat to catch her breath and for Maddie to wrap her mind around everything Kat had just said. Finally, "so when you say 'this is the only way,' by 'this' you mean... a surrogate?"

Kat nodded. "But, not in a clinical sense."

"A clinical sense?"

"No. Not some professional we hire who doesn't know us, doesn't love us." Kat looked into Maddie's eyes now. "I mean somebody who can make our family complete."

Maddie fumbled with both her thoughts and words. "Complete? Love? A surrogate?"

Kat interrupted, "Not just a surrogate, Maddie. THE surrogate. The ONLY surrogate possible."

Maddie's head was spinning. "The only surrogate. Possible."

A glint of hope now sparkling in her eyes. "Yes, Maddie. You are like family to us. Michael has always liked you. You know that."

"Michael thinks this is a good idea?"

Kat's eyes suddenly grew big. "Well, we have not talked about the idea yet. But I am ready. It is time."

Maddie nodded, "So let me see if I am hearing you right. You want Michael to agree to a surrogate. And you mean - ME as the surrogate."

"Yes, you."

"So you and Michael have not talked about me."

"Not in that way."

"Not in that way?" Maddie was desperately trying to gain her balance.

"Yes." Kat looked Maddie directly in the eyes and slowly emphasized her words. "Maddie, you know he likes you... a lot. He thinks the world of you."

Maddie was still trying to make sense of herself as a surrogate. She sat silent and dazed.

"I just know that if he could see what I see, that he would agree that it is our only path forward. Maddie. You are my dear, sweet best friend. You know I absolutely adore and trust you. And you know that Michael welcomes you into our home, our lives. You are like one of us already. This just fits. It would be the greatest gift you could ever give me - us - the gift of life."

Kat's tears were now paired with Maddie's. Just a soft, dazed, "life," was all Maddie could mutter.

Kat passionately piggy-backed, "yes, Maddie - life. The gift of life, of family."

"But Michael and you..."

"Michael and I are still us. That wouldn't change."

"But, but..."

"Shhhh. Maddie. You know he treats you like family, right?"

"Mm hmm."

"I just know, Maddie, I just know that if I could tell him that YOU were the surrogate that it would make a difference. Change everything. He would see the possibilities."

"Possibilities. But, how?"

Kat squeezed Maddie. Took a breath. Whispered in her ear, "I have not figured that part out yet."

Even though she was shocked at the entire idea and had no sense of how any of this made sense, Maddie agreed to come over that evening to just consider it together. That would give Kat time to talk to Michael first, about more than just the idea of a surrogate, but of Maddie as the surrogate. They agreed to that much, even though Maddie repeated several times that she was making no promises.

So it was agreed. Maddie would return that evening at about 9pm.

Maddie spent the afternoon fretting.

Kat spent the afternoon waiting for the moment to present itself when she could talk with Michael. Twice she had tried to start talking about the idea of a surrogate. The first time, she lost the courage just as she approached the opening statement. The second time, as soon as Kat used the word "surrogate," Michael flinched and immediately pushed back with adoption as their best option.

"But, you have not heard the whole idea about a surrogate yet."

"There is no 'whole idea" here, Kat. Just a bad one."

Kat could hear Michael talking, but could not absorb what he was saying. She was desperate. He was rambling about "good enough" and "adoption possibilities" when Kat just abruptly blurted out one word that stopped him in his tracks, as it was so disconnected to anything in the moment.


That's all Kat said. Just Maddie's name. Michael stopped with a confused look on his face. His head swiveled to look over his shoulder, thinking perhaps Maddie had just walked in the room? No. So what the...?


Kat nodded.

Michael was irritated. "Maddie what?"

Kat suddenly found herself choking on the entire speech she had prepared. She barely could manage a slight shrug of her shoulders as she simply repeated her name. "Maddie."

Michael shot a look of confusion and frustration at Kat. "Maddie?"

Kat just nodded. No speech. No explanation. No discussion. The moment was suddenly lost to the blend of Michael's confusion and Kat's hesitation. All that had been shared was that awkward volley back and forth between them of Maddie's name.

9:07 pm

Kat was just finishing up showering when Maddie arrived. Maddie usually just opened the door and walked right in with her sweet voice chirping, "Anyone home?" as she stepped inside. But tonight she nervously paused before entering. She softly knocked. She was surprised when Michael answered the door.

He greeted her with a smile and a hug, "Come on in, Maddie." There was a different look in his eyes. Was it because she knocked instead of just coming in? Was it because he and Kat had talked? What happened? Suddenly she was gripped with the question screaming silently inside of her - What are you doing here!?

Michael invited Maddie to sit down. She moved routinely to her comfy place in the chair, Michael to his corner of the couch. "She's in the shower. Should be out any minute."


"It's a little late for you to be stopping by. Is everything okay?" Maddie felt trapped. Was he clueless? Was he trying to give her a hint? That little voice inside of her suddenly was overpowering - WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?

As Maddie nervously shifted, she tried as calmly and as normal as ever to answer Michael. "Everything okay? Yeah. Sure. I was just on my way home and, um, told Kat I might stop by for a few minutes. Nothing wrong."

Nothing wrong? Nothing wrong?! To Maddie, in that moment, it suddenly felt like EVERYTHING was wrong. Mere seconds from choosing to escape, Kat appeared with her hair still wet and wearing her PJ's and a robe.

Kat smiled, moved to Maddie and with that smile that could light up a room, whispered, "Hey Maddie, I am glad you are here." She hugged Maddie. The hug lingered.

"Anyone thirsty?" Both Maddie and Michael said no thanks to Kat. So she plopped down on the couch next to Michael.

The awkward silence was appropriate to all three of them. The topic looming over them, as yet unspoken between the three of them, had a gravity all to itself. As Kat snuggled up against Michael, she knew that she was at the center for the moment. She had to speak up. She had to massage things along.

"So, here we are." Kat punctuated her awkward attempt to get things going with that smile. Michael lifted his arm around her to accept her snuggle, but she could feel him tense and rigid. Kat patted the cushion next to her on the couch. "Maddie, let's talk."

Maddie got up and moved silently to sit next to Kat on the couch.

Kat spoke again. "Michael, I know you are mad."

"I am not mad."

"You are too. And I am sorry. It's my fault."

"Kat, please." Michael squeezed her to signal he wanted her to stop. "Let's not get into it right now."

Maddie scooted to the edge of the cushion and said, "Perhaps I should leave. I just sort of barged in on you and it is late."

Kat reached out and grabbed Maddie by the wrist. "No. You did not barge in on us. I invited you to be here." As Kat pulled Maddie back to the couch and even closer than before, Michael spoke up.

"Invited? Maddie I thought you said you just happened to be in the neighborhood and told Kat you might stop by."

Kat looked at Maddie, not knowing about that small detail, as Maddie sunk into the couch and slumped into Kat. Before she could offer a response, Kat spoke.

"Michael. Focus. It does not matter how she got here. What matters is why she is here."

With an almost mocking tone, Michael glanced at Maddie and said, "So tell me then, Maddie, why are you here?"

Kat snuggled closer to Michael while simultaneously tugging Maddie closer to her. At Kat's prompting, the three of them were meshed together with Kat in the middle.

Maddie's head was on Kat's shoulder as her body leaned against Kat's side. She did not know how to answer Michael. All she could do was offer an unsteady whimper as she repeated his question aloud: "Maddie, why am I here?"

"Shh," Kat softly purred at Maddie and pulled her closer.

Kat then softly said to Michael, "Kiss me. Please."

It was an odd request considering the context. Michael balked at the request as he tried to process what was happening. Kat looked at him, that calming smile and gentle nod of her head moving him. He leaned his head towards her forehead and gave her an affectionate kiss there. It was the best he could do. A compromise.

Kat closed her eyes and softly whimpered. She leaned into Michael even more. She then opened her eyes and tilted her face to look directly at his. "Another kiss. Please."

That Maddie was so close by and was nearly intertwined with Kat made the next kiss feel almost shared. Michael leaned his mouth towards Kat's and their lips met.

One kiss. Then another.

Even though Maddie was right there, Michael couldn't help but glance at Kat with lust and desire. The way her PJ top was left unbuttoned at the top and fell open low enough to offer him a deep look down her cleavage just drove him crazy. Her breasts had always been a point of pleasure to him. Countless times. Looking. Fondling. Fucking. Splattered with his cum. The way her big, pink nipples would peek out of her bra cups at moments unannounced. He loved beautiful tits and had definitely married the right girl for that pleasure.

Kat felt Michael's eyes. She squirmed just a tiny bit; a move that both invited Michael's eyes further and nuzzled Maddie closer. Kat felt Michael's hand smooth down her shoulder. She shivered as she felt the heat of his touch. Migrating down her arm. Her robe hung freely, the belt left untied. The thin, silky fabric of both her robe and PJ's help to accentuate the pleasure of his touch.

Another kiss connected them as Michael's hand dared to lightly slide beneath the lower curve of Kat's breast that was thinly veiled beneath her PJ top. Kat's hand moved to Michael's lap, instantly discovering the rigid outline of his cock pressing against his shorts.

Maddie was feeling almost a part of things; snuggled against Kat. The sounds of Michael's kisses. The adorable whimpers of pleasure from Kat.

Kat's hand slithered away from the bulge in Michael's shorts as yet another kiss locked them together. Her arm slowly reversed direction and moved toward Maddie... fumbling to find Maddie's hand... wrist... gently pulling towards... closer.

Michael's kisses were now more than a sign of affection; Kat knew what these kisses meant. She felt excited. Her pink nipples now had erect tips that prominently signaled her arousal.

Michael knew.

Maddie knew.

Kat drug Maddie's hand across her body until Maddie's fingers made contact with Michael's leg; his exposed thigh. Maddie's arm was reaching up and over Kat as her hand touched Michael's leg. Connected.

When Michael felt the first touch of Maddie's fingertips on his thigh, Kat felt his tongue push their kiss further. His fingers pinched the fabric over her nipple; then pinched her nipple through the fabric.

Then Kat softly moved Maddie's hand away from Michael's leg and directly towards his hand that was now teasing her erect nipple. Maddie flinched as she realized what her best friend was suggesting. Yet she could not stop.

Maddie's hand arrived atop Michael's hand at Kat's direction. Her fingers shadowed his. She felt how he was playing with Kat's nipple. She felt it. She was a part of it.

Then, Kat pulled away from Michael's kissing and softly moaned one word that just shook both Michael and Maddie to the bone. Michael was fondling his sweet wife as Maddie's hand road shotgun; right with him. Kat's hand had left Maddie's and moved back to Michael's lap. She squeezed his erection as she moaned aloud that single word.


Michael trembled.

Maddie quivered.

Kat repeated, "Surrogate." She felt them both flinch with a spark.

Kat pleaded, "Surrogate. Please."

Maddie was suddenly very aware of her own swollen nipples and soaked panties.

Michael felt like his cock was about to bust out of his shorts.

It was that moment, discussion not yet held, that Michael and Maddie realized that Kat's request for a surrogate was real; it was plausible.

What happened next was unexpected.

But that is another story.

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michael6363michael6363about 23 hours ago

I love your story and hope there will be a part 2.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I thought it sucked. His wife manipulated him

Didn't give him enough notice to process his thoughts.Why couldn't they put his sperm in baster and squirted it on her.

shadrachtshadracht6 months ago

Interesting half a story, that ended during the primary rising action.


In the future, consider waiting until you have an actual complete story, or even a completed chapter.


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Well written and an enjoyable read. The last line was incorrect: it’s the same story.

twiceretiredtwiceretired10 months ago

Good start for a first effort. Interesting story line and well narrated. And I find myself interested in the characters. All great.

Constructive criticism: wordiness. For example, in the first para:

"They both were High School teachers, same school, both History Teachers" could be restated

"They both taught history at the same high school" without losing any information. It doesn't read badly as is, but could definitely stand to be tightened up a bit throughout.

WargamerWargamer10 months ago

Who’s Lauren??????


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

loved it.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

So who is Lauren. Maybe proof read

JensensloverJensenslover10 months ago

I was bored BEFORE she even asked the question, far too many unnecessary words. Also if its chapter one, say so in the TITLE!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Who is lauren?

BoshirovBoshirov10 months ago

Need to be continued. At least about hidden character Lauren.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago
they just need to move to certain parts of Utah or Arizona

They can be all polygamous and sister wifey just like Smith wanted

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Artificial insemination or the old-fashioned way? Also, watch the names as Lauren is a name in your story.

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