The Swap

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Two couples stumble into a swap.
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This is a story that attempts to go back in time.

The sort of story that Loving Wives was all about. It doesn't have to be about cheating.

This story contains extra marital sex. If that idea upsets you then read no further.

Oops, almost forgot to add. It is unedited, so there will be mistakes.


"Oh my god. Is this real?" Rhea gasped. "They're not seriously going through with it... Are they?"

I chuckled in a state of disbelief. "I think they are." My mind spun just as wildly as Rhea's.

"Surely they're just trying to call our bluff. Aren't they?"

"I don't know, things have got a little out of hand... The way they were kissing earlier. It sure looked real to me."

"Yes, but not to go all the way... We were all just having some fun, a little naughty, but that's all it was. They wouldn't actually do it, would they?"

"Rhea, there's no pressure here. I don't want to cause any trouble."

She leaned closer and gave me a pleasant kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Ken. You are a gem."

"What we have to consider right now is. How far are you prepared to let this go? We have to make our minds up right now. Because if this is something you don't want. Then we need to go over there and stop them before they get past the point of no return."

She frowned, concern and something else stretching her features. "But if we do that, they win. I think that's all they want. They're challenging us. I think they are testing us. Taunting us, a silly dare. They're over there right now laughing waiting for us to go charging in there."

"Maybe, but if you have doubt's, we shouldn't wait." I poured and passed her another glass of wine.

She stared at me enquiringly, her eyes full of nervous anxiety. "You think they're going to go through with it don't you?"

I nodded, flipping the lid on another beer. Not that I needed it. I just didn't want to leave Rhea drinking on her own. "I think they most definitely are going all the way. I know my wife very well. I've seen that determined look on Alice's, face many times."

"Holy shit, you're serious."

"Afraid so... I was being honest with you Rhea. If what is about to happen in that room concerns you then we have to go in and cut it off right now."

"What about you, don't you care that Rod is about to have sex with your wife?"

"If you'd asked me that question at the beginning of this evening. I would have given you a very different answer. Right at this moment. I wouldn't say I don't care, but I came to grips with it as an outcome about an hour ago."

"So you're going to be okay with it?"


"Even if you and I don't... You know?"

"Rhea, you're a damn good friend, and I want nothing to ruin that. I would love to take you to bed right now and make love with you. If you're not comfortable with that. Then we'll sit here, get shitfaced, share a few jokes. Laugh, tell stories and I'll sleep on the sofa."

She giggled and leaned against my side. "Thank you Ken."

"Hey, I value our friendship. I'm not wrecking that."

"But what about Alice, and, Rod? What happens tomorrow at breakfast?"

"I'm not sure about you, but. I'm gonna say. "I hope you two had a great night, because Rhea, and I definitely did."

"Oh my god. You can't say that. They'll think we you know..."

"Yeah, they probably will. I don't want them to feel uncomfortable. If we're gonna let them go through with it. Then we have to live with the consequences."

"You think you can do that?" She said ruefully.

"Yeah, I think I can. You're asking me to answer a question I have only just considered. Alice, and I have never done anything like this before. Shit, we've never even talked about it."

"Neither have Rod, and I. This is new territory for me, well, for us really."

"I wasn't joking, Rhea. If this is something you don't want. Then we have to go over to our room and stop it."

She took a large gulp of her wine, and led me over to the small sofa. "Lets sit for a while. I need to think."

"Rhea, I don't think we have much time. If you want to stop it before it goes to far, then we have to act now."

"No, I want to sit for a while. I think..." She paused, her eyes fixed on mine, before she added. I think, I am actually okay with it?"

I sat beside her in shock. "You are?"

She nodded, and finished her wine. "Yes I am, oh god. I don't know. This is so unexpected..."

Her hand ran up and down my leg. We sat like that for a few minutes, her hand stroking my thigh. I wanted to reciprocate, but didn't want to push her.

Rhea was a lovely woman. Not a startling beauty. In fact all of us. My wife Alice, and Rod, Rhea's husband would be described as average. I'm okay with that. I work hard, go to the gym a couple of times a week. Rhea, had a sexy aura I had always felt an attraction to.

Her husband Rod and I were best friends. Because of that. I never did more than take the occasional sneaky peek when she wore something sexy.

She sure looked damn fine in her green velvet cocktail dress. Red luscious red hair accented by the green. Her makeup was very nice, her eyes smouldered softly. She certainly got my heart racing.

Her hand crept a little higher with every stroke of her hand. Higher and higher, until she giggled sexily. "Aren't you going to stop me?"

"Oh hell no. I'm loving it, and if your hand creeps much higher, you're going to understand how much I'm enjoying it."

"Gosh, you're a naughty man."

"Hey, you're the one caressing my leg."

"Sorry, I can't get over the fact that they are going to be having sex."

"Rhea, I think we have waited to long. I think they probably all ready are."

I felt her hand stop, and her grip tightened. "You think so?"

"Yes, I did warn you. They looked pretty wound up when they marched out of here hand in hand."

"I know, they did look excited." She said with a girlish giggle, that only made her look even sexier.

I laughed softly. "Oh ain't that an understatement."

She giggled, and gave me a questioning look. "Can you explain how you aren't getting pissed off. If what you say is right. Rod, is already having sex with, Alice?"

"I'm okay with it because as this whole thing evolved. I realised I might get to live out my biggest fantasy."

"Oh... really. What would that be?" She asked in shock. I'm not sure what she was thinking, but I soon put her straight.

"Making love with you. I think you're a very beautiful sexy woman, Rhea. I have admired you from the moment we met."

Her hand started moving higher, more insistent. "You are just saying that?"

"Hell no. You're an attractive sensuous woman, who I would love to ravish."

Her hand touched my dick, which in it's semi erect state, throbbed and twitched at her touch. Rather than moving, her hand squeezed gently. "Hhhmmm, Certainly feels like you were telling the truth."

I let my hand move up and cup her chin. I eased her head closer, turning her so we could kiss. It was pleasant, her ripe full lips caressed mine as our mouths moved together enjoying the growing passion.

When her mouth opened, and her tongue slipped into mine. It quickly became an urgent fierce kiss. Her hand came up to stroke my face, and neck.

The kiss broke, and she panted softly, her eyes still shut. I kissed my way down her cheek, I nuzzled on her neck. Nibbled on her earlobe.

When my hand slipped down to caress her voluptuous breasts, she moaned softly. "Oh my."

"You have gorgeous breasts Rhea... Stunning."

She replied by crashing her mouth back against mine and we feasted hungrily on each other.

Her nipples had become hard proud little nubs that dug into my palms as I mauled them furiously.

When my hand dropped to her upper thighs, they parted just a little. My hands running up and down the luxurious flesh.

"Oh shit." She purred, as my hand slid over her panties clad pussy. I let my hand caress, the damp cotton soft to the touch. "Ken." It was a whimper, a sexy sigh of anticipation.

"You want me to stop?" I whispered hoping the answer was going to be no.

"I don't know, I'm conflicted. I'm worried that we are making a mistake."

I sat back up, taking my hands reluctantly from between her legs. "Then we stop. Our friendship is the important thing."

She pouted in a sexy frown. "I'm sorry Ken, are you angry?"

"Oh hell no. We're friends, that must come first."

She leaned against me, her arm sliding around behind my back. "Thank you."

As we sat the silence grew. "Have you ever been in a situation like this before?" She asked.

"No, never. Alice, and I have never discussed anything like this. She surprised the hell out of me tonight."

"Me too. It sort of came from nowhere. Gosh, I'm so confused."

"What about you or, Rod?"

"No, I'm as shocked as you are. I know he's always been sweet on Alice, but who wouldn't. She's as sexy as hell."

"You mean he's had a crush on her?"

"No, crush might be a little much, but he sure as heck likes to catch glimpses of her. I have teased him about it. He always denies it, but it's hard to hide an erection."

We sat, she snuggled closer, I slid my arm around her shoulder. It was a gesture of assurance, but when her mouth closed over mine again. The earlier passion returned with a vengeance. Her tongue flittered and danced wildly around my mouth.

Her moist panties disappearing up into her slick pussy. God she felt so hot, and the sticky panties only encouraged me to push on.

When she slid my zipper down, and fished around inside for my throbbing erection. There was no going back. I felt her hips pushing back against my hand. Thrusting vigorously, her breathing ragged and shallow.

She fumbled with my belt, as I tried to unclip her bra. We were like teenagers, madly trying to expose our passions. She stood and led me by the hand into the bedroom. There was no stripping, just the rapid discarding of clothes, which all ended in a pile on the floor.

Her body, wow, it looked sensational. Not an athletes trim torso, hers was more the embodiment of female sexuality. Lots of luscious curves, and delicious creamy flesh.

She trembled as my mouth suckled on her breasts, her nipples hardening and pushing back against my tongue as it flicked teasingly.

Her legs opened to expose her delightfully trimmed bush. Her pink lips swollen, the light reflecting from the juicy secretions. Her thick gooey depths opened up to my exploring fingers.

Our bodies writhed together, her hand stroking my erection ferociously. It was quick and torrid. My cock sliding into her. "Oh god..." She mewed, purring her desire. "Fuck me." She whispered hoarsely.

As if I could have stopped... Laughable, there was no way. The bed bounced, as I fucked her gorgeous body deep into the spongy mattress.

Afterwards, we lay together, and she started to giggle, that got me going and our laughter grew. As it died down I asked. "What the hell was that all about."

With her grin a mile wide, she said. "I'm an adulteress, oh my god. I can't believe we just did that."

I pulled her closer to me, my mouth nuzzling her neck. "I was hoping you might like to repeat that assignation."

She giggled some more, before she said with a sigh. "You think, you can?"

I placed her hand on my already reviving erection. "What do you think?"

"I think I'll never be able to walk straight in the morning. That's what I think."

I pushed her onto her back and dived mouth first into her sloshy pussy. My tongue furiously working her swollen clit. My fingers fucking her gasping vagina. Her orgasm was cataclysmic, her whole body shuddering. This time, it was more like lovemaking than furious powerful fucking.

She dropped off to sleep quickly, but I lay there wondering how our lives would change? It had been a crazy couple of days.


Rhea and Rob had become fast friends. Ever since we moved to town for Alice's job. I picked up a construction job easily enough, which is where I met Rob. From the moment all of us got together, it was obvious we all shared enough commonality to cement the friendship.

Alice and Rhea were even closer than Rob and I. Most weekends, we were getting together for something. Barbecues, picnics. Going out somewhere. Even our kids got along, which made things easier.

This trip was brought about by Rhea's favourite band touring. She didn't have to work hard to convince Alice and I to go with her and Rob. We booked in at the same hotel, making sure the rooms were adjoining.

The concert was amazing, although it was a supposedly seated venue. Alice and Rhea danced their arses off in the aisles with a group of other women. We walked out after buying T-shirts, and getting albums signed.

The girls were on a phenomenal high. There was no way we were going straight back to the hotel. We found a pub that had a live band playing. It was perfect for Alice and I. We loved to dance, we actually did it competitively for a while. Western swing and jive was our thing.

The band, was right on the money. Alice grabbed my hand and dragged me out onto the dance floor, where we set about two stepping our way around the floor.

Without sounding big headed, we soon had people watching on in awe. Alice was on fire as she swirled and twirled.

When we got back to the table, "That was amazing Rhea said loudly. "I have watched and admired you two so many times. You have to teach me."

Alice pushed me on the shoulder. "Go on, yah show off. Take the lady dancing."

It started awkwardly as I showed Rhea the moves, but it didn't take long. Soon she was twirling around, swapping hands and sliding around me. Rob and Alice were up as well, as she tried to show him the steps.

As it always does around midnight, the band slid in some some slow sleazy numbers. That meant the dancing changed and we were suddenly cheek to cheek. Our bodies becoming one.

I looked over at Alice and Rob. They were closer than we were, his hips gyrating against hers. Her head resting on his chest, his hand resting on her arse. She wasn't fighting him off either. It gave me a very uncomfortable feeling. Jealousy didn't exactly explain it, but it hurt enough that I released Rhea saying. "Excuse me, I think I'm needed."

She looked disappointed when I walked purposefully over to Alice and patted Rob on the shoulder.

"Sorry mate. I'm cutting in."

I saw him jump, startled, Alice the same. "Yeah, sorry man." He said walking away sheepishly. Alice slid into my arms, and she wriggled close.

"What the hell was that all about?" I asked.

"What, we did nothing you weren't doing with Rhea. We just followed suit."

"His hand was on your arse for gods sake."

"Oh stop it. Rhea was so close to you, a cigarette paper wouldn't have fit between the pair of you. Nice to know I can make you jealous though."

"I wasn't jealous."

"Oh yeah, then why are you here, and not in Rhea's, arms?"

"I thought you might have been getting sore toes from Mr, clumsy."

She giggled sexily. Her teeth nibbling playfully on my earlobe. Kissing my neck.

"You better stop that, or we'll be heading straight off to the hotel room."

The band took a break, and we went back to the table. Rob, had already got in more drinks. We all toasted and downed our drinks quickly.

"Golly, you guys are so good. I hope you didn't mind showing us." Rhea said almost apologetically.

"You were doing great. I didn't see Ken, complaining. He was definitely enjoying that."

Rhea blushed a little. "Sorry, we probably got a bit to cosy."

"Don't be daft." Alice gushed. "It was wonderful, you picked it up so fast. You looked great."

I got more drinks, and by then the band was back. Rhea glanced at Alice and then me. "Would you like to dance again?"

"You okay?" I said to Alice who waved us away. "Go on hot shot. Show her what you got."

It started of as earlier, this time though, Rhea was better. She followed my leads as I spun her, and slid her between my legs, lifting her and twirling her. She screamed and giggled throwing herself into it.

Once again the music turned slow and sexy. Our bodies melding together. There was no holding Rhea off. Her head tucked into the crook of my neck as we swayed slowly. Her hips moving with a mind of their own. Her pelvis grinding sexily against me.

I looked over to Rob and Alice to find they were actually kissing. I think Rhea saw it at the same time, and she purred softly. Her mouth finding mine.

Jesus, it was sexy, and so damned exciting. I didn't often get an erection dancing, but this was different.

The band finished with a few faster numbers. By the time Rhea and I were back at the table, Rob was returning with a tray full of drinks.

We all laughed and joked, making fun of what happened. It thankfully diffused what might have been a tricky situation.

When Alice said teasingly. "Lucky the band stopped. Rob was about to get lucky."

"Not as lucky as, Ken." Rhea threw back not prepared to be out done. That created even more laughter.

"Bloody hell, I'm still wound up to hell." Rhea stated loudly. "Lets go back to our room. Rod, brought some refreshments from home."

I gave him a quizzical glance. "You did?"

"Hell yeah mate. I wasn't going to pay the prices these guys charge. I've got scotch, some beers and a couple of bottles of Rhea's, favourite wine."

"Party on." Alice shouted.

Back in their room, Rob broke out the booze. Rhea turned on the sound system, and we chatted about the concert. It had been an awesome night. As we chatted, Rob said. "Could you show me some of those dance moves again, Alice? I've never been that good, and damn you are one hell of a teacher."

"You just want to get your hands on her arse again." Rhea said jokingly.

"Well, there is that." Rod said laughing softly.

Alice, giggled, threw back her wine, and moved into his arms. "You don't mind do you honey?" She said to me looking back over her shoulder. It wasn't a question, it was a tease, a dare that reminded me of growing up and playing spin the bottle...

"Nah, fill yah boots. I might give Rhea, a few lessons while you're at it."

"Yes please." Rhea blustered.

We were all a little high, the booze was having it's effect. Rhea melted into my arms, her body more like a blanket than a person. She knew the effect she had on me. Her body squirming and gyrating against me. Her boobs plastered on my chest. Her wet mouth kissing my neck, like a seductive adder.

Alice and Rob were worse than us. It worried me a little how far this was going. I'm not a prude, but thinking about the road we were on gave me the shivers.

After a while, we all stopped to get drinks. Alice slipped into my arms and we swayed to the music. I gave her a few twirls, and as she came back into my arms, she asked in a hushed whisper.

"What are we doing here, Ken?"

"I don't know, what do you thinks is happening?"

"I think you and Rhea, were getting very intimate. Were you trying to seduce her?"

"Nah, don't be daft."

"Sure looked like it to me." She kissed me ear and whispered even quieter. "If that's what you want. I wouldn't be upset."


"I am serious honey. We're all adults, and it sort of turned me on watching you. It was pretty darn sexy."

"And what would you be doing, while I was with her?"

"I don't know love. I don't know what's happening. It's just some fun right?"

"Alice, there could be no recriminations." I spluttered.

"Of course, but that has to be a two way street."

I nodded. "Understood."

We all stopped for more drinks. I was pretty certain from the hushed tones. Rhea and Rob were having the same conversation. With the drinks down, Rhea said. "Do I get some more lessons?"

I let her slide into my arms, and we moved slowly away. As her body melded into mine, the lights dimmed. When I looked, it was Rob, turning the main lights off. The only lights in the room now were from the TV, and sound system.