The Switch Pt. 02

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New opportunities.
13.3k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 07/09/2023
Created 02/18/2022
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Author's Notes:

All characters in the story are 18 and older. This is a story about incest between a brother and a sister. If that's not what you are here for, I suggest you not read any further.

I would also like to thank cbears52 for his help and 1moeannie for taking extra time out of her hectic schedule to provide valuable feedback and editing.

Happy reading.

Chapter 2.

I laid in bed for almost two hours, trying to figure out what she had planned, and nothing was coming to me, rationally anyway. Giving up on that, I began to develop my own plan, just in case Annie's wouldn't work, and after another couple of hours, I was no closer to creating a strategy, than I was figuring out what Annie's was. The problem would be much simpler to solve if we weren't dating a brother and sister. I remember thinking how cool it was when we first started dating, and up until recently, our duo was going strong. Unable to figure out how to solve the impossible, I focused on the other issue, that I was sure would go over like a turd in the punch bowl.

Even though I had no reason not to believe Annie, I found myself questioning whether she was making up Dani's infidelity to keep me to herself and push me away from Dani. The motive was there, and I knew from her confession that she was in love with me and had been for quite some time. Annie was never one to take no for an answer, it only made her more determined, and now that she had me alone for a few weeks, maybe she was going for it. After giving it some thought, I knew she wasn't, for the fact that I would eventually see Dani again and demand she tell me about her unfaithfulness.

"You awake?" I read Dani's text before realizing that she would know I was awake by seeing that I had read her text.

"God damn, iPhone. I need to turn that feature off," I cursed out loud.

"Yes, I'm awake. How's it going?" I responded quickly.

"It's going well, but I miss you so much. I hate being away from you for this long. :("

"Are you sure? I haven't heard anything from you since I left." Being four o'clock in the morning, I found myself tired and cranky.

":( I'm sorry, I guess I lose track of time. You know how it is here at Christmas. On top of that, with Grandma's passing, more people are here, and most of them are only here, hoping she left them something. I haven't seen some of these people in over ten years. Fucking trolls!"

I failed to remember she had just lost her grandmother between Annie spilling the beans about Dani and Dylan fucking, having sex with my sister, and the added tension at home. Not only that, but she was correct, her mother pulled her in twenty different directions the entire time. Even being in the same house, if you want to call it that, more like a castle, I rarely saw her until bedtime. If we had sex, it was a quickie because of how tired she was.

"You're right, I'm just tired. I'm having a hard time adjusting to the time difference," I sent the text back feeling more like shit than I did when Annie and I first had sex.

"Well, I love and miss you so much. We are getting ready to have breakfast. I hope you get some sleep. Dream of me. <3"

"Love you and miss you too," it pained me to send that, but I needed to keep up the front until I got home. I wanted her undivided attention when I confronted her.

I fought like hell to understand why I wasn't tired just before I finally passed out. I remembered that I had slept the entire day and didn't wake up until Annie knocked on my door about dinner.

Just as yesterday, Mom knocked on the door, letting me know breakfast was ready. I incoherently mumbled, "Okay," not even opening my eyes.

"I SAID OK," after hearing another three knocks on the door.

"It's me, baby," Annie eased the door open to see why I was upset. "Are you okay?"

"Sorry, I'm exhausted. I didn't end up going to sleep until after five in the morning," I sighed, rolling to my side and propping myself up on one elbow.

"All I remember saying is that I loved you and was out. Why couldn't you sleep?" Annie asked.

"I couldn't stop trying to figure out your plan and a bunch of other bullshit. Toward the end of chasing my thoughts, Dani texted me. She started by telling me how much she loved and missed me, which pissed me off. Also, she said since their grandma died, a bunch of distant relatives showed up looking for handouts. It's pretty sad."

"Wow, that is sad," Annie reflected on the thought for a mere second before continuing on, "but on a positive note, my plan is easy. All we're going to is...,"

"Breakfast is getting cold, guys. You two ready to eat?" Dad asked.

Annie looked at me and mouthed the words, "I'm sorry," before she turned to face Dad.

"Be right there," I groaned, getting up and looking for a shirt to throw on.

The only positive thing about having to get up and eat breakfast was yesterday's awkward pissing match between Mom and Annie was nowhere to be found. Everyone but me, was wide-eyed, bushy-tailed, and raring to go. Their happiness irritated me, along with hearing the clicks and clanks of their utensils as they cut and stabbed the food on their plates.

"You guys look refreshed," Annie grinned at the comment eyeing Mom and Dad sitting closer this morning, something I hadn't noticed, but Annie picked up on it almost the moment we sat down.

"A good night's sleep goes a long way," Dad did his best to keep a straight face.

"What has gotten into you, young lady?" Mom gave Annie a puzzled look, but it was sincere.

"What, I can't enjoy seeing my Mom and Dad happy?" Annie asked, giving her patented cute and innocent look.

"Of course, you can, Honey," Dad answered for Mom and shut it down simultaneously.

"Alex, I need to get a few things from the mall. Would you like to go with me? You don't have to, but I figured you might also be in need," Dad asked.

"Yeah, sure, I definitely have been putting off going there," I kept my head down while picking at my food.

"Meet at the car in fifteen?" Dad asked.

"Sounds good," I replied, jumping up and pushing my chair back under the table in an effort to get away from Annie, who blatantly reached over and squeezed my cock while no one was looking.

In all honesty, I didn't want to go. I was flat-out exhausted and wanted to go back to bed. But I figured it was best to down a couple of Red Bulls and get on with it, if I wanted to sleep when everyone else was.

The two energy drinks weren't enough, and after a quick stop by Starbucks for a cold brew, we made it to the mall. I had more caffeine in me than an over-the-road truck driver and was currently feeling the effects. My body felt like it was vibrating for the first hour or so we were there, and by the time we got to the food court, I was starving but wide awake. Later that evening, I knew a tornado wouldn't have woken me up when I finally crashed.

Just as we finished our food, I saw Annie and Mom heading our way. The way the sun fell on Annie's face and hair, through the vast glass ceiling over the food court, gave her an aura. Annie was undoubtedly beautiful, but there was something different about her. Her whitewashed jeans looked painted on her ass, hips, and thighs. The black knee-high boots finished off her lower half nicely. Her modest V-neck shirt showed minimal cleavage, but she still looked incredibly sexy, and I struggled to keep my eyes off her. I wished I could pull out my phone and take a picture of her, but it would be hard to explain to our parents.

Most people, including me, who found themselves in awe of her beauty, could easily see her perfect posture, swaying hips, and long stride as she walked, but those things distracted them from seeing who she was. Annie put her whole heart and soul into the things she loved and cared for, no matter what it was. But just as a coin, there were two sides to her. Annie was a formidable adversary and one you should heed her warning, if you tried to take advantage of the short and sweet girl-next-door vibe she exuded. Most boys in our neighborhood and school knew better than to mess with my little sister in fear of me kicking the shit out of them, but she was capable of handling herself if she needed to. Yes, we were twins, but I was born first, and being two feet taller than she was, the term little sister was always used in referring to who she was in school, 'Alex's little sister.'

"Hi guys," Mom said as they reached the table.

"What are you two lovely ladies up to?" Dad asked happily.

"We just left from getting our manicures and pedicures," Mom said as they smiled and held out their hands to show them off.

"Very nice," Dad said before looking up at Mom.

"Do you know how fucking hot you are? I wish I could pull out your big fat cock and suck it until you exploded in my mouth," Annie leaned down and moaned quietly and seductively into my ear while Mom rambled to Dad about something.

I would've paid a small fortune to have seen my expression as Annie expressed her desire to suck me dry. The second one, the one she saw, was a wide-eyed smirk followed by a large grin. My little sister may have given off the innocent girl next door vibe, but she was far from it. Not wanting to draw the attention of our folks, I wiped the large smile off my face, grabbed my cup, and finished my last bit of Sprite.

"Alex," I looked around to see who was calling my name.

"Matt," I exclaimed, spotting one of my closest childhood friends and old bandmate. "What's up, dude? How the hell have you been?" I said, wanting to get up to greet him, but my sister's confession had an effect on me that would be clearly visible.

I hadn't seen Matt since I left for college. A large tech company had hired him right out of high school. He actually had several companies trying to hire him but ultimately went with the one whose logo is on the back of a large number of people's phones. Matt wasn't like most people who went to the store and picked up a computer off the shelf. He had built his first computer three days after receiving the necessary parts as gifts on his twelfth birthday. He was a man of many talents and was also why our band stayed together as long as we did. We weren't the best musicians, but we sounded fantastic with him being the bass player/sound guy. I thought of Matt often but never wanted to bother him.

"I've been great! And you?" Matt was just as thrilled as I was to see each other.

"That's awesome. Damn, it's good to see you," I said, finally able to get up and give him a good man hug.

"We need to catch up. Larry is having a get-together tomorrow night at his house. You and Annie should come, it's only about five minutes from your parent's house. A bunch of people we went to school with will be there."

"Hell yeah, I'll be there," I replied.

"Me too," Annie followed.

"Man, I hate to do this, but I have to take off. I was just leaving to head out to the airport to pick up Mary. You have my number, right?" Matt asked.

"I think so, let me check real quick," I said, pulling my phone from my back pocket. "Last four 4475?"

"Yup, that's it. Shoot me a text, and I'll text you the address tonight when I get back home."

"Cool, talk to you later, and we'll see you two tomorrow," after a quick fist bump, he disappeared into the crowd.

I could feel Annie staring at me, and I knew why. Since the sixth grade, I'd had a crush on Mary. The feeling was mutual between us, but we never pursued each other out of respect for Matt. Annie helped me through the week, Mary and I decided that Matt was too important to us to hurt.

"Alex, do you need to get anything else before we leave?" Dad asked, pulling me out of my head.

"I don't think so," I replied, moderately distracted.

"Well, girls, have fun shopping, and we'll see you at the restaurant," Dad said, standing up and giving Mom an extra long squeeze.

"Later, brat," I called out to Annie. Rolling her eyes was enough to get Mom and Dad to smile, and off to the car we went.

If I wanted to make it through dinner, I needed to, and asked Dad to hit the Starbucks drive-through for another cold brew on the way home. Even being as tired as I was, all the emotions from high school came rushing back as I had time to think about Mary. Why they had came back, I was still trying to understand as I followed Dad through the front door. I had long gotten over her through the remainder of high school, and she was certainly gone from my thoughts before I met Dani.

Being delirious from sleep deprivation was the excuse I used as I snatched a few items from the closet. Like most guys, it took me a matter of minutes to get dressed, get back to the kitchen, and sit at the island while Dad returned a few emails for work. I saw myself in my Dad the older I got. His mannerisms, the way he fidgeted with his fingers between emails, and even how he slouched. I began to smile, something he noticed.

"Alex, can I ask you a couple of personal questions?"

"Sure, Dad, what's up?" I asked, being caught off guard.

"Are you and Dani ok?"

"Of course, Dad, why do you ask?" I replied without hesitation. If I had a chance of hiding all of this from him, I would need to be concise.

"Usually, you two are like joined at the hip, and you haven't even mentioned her in the last few days. I don't mean to be nosey, but you guys haven't even talked or texted each other on the phone, from what I have noticed. I don't even think I've seen you with your cell at all, come to think of it, other than at the mall," he observed.

I hated to lie to him, but I didn't want to tell him any of the reasons.

"Yeah, Dad, we haven't been talking or texting that much. The time difference and with her grandmother passing, it's been tough."

"I'm sorry, Alex, I completely forgot about her grandmother. Please forgive me for prying."

"It's okay, Dad, no worries," I felt terrible for him. "I'm ready when you are."

"I just have a few more things to do, and I'll be done," he said, returning to work on his laptop.

"Alex, are you ready?" Dad asked, pulling me out of my trance.

"Yup. I think I like.....," I paused, looking for the right word. "Spaced out," I blurted, blinking my eyes rapidly, trying to get them to adjust.

"Looked more like sleeping to me," Dad chuckled, getting up and grabbing his keys so we could leave.

"Dang. How long was I asleep?" I asked, following him to the car.

"Maybe fifteen minutes or so. I think you needed it," he said, climbing in the SUV and closing the door.

Even though it was only a fifteen-minute ride, I connected my phone's Bluetooth to the SUV and fired up a song from a local band. I found myself listening to the band more and more, once I discovered their music online. Most of their shows were sold out, and it would only be a matter of time before they were on the radio. At least, that was the opinion of people around town.

"What do you think of this band?" I asked Dad after letting him listen for the first minute.

"I love it. It has a southern rock, and blues feel. Turn it back up."

I did as he requested, added a couple of extra clicks to the volume dial, and looked for the next song I wanted to play for him. In the middle of my search, I saw a message from Dani pop up and went to check it.

"I miss your big cock so much, I really nee...," I was finally able to stop the video message Dani had sent me that was blaring through the speakers of the SUV, but it was too late.

Not a word was said for about five minutes. Dad just sat there driving with a smirk on his face. I was too embarrassed to broach the conversation or start one on an entirely different topic.

"Well, my worries have been all but erased," Dad snickered.

"I'm glad your mind is now at rest regarding my relationship and love life," I smiled back, thankful for his easy-go-lucky attitude.

I texted Dani back and told her, 'I was in the car with Dad on the way to dinner, and I would watch it once I got home.'

The eggplant emoji she replied with made me smile.

"I love you, Alex. I can't wait to see you at home."

"I love you too," I sent back just as we pulled into the parking lot.

Dinner was wonderful, without all the usual tension. The morning arguments after we arrived between Mom and Annie seemed to make our mother reflect on her actions over the years. Being humbled by the person you loved the most had done her good. That and from what Annie gathered at breakfast, getting some dick probably didn't hurt. It was nice having my family back and not dreading spending time with both of them in the same room. By themselves, it was manageable.

The conversations were meaningful and pure. We looked like a family with an unbreakable bond, from the outside looking in, one that could withstand even the most terrifying storm. But one night at dinner wasn't fooling me. I hoped that Mom was changing for the better person I knew she could be, but only time would tell. Even at her best, what Annie and I were doing would undoubtedly break her and possibly Dad, I had more hope for Dad. He was a reasonable man who never let what was happening before him dictate how he processed things. He took his time to evaluate everything and then made a rational decision.

The fact of the matter was I didn't care. In my head, I had justified Annie and I being together. I had come to grips with what I had always known, sometime late last night, laying in my bed. Yes, I was delirious and sleep-deprived, but that's what made it clear to me. I had always loved her more than the typical brother and sister relationship consisted of, and knowing I wasn't the only one with these feelings only solidified it to me.

The looks we gave each other weren't a cause for suspicion throughout dinner, and neither was the hand holding on the way to the car. Nothing we did drew their attention toward us and our new incestuous relationship. No one ever questioned the close bond we had growing up, not even our parents. We were the first twins in the family and in our neighborhood, so people chalked up our closeness to being twins. It was enlightening to know how far we could take it and not get caught. The thrill was just as exciting.

I wanted to stay up and enjoy another night of drinking, but the lack of sleep started to creep up on me the moment we got home. The harder I tried to fight it, the more incoherent I became. After only getting my first drink down, I accepted defeat and called it a night. Even the long awkward hug from Annie in front of our parents and the kiss on the cheek she gave me couldn't keep me awake once my head hit the pillow.


Twelve hours of sleep never felt so good when I opened my eyes. I needed all of them as I stared up at the dim ceiling. I remembered the day Mom installed the curtains that darkened my room. Our part of the house, Annie's and mine, was on the east side, and my room, in particular, was the first to see the sun. The weekends were always the worst when my friends and I would stay up half the night playing the latest video game, trying to beat the game the first night, only to be woken up by the sun and its blinding rays. Once my friends stopped staying the night because of it, Mom took action and rectified the problem.

I wanted to get up and be ready when Mom or Dad tapped on the door for me to come down for breakfast, but I thought better of it and watched as the ceiling fan slowly spun above me. In the ten minutes of laying there, I never moved a muscle. This was what I was hoping for the most, an actual break, a break from school, a break from the pod, and during my motionless thoughts, a break from Dani. I loved Dani and couldn't have been happier in our relationship, but she could sometimes be smothering, that or she always had plans for us to go somewhere. I just wanted to stay home and eat cereal and watch TV sometimes. It was usually a rerun of some stupid cartoon Annie and I watched when we were kids. Annie would even join me sometimes, and we both would end up laughing like hyenas. It wasn't something I regularly did only two or three times a year.