The Tales of The Aurora Pt. 01


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I had seen the male form in medical books and hologram displays. It's mandatory to study the male figure when majoring in the field of Fertility, but what they did not show or tell you, was the vast difference between the male form and the female form. While the female form was slender with soft curves, the male had a broader stature with firmer muscles. I knew James was above average when it came to the male form, from all of the research I did before the exam, but still, his form was very impressive, like he was the epitome of the human male. As I moved my hands from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet, I felt no soft spot anywhere. The closest I came to feeling a body like that was Sasha, but even her body still had some soft spots like her breasts and the insides of her thighs and, of course, her vulva--tell-tale signs that she was a woman.

"You are doing great, Doc. You are gentler than I'm used to, and much prettier, too," James said softly, with a coy smile. And for what seemed like the first time in my career, I was blushing in front of my patient. "Are you training to become a Fertility Specialist?" James asked, while I was almost finishing up his measurements.

Seeing no point in not engaging in small talk, as it would help pass the time and distract myself from his last comment, I answered, "Yes, that's why I joined RTC, it's the fast track to join the GFC, if you have no recommendation from a Federation official." I just finished his second-to-last measurement, which only left one area remaining--his penis.

Sensing what I was about to do next, he turned around and was now facing me and locking eyes. I don't know what happened next, but it felt like the room rose several degrees. I wasn't sure, but I believe my cheeks were preparing to blush once again, for what happened next.

"I take it, this was the first time you have ever seen a male body in real life before. Right?" James asked, with a little-more-serious look that I thought he would have, given his earlier smugness.

All I could do was nod because I didn't trust my voice to not squeak.

"Well a few things you should know," he stated, like he was giving a lecture while at the same time putting his thumbs in his waistband. "If you want to get into GFC, then you have to get used to the male form, and do it without blushing. They would not tolerate that. Secondly, I am what you say is above average in the physical department, including what you are about to see."

And just like that, he bent down and removed his underwear and was standing naked in the room in all his glory.

Once I looked down, and saw what he was packing down there, I knew what he said was an underestimation. My heart rate was rushing and my cheeks and neck were flushed, my nipples were erect, and my pussy had become all tingly. It was like looking at his penis had woken something deep inside me, that I didn't know existed. If what he said was true, then I needed to control myself because if I got into GFC, only to be kicked out because of blushing while seeing a male penis--then I would be screwed.

He gestured to begin the measurement. His penis had some heft to it, and it made me wonder how he walked around with that thing dangling between his legs. Especially with what appeared to be two testicles, or balls as they were also called, the size of two ripe plums. I sank to my knees, and very carefully took measurements. His penis length was just shy of seven inches, and its girth appeared to be four and three-quarter inches around.

I was about to stand back up, when he told me to wait. He said that it's always two sets of measurements, one flaccid, the other, erect. Once he said that, he grasped his penis, and began to stroke it. It began to grow, and grow... and grow and all I could do, was watch.

It was an iterating sight to see, a man's penis--no, not a penis. That word seemed too small. What were some of the other words that also meant the same--'member, no; phallus, no; dick ... cock, yes. ' 'Cock' seemed to be the proper word for that thing hanging right in front of me. So vulgar, so nasty, and so right; calling it anything else, but a cock, was just insulting.

James removed his hand from his cock, and instead of it falling towards the floor, it stood out proud and strong; I guess that's where they got the word 'erect' from. Taking the digital measuring tape and bringing it back up to his cock, the first thing I noticed was its heft. It was heavier than when it was flaccid, which made sense with all the blood that flowed into it; which also explained the heat coming off it, and the subtle pulse that went along with his heartbeat. The last thing I noticed when I measured his girth was its firmness. It was harder than any muscle on his body, and when I double-checked the measurements, I involuntarily made a nervous gulp. In my research, the average size for a full-grown human penis was between four and six and a half inches in length, and about three to four inches in girth. So when I measured the first time, I was thrown off, as it explained his above-average penis. In James' erect state, it stood at just over twelve inches long and had a girth of just over six and a quarter.

I didn't know how women could take anything like that up their pussy, or how it would feel, or what it would do to them. Then I started to imagine what it would feel like if he forced that cock into me. The thought alone, sent shivers down my spine. Then I started to wonder what was stopping him. He could have taken me right there and then, and I couldn't have been able to, or no one could've stopped him; or maybe Sasha could have. The thought of Sasha drew my attention back to the corner of the room, where I last saw her, fearing she might have left during the examination.

Sasha was still there, looking at the both of them, but instead of a woman with a cool, rock-exterior, she was now replaced with one who was breathing heavily, with erect nipples, and some severely-blushed cheeks, that I didn't know was possible for a woman with her skin color.

James seemed to be doing nothing, and yet with him whipping out his cock, he had somehow subdued two women, and turned them into almost-like bitches in heat. If he had really wanted to, he could have taken both of them and they would not have put up a fight.

"Ahh, Doc, I know the last exam is for you to extract my semen, but if you keep doing that, then we will need the special jar over there," James said, breaking me out of my foggy mind.

Then I noticed I was stroking his cock, without even realizing it. As I came back to my senses, I got up and rushed to the table where I kept the specimen jars and handed one to him, and got back down to my knees. He opened up the jar and began to stroke his cock. Seeing that, almost made me wish it was me stroking that cock, but I'd gone too far. Still, though, a part of me wanted to stroke it, to feel the firmness, the heat, and the pulsing of it. At that moment, I was no longer Dr. Blake, I was Aletta, a woman with womanly needs, that was a hairbreadth away from submitting to them, submitting to James and his powerful cock.

As all those thoughts ran through my mind, a low groan filled the room. I looked up and saw James having a rather-intense orgasm. The hole at the end of his cock expanded ever so slightly, and ropes of white semen launched out of his cock at a breakneck speed, and splashed in the jar. At about eight to ten spurts of semen, the jar was almost half full.

Just as he was finished, we all heard a gasp, turned around, and saw a surprised, red-faced Grace, who was carrying the tablets that I had asked her to install some programs on. Still, she had no idea what to do. She seemed to have taken a once-over of James' nakedness, placed the tablets on the nearest table, and ran out of there.

James handed me the jar and began to get dressed. A thousand thoughts were going through my mind, trying to figure out what had happened. Before I knew it, James thanked me for the exam, and said he would be going to lunch before beginning his physical fitness in the ship's gym. As soon as he left, I collapsed on my chair pondering what just happened. There was no way every male would cause that kind of response from the opposite sex. There was something different about James that made him very unique. With the blood samples, body-scan data, and his very-generous semen extraction, something there would tell me what made James so special.

When I rolled over to my workstation, the specimen jar was still open. The semen had a strong earthy smell, but wasn't unpleasant. Absentmindedly, I scraped a finger along the jar wall, making sure to touch any remaining semen. Rubbing it between two fingers, it was so thick and viscous, that I realized it was probably loaded up with sperm. Looking at the jar, I realized that if he had taken me right there and then, and shot that huge load into me, getting impregnated would have been a virtual guarantee. That thought alone, sent shivers down my spine. Then for some reason, unbeknownst to me, I put those two fingers in my mouth. The taste was so exquisite, that it was like drinking your favorite-flavor dessert. The small amount of semen that was on my fingers was lapped up by my tongue, and was sent down my throat. Then an earth-shattering orgasm tore through my body, leaving me a quivering mess. After coming back down from my orgasmic high, I slumped down over my desk, trying to recover, the only thing that went through my mind was, 'What are you, James?'


Leaving Dr. Aletta in that aroused state in the Med Bay, added an extra pep in my step. I knew it would have been easy to have taken her right then and there, even with Sasha in the room. But being patient was the name of the game, rushing would only have led me to being stuck in my room for the rest of the trip. Besides, Dr. Aletta was a very attractive woman, and I would hate not being able to be near her. What I said was true. When she was conducting the measurement exam, she was far gentler than what I was used to. Even though she started with that same expressionless, professional demeanor; her eyes were softer and almost caring, like she was looking at a person, instead of a walking cum-factory. It was fun to see that professional doctor demeanor, as it slowly broke down into a woman who was slowly succumbing to her carnal desires. I had to hold myself back from reaching out and wrapping my hand in her luscious hair, and guide her soft plump lips to the tip of my cock. Hopefully, everything that happened, she would chalk it up to seeing a male dick for the very first time, and not look too deep into my genetic makeup. If she did, I didn't know what she would do, nor the crew.

Well, no matter what happened next, I would make the most of it, and besides, I managed to get past some of warrior Sasha's defenses with that little display in the Med Bay. As a bonus, Grace came in and got an eyeful of my dick, and was beyond embarrassed. Maybe she would tell the crew, or maybe not. Like I said to myself, 'I'm making the most of it.' Maybe, I should capitalize on Sasha, to see if I could glean something out of her, and get her to drop her guard, during our first workout session.


I just finished putting the finishing touches on today's lunchtime meal, one for the usual crew and one for James. The crew was getting a classic soup and sandwich combo to fill them up just enough until dinnertime. As for James, he was only getting the soup, but mostly chicken broth and some noodles. Dr. Blake said because of coming out of stasis, it would take a few days before he could eat solid food. His last couple of meals had been pretty much liquid food--a light broth, and a small amount of bread. That was his first meal that had anything close to solid food. Once setting everything on their respective trays and the mobile cart, I walked out into the crew mess hall and set them out. That was when I found Emma hounding Grace at the crew table, trying to pry something out of my best friend.

"Come on, tell me what you saw," Emma spat at her, while looming over her seat.

I didn't know what happened, but I was about to break them up until I saw the huge redness of Grace's cheeks and lack of eye contact with anyone, including me. ' She must have seen something, ' I thought out loud. The only other time I saw that same combination, was when she accidentally walked in on two trainees going at it, in their shared dorm bathroom. It took me a while, but she finally relented, and told me everything.

I had the pleasure of being friends with Grace ever since we joined RTC, and roomed together at their training dormitory. Because of Grace's incredible shyness, our friendship started rather slowly, but it budded into almost a sibling relationship over time. Like I was her big sister and she was my little one. I never had much of a family growing up, so when the opportunity came about, I took it. Ever since then, we were practically inseparable. That's why she was here, instead of some big RTC facility, working on the next generation of A.I. development.

I always felt bad because it felt like I was dragging Grace along to seek out adventure and to see new worlds. That's why I joined RTC as a Food Preparation Specialist, which was just a fancy title for a ship's cook. Grace never complained about it; she always said that she would rather be with someone she trusted and got along with, than in a big facility filled with random people. And she could always code and work on ships' onboard A.I. systems, like LETA. She always seemed content about working on her own. Sometimes, I wished she would open up and express herself, maybe even to finally show off that body of hers, and wouldn't be too shy about her sexuality, instead of being embarrassed like she was right then; which brought me back to Grace's situation.

I wondered what she had run into doing the nasty. Maybe she ran into the Captain and the XO going at it on the bridge. I knew it would only be a matter of time, until those two went at it, by how close they were. Sometimes, I wished me and Grace would go at it, lord knows, I have tried, but Grace was just so timid that I didn't want to be seen as forcing her to do something that she didn't want to do. Well, at least I have my expansive personal stash of toys, to help satisfy my 'urges'.

"What's going on?" I said, making my presence known.

"Gracey has been acting weird after she came back from Med Bay. I know she saw something over there because she wasn't like that when she picked up the tablets for the 'Ice Queen' not that long ago," Emma replied, still pestering Grace to spill the beans.

' Wait. Dr. Blake said this morning she was going to conduct James ' physical exam when I saw her today. Maybe Grace walked in on them performing while they were in the middle of it, and might have seen something ' interesting ' . Maybe she saw him naked. ' That last thought brought a small smile to my mind. I had wondered what he was packing down there.

"Emma settle down, can't you see you are making her more nervous than she already is," I said, trying to relieve the tension, while taking a seat next to Grace. Trying to calm her down, knowing if you wanted her to open up, she needed to calm down. "Is it true, did you see something in Med Bay?"

Grace nodded.

"Is it about James?"

"Yes," Grace finally spoke, in a sheepish voice.

That got my attention and Emma's, too. She was practically jumping out of her seat trying to learn more, but I shot her a glance to keep quiet. I asked Grace to go on, that she was safe with us.

"Something was growing out of him, something weird, something big," Grace replied, in a rushed manner, trying to get that over with.

"Growing where, Grace?" I asked, knowing what she saw, but I had to be sure. One of the things about having a very extensive collection of sex toys and paraphernalia was, that it wouldn't be complete without a dildo or two. And, if you own one of those, then you might know where their inspiration came from.

"It was growing out around his a... you know... around his a..." Grace was trying to get it out, but couldn't seem to find the words, until she blurted it out, "LEGS! It was growing out between his legs, AND IT WAS HUGE!" emphasizing the last few words.

I knew what she saw and kind of figured she might have been weirded out by it, but that last comment threw me for a bit. I thought it couldn't be that big, she must be exaggerating, seeing that it was the first penis she had ever seen.

"It's okay, Grace. What you saw was what all human males have, they are called penises; while we have tits and pussies, they have penises. What you saw was perfectly natural for them."

"But it looked so unnatural, just sticking out of him and the size of it--it couldn't be natural."

"I'm sure you overestimated his size given it was the first one you ever saw, and given his frantic state of mind. It may have looked bigger than it was. Most male penises are about the size of a..." I looked around trying to find something for a visual comparison; then found a banana I kept out for crewmembers to snack on. "Aah... like this," as I showed Grace and Emma the penile stand-in. "Most male penises are about this size; at least, that is what Dr. Blake told me when she was researching male anatomy." I tried to reassure Grace, while trying to keep the fact on how I knew what they looked like due to my 'special collection'.

Emma had her doubts, but didn't voice them, and Grace studied the fruit in my hand. The banana was good for a male penis, even though I knew they varied in size, and looking at it, I knew that banana would not be too big, since it was slightly smaller than the largest dildo I had in my possession, at eight inches long and very thick. Thinking about Big Blue sent my pussy throbbing. Big Blue was my go-to friend when I needed to take the edge off, after a long day at cooking and caring for the crew. It always left me satisfied, but always leaving me wanting more.

"No, he was bigger than that, I know it!" Grace stated, while shaking her head. Then she looked around and grabbed Emma's cylindrical water canteen that was on the table and showed it to us. "It was about this size, maybe not as thick, but definitely in length, if not longer."

As soon as Grace finished her last statement, to say I was shocked would have been an understatement. If what she said was true, then James was carrying the biggest cock she had yet ever seen. Looking at the canteen and comparing it to Big Blue, James must have been at least four inches longer and maybe just as thick, or maybe more. The thought, ' I have to see it, ' was running through my mind, as I tried to figure out a way to do it without anyone knowing. Then an idea popped into my head, hoping that Emma, and especially Grace, could go along with it.

"It can't be that big, Gracey. No way he can be that big, I mean how does he carry that thing around with him every day," I said, trying to get a small rise out of her by questioning her claim. Just like I thought, Grace was adamant about it.

That's when Emma spoke up, "I have to see it, there is just no way males carry those things around."

I silently thanked Emma for her curiosity which saved me some time. "Calm down Emma, I'm just as curious as you are, but we can't just go up and tell him to show it to us, it might scare him away. If only we can find a way to sneak a peek, maybe spy on him when he is not looking." I was hoping Emma took the bait; then she looked at us with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. She came up with a plan on how we could achieve our goal, but it would require Grace's cooperation. After several minutes of pleading and some coaxing from both of us, she finally gave in; we sat down and listened to Emma's plan.