The Taming of the Slut

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Can I turn my whore co-worker into my boyfriend?
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I watched my workmate Curtis sticking his ass out as he leaned over the counter, trying to get Connor's attention for an extra bowl of sugar for table three. I must have been watching a bit too closely because my best friend Alex punched me in the shoulder.

"Curtis?" She said incredulously. "Still? Honestly Danny, get it together." I shrugged and tore my eyes away.

"He's hot."

"Curtis is a certified himbo slut and quite frankly it's embarrassing you even look in his direction." I rolled my eyes.

"It's looking, I'm not going to do anything."

"Have some self respect then and stop fucking begging for it."

"I'm not begging for it!" I glanced at Curtis. "If anything he should be begging for it."

"Whatever." Alex rolled her eyes. She couldn't deny my reputation preceded me though. I grinned at her. Yeah, I certainly wasn't going to try it with Curtis. He was insanely hot. Just fucking beautiful but fuck, he knew it. He seemed to have a new boy picking him up every week.

"Breaks are 15 minutes Drew." He frowned at me as he swooped past with the sugar. Asshole. He wasn't wrong, maybe I had pushed my break a little long... but...

"Did he just call you Drew?" Alex frowned. "Looks like he's not exactly begging for it huh?"I felt my cheeks grow red. Holy shit, we worked together twice a week! How did he not know my name?!

"He will." I said. Alex raised her eyebrows.

"Bet you $100 he won't." I put my knife and fork down. $100 huh?

"Done." I said. "How can I prove it?"

"You're my best mate, dumbass we can use an honour system." I grinned as I stood up and cleared my plate. Sweet. An excuse to pursue the hottest fucking piece of ass I'd ever seen- albeit the most arrogant prick as well.

"You're on." I shook Alex's hand.


Ok. He didn't know me from a bar of soap, which meant I clearly hadn't caught his eye- which personally I think is insane. I mean, Curtis is beautiful but I'm no slouch. I work out like crazy. I have long dark hair and big dark eyes and I'm a reputable top in Wellington.

Curtis is just damn pretty. He's a little shorter than me, but still tall. His hair is curly and dark- he's Maori like me but I'm definitely darker than he is. I kind of like his soft Maori features with his pale skin. I mean, honestly, I super like it. I suspect a lot of people do.

And now that I had $100 on it I had to really try to work out what he likes.



I watched him carefully, I could see what he was gravitating towards. His type was all over the place, but guys who really make him smile all have great legs. Lucky for me all I needed was a pair of shorts.


He was on a break with his current man. It sounded like Curtis had been caught with his pants down quite literally, and he was grumpy all weekend. I swanned up on Saturday, the hottest day November had thrown us so far, in a tight but not obscene pair of shorts and some Doc Martens, and I could feel his eyes almost immediately. About time, fucker.

"Hey Danny." He smiled at me. Awesome. He'd learned my name. Still, he couldn't keep his eyes on my face, they kept drifting to my calves. I'm a cyclist, my calves are pretty damn good. It's not enough though. You don't beg for calves, you beg for the whole damn package. I needed him to want all of me.

Halfway through the day we were both running coffee.

"Hold up." I stopped him, and looked at him. I don't think he'd ever really looked at me before. I slowly reached out and pulled an imaginary piece of fluff out of his hair- giving him a chance to notice my freckles, my brown eyes, my strong jaw. "This fucking mop of hair." I joked. "You're such a mess." His mouth parted and he blushed a little. I knew he'd like teasing.

"Thanks." He muttered.


I knew he was going to a gig on Sunday so naturally I got myself a ticket. I had a drink at the bar and watched him chain smoke outside, animatedly talking to his equally pretty and probably vapid friends. He spotted me as he went to get another drink.

"You get stood up too?" He pulled up a stool. I glanced at him.

"Did you? I'm here alone."

"Alone huh?" He swept his big, pretty eyes over me and I could see him deciding not to let the night go to waste. He parted his lips and-

Tama appeared between us and wrapped me up in a hug. He kissed the top of my head. Curtis's eyes immediately grew steely as he narrowed them at me. God, that's right. He's kinda a skeeze. He probably gets off on breaking couples up. Not that Tama and I are a couple. Tama is my cousin. But Curtis didn't need to know that.

"Didn't know you'd be here?" Tama grinned at me.

"Not usually my scene." He agreed. "Tama, this is Curtis. I work with him. Curtis, this is Tama." I grinned to myself as Curtis looked Tama over. He clearly decided he stacked up because he gave me a smile.

"What are you drinking?" He ignored Tama. I didn't though. Leave then wanting more.

"Oh." I said, and glanced at Curtis as I stood up. "No thanks." And I left the most gorgeous man, who I'd had a crush on for over a year, sitting at the bar alone.


I had his attention. He was watching me now. Every shift. But into it and begging for it are two different things.

I overheard him whining about how his boy had left for good. Maybe because he was a fucking slut and got caught cheating. Curtis had a full kinky streak which I'd been able to glean by eavesdropping. I think he found it hot to cheat, to cuck his boyfriends. He definitely fantasised about more than one guy. A plan was starting to take shape in my head.

"Hey." He always said hi to me now, leaning against the coffee machine and playing with his hair. He looked rough this morning. I raised my eyebrow.

"Late night?" He shrugged.

"That obvious?" I pushed a curl behind his ear carefully. He blushed at my touch.

"You look like shit." I grinned. He started saying something else, but I was playing hard to get, so I ignored him and walked away.


"Why doesn't he like me?" I overheard him asking Alex. "You guys are mates right? You want to help me out here?" My heart skipped as I listened to them.

"Well." Alex sighed. She had my back, even if her bet was against mine. "First, don't shit where you eat. And second..."'she sighed dramatically. "Look. You're a fucking whore and Danny doesn't really do sloppy seconds." Ouch. She had guts- I would never say that to someone. But Curtis was clearly thinking about it.


"Hey Danny." He blinked at me.

"What's up?" He looked agitated.

"Come for a drink with me after work." Holy shit. He was asking me out. This cute Adonis was fucking falling for the game I was playing, like an idiot. I looked him over, making sure he saw that I was assessing him- taking in everything to offer.

"I have plans." I said, letting him feel every inch of that rejection. He turned bright pink as I walked away.

He didn't give up though.

"Just a drink." He mumbled as he brought me coffee on my break. "You realise you don't have have to fuck boys who buy you drinks." I sighed as I looked at him. Damn, he was working for it. And I couldn't play hard to get forever.

"Sure." I said.


He took me to a bar where he knew all the bartenders.

"What do you drink?" He pulled out his wallet and the bartender gave me a pitying look. I grinned at him. As if I didn't know exactly what I was in for.

"Whatever you're having." He sighed and dramatically rolled his eyes.

"Fine." He shrugged at the bartender. "Two negronis I guess."

He was fidgeting. I don't think the drinks part of Curtis's evenings usually lasted long, but he was pretending, for my sake.

"So what are you reading his week?" He asked. I usually had my nose in a book on my breaks.

"Bernadine Evaristo." I shrugged. "She's great. You'd like it- well you might not actually, do you read?" Curtis blushed.

"I'm not- yeah. Yeah I read." He sounded defensive.

"What do you like?"

"Non fiction. Stories I guess. David Sedaris." Huh. I would never have guessed.

"I love him." Curtis beamed. Aw, a real connection. Probably rare the way he usually played things.

"He'a fantastic! His sister too. Did you watch The Mandalorian?" I leant back.

"Of course. I love Star Wars."

"Even the new ones?"

"Well. I love Adam Driver so..." Curtis laughed and relaxed as we started talking about Star Wars. Huh, I really wouldn't have pegged him as the type, but he was really quite nerdy about it. Talked about it on reddit kind of nerdy. His face lit up and all his too cool pouty attitude fell away as we drank our way through another round. I was starting to feel something for him- more than just hots I mean.

But I had a goal here. And as tempting as his soft lips and dark eyes were I needed a bit more time.

There was a lull in conversation and he bit his lip as he looked at me. I sighed.

"Not tonight Curtis." He blushed. He swallowed and nodded as I stood up and grabbed my bag and my skateboard.

"See you soon?" He sounded hopeful. Poor guy, I bet he's never had to wait for anything in his entire life. I dropped my hand into his nest of curls and gently stroked the nape of his neck. He looked up at me, frowning slightly.

"Not tonight." I reiterated carefully. "But we'll do this again." He beamed. This kid is like a fucking puppy.

I glanced at the bartender as I walked out.

"Never seen him leave alone before." He laughed. I glanced back at Curtis.

"Nights young." I said.


I had a plan. It involved Nate, a fuck buddy of mine, and some friends of his- a couple who liked to fuck other people. Maybe I was certifiable for this but I knew Curtis. I had his attention now because he'd never been told no before, but the second I said yes he'd lose interest.

So I wasn't going to give it to him after a couple of cocktails in a gloomy bar.


We met up a couple of times that week, and both times I made my excuses- I had book club, I had an early start... he nodded and watched me leave, always a little pink. Because I'd taken sex off the table until I said so we had to talk about something and we ended up making each other laugh a lot. He was kind of a nerd under all his himbo attitude- he liked Star Trek and listened to DnD podcasts. If I wasn't careful I'd really fall for the little brat.

I kissed him on the third date. He was talking about how much he hated Star Trek Discovery and he was so passionate and his eyes were so bright that I couldn't stop myself. I leant over our table and took his face in my hands and kissed him. He moaned as I stuck my tongue down his throat and I could feel him getting limp under my touch. He sighed as I pulled away.

"Not tonight?" He said. I think he knew the answer to that.

"Saturday." I decided. I couldn't wait any longer. His eyes lit up.

"Really?" Idiot. As if he didn't know how hard he was to resist. Maybe he really didn't know, I didn't exactly shower him with affection.

"I'll text you my address."


I was so right about him. As soon as he had a yes he was back to his cocky, flirtatious self. I watched him all day on Saturday- basically lap dancing on some cute customer, practically drooling as he took payment from a muscled stud at the till... he really thought he'd won huh? He still didn't even have my address.

I finished earlier than he did and was saying goodbye to Alex when he draped his arm around me.

"See you tonight." He murmured. Alex raised her eyebrows as I frowned at Curtis. His face dropped a little as I looked at him, pretending to be confused.

"Oh." I said eventually. "Tonight." He blushed that delightful shade of pink I love on him. As if I hadn't been thinking about it all week too.

And planning.


"You've been working out." Nate squeezed me. Hell of a flatterer, that guy. I rolled my eyes.

"Hello to you too." Nate gestured to the couple he had with him. Both pretty fit.

"Jack." The tall Maori kid held out his hand. He had hair like Curtis, curly and dark and falling in his face. His boyfriend, Mark, had long hair and a beard- very hipster. They were both wearing band t-shirts. Cute couple. I invited them in and we had a sesh to relax.

They all knew the drill. Curtis was a slut who would open his legs for anyone and he got off on cheating. So I wouldn't give him the chance. He was going to be bred by my hot fuckbuddy Nate and his equally hot friends and I was absolutely going to make him beg for me. Only we all agreed we couldn't really breed him because who knew what the fuck he got up to. It was a shame, because watching several loads of cum ooze out of his slutty ass was a personal fantasy of mine- but it was gonna have to stay firmly in the realm of fantasy for now.

The three of us drank some wine and shot the shit, working out how we were going to operate together. Nate and Mark were both verse and Jack was top only, so that was all fine. I can't say I'm top only but I had been obsessed with Curtis's ass for over a year, and I wanted him to see me as that, for now. Curtis would be bottoming for everyone, naturally.

"What did you tell your flatmates?" Nate looked around. This was why it had to wait until Saturday- the last thing you need with a casual little gay orgy is your flat mates walking in.

"All up in Auckland for Laneway." Nate grinned.

"God you must be head over heels for this guy. I've never seen you work so hard."

"Don't tell him that." I laughed. "I think I've convinced him I barely know him."

We looked up as the doorbell rang.

Oh he so thought he had me. He was wearing teeny tiny shorts and a t- shirt and he pouted at me seductively.

"Hi." I said. "My buddy Nate popped round, hope that's ok." I didn't give him a chance to say no, but I saw the look on his face before I whirled around and showed him into the lounge. I grinned. He was gutted.

"Nate, Mark, Jack." I pointed them out. Curtis blinked at me and I let my hand fall to the small of his back. I had to let him know he was still here to get fucked, I wasn't playing hard to get anymore. He leant into my touch and I could see him perk up slightly. "Everyone, this is Curtis." He made his hellos and sat down as I poured him a drink.

"How do you know Danny?" Nate asked. I hid my smile. As if he didn't know. As if they all didn't know everything about him.

"We work together." Curtis looked Nate over carefully as I handed him his drink and sat beside him. "How do you guys know each other?" Nate grinned and raised his eyebrows at me. I shrugged. Nate looked back to Curtis.

"School." He lied. Curtis was blushing, cute. He could clearly read the room regarding that. He cleared his throat and looked over at Mark and Jack, who were slightly entwined.

"Also school." Jack said, grinning at me. Curtis laughed.

"Huh. I was the only fag at my school, and I wasn't even out. Guess you got really lucky Danny?" I hit him playfully. Good, he wasn't going to go all shy on me.

We talked for a bit and we all drank a bit more, to relax. Mark and Jack couldn't keep their hands off each other and I was being equally touchy with Curtis and Nate. Curtis definitely noticed he wasn't the only one receiving my attention and tried harder to make me laugh, holding my hand, pulling me away whenever I was looking at Nate for too long. I played with his hair and let him get horny.

Eventually Mark and Jack started making out. Curtis was pretending not to watch, and that he wasn't getting hard. I clasped his chin in my hand and pulled him into me. I smiled at him as I leant in and he surrendered to my kiss.

I felt Nate wrap his arms around me from behind and broke off my kiss with Curtis to make out with Nate. I glanced at Curtis. He was totally hard and touching himself through his jeans. I smiled at him. He smiled back.

"I don't believe you." He said as I snaked a hand up his shirt and started playing with his nipple. He moaned into the touch. "All for me?" Nate was kissing my neck gently and Mark and Jack and moved closer to us, their hands starting to stroke Curtis. I pinched his nipple hard.

"I know what sluts like you need." He moaned and bit his lip. Mark and Jack were on either side of him now, peeling his shirt off. I leant back into Nate and watched.

"You're such a little cock tease." I pulled my own shirt off and the other guys mirrored my action. "Doesn't take much for you for it? You're a fucking slut who can't close his legs. We won't even need lube tonight will we little whore? How many loads are you carrying already Curtis?" Curtis blushed and moaned as Mark and Jack took care of him, running their hands down his torso, playing with the waistband of his jock. Mark had one nipple in his mouth and Jack was kissing him.

Jack slowly pulled on Curtis's jock, giving him a wedgie, and Curtis humped against the pressure.

"Answer me slut." I could feel Nate taking off his jeans behind me. "How many loads are in your pussy?" Curtis moaned.

"None." He mumbled. "Wanted to be tight for you." I laughed.

"Such a thoughtful slut. Such a good boy." Jack was rubbing Curtis through his trousers and watching Curtis hump against his hand was a gorgeous sight. "Bet you've been fucking guys all week though. You can't get enough. I bet your cunt is almost totally destroyed."

"Oh fuck." Curtis moaned. "Yeah."

"That's right. All you have to offer is your pussy and it's gaping isn't it? I bet we won't even feel you."

"No, I'm just a hole..."

"A loose, sloppy fleshlight."

"Yes sir." He moaned. Nate grinned at me at the Sir. I wasn't exactly a dom but I did like what I was doing to Curtis.

Jack was still pulling on that jock, snapping it against Curtis's skin. Mark was undoing those tiny shorts and Curtis let himself be undressed. I reached out to touch him. I ran my hands over his body and squeezed his dick. Fuck, he was rock hard. I moaned and pressed myself against him. He reached out and pressed his hand against my cock.

"Oh fuck." He said. I grinned. All of us were hung, actually.


Almost all of us.

Jack stopped teasing Curtis and pulled the scrap of fabric off him.

"Cute." I said, and Curtis blushed a violent red as I wrapped my hand around it.

"No wonder you're just a hole. Can't please boys with that little thing can you?" Curtis moaned.

"No sir. It's so small."

"Tiny." Ok, it wasn't tiny, below average for sure, maybe around 12cm, but fuck Curtis liked being teased about it- the way he blushed and moaned and bit his lip. Mark and Jack were lying him down and spreading his legs. "Legs spread, just like always." I muttered. He moaned. "Show me that pretty little cunt." I teased. He moaned and thrust his cute little pussy at me. Oh man he needed it bad.

Nate and Curtis were both naked now. Nate was touching me and starting to try and get my trousers off. Mark and Jack still had their trousers on but Jack hand shuffled his down and was stroking his big dick.

"Tiny fucking dick. Sloppy fucking cunt."

"Yes sir."

"Jack you mind getting your tongue up in the fuck doll?" Jack did not mind, and he gently spread Curtis's cheeks before sticking his tongue out. Curtis moaned so sweetly, and Mark moved to kiss him gently as his boyfriend worked his tongue in and out of Curtis's ass. I let Nate strip me as I watched, and we started playing with each other's cocks.

"Just a cute fucking hole for men to use. Real men. Studs like us. You're not a real man are you Curtis? You've taken so many loads you're just a cumdump."


"Say it."

"I'm a cumdump sir."

"Just a little fucking bitch. At least you know it. At least you're a good bitch, spreading his legs nice and wide." Curtis moaned.

"I need dick." He said. "Danny, please." Well there was my $1oo. Man, that was easy. But he wasn't in charge, was he? And he was gonna get what he wanted my way.