The Temptation of Sammi Woo


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"Mmmmmppphhhh." Enough for me to climax, squealing around Djävul's cock, hips jerked against that mouth, my entire body vibrating as that golden wave washed through me in a slow flood of molten pleasure. Djävul's cock eased out of my mouth, slapped my cheeks, withdrew. His hands lifted me to my knees, upright as I shook through the aftermath of that wave of pleasure.

Seth. He was there, in front of the stage, his mouth glistening with my wetness, smiling as I knelt, gasping, panting, shaking. Blue, she was perched on Round Out's lap, his arms around her, watching. Her eyes caught mine, she smiled that half-smile, I could swear she winked at me and then she was turning, sliding herself to kneel astride that biker guy of hers, her knees either side of him and she was whispering in his ear as his hands slid up the backs of her legs.

He grinned at whatever she was whispering, his eyes on me and then they were standing, walking out together. She gave me a smile over her shoulder as she left and I was kneeling there, naked, glowing in the aftermath of that climax and Djävul's was pushing the back of my neck, urging me forward onto my hands and knees.

"Who's first?" My heart drummed as Djävul's voice carried over the music. My sex pulsed wetly. Soon. Soon that first cock would find me. Take me. Fill me. Fuck me. Then another. And another. I knew this was going to be a long night. A hard night. I hoped it was going to be a good night. It'd definitely by a night to remember. It was going to be a night I wanted to remember, I was sure of that. My heart surged and beat wildly as the first of them stepped up onto the stage, grinned down at me as I knelt there, waiting as he unzipped his jeans, pushed them down, stepped out of them.

I was naked for all of them. Naked for him.

Naked and exposed to every single person in that room. Naked and knowing that almost all of them were going to fuck me. Naked and waiting to be fucked while they watched. While they watched and waited their turn with me. Pulling a train. Oh god, I was doing it, really doing it and I knew what I was doing this time and I wanted to so much.

Knowing this cock springing out erect and ready before my eyes was for me.

Me. Sammi Woo. I'd been tempted and I'd been found wanton.

Naked and willing, I moaned softly with anticipation.

It was really going to happen to me again now.

All of those guys were going to have me.

Naked, I waited, ready to be fucked.

His hands turned and bent me.

Naked, kneeling, ready.

All of them looking.

I couldn't wait.

Wanting it.

His cock.


"Uughhhhhh ... oohhh ... uughhh ... ohhhhh." Inside me, his cock, sudden, hard. Filling me. His hands gripping my hips. Fucking me as I knelt on the stage, naked, exposed, my face turned towards my audience, my mouth wide open, crying out as he pounded into me. Seeing them watching me as I was taken. Taken and used. Fucked.

"Ooooohhhhhh ... ohhhhh ....ooohhhh." Climaxing suddenly as his cock slammed into me. Sinking to my forearms coz my arms could no longer support me. Looking out at them all watching me as I knelt there, naked, in front of them, that cock sliding in and out of my cunt. Seeing their faces and knowing each of them would have me just like this before this night was over. Maybe have me more than once. Knowing there were hours more of this ahead of me.

Summer was over. College had started. Wilson Wong was out of my life. My v-card had definitely been swiped. Swiped and swiped and swiped and Djävul was the guy with the PIN number, Tonight, he'd keyed that PIN number in. The bank of Sammi Woo was wide open and taking deposits all night. The first transaction was underway.

"Nnnugggghhh ... ughhh ...ugghhhh...." Strong hands gripped my hips, pulled me back irresistibly onto that thrusting hardness. Pulled me back hard and held me impaled as that cock throbbed and pulsed and jetted inside me, filling me with his cum. Collapsing down onto my forearms, my head touched the floor. The bank of Sammi Woo had just eagerly accepted its first deposit of the evening.

"Who's next?" Djävul asked, holding my head up by my ponytail, smiling at me.

We both knew it wasn't going to be the last deposit I accepted tonight.

That last deposit would be a long time coming. A very long time.

And I was going to take every single deposit made.

The bank of Sammi Woo was wide open.

Simultaneous transactions accepted

New customers welcome.

Take your ticket.


* * *

Wilson Wong?

I never saw him again. He never called me again. I didn't really expect him to, not after what I'd done. I was no longer good Chinese marriage material, no matter how much he loved me. I doubt he loved me at all after what I'd done although to be honest, I'm not sure that he ever really loved me. He just wanted a good looking Chinese girl to marry and cook his noodles and provide that hole in the mattress to satisfy those physical urges.

I can't say I was worried about losing Wilson Wong.

My only real worry was he might say something to his parents or mine.

I guess he didn't because nothing changed with my parents the next time I went home to visit. If they'd known what I'd done, my Mom would have gone after me with a meat cleaver, the way she'd chased my older sister Janice's boyfriend down the street when he got her pregnant. They'd been married ten years now, with four kids, but Mom still didn't talk to him. He was still scared of her too. With good reason. It'd taken four cops and two shots with a Taser to bring Mom down. Lucky they didn't shoot her.

Well, I guess there was another good side of that night out.

I never did have to tell Wilson I was dumping him.

Case closed on one unwanted Wong.

My parents never even asked.

Exit Wilson Wong.

Guess he got a Green Card Girl from China.

* * *

"Hi Sammi." Djävul was sitting in the café nursing a coffee, smiling when he saw me walk in after my last class. Standing up to hug me as I joined him.

"Djävul. Love you." I stood on my toes and kissed him, enjoying the looks. Let them look. Djävul was mine. All mine. And I was his. Except when he wanted me not to be just his.

"Got something for you, Sammi." He handed me a jacket. A leather one he'd been holding. He was looking nervous. Djävul? Nervous? Why?

I took it, looked at it. Felt that beautiful soft leather, just like the one Blue wore. Just like the jacket Blue wore? My heart went a little wild. I glanced up at his face, my own suddenly pale.


"Just look at it, baby."

I did. The back read "Property of" in a big half circle at the top, "Djävul" in a matching half circle at the bottom with a big blue and black flower patch in the center. Heart pounding, faint, I flipped the jacket over and looked at the front. Right above the right breast pocket, there was a small patch. "Woo-Woo." Above it was another small patch that said "Southern Boozettes."

"Djävul?" I whispered, looking up at him, "Djävul?"

"You want it, baby?"

I didn't say anything. I couldn't say anything. I was all choked up, tears in my eyes as I flung my arms back around him and did my absolute best to hug him to death. "Yes," I whispered when I could speak. "Yes." I did let go of him to slip it on though and the fit was perfect. And thank god I'd worn jeans and boots to class today. Floating on air, that was me as Djävul eased his way up to the counter to get my coffee. Me, I just sat there smiling dreamily.

"Well, you're my 'Ol Lady now, Sammi. How d'ya want to celebrate?"

I took his hand in mine, kissed his fingers one by one. Licked one delicious finger, knowing where I wanted it. Smiled. Temptation filled me, slow and sweet as honey. "I'm not on at Kitty Katz on Saturday night," I said, slowly, almost a whisper. "Maybe we can, you know, have a little party down in the basement at the Clubhouse? If your 'Ol Lady's still allowed to do that sort of thing, that is."

Djävul's smile grew. "Well, she is if I say she is and she wants to and that's what I call celebrating, Sammi."

My heart beat faster, a lot faster. "Woooo-wooooo," I breathed, "all aboard."

The look on his face. I had to giggle. That, and wriggle on my seat. "You decide who's coming, Djävul. Whatever you want. Push me. As much as you think I can take."

"I will, baby, I will." Djävul grinned, took my hand and he wasn't that quiet as he stood up. "Let's go, I gotta get you back to your place and fuck you right now." He smiled, his voice suddenly hushed, so that only he and I heard. "Then we can talk about you moving in with me."

Half the café were looking at us. The other half were deliberately not looking. Me? I blushed but I stood up and I walked right out of there with my hand in his and I swung onto the back of his Harley behind him, holding him tight as he pulled out, Harley thunder echoing of the buildings lining the street. Ten minutes and Djävul would be taking what he wanted. Ten minutes and Djävul would be giving me what I wanted. Giving his 'Ol Lady a good fucking.

Now how was I going to break the news about him to Mom and Dad?

That my boyfriend was a biker and I was living with him.

I'd think about that after he finished fucking me.

If I could still think about anything by then.

One thing I didn't need to think about.

Sammi Woo was pulling a train.

This coming Saturday.


* * * * * *

And a Note from Chloe: First and foremost, this is an entry in the 2017 Summer Lovin' competition and I need your vote and I need it now coz (ahem) this is a late entry. So see that rating star down there? Yes? You do? Okay! Now go and pick one and hit it, whatever you think this story deserves. It's on Literotica, it's free for you to read but those few minutes of reading and enjoyment for you took me a long time to write and those rating stars are my only reward (she says, batting her eyelids soulfully at you, dear reader ... that's right ... YOU) and I'd be soooooo very grateful if you hit one of those stars.

Second,/b> and as always, thank you so much for reading and, I hope, enjoying. For those of you who have been enjoying "Chinese Takeout", I hope you like the way "The Temptation of Sammi Woo" has kind of interwoven some of that same setting and some of the same characters as bit players even though it's a completely stand-alone story and not quite the first time romance that "Chinese Takeout" is.

Third - I have another 2017 Summer Lovin' entry in, called "Summertime Sadness". It's a rather different story from this one, it's kind of sad and it's in the Romance category (which it probably isn't but it's the best category fit I could make). Anyhow, it's a good (if sad) story, it's woefully under-viewed and I'm making a plug for it here in the hopes that you like my writing enough to go find it (click on my name at the top of this page and go look at the list of all my stories and you'll find it near the bottom) and read it. Please, she says, very hopefully. You might want to read "Fingerprints on my Heart" before you read "Summertime Sadness" though. It's not a series, they're not linked but they're based on the same reality. Anyhow, enough begging from me. My name's Chloe, not Sammi! LOL.

And now, the rest! For those of you who are following my stories and hoping (or panting as the case may be LOL -- and what better reward could a writer on Literotica request than panting...) for new ones, there are a few in the immediate pipeline that I'm working to complete. The next chapters of "Chinese Takeout", "Happy Birthday to Me" and "Jeong Park" are almost done. There's a sequel to "On the Beach" called "After the Barbeque" in progress. "In Progress" being relative of course, coz I do work full time and I write these little tales in my not so copious spare time and I now have other stuff I'm being paid to write and I'm not allowed to mention here which I'm not complaining about! Fair's fair. There's also a new stand-alone story in the pipeline for LIT called "Under the Microscope", and ....

"Under the Microscope" -- coming soon to LITEROTICA just for you! The setting is post WW2 China, 1947. Japan has been defeated. China is in the midst of a Civil War between the Kuomintang and the Communists. The inland city of Chungking is Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's provisional capital, as it has been throughout the war years and will be up until his government finally flees the city in November 1949. Our heroines are Lan and Lin, two eighteen year old Chinese girls, twin sisters, privileged daughters of a Kuomintang General who have grown into beautiful young women in the relative safety of Chungking through those years of war. As with any beautiful young women, Lan and Lin attract the attentions of men. Men who are used to the lust, the violence, the sex and the savagery of a country at war. Men who are used to willing bargirls, supple dancers and eager whores. Men who see Lan and Lin, men who desire their innocence and beauty in the way that men will always desire beautiful young women. This then is a tale of Old Chungking and two innocent young Chinese girls in those far gone days of the late 1940's.

I'm also(!) working to complete my first Noir-style story ("Lovecraft and my Grandpops") which is also more of a novel but I'm putting it on LIT to see if it works and what you all think when it's done. It's a sort of trailer park noir story -- cynical, sad, dark, a little tragic, lots of violence, lots of sex (hey, it's LIT), but with a happy ending for all that. Not sure how long that'll take me to complete but it's a real challenge to write and I'm enjoying it tremendously. And right here I'd like to thank the inimitable Noirtrash for the inspiration, accidental as it was on his part because it was one of his delightful throwaway insults on the Authors Hangout on the LIT forums that inspired the story, as well as Lovecraft68 for letting me use him in my story. Thanks a million guys! Credit for the inspiration up front in this case!

Okay, and coz of course that's not enough, I'm also (wide-eyed and excited look here) working on my first two or three -- coz I'm wildly ambitious - full-length novels by the end of the year - so there's something else to look forward to (in case you're interested, they're going to be called "Phuket Xmas Vacation", "The Jade Palace Hotel" and "One Night in Bangkok", and if that works, then .... okay, let's just say I'm ambitious. I have a list of them ...). So yeah, there's more coming. If you'd like to be kept up to date, ping me through the Literotica feedback form and let me know. And pleeeeease include your email address coz otherwise how can I email you back.

Anyhow, I thought I'd include those updates at the tail end of the story coz I do get asked these questions a lot thru the feedback form or in comments and it's easier on me if I just tell you all upfront right here what's in the pipeline as of early September 2017. So all of that done, thanks again to every single one of you for reading my little story, whether or not you give me a rating and/or even (gasp of excitement) ... left a comment ... And a huge thanks also to Laurel and Manu for providing us wannabe authors with a venue to showcase our writing like Literotica and these competitions and for making the whole website so enjoyable for you readers and us authors ... xoxoxoxoxoxo .... Chloe

* * * * * *

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mcrr2225mcrr2225about 1 year ago

Wow Chloe, I loved the story and another one goes to the favorites list.

PhilDub2PhilDub2over 2 years ago

A totally different story from what I’m used to, but I enjoyed it more than I expected to. I look forward to reading my way through your considerable body of work. I kind of see where some posters see your work as repetitive, but it’s not a dealbreaker.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Her pussy must have been soaked with men cum if it was making that much squelch noises lol. I definitely dont really like sloppy seconds scenes just the thought of your junk touching other man liquid juices inside a vagina is gross. But other other than that the story is the hottest one I read yet

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Love the story! Keep writing. Keep posting. And I’ll keep reading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Love the story. Great story line. So well written. So erotic. The best on the site

EnzedderEnzedderalmost 5 years ago

I love your stories.

The way you dropped in some lyrics from “Nights in white satin” was completely unexpected and cleverly done.

You’re my number 1 author on lit!

welldun4u2welldun4u2over 5 years ago
Tried to give 5 stars

But it wouldnt let me. Great as always CT

nthusiasticnthusiasticover 5 years ago
Pleasantly Surprised!

I really enjoyed this take on gangbangs and bikers. It wasn't the same old, same old. I found the men's careful prep work allowed Sammi and me both to enjoy the experience more. Their honest appreciation of her dancing and her body was refreshing, instead of shaming.

Wish the boyfriend had stayed home since he was such a jerk when he finally got "into her panties." I've never liked name calling, such a turn off. I loved the new boyfriend's encouragement and l'm glad they both like sharing. Thank you for keeping them together and letting us enjoy her new vest.

This is the most satisfying first time with multiple men I've read. Most of them have the focus on pain and humiliation rendering them much less pleasurable to read.

Loved Blue's interaction with Sammi, especially afterwards. I'm so glad you didn't end it at the gangbang. I can't wait to read more of your stories. You are my new favorite!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Love the sex scenes.

I love how graphic you explain the sex scene. Great work. However, I have two problems with not just this story but all your stories.

1: I love interracial stories but the self-humiliate is turning me off (poor Wilson). I get that you are into that race roleplay thing but dehumanized your other half in stories is not cool. I don't know about you but I don't like when people called me racist slurs even if she's a hot girl doing me. It put off my fire like a girl fart while you eat her pussy.

2: Your stories are too long, you got to elaborate to an at least 2-3 page long. I got bored reading halfway.

ChloeTzangChloeTzangover 6 years agoAuthor
Thanks Joel

Appreciate that and yes, I got a bit bugged their. Just read a couple of my own comments responding and started laughing. Glad you liked that blend of buttons. Lol it was fun to write that's for sure. Anyhow, a couple of new First Time stories coming up for the 2018 LIT Valentines Day competition.

joelafayettejoelafayetteover 6 years ago
Really enjoyed it

I finally finished this one. It took me a while. I think you should stick to the first time genre. I've read some of your other work, and while it's also good, the first time ones are the best to me. We don't get a lot of good ones in the first person female point of view. I thought the action was super hot, especially with Wilson watching the gang bang. You blended several great genres like group sex, first time, interracial, and even a cuckold scenario seamlessly without it looking like a fetish take out menu. What some anonymous posters criticize you on are actually what I like... the repetition, use of expressions like V-card, etc. But, I do think you should take criticism better, else you tend to attract more of it. I'll be reading your work in the future, thanks.

MstuwebMstuwebover 6 years ago

Hi Chloe

I started to think this story was too long and ended up knowing it was too short I just more and more

Well done keep up the good work

nighthawk22204nighthawk22204over 6 years ago
Another great Chapter of Chinese Takeout??

I know, not really, but I kept expecting Sammi Woo to turn into Baby Blue. Absolutely love your stories, Chloe, and I appreciate that you are still a Chinese teenager at heart and use teen vernacular in a way that coupled with your intensely detailed storytelling creates a very arousing tale with very erotic tail entries. Yes, teens don't have very elaborate vocabularies and once they discover a new cliché, they do beat it to death, which is what I am sure many of your readers do also. Just because they ejaculated aver your phrasing last night doesn't mean they won't return to it tonight and tomorrow. Sorry, but I've been very busy framing another house for the past several months, but now that i have a few days to catch up, I'll definitely check up on the rest of your inventory while I still await another episode of Chinese Takeout (that is so erotic, waiting for over a year for Jay-Lin to give it up) or for Round Out to pluck what she's so ready to deliver!!!

ChloeTzangChloeTzangover 6 years agoAuthor
Something that doesn't end in a Chinese virgin losing it?

LOL. Just for you, my next story. The main character is neither chinese, nor a virgin. Just submitted it yesterday for the Halloween Contest so it should be up soon, "Welcome to Nockatunga Station (In your head, no one but you can hear your screams)" .... - it'll be in the Halloween Contest list soon and it's also in the Science Fiction category altho possibly it could have been erotic horror or maybe horror-romance or.... anyhow, hope you enjoy,,,,,

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Another good job

Dear Chloe: Thanks for another fine story. However, I will really look forward to you writing something that doesn't end in a Chinese virgin losing it. Time to grow. Please eliminate all your projects but one and finish it. The historical novel sounds brilliant but I was hoping to find out what Isabelle did.

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