The Temptation of Sammi Woo


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"Yeah, I do." It was Djävul's smile and the look he gave me that decided me.

"Okay," I said, more than a little nervously. Not nearly as nervous as I had been in Kitty Katz though. I'd danced twice there, in front of a couple of hundred guys and god knows how many girls. This was only eight and that was including Djävul. Djävul reached over and took my hand, I followed him as he stepped across the bar to that small raised platform. Someone pumped up the music even louder just as I got there. Cool! I gulped the rest of my drink, kicked my shoes off, bounced up onto that small stage and, without a second thought, I started to dance.

I danced around that stage to start with, just dancing for myself as well as the guys, my hands emphasizing the movements of my body, my body moving. Moving for the guys, flirting with them. Teasing them. Enjoying myself. The song changed, now I started using the pole, dancing with it, round it. Peeled of my costume blazer coz it was hot and it got in the way, tossed it aside. With only eight guys watching me I was a lot more relaxed about this.

That short little pleated skirt was flipping and bouncing and when I twirled it flew up around my waist flashing my little black panties to the entire room, bringing a chorus of whistles and a surge of heated excitement as I swung around the pole. All of a sudden Djävul bounced up onto the stage with me, stripped to the waist, wearing only those jeans. It was obvious he worked out and oh my god he looked pumped. Those arm and chest muscles. Those six pack abs. Jesus! It was hard not to pant and bite him, but I didn't. I wanted to though. He was so hot.

I smiled as he began to dance with me, our movements mirroring each other. He was good. I had eyes only for him now, I was dancing for him. Dancing for Djävul. I looked down and out at my small audience a couple of times, just checking. They seemed to be getting into the show. After we finished up here I was so getting into a room with him and going at it. I was so gonna let Djävul do whatever he wanted to me. Tonight was the night, I knew. By the time I left here, I fully intended to have given Djävul my all.

Djävul was gonna swipe my v-card and I didn't care if every guy here heard my PIN number being punched.

Of course, I knew that what I intended to give Djävul was what Wilson had wanted from me, but Wilson was about as out of luck as a guy could get. So sad, too bad. For Wilson, not for Djävul. Tonight, Djävul was getting lucky. He was gonna make a deposit in the bank of Sammi Woo. He could put a notch on his belt, tell his buddies, put a patch on his cut, pin my panties to the board over the bar, do whatever he wanted with me coz I was definitely going to give it up to him. Oh yeah!

Djävul was gonna be the bank of Sammi Woo's first ever transaction.

There weren't going to be any withdrawals. Only deposits.

As many deposits as Djävul could make.

Dancing with Djävul, looking at Djävul, it was Djävul I wanted. Djävul knew that too. He was grinning at me as we danced. I smiled back happily as we danced closer and closer to each other, only the pole separating us, part of our dance, almost part of us. He reached out, clicked his fingers as he danced, took a cooler that one of his buddies passed to him, drank some, passed it to me. I drank thirstily; feeling the buzz from the alcohol hit me almost right away.

The buzz and the music and my movements all combining within me. Something inside me knew what the unaccustomed alcohol was doing to me, knew it and wanted it. Wanted my inhibitions and restraint eroded. Maybe not washed away, but definitely seriously eroded and it was working. Working really well. By the time I gave that bottle back to Djävul it was almost empty and I was totally buzzing on the music and the dancing and seeing Djävul stripped to the waist and seeing his buddies watching me.

Oh yeah, his buddies were really watching me.

Coz they sure weren't watching Djävul. They were all up near the stage now, chairs and couches pulled close, sitting back drinking and enjoying the show. All of them watching me. Every single one of them and they were enjoying watching me dance and I was enjoying their eyes on me. This was far better than that crowd in the bar coz here I could see them each of them, it wasn't just a sea of faces. Only half a dozen. And yeah, I was looking at one of the guys in particular as I danced close to the edge of the stage, my back to Djävul. He was watching my legs. I danced closer to him, right up to the edge of the stage, giving him a good look as he sipped on his beer.

"Fucking hot dancing, Sammi." His voice carried over the music as he grinned up at me.

Those words sent little shivers through me. He thought I was hot. Me? Nice well-brought up always-goes-to-Church-with-her-parents Sammi Woo? Never-dated-anyone-except-Wilson-Wong Sammi Woo? "Your daughter's such a well-behaved girl, Mrs. Woo." That Sammi Woo? I'd never thought I could be hot. Not the way guys like this thought of hot. Real guys. Men. Tonight, yeah, tonight I was hot! Tonight was different. Tonight was my birthday party, tonight was my summer party and I wanted to be hot hot hot. I wanted to be red hot.

I wanted to be the hottest thing these guys had seen since Mauna Loa erupted and I was working every move I'd seen those dancers and strippers doing. I was doing everything except strip. My heart pounded even harder and for a moment, everything blurred. Strip? Wouldn't that be exciting? Even more exciting than dancing for them like this. What would it be like to start peeling my clothes off? For a moment, I was almost tempted, but no, I couldn't do that.

Enough that I knew I was getting Djävul totally worked up. And as for Djävul? After this, I was gonna go off with him into one of those rooms and be even hotter. Spinning around, flaunting myself in front of Djävul, smiling at him, licking my lips as I danced, looking into Djävul's eyes, I could tell Djävul knew that. We both knew that and knowing, my body was gripped with a feverish excitement that overrode my remaining inhibitions. That excitement pulsed through my veins, my skin tingled, burned, every part of me alive and on edge. In my movements, in my dancing, I was displaying myself to Djävul, offering myself to him, offering myself up as a sacrifice to the goddess of love and Djävul, he was going to be the one that accepted that offering, the one that would take the sacrifice. Take me.

Seeing Djävul's face as he watched me, I knew he knew. I just knew.

The goddess of love was going to get her sacrifice tonight.

Me, Sammi, I was that sacrifice on the altar of love.

Tonight, I was going to get my cherry popped.

I was giving myself to Djävul completely.

My v-card was gonna get swiped.

Djävul was going to do me.

Give me his cock.

Fuck me good.

Really good.


Djävul smiled for me and me alone as we danced closer to each other, almost touching, almost, but not quite, the air between us electric, stealing my breath away, raising my excitement to an even higher pitch as we circled that chromed pole while the music pounded out, fast and heady. While my audience whistled and cheered and eyed the movements of my body, eyed my body, eyes I could almost feel as a physical touch on my skin.

We danced on and now my body was sheened with sweat. Djävul's hands reached out towards me, shaping themselves to my body but not touching me, not quite. His hands molded themselves to my curves, moved as a hand caressing my body would move; separated from me only by an infinitesimal layer of air. My hips, my waist, my arms, my breasts, his hands shaped themselves to me, moved over me, caresses I would have welcomed as physical had we been in one of those other rooms by ourselves. Caresses I would have welcomed even here, where anyone could see us. Where everyone could see us. Caresses I knew I would welcome soon, very soon.

I knew.

Djävul knew.

Everyone watching us knew.

The music changed, something soft and slow. Now I swayed, turning my back to Djävul. His hands slid down to my hips, rested there as we danced towards the edge of the stage, moving together. He moved closer to me, his breath hot against my ear. Closer, brushing against me, pressing against me. Pressing unmistakably against me. Hard. Really really hard where he pushed against the cleft between my butt cheeks as I stood right at the front of that small stage facing my audience. For a long moment I froze, my heart about to explode.

I breathed. I breathed and I swayed and I pushed myself back against him, my eyes half closed.

"Does that feel good?" he breathed in my ear, under the music that was pounding out, pressing against me so that I shivered, suddenly covered in goose pimples.

My head arched back to rest against his shoulder, my face looking back and up so I could see him. "You know it does," I breathed back, knowing no-one else could hear us over the music. Feeling him rubbing himself against me. Enjoying what he was doing as we danced slowly, my hands now resting on his where he held my hips, guiding my movements.

"Good," he said, and I could hear the satisfaction in his voice as he spun me round to face him, spun himself with me so that my back was to the chromed steel pole that rose to the ceiling in the center of the stage. "Hold the pole, Sammi." His hands took mine, placed them on the pole above my head; curled my fingers round the cool metal.

Then he kissed me, one of his hands holding mine to the pole, the other under my chin, tilting my head up. Oblivious to my audience, our audience, I opened my mouth to him. I opened my mouth and I accepted his tongue and his possession of my mouth and his kiss.

His mouth lifted from mine, he smiled, he kissed my nose, he sank to his knees before me and, very slowly, he peeled off one white knee sock, then the other, rolling then down, sliding them off my feet, standing. All while I stood there facing those guys watching me, see them looking at me as I stood there holding the pole above my head and shivering. Trembling. Panting as Djävul's hands peeled my white knee socks from me.

His head tilted up, he smiled, he stood, my socks disappearing inside his jeans and now he took my hands, he released them, he guided me away from the pole and we danced. Danced around the stage and then I was poised, poised with my back to our audience and he stilled me with a touch. A single touch and then his fingers were undoing the top button of that white Hogwarts shirt I wore.

I didn't stop his fingers. I began to move, to sway to the music as he unfastened each button. As Djävul unbuttoned the shirt I wore, I smiled at him. Smiled, confident that very very soon we'd be off that stage and headed off into one of those rooms together. Where Djävul could remove my clothes completely before doing whatever he wanted to me.

His fingers unbuttoned that last button. That top fell open, exposing the little black lace bra I wore beneath. Still we danced, my hands on Djävul's shoulders and he was smiling down into my face and I was smiling back. Smiling and panting and my nipples were so swollen and hard they hurt and all I could think of was that I wanted him to kiss them and suck on them and when he did, I was just going to climax and die because I knew that when he did that to me it was going to be so good.

"Enjoying this, Sammi?" Djävul was smiling, his hands on my waist now, on my skin because my white shirt was open and loose and they felt so good on my skin.

"Yeah," I said. Lots of fun and I was dancing, swaying, knowing those guys I had my back to were watching my legs, watching my butt, maybe looking up my skirt to see those little black bikini panties I was wearing and I was so hot just knowing they were all looking at me. Looking at me and wanting me. Wanting what Djävul was going to get. Even that was exciting, knowing that they'd know exactly what Djävul was going to do to me when I left the room with him.

Let them imagine all they wanted about me.

Djävul would be the one getting it.

He'd be doing me.

"Wanna show them a bit more?" Djävul was grinning now and he didn't wait. His hands spun me so that my white top flew wide around me, exposing my bra to our audience. An audience who cheered and whistled their appreciation as I he spun me completely around to face him before I could even think about covering myself. He stepped back, releasing me.

Burning, tingling with excitement and that flashing excitement, I did what I'd half thought about already. I danced a wild fandango, turned cartwheels cross the floor. Well, only one, and a slow one at that because the little stage just didn't have that much room but I did it.

That little plaid skirt fell around me, exposing those little black bikini panties, exposing my little black lace bra as my shirt feel away. The crowd sure cried out for more, all eleven of them, and I was willing to give them what they wanted. Turning back to Djävul, smiling. Dancing towards him. My arms around his neck, swaying against him, feeling how hard he was, flirting with that hardness, brushing him, easing back, brushing him again.

"Tease," he smiled.

"No," I smiled back, brushing against him again. "I'm not teasing. Not you." And I wasn't.

"No?" he breathed. "You're not? Want to demonstrate that?"

"How?" I breathed.

"Like this, maybe?" His hands undid the clip and zip at the back of my Hogwarts skirt. It dropped to my ankles, all in a second, leaving me in those revealing and tiny little black lace bikini panties. And they were tiny. In Djävul's room, alone with him, I would have happily let him strip me down to those panties, but here and now, I was dancing on that small stage with Djävul, watched by seven other guys, all intent on me.

And this was a lot more of me than I'd intended to expose to anyone but Djävul.

Exposing almost as much as some of those strippers dancing on that stage in Kitty Katz.

Suddenly, I was totally self-conscious, heart thumping in my chest. "Maybe that's far enough," I murmured, almost to myself. Far enough for up here anyhow. I couldn't wait to get to that bedroom. Once I was in that room alone with Djävul, there'd be no far enough. None at all. Djävul could take things as far as he wanted there and I didn't want to wait.

Djävul's hands slid to my butt, gently, his fingers hot on my skin, sending little rockets of sensation rippling through me as he urged me closer to him, dancing me back with him, back towards the pole in the center of that small stage. Backing me up against it so that I paused, standing there, the chromed steel cool against my butt and my back, looking up at Djävul, my back and my black lace bikini pantie clad butt to our audience, my eyes only for Djävul and I was melting. Wet. I was so wet.

"God, Sammi, you're so hot," he murmured and now he moved even closer and it wasn't my butt he was pressing against now, it was my stomach that that hard bulge pushed against and I could feel every inch of him and he was kissing me. My arms slid around his neck, my mouth opened wide, his tongue delved deeply, exploring, tasting, taking, dominating my mouth, caught between that hard pole behind me and the one pressing thickly against me. One cold and hard. The other hot and hard.

"Ohhhh," I gasped when his mouth lifted from mine at last.

"They're all looking at your butt," he breathed in my ear, his breath sending little shivers down my spine, his hands sliding over my butt, a gentle caress. "They're watching my hands on your butt."

"They are?" I shivered again, my eyes half closing, cheeks burning, heart pounding. God, I'd worn a bikini smaller than this swimming before, it wasn't anything new for guys to see me in something like this. Except that these were my panties, not a bikini. What was different was dancing around a stage in front of a bunch of guys in something this small and revealing. That was really different, and so was Djävul making out with me while they watched.

"It's a cute butt, Sammi" he said, "I want to look at it too."

"Do you?" I gasped. God, my knees, they were jello and I wanted to squeeze them together and moan out loud.

"Yeah, I do," he said. "Can I?"

"Okay," I kind of panted, swallowing. Closing my eyes. Heart pounding like a drum. What was he going to do?

"Hold the pole up above your head with your hands," he smiled, just before he kissed me again.

"Mmmppphhh," I replied, eyes almost as wide as my mouth. I did though. I lifted my arms and held the pole above my head and stood there, my butt against that cool chromed metal, pinned helplessly and loving it as Djävul's mouth devoured mine, as Djävul's body pressed against mine. Djävul's hands slid over my butt, my hips, my waist, back down to my butt, on and on until at last his mouth lifted.

I gasped for breath.

Djävul smiled. "Turn around," he breathed in my ear. "Keep holding the pole like that and turn all the way around and face them."

His hands guided me as I turned, still holding the pole above my head, turning to face the pole, my cheek pressing against the cool chrome as I looked out at my audience, looked out and saw them watching me. Looking at me as I stood there in my black bikini panties, my black lace bra and my wide open white shirt.

The music wasn't pounding half as loudly as my heart. The room wasn't half as hot as I was. I was burning, tingling, glowing. My panties, I was suddenly conscious that they were soaked through and thank god I'd picked black, I pressed myself against the pole, my hips moving infinitesimally, that cool friction against my swollen and sensitive clitoris sending slow waves of pleasure washing through me as I stood there, Djävul's hands on my butt. Shaped to my butt, hot on my skin.

His lips brushed the back of my neck, my ear. "You're enjoying this aren't you," he breathed.

"Yes," I breathed back, my reply audible only to his ears and mine. I was. I was enjoying the way they were all looking at me, just like I'd enjoyed the way they all looked at me back in Kitty Katz when I'd danced on that stage. All those guys, excited just from watching me dance. I couldn't help it. I had to see. I had to look. And they were. Every single one of them. Visible bulges in their jeans or their trousers.

"Ohhhhh." I couldn't help it. That was me doing that to them?

Their cocks were all hard just from watching me. Watching me up here dancing had done that to them? Just looking at me had got them hard? The rush of excitement buckled my knees. If it hadn't been for the pole, I would have been on the floor but the pole held me up, supported me, held me in place for their eyes to roam over. Examine me. Look at me.

I wanted them to look at me.

Djävul's hands roamed over my butt and all I could do was stand there, my hips moving slowly, so slowly, that gentle friction where I wanted so much more. That cool steel pole where I wanted something living, something just as hard but hot and alive. His hands left me, left me and now he was fastening something to one my wrists. I looked, breathing hard.

My white knee sock. Tied and knotted around my wrist. My other sock, tied around my other wrist, looped around the pole and then fastened to a hook well above my head. Djävul's hand gripped my pony tail lightly, eased my head back, his lips brushing my neck.

"Tell me if you want to be untied, Sammi, okay." His lips brushed my cheek. "It's a slip knot, jerk your wrists hard and it'll come off."

"Okay," I breathed. Ohhhhh. I didn't want to be untied though, I didn't want to jerk my wrists free. I wanted to stand here with my arms stretched upwards and see them all watching me. Looking at me in my white shirt and my bra and panties. My clitoris. Oh my god I was so sensitive there. Shivering as I moved myself so very slightly. Feeling how swollen and sensitive and wet I was. How good it felt when I moved against the cold metal of that pole. How hard Djävul was against my butt and how exciting it was to move against him.
