The Tenth Performance


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Then Trevor planted both hands upon our hips and pushed, easing our body down along his naked torso. Further, further, until ... well, we all felt a crisp zing jolt through Cora's body when the tip of his cock pressed up against our entrance.

Trevor reached down to slick the condom with saliva, used a hand to position himself ... and then he thrust his hips.

We gasped as Trevor pushed his big cock inside us.

Then Trevor began to fuck us in earnest. Trevor was very strong; he pumped his hips from beneath us, his cock going in and out, in and out, and each time his cock slid in, it seemed to go in a little farther. We were so wet. Trevor penetrated our slick sex.

Trevor already had a sense of several things Cora probably liked - he had been inside of Rick while Rick was fucking her, just like the rest of us - but Trevor wasn't just mirroring the sex she'd had with her boyfriend, he was giving us something new. Showing Cora - showing all of us - what it would be like to have him. What better advertisement than offering someone a sample, right?

Trevor had licked his fingertips again and brought them in, his forefinger flitting again and again over our clit, his other fingers stroking our lips, spreading us ever so slightly wider, and brushing the underside of his own cock each time he eased back partway out of us, ready to thrust in again. We would have been moaning obscenities - God, Cora was a shouter! - but by then we could only make a low keening sound, a deep groan arpeggiated by our own ragged, sobbing breaths.

"You okay?" Trevor asked, his voice velvety soft in our ear.

"Fuck yes keep going," Cora managed to choke out between our bevy of inarticulate grunts.

(Cora always seemed so put together the rest of the time! The stark contrast made this even sexier.)

Trevor kept going.

Trevor lifted his other arm - the arm not currently involved in strumming our clit - and hugged us tightly over our chest, holding us as surely as I'd been bound by ropes. Pinning our body to his.

But Trevor wasn't holding our legs - those, we curled into the air.

Lifting our legs made Trevor's thrusts push into us even deeper. His fingertip sped over our clit: faster, faster. His other hand squeezed our breast. We turned our head to the side and opened our mouth to kiss him - we were so out of sorts, for a moment we accidentally drooled on him. We were a thrashing, soaking mess. Which Trevor clearly didn't mind. Which Trevor clearly relished. Our mouth were there, our lips were parted, and Trevor kissed us - god, how hungrily he kissed us.

Inside our mind, Rick was moaning, It feels like THIS ...???

We came. Before Cora (or any of us!) could even answer him. Yes, Rick, god yes, good sex often feels like this!

When our body's tremors had finally stilled, Trevor let us lie atop him for a while, his hand resting idly on our sweat-damp thigh, his cock still buried deep inside us. Our head was still turned toward him; he was gazing into our eyes, and we were gazing back and him, and, dear reader, you would not believe how broadly we were smiling! Trevor had given all of us a tremendously good time.

Then Cora said to him, "You should come. The rest of us all got to."

Trevor laughed. "I'm not going to say 'no' to that. Could you get on your hands and knees?"

"Mmm," we said, "help us off you first, and we'll see what we can do!"

So Trevor eased himself out from between our legs - we shuddered again when the last of his length popped free - then helped us to roll off his body.

The first thing we did was roll right back toward him and kiss Trevor deeply on the lips. Feeling in control of ourself this time. It was fun to be kissing Trevor, and Cora had a nice mouth for kissing with. And then, with a grin, we patted Trevor on his pecs and turn, crawling away from him on the blanket, taking a moment to limber up with a cat-cow yoga pose, then glancing back to say, "We're ready when you are."

Trevor got up on his knees, came in close behind us, and wrapped his hands firmly on both our flanks. "Like this gonna be okay?" he asked.

"We're so wet," Cora said. "You should let yourself go wild."

And, Reader, that was all the instruction that Trevor needed. He let himself plunge into us. Trevor fucked us with gusto. His breath came faster, shallower; soon Trevor was literally growling as he thrust forward and pulled our body back into his, again and again and again. The smell of sex saturated the air. Trevor took one hand off our ribs and began to paw at our rear, squeezing our lovely little rump.

We craned our neck back to look at him - Trevor was sweating, his skin was flushed, his eyes were wild - and when he saw us, he leaned in deep over our body and kissed us again. Then he rose, gave our bum a gentle slap, and started thrusting faster. Grunting louder.

As Trevor pumped thickly into us, we groaned. We dropped our head down to the blanket, but we kept our hips and haunches in the air, presenting ourself completely to Trevor. Surrendering our body to his desires. Inside our mind, many of us squealed - Trevor was kneading our thighs, our rump, gruffly massaging our body with his strong hands while he continued to slam into us.

And the shudder when Trevor suddenly came was enough to give the rest of us another orgasm. Not a big one, maybe, but enough that we were definitely moaning loudly, and somebody yelled "Oh fuck!," and I'm not sure which of us made Cora's body do that - maybe all of us together?

After Trevor's body finished quaking - we felt his cock throbbing inside us a lot, ejaculating a ton - we let ourself rock forward till we were full-on lying on our belly, and Trevor came forward with us, his abdomen nestling into the plump curve of our delicious little rump, his weight pressing us into the floating blanket. Our head was turned to the side and so Trevor kissed our cheek; we lifted our chin so that we could kiss him on the lips again, one last time for all of us together, and then, with Trevor's weight settled over us, we began to let ourselves fade from Cora's body.




Our own bodies began to reawaken. It was strange, for a moment, to be back inside my own - where did Trevor's weight go, and all my warmth, and all my oxytocin??! But, unfortunately, none of that was mine - it was only Cora's body that had been fucking wildly, and it was only while I was inside Cora's body that I'd been beneath that warm, beautiful man, and that I'd just shaken and trembled from an umpteenth orgasm that night.

I mean, okay: my own body was in a perfectly fine spot - Ravi and Noah were just then waking up as well, and both of them still had their hands on my bare skin - but even if the three of us had started getting busy right away, it would have taken a bit of time to work up as much heat as we'd just felt from inside Cora's body.

Across the room, Eddie sat up and stretched. Rick sat up beside him. And Trevor, onstage, noticed that we were all beginning to move around - that all of us were waking, and all of us included Rick - and maybe Trevor felt a bit embarrassed, what with lying on top of Rick's girlfriend with his penis still deep inside her.

I watched Trevor as he reached down, held the condom in place, and eased himself out and off of Cora. The front of the condom bulged with semen - Trevor had come so hard inside her. Trevor glanced toward Rick again, and, even through his lovely dark skin, it was obvious that Trevor blushed.

But Trevor didn't need to worry. Rick was smiling when he saw them, absolutely beaming from the aftershock of the orgasms that Trevor had given us - the orgasms that Trevor had given to Rick - and Cora, his love, was lying there, minx-like, smiling like a triumphant cat lazing in the sunlight, look what I just bagged. She rolled a little to her side, to face us, and the jut of her hip was divine.

Seriously. Even after fucking her, and even after being her, I still had a crush on Cora! Maybe even more than I'd had before.

And also, I thought, as I began to feel Noah's hand stir over my breast, between these two turns, Cora has had a lot of sex!

So, it took a while before Cora and Trevor had both dressed and made their way back to their seats. But I certainly didn't mind the waiting - by then, both Noah's and Ravi's hands had resumed their peregrinations over my body. My nipples hardened - again! - beneath Noah's big fingers. And Ravi's hand on my leg wandered higher, under the backs of his fingers brushed the warm, damp fulcrum between my thighs.

I shifted my weight, pressing myself more firmly against the back of Ravi's hand. He looked up at me; I met Ravi's gaze and bit my lower lip, nodding.

He mouthed a question to me, but I couldn't quite parse what he was asking. So I crooked a finger at him, beckoning. Ravi pulled his blanket tight around his body and leaned in closer to Noah and me.

"Touching you there," Ravi whispered, "is that okay?"

"More than okay," I whispered back. Behind me, I heard Noah's deep chuckle. He gave my nipple a playful little tweak.

Ravi settled back to his spot and resumed massaging my legs. But also, he let his hand occasionally stray over my skivvies, cupping me, his fingers stroking me through the thin fabric.

I sighed, trailing a hand through Noah's curly hair. With my other hand, I stroked Noah's forearm.

If Ravi were sitting a little closer, I thought, I could probably wrap my hand around his cock. It would have been nice to feel like I was giving something back ... although I must admit that it felt lovely to languidly luxuriate in the sensations of two men idly toying with my body.

And then, onstage, I noticed a shadow figure forming. And I realized that I didn't even know whose turn it was. Someone must have gone up and even watched the entirety of the crystal ball's prompting, all while I was being fondled.

The shadow was standing, and the shadow had a prominent erection, and the shadow reached down to grip its own penis and began masturbating. Which seemed ... well, at first it seemed as though it were almost exactly the same as the fantasy that Noah had performed for us earlier that evening. Which was strange. Why would the same fantasy recur, especially since we'd all been doing much racier things by then?

Except ... well, I was wrong. It wasn't quite the same as Noah's fantasy, because the shadow then strolled across the stage - while still masturbating! - and a second figure coalesced from the shadows. This second figure was kneeling, presenting an upturned face ... and that is when the standing shadow began to come, prodigiously, all over the kneeling figure's face. Soon the kneeling shadow's cheeks and chin were dripping.

Then the standing shadow wisped away, but the kneeling figure remaining upon the stage, turning toward us in the audience. Displaying the result of their partner's performance. And there, standing behind the shadow, was Quinn. He shrugged a little, but he was also smiling.

Quinn said, "So you see, it looks like the fantasy I'm supposed to do is just ...?"

"So you'll need someone to help?" Sebastian said. "Maybe ask the spell for a volunteer?"

Quinn shrugged again, as though to convey his entire lack of culpability for his situation - what can I do, the spell wants for me to come on somebody's face - but just as Quinn seemed ready to spread his arms and beseech the spell, Eddie interrupted.

"Wait, though, look," Eddie said. "Isn't that shadow supposed to be Cora?"

Eddie was right. The kneeling shadow did look remarkably like Cora. Her hair, her cheeks, her body. And it seemed as though the spell had been waiting for us to notice, because after Eddie spoke, that kneeling shadow smiled - and it was clearly Cora's smile - then disappeared, leaving Quinn alone upon the stage.

Ravi's hand gave me a little squeeze. He could feel how warm between the legs this realization made me.

Obviously, I wasn't Cora's only fan.

And in the audience, Cora - who was fully dressed again, and lying on her stomach beside Rick, propped up as though in cobra pose - said with faux-petulance, "Haven't I done enough these last few turns?"

But Cora was also laughing a little as she said this, and flushed, as though intensely turned on by all the attention she was getting. I hadn't known the extent to which Cora had an exhibitionist streak, how much she enjoyed having all our eyes on her. And it must have been nice for her to realize that, even after everything we'd experienced doing to her, and doing as her, people in the room were interested in watching her more.

And, indeed, Cora had begun to glow with that faint shine that the spell used to indicate each performance's selected partner. So Cora turned, slung an arm over Rick's shoulder, and pulled him down to the floor alongside her, to kiss him. Presumably she also asked him whether he thought that she should keep participating - and, if she did, Rick must have answered in the affirmative - but, honestly, I'm not quite sure what happened, because when I saw Cora kiss Rick, it made me realize that kissing somebody would feel very nice right then, and Noah's face was very close to mine, so ... yeah. I turned and kissed Noah. His slight stubble felt prickly against my skin; his warm breath smoldered in my mouth. Noah was so big, so solid; his face was over mine, his arm was wrapped around me. It felt sexy to be so thoroughly enveloped.

We kissed for a while.

And, when we broke off our kiss, I smiled at him, and he smiled back at me, dreamily. I wanted more. I truly did. More of him, I mean. Of Noah. But, first, I turned to look at Ravi; again, I beckoned Ravi with a little crook of my finger.

Ravi leaned in at my command and then - even while I was wrapped up in Noah's big arms - I kissed Ravi, too.

With Ravi's lips on mine, I could feel Noah's hot breath in my ear.

And then, when that kiss ended, I noticed that Quinn was staring at us from his vantage up onstage.

I gave Quinn a shrug. What could I say? We'd been having a really nice evening.

But then, before Quinn could say anything - or, more likely for Quinn, attempt to contrive some conversational code composed entirely of winking - Cora got to her feet and cheerfully bounded onto the stage to join him.

"Okay," she said, a little breathless from her quick make-out sesh with her boyfriend, "now I'm ready."

"Oh," said Quinn. "Right. Yeah. Wow. Okay, yeah, that was ... yeah, I guess I'm also ready."

Cora bit her lower lip. Hoping for more enthusiasm?

She didn't know what had gotten Quinn so momentarily flustered. From my position in the audience, I smirked.

"So, what do we do?" Cora asked him.

Quinn laughed a little. "I mean, I think I'm mostly supposed to do things. You just have to, I don't know, maybe kneel, and keep on looking pretty?"

Cora laughed, too.

"Although it might take me a minute," Quinn said. "I mean, before I'm ready to, uh ..."

"Have an orgasm?" Cora asked him, slyly. "And in the meantime, you really just want for me to kneel there and wait?"

"Well, I guess it would speed things up," Quinn said, "if I had something nice to look at ..."

"And you think the nice thing could be me?" Cora asked, flirtatiously.

"I mean, you're always already nice to look at," Quinn said. He was clearly feeling flustered.

"So ..." Cora asked, holding out her arms and twirling around once in a circle, "... do you want me just like this, or ..."

"I guess ..." Quinn said, "well, I couldn't tell what ... if anything ... the shadows were wearing ..."

"Just ask her if she'll take 'em off!" Nicole called out from the audience. Nicole was obviously on Team Quinn, and eager to see him have a bit of fun.

Quinn blushed. But Cora just smiled.

"I could try to channel my inner Ravi and ..." Cora said, and turned to wink in Ravi's direction. But when Cora looked our way - catching sight of me, nearly naked, clearly flushed, with both Ravi's and Noah's hands exploring my body - Cora gave a little cough, and finally she blushed deeply, too.

Which was nice. Even with everything that had happened so far that evening, the sight of me had rendered Cora speechless.

Onstage, she laughed and briefly shook her head.

"Okay," Cora said, trying to regain her composure, "let's do this. Trevor, maybe more music?"

Trevor was happy to help her: "Whatever you ask, milady!" And although Trevor's drum and bass and flute had sounded silly when accompanying Ravi's big bump and grind performance, those same sounds charmingly complimented the sway of Cora's sinuous body.

Cora danced in front of Quinn - tilting her hips in long, slow arcs, holding a hand tight to her chest, teasing the hem of her tunic briefly upward - but, really, it was obvious that she was dancing for us all, not just for Quinn. She was so flushed to have our attention.

And, honestly, it felt awesome to be watching her - letting Cora slowly, surely turn me on - while the guys' hands were on me. It was like watching a porno or reading a risqué story while being felt up by a lover: the twinned crescendos of desire for the fantasy in my mind and the actuality alongside my body.

As Cora took off her tunic, I imagined how nice it would feel to take her in my arms, to gently bite that long golden expanse of skin over her ribcage, to take her nipple between my lips, and then to kiss her on the lips ... with my own lips, in my own body ... and to feel her hands upon me all the while ... and yet, also, even while this torrid fantasy was unspooling in my mind, there I was in Noah's arms. With just a tilt of my head, I could be kissing someone. And then, with just a little tilt of my head, I was.

And so our voyeurism - Ravi's, Noah's, and mine, at least - was scattershot, interleaved with moments (and occasionally minutes) in which our attention was elsewhere, our eyes closed and our lips pressed against each others'. I kissed Noah; I kissed Ravi; over me, while my fingertips circled Ravi's nipple, small but erect amid the jungle of his hairy chest, the two of them kissed each other. And then, in turn, each man went back to kissing me.

All the while, Cora was dancing. I'd look up and see her sway; by the time I looked again, I saw that her leggings were gone, the room's sunset light dappling the long, graceful muscles of her thighs.

God - when I'd been Rick, it felt marvelous to have my head between those thighs.

I was thinking, I'd love to do that again. As regular ol' me.

Cora sweetly importuned Quinn: "You should get yourself ready," she said. And Quinn startled. I mean, there he was, onstage with her, just watching Cora perform that sultry striptease for him - and, even as she'd just spoken, she was still dancing, wearing nothing but those blue-and-white striped bikini-cut underwear bottoms, and Quinn knew, from having been Rick, how it felt to tug those off her legs, and Quinn knew, from having been her, how it felt to have that soft snug fabric grow damp and warm with desire ... which all must have made this striptease absolutely enthralling for him to watch ...

Except that, right, Quinn wasn't supposed to just stand there and watch.

He was supposed to come.

On her.

On Cora's face.

While all the rest of us were watching.

"Right," Quinn said, blushing heavily, his voice almost catching. "Right. It's not going to take much more, but ... yeah. I'll get right on that."
