The Therapist's Journey Ch. 14


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After a tour of the mall they arrived at the food court. Gesturing towards an empty table, Jimmy asked Jenny to sit down while he grabbed something to eat. Jenny, her chair pulled away from the table, ostentatiously crossed her legs and applied make-up. Through her sunglasses she spied on a group of teenagers, about her son's age, staring at her.

So engrossed, in fact, was she in surreptitiously observing the teen-agers gawking at her that at first she did not notice that Jimmy had returned. He was holding two soft vanilla ice cream cones. He handed her one.

Jenny looked at her son. "Could you have been a little less obvious?" she said, holding the phallic symbol in front of her face.

Feigning innocence, he said, "I don't know what you mean." And then in a husky, commanding voice, he said, "Lick it, I want you to lick it up the side."

Jenny initially hesitated. Was she going to far? She rolled her eyes to the left, wondering if the knot of teen-aged boys she had seen a minute ago were still out there. They were; they had taken a seat on a bench in the middle of the mall and were looking at her while doing a horrible job of pretending not to. Inspired by their attention, she licked the cone, slowly, sensuously, from bottom to top, and then, with a gob of the thick sweet white cream sitting on the end of her tongue, pulled it into her mouth, and swallowed. Her audience was transfixed. She looked back at her son. He was staring at her.

Confident she would comply, he said, "Very sexy. Do it again."

Without thinking, lost in the moment and safe in her anonymity, Jenny, bent her tongue and ran its flat surface up the smooth, sweet, creamy surface of the ice cream. He instructed her to do so twice more and she, her eyes growing hazy with desire, repeated the performance. Recalling Lauren's advice, Jimmy decided to push the edge: "You've licked enough off the side. Can you get the rest into your mouth?"

Jenny locked her eyes on her son. Well aware of how it would appear, she opened her mouth wide and settled it over the tip of the ice cream, slowly pushing it inside her mouth. She was not entirely successful and some of the cream rolled onto her lips. Although it would be invisible to the world, she swirled her tongue over the crown of the cone before driving it into the center of the ice cream. She reached over with her foot and stroked Jimmy's leg. When done she ran her tongue across her lips, capturing the ice cream that had coated them. Her loose shirt hid her erect nipples and although her cunt was moist, even sans underwear it had not yet stained the short's dark denim fabric.

She squeezed her legs together, sending a shiver up her spine. Her voice husky, she said to her son, "How'd I do?"

Jimmy was not sure what he'd expected, but he'd not expected anything so overtly sexual. His dick was hard and throbbing in his pants. As she had taken the cone in her mouth he had felt a moment of panic. Where would he go from here? Then as she asked her question, ice cream still smeared on her lips, he had an epiphany.

"Excellent, quite," pausing for effect, "excellent. Those boys," gesturing subtly with his head at the knot of teenagers who had been staring at her, "will be dreaming about you tonight. You missed some ice cream. Let me help." He took a napkin from the dispenser on the table, leaned towards her, and dabbed her lips. His other hand drifted down to rest on her knee, squeezing gently. "No good, it's dried, it won't come off. Let me get it."

He slid forward on his chair, licked the corner of her mouth, wetting the ice cream, and then ran his tongue across her lips. Her mouth, seemingly on its own volition, parted, and she let his tongue invade her mouth. Her own tongue, at first tentatively, but quickly with a need and ferocity which surprised her, played with his until she was kissing her teenaged son with all a teenager's passion. When he finally pulled away she was breathing heavily and trembling. She thought of all the people watching them, outraged, or maybe bemused, by the horny teens unable to keep their hands off each other in public. What if they knew the truth, that her son had just frenched her?

Jimmy stood. Jenny took his proffered hand and joined him. He put his arm around her back, resting it on the far hip, and kissed her cheek. "Let's check out the video arcade before we leave." Video games would not have been her first choice, but Jenny dutifully walked with her son, finishing her ice cream cone and wondering what he had planned for her next.

When they entered the arcade the first thing Jenny noticed was the constant, and annoying, pinging of an array of games wholly unknown to her. She turned to her son, having to raise her voice to be heard, "Whatever happened to Pac-Man?" The next thing she noticed was the dim light. She took off her sunglasses. The darkness, she realized, would hide the small indications - a wrinkle here, a sag there - that she had not been a teenager in decades. Here she could openly play the role of her son's girlfriend in front of an audience without fear of discovery. The thought was immediately confirmed by comments directed at her from boys lost in the darkness, where their anonymity promoted a lack of civility: "Hey baby, you can do better than that," "Why don't you come sit on my lap," and "I lost my number, can I have yours?" The crude comments both thrilled and made her uncomfortable and she pressed against her son. He wrapped a protective arm around her and drew her close to him. That set off another round of catcalls: "Damn, if my girl looked like that I'd be squeezing her real tight."

They moved towards the back of the arcade, heading for a game Jimmy often played at home. He fished some change from his pocket and started to play. Jenny wrapped her arms his waist and noticing other couples taking advantage of the darkness to nestle against each other, slid her body tight against Jimmy.

Jimmy, however, was good at the game and as it dragged on Jenny found herself getting bored - Jimmy's mastery of this game might mean they'd be there for hours. Inspired by another girl - who she suspected was equally bored - who was distracting her boyfriend with some well-placed kisses, Jenny pressed herself against him, feeling her braless breasts flatten against his back, and ran the flat of her tongue over his ear. Jimmy shuddered and turned his head towards her. The player on the screen suffered a mortal wound.

Adopting the tone of an innocent girl, Jenny said, "Did I do that?"

Other than smile, Jimmy did not respond. Instead he turned back to the game. Emboldened by her success, she placed her hands on the inside of his legs and ran her hands hard up his inner thighs while pushing her hips into his ass. Jimmy, his concentration destroyed, his cock jumping, watched as his last man died a video game death.

He turned in her arms until he was facing her, held the back of her neck and without a word pulled her face to his, sinking his tongue in her mouth. There was nothing polite about this kiss; Jimmy's tongue was aggressive. And Jenny, thrilled to be making out with her son in a room full of strangers, responded in kind. She imagined that everyone there thought that she belonged to this young man; that she fucked him whenever he wanted; that she was a wanton crazy reckless lover; and that they both came and came. None would have guessed that she was his mother.

When he pulled his mouth from hers Jenny leaned forward, searching for his lips. But he had moved to the left and his mouth was next to her ear. "Two can play this game." Jimmy took her hand in his and led her deeper into the arcade. Her temporary confusion ended when she saw Ms. Pac-Man. She knew this one. Jimmy moved her in front of the game and inserted a quarter, standing behind her.

Jimmy let her work through the first maze before slipping a finger in her shorts and running his hand around her waist while licking her ear. She closed her eyes and leaned back into him. Ms. Pac-Man suffered a fatal injury. Her next player died when he ran his hands down her back and cupped and squeezed her ass. During the third round he leaned her forward, his erection pressing against the crevice of her ass. With her shirt hanging loosely over the front of her body, he slipped his hands inside, stroking the bottom of her breasts before a finger, taking its time, teased her hard nipples.

She had stopped watching the game, instead looking at the reflection in the screen. Her shirt was loose enough so that his hands were invisible, but still none of the people watching them could doubt what was going on. She looked at the reflection of the room behind her, seeing the faces staring at them. Her nipples, already hard, erupted into full erection.

As Ms. Pac-Man expired she turned into her son's arms and ran her hand along the outlines of his cock so everyone could see. "I need you to fuck me," she said, not caring who heard.

Jimmy took hold of her hand and led her from the arcade. She glanced at some of the faces as they left. No one could doubt their intention. How many of these young men would be fucking their girlfriends that night thinking of them? How many boys would be in their bedrooms pulling on their dicks, wishing they had a woman as hot and cock-hungry as she?

Jenny would not remember the crowd in the mall as her son led her by the hand. She just wanted to be alone with Jimmy. When they made it to the parking garage elevator Jimmy pushed her against the door, pressing his body against her and rammed his tongue into her accommodating hungry mouth. His hands roughly fondled her breasts through her shirt. When she felt the elevator stop and the doors slide open on her back she noticed a small black camera mounted on the elevator's ceiling. Had mall security been watching?

Jenny saw a few other cars parked on the roof. Impatient to get him alone, Jenny was perturbed when he seemed to be taking an indirect route to their SUV, swerving by a green Volvo sedan.

"Look inside," he said.

When she did she saw an attractive man, his eyes closed and face shining with pleasure, as a head, unseen except for long blonde hair, bobbed up and down on his cock. Jenny couldn't tear her eyes away as her son said, "This is a local make-out spot. When business is slow mall security will leave you alone if you're discreet." And then tugging her hand, he said. "It's okay to look, but not to stare."

She followed her son, her eyes still locked on the Volvo. When she stumbled over a joint in the parking deck, she looked forward to see that Jimmy was making another curve on the way to their car. They slowed as they passed another vehicle. The passenger seat had been lowered to horizontal where a powerfully built black man lay on top of a dark haired white women, their pants pulled down to their ankles, fucking away. Again, she had to be dragged away by her son.

Jenny did not stop looking over her shoulder until her son stopped. He was unlocking the back of their SUV. He helped her inside and then crawled in behind her. As the back door shut she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him down on top of her, their mouths locked together in a rapacious kiss.

Jimmy pulled up her shirt, exposing her braless breasts, and sucked one and then the other, lashing the nipples with his tongue with hurricane-like fury. Jenny reached down for his belt. Her need was so intense that she had trouble with the normally simple operation and fumbled with it several times before she got the buckle loosened. After several more tries she pulled the zipper down and jammed her hand inside his jeans. When she had watched him jerk off the night before she had thought he was large. That impression had been reinforced when she felt it pressed against her in the video arcade. Now she was sure; her son was hung. "You're so big, so fucking big," she repeated, fondling the length of her son's impressive cock.

Jimmy sat back, pulled off her shorts, and squirmed out of his jeans. Jenny's eyes flicked from Jimmy's face to his erection, which was hard and huge and hot, shaking with need, and dripping pre-cum. There was no hesitation in her mind or her voice.

"Damn it, fuck me now. Fuck me hard!"

Jimmy leaned forward, holding himself above her, and started running his cock along her slit. In too high a state of arousal for fine motor skills, he moaned in frustration; he couldn't seem to find the entrance to her cunt. Jenny, equally frustrated but more experienced, grabbed her son's dick and slipped the head into her cunt. Roughly, without hesitation or grace, he rammed his thick hard cock into her as deep as it would go.

"Ahhh!" Jenny moaned loudly, as her son entered her cunt in one powerful movement. There was no hesitation, no getting used to each other. Jimmy slammed into her; she worked her hips up and down, meeting his thrusts. The two of them got louder and louder. "Shit! Fuck me Jimmy! That's it! Keep working it in and out. Faster baby! Fuck me faster! Fuck me, fuck me." Jimmy did as he was told and she only moaned louder. Jenny wrapped her arms around her son's neck and placed her ankles on top of his, pulling him tighter against her.

Jimmy was living a dream. He had always thought his mother was hot, but he'd never imagined that he would actually have her. Now not only was he fucking her, but she was wild with need and desire. She was completely consumed by her craving for him. His Mom was a fantastic fuck, the best he'd ever had. As she writhed under him it was clear that Dad was not giving this hot bitch the fucking she needed. In that moment, with his cum burning in his balls, her wholly uninhibited passion gave him hope that from now on she'd get it from him.

Jenny was lifting herself into him, pushing her hips several inches from the floor to meet his downward jabs. When he pushed her hips back to the floor he rocked forward, dragging his stiff cock over her g-spot and pubic bone over her clit. Jenny, aware of the delight her son must feel in having turned his mother into a cock-hungry bitch, spurred him on. She buried her face in his shoulder, moaning her delight in his ear, "Fuck me stud, fuck my hot pussy, fuck my tight cunt, make me your slut, make me a dick addict," before, turned on her by her own base language, she let out a loud growl and her head fell back to the floor. She wrapped her legs around her son's waist and ass.

The sex became even more violent. Jenny's body was pinned to the floor by her son's powerful thrusts. The van's shaking and Jenny's screaming sobs of desire also attracted attention, and people wandered over to the vehicle. Few of them had witnessed a fuck this intense and savage, and despite the rules, lingered and stared at the gorgeous couple rutting on the floor of the SUV. When the pounding of their bodies dislodged Jenny's sunglasses she opened her eyes and saw these people watching her fuck her son.

All her life she had longed to push the edge of the envelope, to break the rules, but she'd never imagined that she would become this kind of depraved whore. She was fucking in public; she had an audience; she was fucking her own son. She was a son-fucker. Spurred on, she wrapped her legs around her son, pulling his hips into her with as much force as she could muster and dug her fingernails into his back. After flashing Al, showing Emily her bare cunt, parading around the mall like a teen-age slut, and playing her son's horny girlfriend in the arcade, now she was fucking him to an audience. She shut her eyes - afraid if she stared back some people might feel uncomfortable and leave - and simply imagined their eyes on her. She howled her delight.

"God, I've never been this hot, fuck me. Fuck your Mommy. FUCK ME. I love your fat cock, you motherfucker, fill my Mommy twat with your hot creamy cum you sweet motherfucker. FUCK ME LIKE A SLUT! FUCK ME LIKE YOUR SLUT!!""

There was nothing in her universe but her cunt, the cock that had merged with it, and the eyes of appreciative strangers. Jenny growled and begged and screamed for her son to fuck her more and more, harder and harder, deeper and deeper. Her pussy swelled and juiced as his perfect dick slammed hard into her. They both grunted in concert with the power of his thrusts; they were both in heaven. Then, suddenly, unexpectedly, her gut seemed to rip open and an orgasm subsumed her entire being; her clit and cunt grew until they stretched from her fingers to her toes; sheets of color flooded her brain. She heard her own cries of feral pleasure as if they came from a distant place and then, on top of it all, her son's deep animalistic grunt joined hers as he flooded her hungry cunt with his cum.

She grabbed him hard, pulling his body to hers, and heard herself babbling her devotion as her son filled her with his seed. At some point she let go and she lay there, unable to move. A kaleidoscope painted the sky behind her closed eyes. Her breath was ragged and she gasped for air. The sensations from her orgasm filled her body, her cunt was still burning and a sublime numbness lingered in her fingers and toes. The weight of her son's body on her gave her comfort and she gently ran her hands over him, marveling at his strong perfect physique.

Jimmy, however, was not done. Although he had cum - she distinctly remembered the sensation when he filled her womb with his cum - his dick was still hard and he continued fucking her, slowing the pace, moving in harmony with the pulsations of her body, drawing out, deepening, lengthening her orgasm. Then, when he knew she was ready, he increased the frequency and power of his thrusts, driving himself, and her, back up the mountain. With her hands on his shoulders she pulled him into her, looking over his shoulders with half-closed eyes; it seemed there were new faces watching them through the car's windows.

"You fuck your Mommy so good baby. Fuck her hot pussy, fuck the pussy you came from. Fill her with your seed. You can fuck her whenever you want, fuck her when your Dad's in the next room, fuck her in your daddy's bed. You fuck me so good, fuck me so much better than your daddy. Make me your slut you bastard, you mother-fucker! Fuck your Mommy, fuck her. Feed my hungry pussy your cum baby."

The transformation of his mother to a licentious cock-hungry whore, to his licentious cock-hungry whore, was driving Jimmy wild. Another load of cum was boiling in his balls. His movements became jerky and his grunts bestial, emanating from deep within his gut. Jenny locked her legs around him. Her cunt had never been this sensitive; her clittie had never been this alive. She was close, so close; all she needed was for him to fire his seed into her.

"Give my your jism, baby. Cum inside your Mommy. Fill my belly with your seed."

"FUCK," Jimmy shouted. His body shuddered and he shot a second load of cum into her cunt. "OHMIGOD," Jenny bayed as she was run over by an orgasm exceeding even the first in its mind-blowing power. They clutched each other tight, the warmth of the other's body intensifying the power of their mutual cums.

Eventually, Jenny was not sure how long, Jimmy rolled off of her. He draped a leg over hers. She reached for his now-softening cock, fiddling with it, enjoying it. A fine sheen of sweat covered Jimmy's body. She looked at the windows. The spectators had departed, but it didn't matter. She felt wonderful.

Jimmy's eyes were closed and his breath shallow. His semi-erect cock twitched as his mother's hand twiddled with it. He listened to her soft barely audible breathing. He thought about her warm body, firm tits, soft hands, and tight cunt. He had made his Mom his lover. She was his. Now he had to keep her. When her hand on his cock relaxed a chill ran through him. Was she having second thoughts? He glanced at her; her eyes were closed; she was naked beside him, sleeping peacefully on her back. He thought of Lauren Stone's advice. His Mom was an exhibitionist. So far playing to that aspect of her personality had worked perfectly; there was no reason to stop now.

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Coochielover71Coochielover712 days ago

Really good story!!!!!!!!!!!!

Baqfid12Baqfid126 months ago

Just tremendous!

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 1 year ago

Exhibitionist vs lover, Jimmy is either going to grow up/mature fast or be psychologically destroyed. That is the only real problem with mutually consentual incest in real life.

terrivonlottterrivonlottalmost 10 years ago
About cumming twice

Most of the time men cannot come back to back, but my husband actually did on several occasions when he and I were intensely aroused. I know it is a phenomena and hard to believe. The few times it happened, he could not believe he actually did it either, but for some reason he was able to shoot several shots into me then continue to fuck me for several more minutes before another large eruption of 5 or 6 volleys. Maybe it was just a continuation of one orgasm but he has always been able to control and manipulate his orgasms. Most are with so much force that if he pulls out of me and strokes his cock, the first and second shot travels several feet over my head. I would like to hear from others about this. Terri

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Very hot, although...

....we all know a guy (regardless of who he is) cannot cum twice--he has to wait 20 minutes to get it back up. Other than that, I loved the build up, the walk around the mall, shopping for shoes, a dress, etc. All that detail seemed plausible right up until they united. We'd all like to be a stud like that, but we know it's not real. Drop that part and your story will be perfect in all it's glorious anticipation and detail. :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
a great story of hot motherfucking from an accomplished and prolific author

Jenny is an exhibitionist, which amuses her son Jimmy and arouses him as well. He likes the fact that his mother goes around with no panties on under her dress, everything bare and open to the passing soft breezes. Her dress hikes up, and Jimmy gets some real good looks at his mother's bare mommy-hole, the same wonderful hole he came out of. Naturally, like any son lucky enough to see his own mother's cunt, Jimmy gets hard in his pants, harder than ever before, his young cock is practically busting out. Jenny enjoys making her son hard, she knows she can make real good use of that power tool her boy's got between his legs. When they're in the car surrounded by interested onlookers, they go to town. "Roughly, without hesitation or grace, he rammed his thick hard cock into her as deep as it would go." Her big strong boy's turned into a ruthless fuck-machine. "Jenny moaned loudly, as her son entered her cunt in one powerful movement. There was no hesitation, no getting used to each other. Jimmy slammed into her." Her son's got his cock up where he'd last been some 20 years before, and he pumps away like an animal. Jenny keeps calling him a "motherfucker," telling him to bang his mommy's needy twat, as the onlookers, mostly men and a few women, rub themselves down their pants and up their skirts, watching a boy fuck the living shit out of his own mother. After Jenny's has 3 or 4 great cums, Jimmy gives a mighty grunt and unloads his hot young balls, shooting his mom a huge twatful of his creamy semen. For the first but certainly not the last time.

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57almost 10 years ago

First chapter I've read in this series. Super fucking hot! Will now have to read the previous chapters.

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